Many a page has ADO Connection objects that were opened but never closed. The Connection object allocates its own resources when it is opened. When the object goes out of scope without being explicitly closed, the resources ASP allocated for it are freed, but the resources it allocated on its own are not. These eventually clutter up the server and slow it down to a crawl.
My question is, is there a way to track down these orphaned resources and forcibly free them from ASP, without restarting IIS or the server? Or does one have to wait for the unused Connections to time out and release themselves? I know that good coding practice is best, but is there a temporary fix to tidy up these connections left open?
in my main page i need to retreive record set from the database as well as search for products. but the recordsets i need to retrieve are located in a different table then the products i need to search. is this possible to do ?
how I might go about displaying all current open db connections in ASP, either for a particular web app/page or hopefully all of IIS ? We are having a few issues with IIS hanging and we feel that it is related to db connections that were opened and not closed. I would like to be able to write an ASP page that could show me the current amount of open db connections from IIS.
I need to do this from the IIS side not the SQL Server side. I can already see the number of sessions in SQL Server but I am more interested in trying to find asp pages which have opened a connection to some db and not cleaned up properly afterwards.
Is there a way to detect open recordset and connection objects easily? I have hundreds of pages of code making up this web application I wrote and I want to make sure I didn't leave any loose ends. Short of going page by page, connection by connection, I'd love to discover any issues a different way. Does anyone know of a strategy?
I've been cobbling together a rather complex web utility, and was wondering if there is a way to monitor the number of data connections and open recordsets currently being used by the server. I am using IIS5. I'm essentially looking for a tool that would help identify sloppy code by showing a list of currently open data connections or recordsets.
I have a set of scripts that accesses a SQL2000 database on another server. After several days of investigating an extreme slow-down on my web server I did a netstat-a command and found DOZENS of connections to the SQL server still open. Here's just a small sample of this. Code:
I'm doing some text manipulation and I'm getting a strange error. My code is: [vbs] modT = trim(left(CommandArray(x), inStr(CommandArray(x), "-") - 1)) [/vbs]
CommandArray is an array created by a split() statement (so it contains strings). It's content at the time if execution (if I response.write it) is "Policies -name:Board -public:yes". What I the line above to do is return "Policies". All the math should work out, but I get this error:
Code: Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0005) Invalid procedure call or argument: 'left', line 10 Line 10 is the line pasted above.
i got two tables (sDetail and newTable).i'm using a left join to find the dif from the two tables using the pk tutor on both tables . then i need to display the table dif on my browser but where am i suppose to take the result from?
I want to use the two first numbers of a user-input as a flag, but don't know how to get them in ASP... How can I use a function like 'variable = left(user_input, 2)' in ASP?
<% If Len(TestRS.Fields.Item("Testimonial").value) > 150 Then Response.Write(Left(TestRS.Fields.Item("Testimonial").Value,150)&""... <br><font size=1><a href=""/Testimonials.asp"">Read More</a></font>") Else Response.Write(TestRS.Fields.Item("Testimonial").Value) End If %>
I am getting a null response from TestRS.Fields.Item("Tesimonial").Value after it is processed by the Len function.
I am getting the following result: Quote: "... Read More This tells me that the len function is analysing the string to be greater than 150 charachters yet the string is not being expressed.
I am working with two databases. One is dockets which holds all kinds of information about upcoming legal hearings. The second one is additional parties which holds additional records related to the dockets data table. Not all dockets have additional parties so when I need to display information about a case I may or may not need records from there so I am using a left outer join. It works perfectly EXCEPT for one small matter. The field that I am joining on (petitionCaseNumber) is turning up empty after the join. Below is the join.
varSQL = "SELECT * FROM Dockets LEFT OUTER JOIN additionalParties ON Dockets.petitionCaseNumber = additionalParties.petitionCaseNumber WHERE dockets.petitionCaseNumber = '" & numberIn &"'"
When I say something like response.write rst("petitionCaseNumber") I get nothing if I say response.write rst("dockets.petitionCaseNumber") I get an error. How do I refer to this field or how do I get this field to contain the case number?
I need to be able to pull the table names and values from each checkbox name (for example, I would need to pull the "table_city" and "20" from the checkbox above).
In short, how do I pull out the table_city and 20 from the first example. Since the table names and values vary in size, I can't just do a regular mid, left, right function.
I'm trying to pull a value onto my web page from a joining table and all I keep getting is the id instead of the actual value. table_status has has sid and status. for some reason I'm getting the id number instead of the value of the status. this is my error message when I try to join tables. Code:
am using an XML feature to web crawl on my provider's site to get a response of an sms message sent. Am using code:
ehioze = left(sResult,3) However, i only want the results of ehioze only if its numeric characters. and if there are any alphabets, it shoudl exlude it. How woudl this be done ?
It works fine but when I use this same code to get x characters plus display it using VBCRLF, with the <br> with writing the code :
<%=Replace LEFT (Recordset1.Fields.Item("Detail").Value,VbCrLf,"<br><br>",50)%>
it gives me error so please can you tell me how can i trim the characaters and at the same time use VBCRLF. why does this above code with LEFT + vbCrLF doesn't work.
When a student taking a quiz having a duration of 2 hrs, a timer will start and keep track the time.
So if he logout or close the window, the remaining time should be recorded into the database. And when he take the same quiz again, the timer will not restart but continue from the previous time.
E.g i take a quiz having a duration of 60mins, and when i logout the time duration remain is 30mins. And when i logon and take the quiz again, the timer countdown from there 30mins but not begining of 60mins.
I am currently having a problem with one of my ASP pages; Currently, in the SELECT, I am using JOIN LEFT functions which work fine (see the code below). However, I have now created a new table which I have successfully linked to the other tables. However, I am not sure how I would word the JOIN LEFT statement for the new table.
The new table is located at Report.Report I have tried to have a go, but am I missing something? I always get an error message saying, Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in JOIN operation. Code:
I need to be able to execute some code or display a popup when a user leaves the site. Does anyone know if it is possible to detect this? Is there an event that is called before the user leaves where I could put some code?
I have a dynamic driven web page which get's a select value from the menu choice.
I querry the database recordset and pull back the correct values.
I want to display them in a grid fashion. I want to limit how many items per page are show in each grid and then I'll use the standard DW behaviors to move to next page, etc.
The challenge I have is making the repeat region go left to right instead of repeating down.
I can send email using C# and SMTP, but keep closing the connection before the .eml file has left the Queue folder. The length of time the .eml file stays in the Queue folder is dependent on the size of that file; big or many attachments increases the time.
If I start an internet connection, issue the smtp mail send and then close the connection in my C# program, I need to wait until the .eml file has left the Queue folder. Otherwise, prematurely closing the internet connection causing IIS to abort the send.
How can I detect that the .eml file has left the Queue folder?
I'm trying to make the following asp code work using a DNS-Less connection on a windows 2000 server running IIS and ODBC 4.0 driver.
The Access database (odbc_exmp.mdb) was made using Access 2002. The code works if I set up a DNS on the server under the ODBC drivers. What I'm I doing wrong and what do I change the code to, to make it work using DNS-Less connection? Code:
Right, which do you use? If your using DSNless, then STOP! It's SLOWING down your code and making it UGLY!!
Why? Lets look...
UGLY! Which looks better [vbs] "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & server.mappath("./data/vote.mdb") [/vbs] or [vbs] "DSN=databaseStuff" [/vbs]
Its also easier to manage and will cause less typing errors. Think about it, it makes sense!
SPEED Everytime you run a DSNless connection inside an ASP page the connection string needs to be verified,but a DSN connection is only verified when it is created! Meaning the DSN connection is indeed faster.
I am not sure what is wrong with this code. I have tested it at home, used in on previous webpages, and with previous employers. But I am getting this error at my current employers server: Code:
I've been using ASP.NET for a couple years now and I'm trying to fall back into ASP for a new position I've acquired...and I'm having a bit of trouble remembering. I'm running to a problem where the basic logic is as follows:
Do While Not rs.EOF Query based on value in rs Another query based on value in rs Loop
There is no explicit connection object, they all use the same connection string however. When I limit myself to one query within the Do/Loop, I don't have any problems. However, when I add another query in there, it bombs with: Operation is not allowed when the object is open.
I'm assuming it's referring to the connection string being reused, but why would it allow one additional connection, but not two. I can't really close this connection before needing to requery. Is there anyway around this, or am I missing something entirely?
someone on another forum expressed that dreamweaver "tends to drive the programmer to creat implicit connections and their effect on performance".could someone explain this to me? a provide some better code? (we no longer are required to use dream weaver to develop code for the app).
I am programming a rather large site which will hopefully attract thousands of visits per day. I have been told by other people that MS access begins to struggle once it has about 15 active connections.
Since I am currently using MsAccess to test my scripts along with IIS 5.0 or whatever it is, I guess that at some stage I am going to have to convert all my stuff so that the data is in an SQLServer Database, and that the scripts can read and write to it. could anyone tell me what the transition is like. should I consider using SQL Server from the beginning or will I just have to change a few lines on each page.
On my website, I want to provide 3 pieces of statistics that will require 3 queries to my SQL database. As much as I'd like these to be live, they are part of a footer that will load each time for about 10 pages on my site. I am thinking that, although they are simple queries, it may be just too much.
What do you recommend? I could open the connection, run the query and then close it, each time. Would this be a recommend plan? Or, should I create a daily task that builds a simple text file with those query results and just pull those in each time the footer is loaded? This would not be live, but I can deal with it.
I get somthing like "Max Connection limit is reached" error msg when trying to access a page. I wonder it is got to do with winxp pro sp2 patch which only limit 10 tcp connections? Running ms access as database and IIS 5.1.