Storing Count In A Text File

I need help with storing the number of times a site get hits, and have the value stored in a text file, i could only get part of the code working , Code:

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Storing The Contents Of A Text File Within A Variable

I was looking for a method to store the contents of text file within a variable. So far I am able to read the text file and output the results using the write method. Going a step further I also wanted to replace a particular string within those same results using the "Replace" function. This works as well.

My question, how can I store the final result that write's to the screen so that I can reference it later. If you run this code, I basically want to take the verbiage that displays on the sreen and place it into a variable. Code:

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Storing An 'article' With Text And Images

I need some advice/ideas on how I could do the following:

I want to store articles which contain both images and text - like a writeup of an event - kind of an image and text blog.

I want to store articles in a database probably - at the moment I use access databases.

Clearly I could have the text of my article in one field and store images (or links to them) in other fields and then display all the images at the end of the article but what I want is..

to be able to make it to have text then a few paragraphs down have a nice right aligned image with text to the left of it and then some more text etc etc so it looks like a static, layout planned article.

What would be the best way to go about this? Can this be done by storing in a database?

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Storing Audio File

how can i stored audio file in Sql Server, so that i can loop my web page and create a link to download the audio ?

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Checking The Character Count In A Text Box

I'm creating a form and I have a text box that can't be over 90 characters. I've been trying to accomplish two things but I'm afraid it's just out of my reach, technically.

1. I would like to setup some validation that checks to make sure that the text box isn't over 90 characters when the form is submitted.

2. If possible I would like to do one of the following things. Have a live character count that increases in real-time for every character that is entered. I've seen this before but I don't know if it's feasible in my case. If that's not possible then I would like to have a 'check count' button that displays the current character count (including spaces) in the text box....

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Text Input Word Count ?

I am trying to build an asp page the displays 100 characters from text inputed into a text area. The page keeps breaking because it counts any HTML code the text might have. I would like to have it count the words instead and when I write out the words it includes any underlying html.

For example, here is a sentence: "The fox jumps over the lazy dog" and I could cut this sentence in half by counting out the first 18 character and only outputing those respectively. Everything would work just fine. But if the sentence is like this "The fox jumps <a href='' target='_blank'>over</a> the lazy dog." a simple letter count no longer works for me. If I printed out the first 18 characters then it will break my "href" tag and therefore would mess up the formatting of my page. Can someone point me to an article or component that will assist me in correcting this?

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Storing Images In DB Or File Directory

I am working on a book selling website using ASP with an Access DB.
Basically i would like to have an image of each book in the DB to be displayed upon request in the website. So I guess what i would really like to know is

1. Can i store .jpg or .gif files in an Access DB?
2. Does it make sense to do this?
3. Would it be better to have some kind of pointer in the DB to a place in the file system where the image is stored? .......

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Uploading Images And Storing File Name, Height And Width In Database

How can I accomplish the following:

I want to upload image files (jpg) into a sub-directory of a website root directory using a web interface allowing the user to browse their drive and select the jpg file to upload.

Also, is there a way to parse the information from the jpg file and insert the information into a SQL database table which would hold the file name, image height, and image width?

I'm new to handling binary files, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this?

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Select File Count

i have a bit of a weird question . I'm looking for a pull statement that pulls the number of files in a specific folder , But at the same time it wouldn't pull the number of pictures in this folder either . I have no idea how to write this code and I'm wondering if anyone could help me out?

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Count Lines In A File

is it possible to count the number of lines i a text file, whith the filesystem object. is it just stream.countlines ?

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Converting An Image File To Hexa, Read Text File

i'm converting an image file to hexa..then the hexa is saved to a text file..

can any one help me how to read the content text of a text file?...

im doing it this way because i don't want to save hexa in my database, because it makes the database slower to open up.

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Converting Text File To Sound File In ASP

Does anyone know of a method of converting text files to sound files (.wav, mp3 etc) which can be accessed from ASP?

I have an ASP-based website that enables users to design choreography for equestrian dressage. The resulting design is held as a series of coded movements in a database and it can then be reproduced as text or as a series of diagrams. I would like to offer the option of an audio version.

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Converting Text File To .iff File (VB,ASP)

Does anyone have knowledge of converting text file to .iff file. I am working on a VB ASP application. I searched for example on internet but I didn't get anything.

If you have any idea of converting text file to .iff file (VB ASP) please share with me.

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Read An Asp File As A Text File

I want to read an asp file as a text file. The problem is that the file that I want it to read is located on a server. For example: I want to read te content of this file: . I want to look after some values in that file.

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Text File

how can i write a line to a text file? also, how can i put every line of a text file into an array - and see whether a value mathes any of the lines in the array?

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ASP To Text File

I have an asp page that is populated by an access db, I want to create a text file on the server based on the asp file. Then provide a link for people to download that text file. How would I do this quickly?

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CSV Text File

I've a very small form just a name and a few checkboxes.when user submits the form, we want to store the data in a CSV text file and send an email to one of us here. Has any one had done it before please give me some ideas how to do it.

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Text File

I'm using ASP 3.0. I'm taking form contents and dumping it into a text file
on the server. how to add the TIME to this statement. I create the text file with the name of file, month, day and year.I would like to add TIME to it.

set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

Set act = fso.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("/data/"&g_filename & "-"&
month(date())& day(date())& year(date()) &".htm"), true)

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Extracting Text From PDF File

is asp code able to do the extraction of text from PDF File without using a third party software?

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Asp Text File Out Of Memory

I have a page which sends a query to an DB2 using an ODBC. The
results are then written to a text file. I am unable to write directly to
the users drive because of permissions.

The problem I have is that when the
query set becomes too big, I get error '8007000e' Not enough storage is
available to complete this operation. The query is returning 100, 000
records or more. So my question is how do I handle this? Somebody had
suggested to me to chunk the data. Code:

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Reading A TEXT File Without DB

I would like to know how I could accomplish this without using DB. There's a long text file named "TEST.TXT" The TEST file contains special character 'º' which will be used as pagebreak. I want an ASP page that will read the TEST.TXT file and split it into multiple web pages with navigation control. (eg. <FIRST<PREVIOUS>

If it is possible

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Recordset To A Text File

My original thought was to save the recordset into a text file. However,
because of permissions I am unable to do this and will not be able to change
the permissions. My next thought was to open it in excel. However, the
table is too large and I get the Cell Table: too many rows or columns error.
I need the user to be able to save the records on her computer.

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How To Read Text File In ASP

I'm write an asp to include part of a text file into my asp output html, I use FileSystemObject to get the content of the text file, but the asp just hang when it runs, the source code is listed below if anyone could help: Code:

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Writing To A Text File

I am new to working with ASP and I would like to know
the code to create a textfile on the serer and then write
something in it using ASP.

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Save As Text File And Zip

I want to loop through a recordset and save each records contents as text files and then zip all the text files and promt user to download the zip --- can this be done?? Does anyone have any code?

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Writing To A Text File

I'm writing data from an access db to a text file then emailing the text file. Everything works fine but it needs to tab deliminated. Can some one post the code for a "tab"?

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Adrotator Text File

I was having trouble with the text file regarding the path of the img source depending on the location of the image so I thought I could use the full URL of the image.

Now the site im working has to work on 3 different versions testing / staging and live which gives a server name for the url everytime.

How could i reflect this in my text file to have

servername & ''/img/picone.jpg''

But cant see this working as its a text file..

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Writing To A Text File

how to write (String data) to a text file from an ASP page?

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Asp Question About Text File

I wrote an asp program that displays some information line by line such as
name, address, town, state, zip

and it prints about 200 lines to their browsers when the asp file is called.
It is comma delimted so they can import into their database using access for

1. when they do file-save as to a txt file, it does not import right for
them. It seems the lines blend into each other.

1. the only way they can do it is if they view the source code, then save as
txt file. then when they import into access, it parses right.

odd, what can i do on my asp end to make sure they can just do a file save
as right from browser instead of viewing source.

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If...Then When Writing To A Text File?

Can this be done? For example, in the line below. There may not always be a & objRS("ShippingAddress2") and I'm wondering if there is a way to use an if/then in there some how. If there is no data in that field then I need to pass over this part completely & objRS("ShippingAddress2") & "|"

I'l have several instances where I need to do this Code:

fname.WriteLine("hd2|" & objRS("ShippingName") & "|" & objRS("ShippingAddress") & "|" & objRS("ShippingAddress2") & "|")

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Writing To Text File!

i found this piece of code from a site and it claims that you could create a text file into directory "c:test.txt" and writes the line Hello world in it. Code:

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Writing To A Text File In Asp

I have the following file whatnew.txt on my server! It consists of lines each line hase 3 items seperated by commas like this:


I need the code to add new items to this file using the browser!

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Export To Text File

I wanted some information on how I can do the following thing.Any kind of links/urls /programs related to this topic would be appreciated:

I want to perform an export of data to a text file,tab delimited. The user will basically select the date range and hit submit.After the submit button is hit,i get the pop up sayind that the data is in Ex.txt file .

I need to then use this text file to transport stuff into quickbooks.

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