Test My ASP Applications On My Local Machine?

Quick question - I would like to practice my ASP scripting and wish to be able to test my applications on my web browser on my local machine.

What piece or pieces of software would I need to enable this? I have Macromedia Studio MX and Edit Plus which I assume will act as suitable editors for ASP scripts?

Is it only some kind of Personal Web Server software that I will need to run my scripts on my local machine?

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Using ASP On IIS (Local Machine)

I would like to evaluate some shopping cart software to use on my next project. I am new to asp and as yet my hosting does not support it. Before I go ahead and upgrade my hosting I wanted to see how the various packages work.

I am running XP Pro SP2 and have installed IIS. The folders seem to be where they should be and I have access to the settings through the Administrative Tools.

When I put a htm file in the wwwroot folder it loads fine if I type http://localhost but the asp files are either downloaded or opened in dreamweaver.

Do I need to do something special to enable asp files to open on my local machine??

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On My Local Machine.

I'm not a networking/IT guy, but I was put in charge of figuring out how to use ASP to tap into an Oracle db for my office. I am using a windows 2000 laptop, and I want to be able to run ASP code on my local desktop (without being plugged into a network).

I need a lot of help here. I know I have to turn my computer into a webserver, but I'm not certain what I need to do with the IIS. What do I need to do in general to make my computer a webserver? In addition, I will be using a local Oracle database. So I wasn't sure what I would need to do to make that db available for querying with ASP. What is the best way to make that connection?

Anyone who can point me to useful documentation.

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have an SQL DB which clients access via asp pages through the internet, in the case of a power outage I need to write that data automatically in the background to a txt file on their local machine, I would imagine it would involve a script of some kind.

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Displaying .asp On Local Machine

Am I now setup to view .asp on my local machine, or do I have to "upload" the pages to IIS? If the latter, how do I do this?

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Can't Run Website On Local Machine

I copied one of our websites to a CD and wanted to run the website off of the CD. However, it won't run the index.asp on Windows XP machine. Do I need to install some dll's or something?

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Local Machine To Access

when i export a dbf file from Local machine to Access in Webserver i get a message :

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

'C:WINDOWSDesktop' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

what could be the reason.?

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Viewing ASP Files On Local Machine

I'm using WinXP Professional SP2, I've installed IIS, but am having a problem viewing the temp version of the ASP file IE makes when you go to view an ASP page.

So, I hit F12 to bring up IE and my ASP page, IE generates a URL something like, http://localhost/MyWeb/ACEI/TMP91g0dk4dw.asp ... but that always comes back as a "File Not Found" error, however if then I replace the TMP91g0dk4dw.asp part with the actual file name e.g demo1.asp..the page runs fine.

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Testing Email From IIS On Local Machine

I have written an asp page that is supposed to send email (using CDONTS). I think my code is correct, but I'm trying to test it from my local machine and although the ASP code runs I am not sure the email portion of the code works.

I have not yet received any messages from the code. Perhaps there is a delay of some sort - or perhaps it is because I am on a network behind a firewall. Whatever the case, could someone offer some suggestions in testing the emailing portion of my code? Code:

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File From Local Machine To Server

im trying to create a intranet site which copies files to the server. im guessing i should use filesystemobject to achieve this but im not sure on how to accompish this.

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Cdo Multiple Attachments From Local Machine

I have a cdo script to send an email from a web page hosted externally to my company. I want users to be able to attach multiple documents from their local machines.

How do I do this - do I need to upload them to the server first or does cdo do this automatically?

I tryed this: MyMail.AddAttachment "F:/images/test.gif" but get the error: 'The system cannot find the path specified.'

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Send Email From Local Machine

i just wondering how to send email from my local machine. i mean the sending email by CDONTS is working good on the web server but not on my local machine. is it an IIS configration issue or some software i must install ?

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Write Text Files To Local Machine

I need to know how to write a text file to a local machine. Here is my code:

Set myFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set WriteText = MyDrive.CreateTextFile("C: est.txt", True, False)

Right now it writes the file to the C: drive on the server.

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Copy File From Local Machine On Server

I have one .asp page with form and <input file> field on it.I want to copy selected file from local machine on server.But it doesn't work.

Should I use some component?

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Copy Files From IIS Image Path To Local Client's Machine

explain abt copy files from IIS image path to local client's machine.

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Security :: Prevent Users From Submitting HTML Pages From Their Local Machine

I am trying to prevent users from submitting HTML pages from their local machine to our website and I was wondering what the best way of doing this was.

I was thinking about using the HTTP_REFERER server variable (to check where the user has submitted a page from) as a blanket fix however when you use the javascript document.location on a page the HTTP_REFERER is always blank, which makes that a flawed fix.

I have seen other sites protect against this, so I know it can be done. Whats the best way.

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Local Machine Time To Eastern Time

How will we convert the system date & time to other timezone for eg: Eastern Time zone using ASP?

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Simple Test Script To To Send A Test Email Using CDO

I am building a shopping cart where orders are send by email. Even though it says it's sent, I receive nothing. So I did a test script to send an email using CDO since we are using an exchange server for email and it's on the same network as the site. Code:

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Different WEB Applications

I´m developing different web applications each one located in a different web site, and sometimes we need to call a web page in a different application to retrieve some information.

We can not use the session object because the session is different for each
web application.Is there any way to share the information throw the applications?

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Web Portal Applications

I came across a new term "web portal applications." Anyone can tell me
what's the differences between web portal applications versus traditional
web applications?? Portal applications only runs on .NET platforms, for
ASP.NET applications??

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Sessions And Applications

For advanced projects,like my site,is it usual to have about 10 applications,and about 5 sessions open?I mean, that for my chat app for example, it opens a application for:

-- Number of users
-- Conversation
-- Users
-- Refresh times

I was wondering, is that too many, or do people usually have like 20 open for these kinds of applications?What I'm worried about is slow response time.will alot of Applications and Session Objects slow down my site?

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Multiple ASP Applications

I've searched high and low but to no avail. Is anyone aware of a solution that will allow users on a website be able to sign in only once, but then have access to multiple web applications (such as forums, photo gallerys, etc.).

I have a few web applications from WebWiz, and others, and they all have different logon screens, and I'd really like to have my users signon just once, and have access to all the applications. This is also important when they sign up too - since I have 5 web applications, I don't want users to have to signup with all 5 applications.

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Unable To Run Asp.net Applications

Prob is after setting up the IIS on XP Pro, I'm unable to run asp.net applications.
I get the message: " The web server is not running ASP.NET 1.1" each time i try to create asp.net application using .net 2003. I know the prob is due to config on IIS. but don't know how.

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Protecting Applications

I've finally written an asp app that is worthy of resale and would like to hear from you who have done the same. What is the best way to protect my application? I would like to stay away from anything that has to be registered on the server as most of my target audience will not have physical access to their web servers. They will just upload the code to their server and set directory permissions for the database.

I 've purchased asp scripts myself in the past and had to provide a domain name where it would be running. It would not run on any other domain but the one I provided. Is this a practical approach or is there a better way? How is it done? I've also seen posts about putting some of the vb code into an activeX dll. Is this a solid solution? Again, How is this done?

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Mail Merging For Web Applications

Can anyone suggest a good mail merging component that can be used in a classic asp web application? I'd like to use Adobe as the file that will be merged. Any suggestions?

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Multi-user Applications

I am b-testing a community site, with currently 1,000 or so membership,
and low concurrency, say no more than 5 on-line at once.

The site is hosted on a shared server, which is sufferening from
intermittent accute slowness, affecting all other hosted sites as well as

The finger of suspicion is pointing at me and possible sloppy code. As
this is the first site I have done of this nature, could someone recommend
reading matter (knowledge bases etc), especially coding samples, in
connection with data connections (opening and closing connections and
objects) and record locking issues, which if improperly coded, could
contribute to throughput bottlenecks due to inefficient use of resources so
that I can check out my pages and correct any nasties..

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ASP Running And Database Applications

Is it necessary for PWS or IIS mandatory for running ASP pages?

How can we know that in the system IIS or PWS is there??

How can we assign the same text boxes we already created in ASP, the values we get using database manipulations

(e.g) in case of viewing.. one text box we enter...the ID value of employee.

The remaining text boxes we already created, how to assign the values of the corresponding Employee?

It is simple in VB,like Textbox1.text = value..

But in ASP how it is??

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AJAX Based Applications

Time is changed and you see almost all ruling companies in INTERNET are using AJAX Based applications. Something that is named CallBack Event in ADP.NET 2.0.Here in this topic i want to start introducing step by step an AJAX-Based application development.

The target is implementing a professional AJAX Grid in ASP. So at the end of this continuous tutorial i will put the source code free. Be in touch to find out how AJAX concept improves our ASP applications.

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Executing A Command Line Applications...

Can someone give me some sample code on how one would go about executing a
command line "command" from within an ASP form?

We need to run an application called GnuPG which allows us to encrypt an

Preferably some documentation directly on this would be good but any other
docuemtnation on executing a command line "command" would be great!

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Web Applications Is Client-server Application?

My boss told me web application is NOT client-server application. I argued
with him because browser is the client, and the server code put in server.
Then web application should be a client-server application. My understanding
is that a web application is an application that runs on a browser. But
client-server application is not necessary a web application.

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Visual Studio .NET Has Detected That The Specified Web Server Is Not Running ASP.NET Version 1.1. You Will Be Unable To Run ASP.NET Web Applications Or Services.

i've installed vs.NET 2003 on my pc which is runing window 2000 pro with sp4, but when i'm trying to create new ASP.NET Web appication i got this messages "Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified Web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. You will be unable to run ASP.NET Web applications or services."

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Test In Ie 4.0

My clients have 4.0 and I can't seem to get 6.0 off of my W2K machine. Any suggestions?

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How To Test For Nothing

I have:

Dim foo
Set foo = Nothing

If foo = Nothing Then
response.write "foo is nothing"
response.write"foo is something"
End If

I get an error in the line "If foo = Nothing Then". It says:

"Object variable not set"

How then do I test if something has been previously set to Nothing?

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