Two Select Input Boxes

I have a Stored Procedure with a Where clause for a date range, I would like to know is it possible to add onto my Classic ASP two select input boxes for filtering my date column?

For instance filtering January 15, 2008 thru February 14, 2008. If so would you be able to show me what that might look like?My where clause starts on 01-01-2005 and end on a future date, for example 12-01-2040

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Input Boxes

I am in the process of writing a website which has an access database
and uses asp to access it. Part of the site is a search facility. I
have heard that it is possible for hackers to gain access to the
database by entering SQL in to the search box. First of all is this
possible? Secondly if it is possible, what sort of syntax should i be
checking for on the text entered in to the search field

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Ignoring Blank Input Boxes

i have created a database system for work but when you input job details you have to fill in every box i want it to be able to process and add the data to the database without having to have every box filled in. Here is the code:

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Form :: Make The Input Text Boxes Smaller Or Bigger

I am currently making a form in asp and when i make the text boxes they are all formatted to the same size, even if I use the width=*** to change the size? Is there another way to make the input text boxes smaller or bigger?

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Select Boxes

Does anyone know if there is a way to select an item in a select box by
typing the beginning of the word and it finds it in the list?
As an example:
Say I want to go to the item named "M1234" in the list.
When I type M it goes to the first "M" item.
When I type 1 it goes to the first "1" item.
Is there a way to make it go to the first "M1" item instead of jumping back
to the "1" item?
Is it even possible to do this in classic ASP?

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Several Select Boxes

I have 4 tables in my db which represent an county split up:
1 County split into 3 Divisions split into 2 Districts split into 10 Section
I have a query which pulls all the tables together to show every Section, its district, division, and county. Obviously, each Section only appears once each District 20 times and so on.I want to have 4 select boxes on my page which represent the break down:

county > division > district > Section

This is to enable a user, from any page, to filter the content of that page by whatever breakdown they wish.The question is how best to populate the 4 select boxes (well 3, county only has one option!)? I could have 4 queries on my page (4 hits to the db!), have one query and filter for each select box etc

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Select One Of The List Boxes

I have two list boxes . User can select multiple values from the lists. Is there a way I can force that the user can select from only one of the list boxes? Can I associate the radio button with the list so that as soon as user selects the radio button the other list box turns grey(not letting the user to select anything from that list).?

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Select Boxes And Asp JMail

The good news is that I have a code in place that allows all form data to be submited to me, everything displays except the select boxes data. I have tried to search for this and know that it must be do able as it is used on big company sites. Code:

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Moving Data Between Select Boxes

I have used ASP code to load data into two select boxes. The code below is used to move the selected data back and forth between the boxes.

I am having problems retreving the data from the boxes after the user has moved any of the data:

If the data has been moved by the below code; when i try and load the data back into the database i cannot retrieve the data using:

request.form("Clients1").item(1) and it will not show up using

If i dont move the data i can retrieve it using: Code:

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Create SQL String With Multiple Select Boxes

I am working with an ASP app that creates reports based on data in an SQL Server 200 database. There is a web form with select boxes for the user to select their criteria, and based on that an SQL SELECT statement is generated.

One of the requirements is that some fields need to be multiple selections. The output of these fields are in CSV format (One, Two, Three). These values are all alphanumeric, NOT just numeric....

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Dynamic Select In Input Form

I have a form which inputs info into a database. However what I would like is to populate a select box directly from the dbase. When the form is entered the field is updated along with all the other info.

I have enclosed two of my pages - I think I'm nearly there.

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Select Query According To User Input For A WebPage In C#.Net With SQL Server 2000

How to select query according to User Input for a WebPage in C#.Net with SQL Server 2000.I am trying to build a web page in C#.NET with SQL Server 2000 using Visual Web Developer 2005. I want to select and execute the query according to user input.

I have a form which has 2 textboxes which gets start date and end date from the user. Based on start/end date my 1st query runs. Now if user does not enter any start/end date I want to run another query which takes default dates from database(which is in varchar:ex. now()/now()-180) according to logged on user's permisstions.

How to select query ?

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Create Dynamic Input Names Or Input Fields In Asp

I have a little code to add multiple items to a shopping cart based
page. This code works perfect, but it adds all of the info to the
same input fields every time it loops. I need it to change the input
names each time it loops. Here is the code:

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How Can I Change One Line Input Field Into Larger Input Field

I have being working with making an edit field over the past few days. The edit function is now working fine. The edit fields that i have are for id, subject, notes, timedate.

All of the edit screens are one line text screens. What I want to do now is increase the size of the notes box to a larger textarea type box to make it easier to edit notes. The notes field in the db is a textarea field. Code:

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Drop Down Boxes

I have a form that will add a device to a database. What I am having a problem with is that I have two drop down boxes. One is a building number and the other one is a room name. Because there are many room names that are the same in many of the buildings and some room names that are not in all of the buildings, I have created a table called buildings and another table called rooms.
I have a drop down menu that displays all the building numbers and what I want to be able to do is when I select the specific building number, another dropdown box appears showing all the room names for that specific building. I also what to be able to keep the information already on the form intact. As an example, a user puts in information on the form such as the machine name, username and then selected a building name, which would then show the rooms in that specific building, maintaining the information of the machine name and username on the form. There are seven items on the form, which the user must include prior to submission of the form.

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Three Check Boxes

I am trying to create a database submition type interface which is dependant on the selection of three check boxes. The form contents will always be the same type of information;;; name address etc. The user must decide which db to write their details to.. So if check box one is selected then it writes to database a. If the other two are individually selected then the script will write the form details to another database b and c. If all three are selected then the script will write to all three databases a b and c .
Is it as simple as creating three connection strings and assigning them to variables

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Two Text Boxes


If request("bMarketTypes") <> "" AND request("bMarketArea") <> "" Then
Response.Write "types and area<br />"
Elseif request("bMarketArea") <> "" Then
Response.Write "area<br />"
Elseif request("bMarketTypes") <> "" Then
Response.Write "types<br />"
End If

I have two text boxes,so the possible combination both are checked,OR one is checked and the other isn't, or vice versa.Why won't this code work then?

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ASP Text Boxes

I have a text box that i need to check for illegal characters. I only want to have 2 numbers allowed in them, with no letters or ( . , ' ; / ? [ etc.

how could i read the input to a string and check each character entered one by one?

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Dropdown Boxes

When I write code to populate a dropdown box with all fields from a column in a table, it populates all but the first record. And then automatically sets this missing record as the record to be sent, no matter which record I select. Has anyone seen this issue before.

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Message Boxes

Is there anyway to do a message box in asp with vbscript to make an alert box appear like in javascript.

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2 List-boxes With Add

I would like to create a page with VBscript and ASP which will contain two list-boxes one in the left side and the other in the right side with two buttons namely "Add>>" and "<<Remove" so that if the user selects a value listed in the left side list-box and presses "Add>>" then that selected value should go inside the right side list-box.

Similarly if the user selects a value listed in the right side list-box and after clicking "<<Remove" then that selected value should go back to the left side list-box.
provide me the code?

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Information Boxes

how the information boxes pop up when you mouse over a link? For instance in this forum, when you mouse over the Title of the thread, an information box pops up with the entire message. I assume that is Javascript, but does anyone know where I can find more information on this?

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Combo Boxes

I am setting up an ASP page using a combo box ...
Request: ... The user select a date from the pull down list and on
selection of that date another box or window will populate with the
corresponding data from that same record in the database..

I guess I am looking for an "On Selection event" type feature
Something that will cause an event to happen based on the selection
from the combo box and not have the user to press enter to get the
corresponding results.

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Check Boxes

Say i have a table with check boxes for every row. I would like to have a feature where when the user clicks the checkbox the column background color changes like the one in hotmail and yahoo mail.

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Set Drop Down Boxes

I have been looking through the forum trying to find an example but with no luck! I have three drop down boxes for displaying a date i.e. day, month, year. I have an edit page which I want to allow the user to update their details. When the choose to edit their page the date stored in the database is split into the three values i.e. day, month, year.

I want to set the selected property for each of the three drop downs boxes based on the date already stored. My question is "Is this possible?" or do I just have to display the dropdowns with default values selected i.e. 1 Jan 1970.

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List Boxes

I have two forms on one page. Form A only has a list box, lbox1, in it that is pulling its values via a stored procedure. Form B has a bunch of other stuff on it. What I want to do is hide Form B until a value is selected in lbox1. How do I accomplish this?

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Drop Down Boxes And Sessions

I have a form, all the drop down boxes are populated from fields in tables in a database ive made. This part is working fine. The fields are for IT components and each one has a price in a seperate field.

Im trying to store the price to a session when the user selects. When the page loads and the drop down lists are populated I am loading the price values in also but not displaying them. So far my code for it is this: Code:

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Question On Drop Down Boxes

I am creating a search form on my website. The user will be able to search via zip code, county or state. If the user selects the state option from the drop down box, I would like another dropdown box to appear on the page with all the states listed. I think you have to use javascript but i'm not sure.

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Multiple Check Boxes

I have this form which the user will fill online.Now the form has 3 checkboxes giving a user the option of selecting which person/persons out of the three listed should get the form email when he hits submits.

So the form has three checkboxes and each checkbox will have a name of a person next to it.The user just needs to check it (one name or all names out of three) and after he hits enters a mail shud go to the respective selected people.I was thinking of using CDONTS to send mail..but i cant figure out how i shud do it with this mutliple checkbox scenrio?

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Getting Text From Option Boxes

ok i need to get the text from an option box? i know you can do it with java script but it would make my life a lot easier if you can get it using asp. don't know if there is a method out there or what. any ideas?

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Forms And Text Boxes

I have a form and some of the text boxes are being filled in from a search from another form. Go to this link to see the code for the form page: Code:

I want the user to see the info in the first four text boxes that are populated by the database and I want this info. to be submitted with this form, but I don't want them to be able to change or edit the info. in these populated boxes. Just want them to fill out the rest of the unpopulated boxes.

This form submits to an asp page that processes the form data and sends it to an email. how can i do this?

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Populating Drop Down Boxes

im looking at populating a drop down box with database values when a user selects a value from another drop down box.I have a drop down list that populates from database values, it is a list of manufactures. When a user selects a manufacture i want it to display all the systems for that manufacture which will be stored in a table. I understand that because asp is server side that once an option is selected the page would have to submit and then load the values in.

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Dynamic Text Boxes

i have been asked to create text boxes dynamically on a web site, the user can click a button and a new set of text boxes will appear. The user can add as many boxes as many times as he wants, I have created the text boxes already using the following code.

function inserttextboxs() {
var tab = document.getElementById("Difference")

var tr = tab.insertRow()
var tc = tr.insertCell("") tc.innerHTML = '< input type=text id=text1 name=text1>';


The problem is I don't if this how I should be doing it when I submit the form all the elements have the same id, I need to create something with unique id's so I can retrieve the different values

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