Translating Entities

I'm using XMLHTTP to screen-scrape many thousands of pages of content as part of a data-structuring project. One issue that I'm running into is that some entities such as curly quotes and curly apostrophes do not translate properly; they're returned as question marks indicating an unidentified character.

I'm guessing the usual hack of writing a translate function doesn't work since the problem lies in the data being pulled down by XMLHTTP. Is there anything that can be done, short of using a different screen-scraping component? I intially used something called "ASPTear", but moved to XMLHTTP since it seems to return fewer errors in production.

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Decoding HTML Entities

How can I decode HTML entities?

I have an HTML tag as below?

<p> Will you help me ? </p>

I need to pick this tag in a variable in ASP, and decode the ? into it actual value. There can be a lot of codes like this, so I need a decoding function.

Can anyone help me in this regard? Does ASP provide this functionality?

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Translating Folders

My web site is entirely based on XML/XSL. Transformation of XML into HTML is a
server-side process. All my URLs are like this:
http://host/Application/?Document=AnyDoc&Chapter=3. There is only one script,
default.asp, in the root web that processes requests and displays HTML content
based on the query string.I'd like to intercept calls to http://host/Application/Catalog and translate into http://host/Application/?Document=Catalog before it is passed to the custom
error 404 handler. Can it be done - do I need a HTML filter or something?

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Translating ASP.NET Code To ASP 2.0

I'm trying to connect to an Analysis Services database using DSO within an ASP page. When DSO tries to connect to the database I get the following error: -

"Cannot connect to the Analysis server on computer 'MyServer'. Connection to the server is lost"

There is a Microsoft Knowledge Base Article (No. 823066) which provides a workaround for ASP.NET, but I can't find a workaround for ASP 2.0.

The workaround is as follows: -

To work around the problem, you must enable impersonation in the ASP.NET application. To do so, follow these steps:

To enable impersonation, add one of the following lines to the Web.Config file of the ASP.NET application:

<identity impersonate="true" userName="" password=""/>

<identity impersonate="true" />

To continue to use the impersonation token during and after the MTA to STA switch, add the following attribute to the <@Page> directive at the top of the HTML tab for the ASPX page:


Can anyone translate this into something that makes sense to ASP 2.0?

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Translating A Query From SQL

FROM eleve
WHERE (name Like 'j*' Or fname Like 'j*' Or email Like 'j*' Or interest Like 'j*');

guys this is the query writen in SQL The "J" is a request.form from a text field
who can i write it in asp if anyone can help me i would be thnakful i am stock on it.

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How To Convert Russian Chars To HTML Entities?

I have loads of text in russian chars that I need to put to a MySQL db (version is 3.23).

a) Is there some way to make MySQL db to accept russian chars?
b) If not, there must be ready-to-use functions to convert the russian chars to HTML-entities?

The site is done with ASP & VbScript, but of course JScript/Perl script based function suits well too. I've tried searching with Google too but thin results

The problem is that a person uses kind of a CMS where he/she can type different language versions of certain phrases. In practise there is a textarea type of field for all languages where he/she types the russian text which is then saved to a MySQL database.

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