Syntax To Have Body Of Email Include Form Fields

I finally figured out how to get my form to its database and have an
email come my way. However I am now trying to set up the body of the
email to include the form details. However the body of the email that
is sent only includes the last line of the "body" tag and has no
details next to it. Code:

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Form Send To Email Using CDO Syntax

I having a problem with the CDO syntax I guess. Here's the code :

response.buffer = true
message = "The following data was submitted:"
message = message & vbcrlf & vbcrlf

for each item in request.form
message = message & item & ": " & request.form(item) & vbcrlf

'Create message object
Dim objMessage

Set objMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

objMessageTo = ""
objMessageFrom = request.form("email")
objMessageSubject = "Message from the website"
objMessageBody = message

set objMessage = nothing

response.redirect "confirm.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("You have successfully sent your quote, thank you")

The error was on the objMessageSend. What's wrong with that? Actually there was another form file which called to this asp file.

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ASP Repeating Form Fields In An Email Form

Would anyone be able to give some guideance in ASP code as to how I would repeat a section of input fields in a form based upon the number of guests that are attending an event?

Basically, what needs to happen is if 3 guests are attending, I need the Name, address, city, state fields to repeat so they can be filled in with information.

Then all of the information from the whole form is submitted which returns an email to the administrator of the event.

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ASP Include/strip Body Tag?

We have an unusual situation at the USC School of Medicine; we have to
covert every Web page to a template. The template is too wide to print and a
lot of our students print lectures, notes, etc. We thought we could keep to
the template and draw in the content from other files by using includes. BUT
these files are HTML files and therefore, have Body commands in them. If
this could work, we could put a printable link back to the other page and it
would print. Seems like a great solution except for the extra body commands.
We are using ASP for our scripting.

1. How much of a boondoggle will it be if the files have two body commands
in them. How many browsers would it break?

2. Is there a scripting way around this without creating some objects?

3. Is there something out there -- shareware or commercial -- that would fix
this problem.

4. Could something be done about this using pearl, for example?

We'd really like to do it this way because we can have the users create the
content, use the same file names all the time, thus overwriting the old
file, and the user would never get a chance to screw up the template.

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Request All Fields From A Form And Send By Email

i already create a code to request all fields from a previous page form using the next function y separate the fields with the value of each one. Code:

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Syntax On Passing Variables From Email Form To Insert A Database...

I'm having a problem with passing variables inserting to my database. Here's what I'm doing. I have a page where the user selects a team member (this is fine) Once the team member is selected I have the variables on the form send and email to all supervisors and the member selected (this is fine also) BUT, I'm having problems inserting the emailed information to my access 2000 database after is email. Can someone guide me in the right direction.

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How To Display Multiple Form Fields In Email Using This Script?

I am using this script to submit my form fields into the body of my email:

Dim strBody
dim ix, formElementName, formElementValue
strBody = "Results of form submitted at " & Now() & vbCrLf & CrLf
For ix = 1 to Request.Form.Count
formElementName = Request.Form.Key(ix)
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item(ix)
strBody = strBody & (formElementName & ": " & formElementValue & vbCrLf)

I'm completely new to vbscript and have been searching all over the net for an example of this script being used with mutliple fields with absolutely no luck.

The closest I've come to getting something back from this thing is when I tested the script with these elements:

FormElementName = Request.Form.Key("Name")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Name")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Telephone")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Telephone")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Email")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Email")

Which produced this result:

Email: Email
Email: Email
Email: Email

Its seems the answer to my problem lies in defining the 'Key' and possibly the 'Item' parameters but I haven't been able to find any documentation on these terms. Can someone out there please save me from what probably is a very simple solution?

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Asp Page Wont Send Email If Form Fields Are Blank

I created a feedback form for my website that has only 2 required fields. When you submit the form it calls my asp page which puts the information in a database and then sends me n email with the information that was entered into the form. The problem is that the form only has two required fileds, and if the remaining non required fields are left empty when the asp page is called it does write to the data base, but does not send me any email. However if I go back in and put somethng in every field in the form then when I submit the form and my asp page is called it writes to the data base and sends me an email with the all the information I entered in the feedback form. Is there a way to tell my asp page that it is ok to send the email even if the non required fields are left empty? I really do not want to have to go back through the form and put default values in for each area of the form? Also is there a way to have an error displayed if the email is not sent? My asp code is below....

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A Loop Within The Body Of An Email?

I've created a page for our Call Center that allows them to view a list of resources that can be found on our online catalog. It's a recordset that has a checkbox associated with each title. In addition, there's several fields that they're asked to populate: "From," "To," etc so they can click the links they want to send, attach a customized message and then send it off as an email.

The problem is capturing all of the titles they've checked and publishing that list in an email. Here's the code I'm using to retrieve the results:

For i = 1 to Request.Form("check").count
set RSLink = conn.execute("select * from Master where ISBN = '" & Request.Form("check").item(i) & "'")
response.write x

No problem! But how do I get that list of items that have been "checked" into the body of my email?

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Creating An HTML Email Body

I have a rather large form in HTML that needs to be sent as an email. The body of the email is approx. 400 lines (that's in HTML). Is it possible to somehow transfer the entire form to the asp mail script so that it automatically sets the body of the email to contain this form (with input)? Or do I have to write the body by hand in my asp script - like this:

line 001 Body = "<table><tr><td>some text & var1 & </td></tr> "
... ..

line 200 Body = Body & "</table>"

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Cdosys Body Text Is Not Being Sent By Email

cdosys body text is not being sent by email. Please see if you can spot the problem. Everything below emailHeader & emailFooter is not being sent by email.

see code below:


dim strBody
Set MailObj=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
MailObj.Subject="Your Online order from store-website"
MailObj.From= ""
MailObj.To= Request.Form.Item("cEmail")
MailObj.TextBody = strBody

strBody = strBody & "DELIVERY INFORMATION (If Delivery was selected):" & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Choice: " & Request.Form("dChoice") & " on " & Request.Form("choiceDate") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Name: " & Request.Form("dName") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Address: " & Request.Form("dAddress") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery City: " & Request.Form("dCity") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Zipcode: " & Request.Form("dZip") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Phone: " & Request.Form("dPhone") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Instructions: " & Request.Form("dInstructions") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "-----------------------------------------" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

strBody = strBody & "CONTACT/BILLING INFORMATION: " & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Name: " & Request.Form("cName") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Address: " & Request.Form("cAddress") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing City: " & Request.Form("cCity") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Zipcode: " & Request.Form("cZip") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Phone: " & Request.Form("cPhone") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Email: " & Request.Form("cEmail") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Amount to be paid with Gift Certificate: " & Request.Form("GiftCamount") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Gift Certificate Number: " & Request.Form("GiftCnumber") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Amount to be paid with Credit Card: " & Request.Form("cCardAmount") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Type: " & Request.Form("cCard") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Number: " & Request.Form("cCardNumber") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Expiration: " & Request.Form("cCardExpiration") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "-----------------------------------------" & VbCrLf

wantedCartColArray = Array(0,0,0,1,1,1,1)
wantedCartColNamesArray = Array("LineItemTax","LineItemTaxValue","ProductID","Quantity","Name","Price","Total")
wantedCartColFormatArray = Array(false,false,false,false,false,true,true)
currencyTypeArray = Array("$",0,-1,-2,-2,-2)


' UltraCart II Email Order Version 2.01
MailObj.TextBody = UCII.BuildEmailBody(false,emailHeader,emailFooter, _
"Order ID",true,_
"Order Date",true,_
"Sub Total",true,_
"Shipping Method",false,_
"Grand Total",true,currencyTypeArray)

MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "localhost"
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 60
Set MailObj = nothing

<!--- END CDOSYS CODE --->

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Email Body Sending As Attachment

I'm trying to send out emails but the body of it keeps sending as an attachment so with some email services, such as yahoo, puts the email into the bulk mail. I was wondering if there was a way to stop it from sending the body as an attachment.

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Mass Email Body Repeated Several Times.

I am testing a mass emailer that I will be sending out this week. I use ASP to read email addresses from a db table which is contains a list of email addresses of those who will receive the email blast. I have included myself to see the results of the test. I noticed when I received the email, the body or content of the email was repeated as many times as there are people in the email list the code was reading from.
Can someone tell me what I did wrong in the code below?

Code: ....

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CDO Textbody Error- Displays ! In Email Body

I am currently having an issue with CDO and my asp code. The email body is including an "!" and space when the body is greater the 600 characters. Does CDO have a limit on the length of the email body. The issue is occuring both in .textbody and .htmlbody formats. Has anyone seen this before? Where do I need to look in order to determine the cause?

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Jmail 3.7.0 Sending Sessionid With Hyperlink Email Body

I use jmail to send email. Version 3.7. I want to send hyperlink in the mail body with sessionid variable. But I dont know how to concatenate it.

Here is the example which dont work.....

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Case Include... Syntax

I'm trying to put together that standard case include method of building websites in ASP. The variable for the ASP switch comes from a query string.

Select Case Request.QueryString("page")
case "home"
<!--#include file = "content/"-->
end select

It isn't working, though... do you guys spot a syntax error or something??

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Including Form Items In A Message Body CDOSYS

I am having some problems with my code. It works perfectly, the only problem is that when sending the e-mail, it only sends the Message and not all fields. I need for this to send all fields in the form in the e-mail. Sorry for this very easy question but I am pulling my hair out here. It only sends one field, the "Message" field in the e-mail when it sends it. Code:

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How Do You Insert A Message In The Body Of A "<a Href="mailto:" Email..

Hey there, I have a few links in my site similar to this one.

<a href="">

When a site visiter clicks on to this link, it starts up your default browser.

Anyone know how to insert a message in the body of the email?

Something like...

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Combine List Menu Fields For Email Output

I am using asp to submit a form I've created in asp. I was wondering if there was a way to output the vlaues of three listbox menus.

1. User selects hour
2. user selects minute
3. user selects am/pm

This is now outputting into my strBody as seperate entries. I'd like to combine them into one entry within the strBody.

Please reference strStartTime, I've tried to incorporate this into the email strBody, but am unable to accomplish this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Everyone!!!

Here is the asp code for the form: ......

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SQL Insert Syntax W/ Form

I can't seem to get this page to work. Its a basic form (with a lot of fields) and I need to insert part of the data into one table and part into another. Here is what is at the top before the <html>


The form's action is to post to itself. I can't get the data in and I can't even get the page to show now. Any suggestions, ideas, links, resources would be great!

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Formatting A HtmlBody Email String To Include Variables

I have this:

1 emailBody = "<html>" & vbCrLf _
2 & "<head>" & vbCrLf _
3 & "<title>Interpreter Request details</title> " &
vbCrLf _
4 & "</head> " & vbCrLf _
5 & "<body> " & vbCrLf _
6 & "<font face=Verdana><b>Interpreter Request
details: " & vbCrLf _
7 & "Requestor: </b><u> <% strFName strLName %></u>"
& vbCrLf _
& "</body> " & vbCrLf _
& "</html> " & vbCrLf

In line 7, I need to display the results of the variables strFName and
strLName (and have a space in between the two) but I don't know the proper
formatting. If I just use the & then I get the literal strFname instead of
the value. Could someone please show me the correct syntax for this?

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Form Element 'key' Syntax (VBscript)

how I write this in VBScript (it doesn't like the 'key' object) Code:

For i = 0 To Request.Form.Count - 1
Response.Write(Request.Form.Keys(i) & "=" & Request.Form.Item(i) & "</br>")

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Form Fields

I have an asp page which has a number of form fields on it (about 50). 2/3rds of these fields are used to store username (windows username) and date (todays date). I want these fields to be locked so the user cannot enter any info into them. The infor will be grabbed from the current user and the current date.

However, I only want these fields to be populated only when the left most field is changed. Once the fields have been populated the username and date fields will change with however is logged in and the new date.

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Form Fields

I have a form that will be filled out by users, what I would like to do is when the user selects a state from a dropdown list i want to have the City field show select options based on their state. I know this can be done but I dont remember how.

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CDONTs - Problem Formatting An Email, From Form To Email

I am having a problem formatting an email message which comes from a form.

I am currently having difficulty with the <br> tag which I am using for line spaces within my email. I am getting an expected statement error message which is pointing to the line which is underlined below. I can't think what is causing this.

The code for my processing page is below:-

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Form Fields To 1 Variable

I need to loop through all submitted form fields and place them all into 1 variable but i have no idea how. Here's what I have so far:

for each item in request.form

myVariable = "formfieldname:" & item & "formfieldvalue:" & request(item)

The problem with that is that response.write(myVariable) only prints the last field in the form.

I know that if I move the response.write(myVariable) INSIDE of the loop it will print correctly but I am not trying to print the form fields BUT I AM TRYING to store them in ONE variable.

For example:

myVariable = formfield1name:formfield1value:formfield2name:formfield2value:formfield3name:f ormfield3value:ETC ETC

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Not Getting Form Fields Thru ASP (CDOSYS)

Code to email form data via ASP. Forced to use CDOSYS by 2003 server at host. It sends an email fine, but the form data is missing. Where my going wrong? Could it be the html file's form actuating the .asp file? Could it be an enctype issue? Or bad ASP syntax... Code:

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Bunch Of Form Fields

Can someone tell me how I can take a bunch of form fields using Request.Form, and put them in a array. And then, how do I send that in and INSERT sql.

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Insert Form Fields

I have about 30 names of workers (and their IDs in hidden fields, that depend on their departments) in one form, beside them there is one dropdown list for each worker, with same items. I want to select item from dropdown list for each worker, that will write item ID in another hidden field... and then I want to submit worker's ID, ID from dropdown list etc....into another .asp page and sql db.
If I use next way :
FOR EACH name IN Request.Form
I get only values of IDs from dropdown lists. But I need workers' IDs, too.

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How To Send All Fields Of A Form Without Specifying Each One

how can I send the whole form using the script below, without listing every NAME of the form. Basically I wondered if you can just put a certain code in that will send all the fields of the form without putting each NAME of the fields down indiv individualy??

My forms Name is 'conf', so I was wondering if there was a code like SENDWHOLEFORM="conf", (I know it obviously won't be that, but just to put the point across!)

DIM strNAME, Mailer
strFirstName = Upload.Form("NAME")

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")

JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.AddRecipient ""
JMail.Sender = ""
JMail.Subject = "Submitted Item to sell"
JMail.Body = "Name: " & strNAME

Set JMail= Nothing

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How To Loop Through More Form Fields?

I have about 30 worker names (and their IDs in hidden fields) in one form, beside each worker I have a dropdown list with same items. When I select an item from dropdown list its ID is written in another hidden field. I want to submit values from hidden fields into another .asp page and sql db. If I use :

FOR EACH name IN Request.Form

I get only values from dropdown lists IDs. how to loop through all fields and get IDs of workers, too.

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Dislpaying SQL Fields In A Form

I have the following asp code:

response.write "<td align=left colspan=2 class=text>" & _
"<input type=text name=ProjectDescription STYLE='width:465px' value=' " & ProjectDescription &" '>" & _

The problem I have is when ProjectDescription contains a ' the data gets truncated. How can I resolve this.

i.e. ProjectDescription=doesn't

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Display Form Fields

I have created an email form in which all fields must be completed. If all the fields are not completed "submit" causes a refresh using response.redirect, Problem is allthe fields that were previously filled in are empty.How do I keep the values of the fields on refresh?

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