Submit To A Customized Navigator

i understand how to open a new browser
without toolbars, menues, etc (with open(....) )

but i don't find the way
to open a new browser in that way
coming from a Form.Submit() . . .

how does it is ?

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Images Won't Load In Navigator

i made a page that loads images from the server via asp scropts and it work fine on IE, but a client using netsape called and said that the images doesn't load and it just shows a broken link... i looked at the page through navigator and notice that the images/products/ was changed to images/products. What could be the reason for this?

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Customized Popups

I am currently developing a kind of shopping cart for an estate agent. They have a perl script that generates a list of properties. next to each property is a link to add the property to a favourites list. This link uses javascript to call an asp page that adds the required property to an access database.

This all works fine but at the moment when you click the link to add a property I have basically added a bit of javascript that resizes the asp page and gets rid of the tool bars etc and displays a conformation message that the property has been added and then disappears automatically.

This is fine but I want this conformation box to look a little better ie change the colours - more of a custom little box rather than a small browser window. Does anyone know of any way using javascript for example to display such a custom window?

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Customized Error Message

how to avoid giving physical path & line number in the error messages of web applications. Instead i would like to replace it with general error message to the user.

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Display Customized Error Message

How can I display my own message instead of the error message which may appear in the explorer? , and can I use ASP code in this message?
Iam looking to display a custom page when somebody type a URL for a page in my site, and this page is no longer available


and me.asp is not available

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Submit, Date Changes Format Without Any Adjustment, And Changes Again On Submit!!!

I am having a problem with an update date query ( there is something wrong with my query both locally and live.

So it has to be the query as my system settings are UK format.

Basically when I go to amend a record without actually doing any changes whatsoever. an click submit, when I see the amend the date switches format, regardless of entering any information.

If I go back and amend the article without doing any changes the date format again is switched back to normal. This is causing big issues, that really need correcting but I cannot figure what I have done wrong. I did previosuly post a message, but this appears to be something diffirent other than local settings. Code:

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Submit Drop Down Without A Submit Button

i'm trying to get a drop down menu to submit automatically when an option is clicked. i've tried various javascripts and they don't seem to work correctly with asp. does anybody know of anything that will work properly?

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i hv wrote the code for auto generate id and its work. but the problem is, when i click on the submit button, the id number will remain the same value that is the last id number in database. let says before i click on the "New" button(which is use to increment id by 1) the id number is C1234.

once i click on "New" button then the id will increment by 1 as C1235 and that time user need to fill up the other field. but once i press on Submit button, the id number suppose to be C1235. but what i get is that C1234 means that i will display the previous id.

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ASP Submit

I have 2 buttons on my ASP page:


When i click on the Insert button it does a form sumbit and calls a page "page1.asp" when i click on the button Search i want it to do a sumbit to another page "page2.asp"

I tried putting 2 form sections in my asp page but it doesn't work..

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Is there a way in ASP to programmatically cause an HTML form to submit without clicking a Submit button?

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what I want to do is have a link to a website that automatically fills in a button and presses submit.

<form method="post" action="blahblah.php">
<input type="radio" checked name="option_id" value="999">
<input type="submit" value="Vote" class="input" name="submit">

Here, the radio button is already checked, but how do I submit
directly to the blahblah.php?

Can I just have it so that the submit button is depressed automatically when
you press a link to the page? i.e. click here! will go to the page with the
form, then automatically submit the data?

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Submit Button

I have a submit button - I would like it to submit and then I would go to the next page when the submit button is pressed.

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Email On Submit

I am creating a page in ASP (I recently taught myself ASP so I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination).

This page is going to put data in a database, which then an adminstrator needs to approve, and then the data will be moved to a different DB allowing it to be viewed on the web). The issue is that in all reality someone may post data once a month at most. Since I am currently the one who needs to approve the data, and I am not one who will remember to check if any data is in the DB on a regular basis, I would like to know if there is a way I can have the form send me an email everytime data is inputted in the database, this way I know I need to review and approve the data.

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Submit Via ASP Code

I have an intermediate page that takes a querystring, does a query on a
database and writes out hidden values for each returned record. This design
layout is necessary for a variety of reasons and not subject to change.
I need the form to never be seen, essentially it needs to write out the
hidden values and immediately post to another form when it's done. I have
everything accomplished but the posting. Is there a technique to post the
form via code as opposed to a submit button or something of that nature?

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Submit Button

i am having problem with my submit function. When i refresh my page or select an option from the drop down list it is submiting the values into the database where it should submit when i click the submit values. Another problem is tat wad ever values i submit it is appearing with comma at the beginning of the value in the database.

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Submit Validation

Can I put a validation on the standard submit button on the form? I want the user to necessarily select a radio button on the page? Or should I be using a notmal button with an on_Click event? In that case how will I push submit?

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Form Submit

I know I have done this but my mind is fried. I have a dynamic dropdown in
a form. I need to pull both the dynamic dropdown's ID and name listed in
the dropdown. Need a little help with grey matter tonight.

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Submit Button

I have a question about using a image as a submit button. Basically I have:

<INPUT="image" SRC="c:whateverwhateverutton.jpg" NAME="Login">

Now I have two different buttons in one form. I trying to figure out how to get the page to know what button was pushed, and then do a set of actions. Such as:

If button1 is pushed then
end if
if button2 is pushed then
end if

Thats the basic pseudo code for what Im trying to do. Keep in mind this is a image button.

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Submit Form

I have a page with image, image has some image map, I want to submit
form when user mouseover that image map, my code is like this:

<img src="Images/floor4.jpg"usemap="#planetmap" id="IMG1">
<map id="planetmap" name="planetmap">

<area id=f4 shape="circle" coords="65, 93, 11" alt="CF4588"

And I write sub overf4() in vb script

sub overf4()
end sub

when mouse over that point form submit several times until mouse in on
the point I want to sumbit iust one time

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On Submit Autoresponder

i have struck in trouble in some development part, the thing is i am developing one site which collects some information in that i want that when some one fills form and click on submit button then my thanks for submitting mail Autoresponder should response. I want a perfect code for that.

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Detect Submit

Normally I would do something like
if request.form("submitbutton.x") <"" then
end if

But I found a problem when the browser uses the 'alt text' instead of
the image (when the image is not found, or if the browser is not
displaying graphics, etc. How do you detect that? or should I?

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Submit To A Table

I am working with two db's (i.e John and John1) I have a form that when submitted the information goes to the (i.e) Doe table. This table (Doe) is located in both the John db and John1 db, I need to add the functionality so that when the submit button is selected both db's are updated.

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Submit Button

I figured out that it is a default feature that if you are in an input box and hit the enter button it will cause the form to sort of 'submit'. I have a page where the form action is the actual page but it does all its variable assigning and such inside of an if then statement.
If Request.Form("submit")<> Then
and at the end of the if then I have a response.redirect to throw the results of my variables in the llink.
So what happens is when I hit the enter button it almost looks like the page is refreshing since the form action is the form itself. And the form doesnt even get into the If then statement. Anyone have any suggestions or direction as to what the easiest way I can do this is?

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Submit() Some Variables

1. Is there any way of submitting only several variables froma form in
JS ?
I have some constraints in the server side, so I would like to have a
button and when clicked, submit only certain variables.
2. Creating a new form changes my formatting. Is there a way of
creating a form and superimposing it on top of another

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Submit Data

I have been go through a lot of different websites to find out the problem but still cannot find a solution for it. I have an HTML email form which use post method to post the form data to an ASP page. It works fine in Outlook 2000 with IE6 or IE7. However, I updated my Outlook to the version 2003. The HTML email form does not work at all. Once the form is submitted, there are blank values in the ASP page. Just only when I refresh the page which a post back, the value is there.

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Submit Records

For example I have a page where users submit records obvisoulsy by clicking on Submit button and by doing so I aslo make sure they have entered all the fields otherwise they can't submit it, if all the fields have been entered clicking on Submit submits it and takes them to the Submit.asp pages just letting them know they have successfully submitted all that data and then will redirect them back.
What I would like to know is how can I submit records in a way that visibly I still stay on that page that I use for entering data so clicking on Submit would submit the data and then clear the entry so a new set of records can be entered straight after?

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Submit Form

I am looking at putting a form on one of my pages that inserts data into my database (MySQL)it is possible to submit this form and then when the form is submitted fire an e-mail off to a member of staff to say that a new record has been added
Has anyone had any experience of doing, or trying to do, anything like this (or even know if it's possible)?

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Form Won't Submit

This is from a "back-end" page on my site, but have run into a problem I've not had before, first off the form is being generated with some dynamic capabilities. Simply meaning I'm building it based upon so many records from a database.

Now I've isolated the problem down to 1 particluar text field and somehow related to it's name. When the name is present the form refusses to submit, except when I simply delete a reference to the name it works fine. Below you'll see an example of the code:

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Submit Record

how can we submit one record at a time

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Submit Question

How do you automatically submit something? I.E. The code executes some stuff then does a form submit to automatically go to the next page? How to do this escapes me right now and I don't feel like waiting for my brain to remember.

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Clearing A Submit

I have a form with 4 different Submit buttons. In the action code, I do a
request on the button names to see which one is valued. This all works
great, until the browser is refreshed -- the request shows the name of the
last button pressed. Is there a way to clear all the buttons so they don't
appear to have been pressed when they've only been refreshed?

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INSERT Without Submit

Can I use "insert" statement without actually having to have the submit button?

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Submit A Value Within The Same Page

using frontpage i am trying to write a script.
you have 2 dropdown boxes (A and B)

A - gets the data from the query(qryName)
so far so good

B - here i need to use the results from the A which is "contractno" and use it to get my final answer.

Basicly:how do i update a the "contractno" value and stay in the same page.

code example: Code:

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