Transfer Parameters

i just realized that II5 is not with me i am running PWS on can i use response.redirect so that i can transfer parameters like a variable or a value?

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How Could I Use POST Method To Transfer Parameters With XMLHTTP?

How could I use POST method to transfer parameters with XMLHTTP?

With GET all works correct, but with POST I get a problem.

client.asp with GET - all works .....

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006~ASP 0230~Server.Transfer Error~The Call To Server.Transfer Failed While Load

Any idea what is causing this error? 006~ASP
0230~Server.Transfer Error~The call to Server.Transfer
failed while loading the page.

Just read about benefits of Server.Transfer over
Response.Redirect, replaced, and getting the error.

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I have 2 pages the first one has a text box, beside the text box there is a link when you click the link new window will come, and this window has a table retrieve the employee names from the DB, and these names are links, I need when I select the name should transfare to the first page , How ?

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Transfer Questions

i hope no one is getting sick of my server.execute/transfer questions..
does server.execute return a value? im wondering what happens if an error
occurs in the .asp file that i'm calling with the server.execute command??
is there a value/flag i can set in the case of an error that can be seen
once i return to the calling page? if not i was thinking that i would have
to use a session variable for my error handling.
i want to stay true to the model, view, control architecture so i don't want
to simply redirect in the case of an error - i want to send a value back to
my control page which will decide where to go.

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I would like to use Server.Transfer to redirect users to a given page,
while maintaining the state of form fields. This works fine on a single
However, this will be deployed in a load balanced environment. I know
that Session variables and load balanced environments don't mix. Do I
have a cause for concern with Server.Transfer as well?

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How To Transfer Value From One Page To Another

I would like the value of the textfield from text1 from Select_License.asp to be transfered to swname from License_add.asp when i click on the Next button from Select_License.asp ....

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Server.Transfer To A DLL - Is There A Way?

The Transfer method allows you to transfer from inside one ASP page to another ASP page

Is there a similar thing - The Transfer method taht allows you to transfer from inside one ASP page to a DLL.

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About Server.transfer

I m using ASP(not .net) ,I want to use server.transfer from a.asp to a.asp (the same page), but i want to remove all the querystring before transferring the page.........although response.redirect can do, it cannot fulfil some response.write b4 the redirection.

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I am using the following statement in my asp page , it doesnt work


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Link Transfer

anyone in here got an idea on how i could transfer a value of a form text to another asp page just by using <a href="">

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Transfer SQL Data

I need to make a table's data available to users. The table is about 150,000 rows x 20 columns. So Excel is out of the question. I think the next common file types would be MDB or DBF. Using ASP, what are the steps to converting this data to one of those file types, then ZIPPING the files for download?

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File Transfer Via FTP

I'm doing file uploads using the free component ASPSimpleUpload but I have problems of file transfer when the file size is too big or the connection used by the sender is slow.

I'd like to transfer file via FTP from a web page instead of using ASPSimpleUpload. Has somebody already done that and has some code or some links to give me?

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Possible: Transfer Asp Website To CD?

Is it possible to transfer a dynamic, asp site built on top of an Access database onto a cd for demonstration purposes?

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Transfer Of Site.

Currently I have someone wanting to transfer their site, ran in IIS/ASP, to one of my servers so that I can host if for them. I am running Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6. I have a disk that has the files for the site (from root down) I created a new site, put the files in there and configured the properties in IIS, but I only get a 500 (Internal Server Error) error page when it tries to run. I set the home directory, permissions, documents to point to the index.asp file, etc...

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How would i embed the Server.Transfer() into the button onClick() event.
I did try this:Code:

<td><input type="button" name="edit" value="Edit" onClick="<%Server.Transfer("edit.asp")%>"/></td>
but this will display the edit.asp page without the need to click on the Edit button.

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Transfer A File

I would like for an ASP page to transfer a text file (from the same
directory the ASP file is in) to another Web server.I don't mind if the code is in ASP or VB.I suspect that there is a way of having an ASP page conduct an FTP session
to transfer the file. would like to do this without a component as I'm looking for source code.

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Data Transfer.

I am creating a database and it has to be up dated from all over the county.But Unfortunately there are some users who have only telophone connection not internet connection. Is ther any way that I can allow them to up-date my database using telephone line i/o interne.

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No Value Given For Parameters

I have a simple website linking to an access database. The script works fine on my local machine. And it works fine on my regular host. However, I have uploaded the website to a Windows account with GoDaddy and here is my problem.

I am receiving the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/home.asp, line 10

- the WEIRD thing is that if you hit refresh enough times, the page loads fine. Then, at random (it appears), the error resurfaces. No coding changes at all. Code:

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I've been coding since mainframes had 4MB of core memory (yes kiddies, that 4MB), I've never coded a classic ASP page, only ASP.NET.
I've noticed many problems in this forum seem to stem from building SQL commands by concatenating strings and could be avoided by using parameter substitution, a totally common concept in ASP.NET. So, is that just something that can't be done in classic ASP?

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URL Parameters

My problem is: I've created an ASP/MS Access app with Dreamweaver. I have an admin page to edit/delete records. When I edit or delete a record, it works the first time and redirects me back to the main page.

When I click on another record it adds the URL parameter to the end of the previous URL parameter and I get an error. Is there a simple piece of code to check the URL for the same parameter so that it will not just add it to the end.

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URL Parameters

I am calling an ASP page from JavaScript using<URL>?<few parameters>) parameters can be in Japanese so I am using encodeURI to encode it. In the ASP files I am using Response.Charset="UTF-8" and still when I check the URL with Request.QueryString it looks OK,however when I call Request("<parameter name>") I get the parameter value not in UTF8 format but in ISO-8859-1, does anyone familiar with
this? Is it a known bug with the Request object? Is there a way to force it to deal with the data as UTF-8?

Currently the only solution I have is to taker the value from QueryString and parse the whole URL by myself.

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Too Few Parameters

I am using the following code in asp to select some data from an access db. recSel is defined and set further up my webpage, as is rsUpdate User. I cannot work out how to get past this error message

Too few parameters. Expected 1.
Can anyone see the problem?

strSQL = "SELECT tblUserDetails.UserRecId, tblUserDetails.UserName, " _
& "tblUserDetails.UserPw, tblUserDetails.UserEmailAddress, " _
& "tblUserDetails.UserFirstName, tblUserDetails.UserSurname, " _
& "tblUserDetails.UserPhoneNo, tblUserDetails.UserCompany " _
& "FROM tblUserDetails" _
& " WHERE tblUserDetails.UserName =" & recSel

rsUpdateUser.Open strSQL, adoCon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

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Too Few Parameters

I've had this error before but it was for a different type of command. Does anyone know what this means in relation to the highlighted code or what I might need to do to work on fixing it? Code:

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I am trying to send the results of a form to a couple of email addresses, but it is not working. I am required to use a XSL file for this.

I usually don't have problems with sending the results of a form to email addresses because I don't use a XSL file or a complicated function. The XSL file is fine. It is the ASP page that has the problem. Can someone please help me with this? Code:

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Automated File Transfer

My team would like to use an ASP script to have an automatic transfer of files to our live server happen each evening at a predetermined time. I was looking on the web for a script but all I could find is user driven upload scripts.

Is there anything out there that will facilitate automatic uploads of several folders and files via ASP scripts?

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Transfer Cartarray To Database

I rescently have asked quite a lot of questions in this forum but I can't help it since I am still quite a newbee at ASP and sometimes just can't get behind a problem. So if somebody has got a solution please post it:

I now have a working cartarray and now want to transfer some of the data from the array into an access database table. Code:

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List Select Transfer

What i would like to be able to do is have two listboxes side by side, one will have all of the main categories and the second will have all of the sub categories in it.
I populate the first list by using this code:

<option value= "<% = rs("cat_id") %>"><% = rs("cat_name") %></option>

Now what i would like to do is when the user double clicks say the second item on the list, the listbox next to it will display all of the items that are under the main category they just double clicked on

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File Transfer System

I'm looking for an ASP (dotnet is alirght too) File Transfer system for use by internal employees and customers. I need to be able to control access to the system on a user and group basis and allow people to upload and download files.

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File Transfer Between Servers

Does anyone knows of a way to copy some file fro the server to another computer WITHOUT using ftp?

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File Transfer Script

I searched and searched at Google and couldn't find a thing that helped me here...

Many results found for "ASP Upload Script" but what I want is a "ASP Download Script".

In my website, I have a script that authenticates the user (login) and then checks a few informations. But what interests for this topic is what's called next: a file download page.

Of course I could simply ask the user to Save File As in a location I would inform him, but I would like to have a script that would do that for him. It gets the file from the server and transfers it to a default folder in the user's computer.

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Server.Transfer Between 2 Different Web Apps

I have 2 seperate web applications A and B. During the execution of A, I want to do a Server.Transfer to a page in application B. This works fine if A has a reference to B, but without the reference, I get the following error:

Parser Error


An error occurred during the parsing of a resource
required to service this request. Please review the
following specific parse error details and modify your
source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message:

Could not load type 'B.WebForm1'.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="B.aspx.cs"
AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="B.WebForm1" %>
Line 2: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
Line 3: <HTML>

Source File: c:inetpubwwwrootBB.aspx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032;
ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032

It seems to be looking for B.dll in the path for application A, and can't find it. Because of the specifics of this project I am unable to set a reference, or even include a <codeBase> element in the config file. Is there any way to force the runtime to look in the path of the target application instead of the launching app?

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FTP Transfer Messed Up My Code...

I transferred an asp page from a remote ftp backup server to my dedicated server. Upon opening the file in notepad there is obviously something gone awry. Every page there is supposed to be a newline there is a strange character that looks like a square 0, obviously some kind of code for a line break. Needless to say though the code is a mess void of any structure and is very hard to work on. Is there something in the FTP transfer that caused this?

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