Stylesheets Needed For Printing?

I have an issue where I need to remove the underline from hyperlink text when printing a web page. I'm trying to accomplish this with a stylesheet, but the current stylesheet I'm working with is designed strickly for display and not printing. I added the following code;

@media print {
A:link {
background-color: #FFFFFF ;
color : #000000 ;
text-decoration : none ;

but no cigar. After some research it appears that a separate stylesheet must be used to control print style. Can anyone comment on this?

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ASP En Stylesheets

I am making a website where the user can choose a 'skin'.
This works with asp en stylesheets.

In the stylesheet, a number of tags are (re)defined.
The main idea is to have a limited number of colors (lets say 4) and use
only these colors to color up every tag.

However, with a long list of (custom) styles, it is a lot of work to scan
every item in the stylesheet and assign the correct color definition.

So I am wondering, is it possible to use variables or something like that to give a name to custom color and use this name for the rest of the style sheet? Code:

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Is Interdev Needed For ASP?

I've got the latest Visual Studio and have been doing ASP.NET websites.
Now I want to do a traditional ASP (not .NET) website.

I gather that these are done with Visual Interdev. Is Visual Studio 7
suitable for doing an ASP website?

I'm a little confused about where Visual Interdev fit in. Was it a part
of Visual Studio or was it a standalone product?

Is any ASP functionality lost or gained in VS 7 (.NET aside)?

Is VS 7 a suitable tool for ASP?

Is anyone that's maintaining an ASP website using VS 7 for this
purpose? If not then why?

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Needed On .ics File

how do i generate a .ics file with unique name?

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Components Needed In IIS

I was wondering if there is any updates or components needed if you was going to connect a database in ASP. Because I have a script that I download from a website that I know works 100% but when I set it up in my own IIS environment. it comes out with a 500 error. I've searched the internet and I keep seeing mentions of ADO and Mac types .

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ASP Components Needed

I'm currently developing a website for my company. I would like to provide
list server functionality to the site, if possible. We have a third party
mail service, so I can easily POP and SMTP.

Does anyone know of any nice and reasonably priced list servers for ASP?

I'd also like to know if anyone knows of any good event calendar components
for display a small calendar on web page and listing events that are
upcoming. Having an admin page would be great too.

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Asp / Xml Template Needed

Can anyone do me a huge favour? I need an asp template page which will pull data and display it on that page, from an XML file.

The file doesnt contain all the data, its a query to data on a server within our work.

Ive tried endlessley from tutorials etc and the best ive had is a message saying "XML DATA RETRIEVED"

I just cant get the phonelist.xml file to display, basically its a list of staff name / email / phone extension.

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Needed On Error Message

I am doing a database driven website using ASP/VBScript and Access. I use a

A server timeout has occured. Here are the possible reasons

1.Please make sure the web server is up and running.
2. Please verify that the ODBC DSN exists on the testing server

I use the connection string

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath("Inventory.mdb") and when I test the database connection , it is successful. But when I try to open a recordset in Binding section in Dreamweaver MX, the error message was displayed. COuld anyone tell me what is it? I am using IIS as a testing server. Do I need to do any settings for this problem?

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Redirect Script Needed

I have a bilingual website, of which the folder structure (and naming convention) is exactly the same in both English and Dutch sections. At the bottom of each page there is a link to switch language, which will take you to exactly the same page in the other language.

I need to develop some script that will look at the URL and take them to corresponding page, (e.g.):

- replace the /en/ element with /nl/ (and vice versa)

Hopefully that makes sense?! Look forward to reading your posts!

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Opinions Needed On Writing Out XML

I have to perform a database query and write the results to an XML file.

I also need to form this XML file with a DTD file.

I'd like to hear some opinions on the best way to do this.

I figured out how to write out just raw XML using adPersistXML. But that doesn't really help as the XML needs to conform to the DTD.

I also found a way to write out the XML file line by line using .createNode and .appendChild...but that would take forever as the database query returns 72 columns.

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ASP On Linux Solution Needed

For ASP on linux, what would the best solution be? Any particular programs suggested?
Right now, running CentOS. We have jsp and ASPX .

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Dating Script Needed

I need a free asp based dating script having database function using ms access.

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Super Simple Cart Needed

I need a super simple 100% ASP and/or VBScript shopping cart. No JavaScript allowed!

Can write to cookies, but not a database. (Sessions maybe OK) I don't need any special buttons and whistles and fancy features. Just want to add product, recalc, empty and checkout. No prices and no shipping charges needed.

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Connection String For A MySQL Database Needed

I'm trying to get asp to conect to a MySQL database, I've tried copying a few examples online that I found [there doesn't seem to be many!!] and I always get a 500 error with the code below. what am i doing wrong? any examples of a working connection string anyone could show me would be fantastic.

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Expert Suggestion Needed For A Asp Based Web Application

We have a couple of web applications where data is updated on a weekly
basis. The data entry is done in a vb access application which is kept
internal. The database is uploaded to the web which has a web interface for
clients to check their records. Thus dat a gets updated once a week.

In a new application, I would like to build a single web based application,
where the data entry is done from the same application and clients would look
up their records from the web. The clients should have only read access. In
other words, I would like to do the system real time. My question is whether
I would face any problem when somebody needs to edit a record while a client
wants to read record.

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Simple Form Html Code Needed

i have a database and the asp file. my database will have one table, a user table, with various fields like username, password, name...age.. all i need is the html code to make a simple form such as

Welcome to the add user page:
PLease enter a username (input box)
Please enter an email address (input box)
finally a submit button.

i then want the variables to run a 'signup.asp' file which i have, and be placed into a database.

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Printing/printing Reports From The DB

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss Database.

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Printing/printing Reports

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss a button that will go the report section of access DB and print teh report that I want a way to get around with the appropriate codes will be appreciated as I am new to asp programming.

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need to print a document like a invoice. Does it take client side only?

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ASP Printing

I have written a report in ASP that comes up in .pdf format. It is exactly what I want except I can't control page breaking. The report lines roll over automatically thus I don't have a report title header. Is there a way in ASP to perform that task? I have also read about using .css for this, but can't seem to find a good example.

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Printing In ASP

Is it possible to send a file directly to printer in ASP?
I have an ASP page display the list of files associated with the record with
hyperlinks to the files. I want to provide a link next to each file to allow
people to click the button and send the appriopriate file to the printer.
Is it possible to do this in ASP or ASP.Net?

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Printing With ASP

Just wondering if it is possible to make an asp page shrink to fix all the data on a page?

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Printing ... ?

I need to take the report of Ledger of all the customers. I want each customer Ledger to be printed on different page with same page headers and page footers. Only the the Name of the customer and his ledger information would be changed.

One cutomer's Ledger can go for more than one page, In that case it must print the data on the same number of pages and start the next customer page after this customer's ledger finishes.

Infact I am looking for complete reporting system as we can make in Crystal Reports with Classic Visual Studio or .net.Hope someone can help with dumy Sourcecode. Infact I need to know how I'll format in HTML. ASP and Database queries are easy to run.

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I have big problem in printing.. I am getting 20 colums of information from my database.

in asp, the width of the page is long. The problem now iam facing is printing, its only printing those information which are visible and the rest on the right side of the browser is not printing..I really dont know what to do.

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I have an asp page that displays a recordset from a table in paginated format with header values on each page from another table in the database. To print, one needs to click the print button and a new page properly formatted pops up and opens the print manager in windows.

One must do this for each page. If I have 300 pages that's a lot of work for the end-user.Attached is the code I'm using to print.Does anyone see how I could make it utomatically print ALL the pages, rather than one at a time?

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Printing Using ASP

What I want to do is spit recordset variables from the database and place them on a page so they can be printed. The problem I am running into is that it cuts off part of
the printed page. Does anyone know of a way to clean produce a page to be printed even if there is multiple pages so that it does not cut off text?

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Printing Through ASP

I'm in the middle of a project using ASP pages that access an Access database. I'd like to know how I can print a page without IE putting the Page X of X at the top and the address/ date at the bottom of the page.

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PDF Printing

Could you anyone tell me how to print PDF from my ASP page.

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Printing Problems

I am using a simple printer friendly page the opens up as
a new window. I use a DIV TAG called "printReady" in the section I want
to print (Printer friendly) then in a javascript function
I do this:

var printFriendly = document.getElementById("printReady")

var strHTML = printFriendly.innerHTML

I then open a new window with the Javascript and write the
HTML (mostly Text) to the new window.

var printWin ="","printSpecial");;

This works fine, but if the page is to wide using
Landscape is fine, but in portrait mode it only prints one
page the cut off part is not printed on the second page.
Some times the page will print but the text is missing.
Only the table outlines print.

Any one experience this before or have any suggestions if
this can be overcome.

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Printing Through Javascript

I have some code to print a web page through javascript. Does anyone know if I can set the Orientation to be Landscape through Javascript?

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Printing Images

Does anyone knows how to print images to a pringter connected on the Web Server (IIS) Machine using ASP?

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Printing Problem

i gave a print option for a html page. but that is printing the url which i doesnot want.
also is there a way that when user prints it should also display page numbers. How to get rid of the URL while printing.

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ASP + Printing Error

I have a asp page that has a print button. After the page is printed it refreshes the page and give me an error saying that parameter @TRN_CODE has no default value.

What I don't understand is why I don't get that error the first time the page loads. It has no default value then either. It always get that parameter from the request.querystring.... anyone have any ideas? Code:

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