Typing In The Direct Path

If you have a directory of pdf files, how can you prevent someone from typing in www.yoursite/pdf_folder/some_file.pdf and getting that file? You could write a login script but if they know the path to the pdf, they could get it. I want to prevent people from doing this.

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Direct To A Path Thats Back

Basically I have something that needs to be installed in the htdocs in order for me to use it - however i need to be able to access something thats in the private dir on the same dir.

Dirs go like

obv Const DB_FOLDER_PATH = "/whateverftp/private/" wouldn't work, what would I put in there in order to gain access to the private dir?

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Typing Tutorial

anyone has an idea how to make a typing tutorial using ASP?
that will compute the Words per minute, characters per minute
and the errors

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Typing Text Without Tags

I do not want end-users to have problems with tags such as <p> and <br> etc when they type onto the website.Text is being stored in an Access Database into a "memo" field. I am just interested in the basic line breaks to make their text easier to read.

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Re-direct In Asp

I am using server side javascipt and want to do a redirect to another asp page passing parameter values using the POST method. This redirect needs to occur if an else statement in my code is reached. I need to have a function which does this redirect to the other asp page, passing the parameters via POST.

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../ar-inc.top.asp"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Asp.net Direct Mailing

can i directly mail to hotmail or yahoo acount with any asp.net code.

i have an example like above but i need smtp adress for hotmail, i tried it for smtp.mail.yahoo.com but it didnt work and "authentication required" error accured

here is the code: ....

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ASP Re-direct Question...

I have an asp page which basically takes some data from a previous
page form and inserts the data to my database and then does a
re-direct to:

Response.Redirect "JS_Create.asp"

On this page is just an animated logo saying something like 'Loading
Data ....'

On this asp page JS_Create.asp I have another re-direct handled by a
timer to go to JobSheet.asp.

The idea is that the user enters data into the form, if the form is
validated correctly, they are transferred to the next page which tells
them the data is loading. They are held there for say 3 to 5 seconds
and then transferred to the final page JobSheet.asp.

The code I have on JS_Create.asp for the timed re-direct is: Code:

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Direct Access

I have a web site in asp where I do not want the users to
directly type in the URL
of some pages in the browser. For e.g. the main page
is 'index.asp' and depending on
the users resolution either 'mypage1024.asp' or
page 'my800.asp' would open up in the
What I want is that no user should be able to directly
access the page by typing in
the URL www.mysite.com/page1024.asp or
www.mysite.com/800.asp. If a user
tries to access these pages directly then they should be
forcefully redirected to the
home page www.mysite.com/index.asp and this page would
check the resolution
and load the 'mypage1024.asp' or 'mypage800.asp' depending

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Navigation Direct

I have used ASP to force a user to log on to a page prior to allowing them to see a page including images. However, once a person knows the URL to the image on its own a person can type in that full URL and see the image, without being logged in.

For example, password login required to get to:

But, you can navigate straight to:

how to prevent a user going to the picture directly?

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Direct To Anchor Tag

I have a page with a div tag styled in this div is a list of projects pulled from a db.

text-align: middle;
clear: both;
overflow: auto;
width: 95%;
height: 175px;

This means that the content in the div tag when larger than the div height has a scroll bar at the side to view all the projects. Once the projects area displayed there is a image at the end of each row that when clicked goes to the db and pull back reports for that project. This is all done by passing vars in the querystring pulling info from the db and writing out the appropriate code. Code:

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Direct Connection

i have uploaded my files and now it comes up with a 500 error message. what i did was when i started bulding the site i used dreamveaver and its dsn connection and its features but now i need to change the dsn connection on the relevant pages to direct connection and i am very very confused how i will do this and as an amature i need help. to start of my default.asp uses dsn conection can you show me all the sections i need to change.i have attached a txt file that contains all the code in my default.asp page.

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Direct Print

I ám looking for print function in ASP and/or Javascript which can print without pop up the page just as desktop application did. so when you click the print button it will directly print without open a page.

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Page Direct

i was hoping to include a 'page direct' function into this if-then statement below. I want the user who is logged into the session to be directed automatically to the purchase.asp page. I know the goto statement is wrong here. Any suggestions on what I should be using unstead?

if session("name") <> "" then
goto "purchase.asp"
response.write "You must log in to buy views.<p>"
end if

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Direct User After LOGIN

I have a page that logs the user in (the code will be below). When they log in correctly, or even incorrectly, they get directed to default.asp. The login is working correctly however because when I log in with a false name and password I cannot proceed to checkout. How can i direct the user (ONCE they are signed in correctly) to a customer page(custpage.asp) instead of my homepage(default.asp)? Code:

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Conditional Page Re-direct

I have a 'primary' intranet website and a 'secondary' backup of this site as
well. I would like to programmatically have the effect that if the
primary site is (page not found 404) not available, for it to access the
secondary site or at least be able to add a message with (or instead of) the
404 error dialog that the primary site is down and give the user a link to
the alternative (secondary) site.

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Make A Direct Connection

i want to make a direct connection to my SQL server 2000 database without using Data Sources (ODBC) like on access. Code:

et db=server.createobject("ADODB.connection")
db.open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ="+server.mapPath ("db1.mdb"))

so anybody have an idea about the code>?

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Direct User To The URL They Requested After Login

I have an email containing link say (somelink.asp) A user clicks on this link (say from outlook). because this user is not logged into the site, the request goes to somelink/login.asp.

The user then logs in. After successful login I would like to take this user to the link he clicked on originally. Is this possible without having to pass the lionk url as part of the query string?

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Disable Direct Link Download

Is there a way where I can prevent people from downloading a file using a direct link (or bookmarked) (i.e. http://www.myfile.com/file.csv)? I want my user to log in with their email address so I can keep track of who downloads my files and when.

I already wrote a filedownload.asp file already which tracks and logs users who downloads the file. But I made a mistake in giving out the direct links to people already. So now people are using that direct link which bypasses filedownload.asp file. If there are any techniques on doing this.

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"Intelligent" Re-direct Errorpage

I changed domains on a site - I would like a re-direct errorpage script that re-directs from:


To new:


Is this possible? (all page ids are the same in the old and new). As it is now, I just have a simple re-direct that goes to the mainpage no matter which page people are coming from.

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Pic Path

help on the correct "url" or path of pictureds to be appended in the database

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Asp Path

i'm working on uploading images to the webserver.Got a "test" version working, but as soon as i try to modify it.on my server i've got an Upload folder in the same folder as my aspUpload page.the path connection is as follows:Code:

sPath = Server.MapPath(".Uploads") & ""

but now i don't want it saved in the Uploads folder.The folder path i want is ../../../images/models/

how do i modify the above code to this path?

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DB Path

Main folder is "Web". In the "WEB" folder some asp file resides. another folder named "Admin" also reside in the "WEB" folder. My DB resides in the DB folder that is outside of the "WEB" folder and on the same root where "WEB" folder is.

I have a file named Connect.asp which contains the path for DB. I have included this file in both user files (which are simply in web folder) and in the administrator files. But when the admin tries to log-in the file didn't read the appropriate path as it finds the DB in the WEB folder. But it works fine when i communicate with the DB through user files.

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Path Error

I want to write logfiles to a textfile. But when the file doesn't exist, then the file should be created. But the code gives an error at this part of the code. I have no idea of what the mistake could be. Here's the code:

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Get Cookie Path

Is it possible to get the physical path of a cookie? (C:Document and SettingsmyLoginCookies)

Because I need "myLogin" (the Windows Login), and I can't get with request.ServerVariables("logon_user") or ("author_user") or whatever...

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I'm writing an ASP validation script that uses a cookie that is created by a user validation page and has a single value. This site will be used only under Internet Explorer 5 and more recent.

My problem is that the page called after the cookie creation can't read the cookie unless I set the Cookie.Path attribute to "". All the documentation that I found about it is very brief, don't explain how it really works and if there's any kind of "side effects". An even stranger fact is that some people of my team can read the cookie without setting the Cookie.Path attribute.

Can anyone tell me how the Cookie.Path really works or witch browser settings make it needed (or not)?

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Mapping Path In Asp

I have created my asp pages in "D:/test" . This i have created as a virtual directory.
i am having some files in "D:/download/cont/somename" From the asp page i want to access the files in the d:/download/cont/somename folder. Here somename changes according to username. i.e first i want to check whether this path is valid and then get all the files from it but its giving me the following error

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0174 (0x80004005)
An invalid '/' or '' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
/test/contractsfile.asp, line 11

somename = Request.cookies("username")
source = ".. est" & "/download/cont/" & somename
if fs.folderexists(server.MapPath(source)) ---------------------------> line 11

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ASP Uploader Path

I'm developing an asp uploader to upload word documents, but having problems getting it to upload, I think it may be a path problem.

Here's the code:

Dim rs_upload
Dim rs_upload_numRows
Set rs_upload = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_upload.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_watershed_STRING
rs_upload.Source = "SELECT * FROM tbl_upload"
rs_upload.CursorType = 0
rs_upload.CursorLocation = 2
rs_upload.LockType = 1
rs_upload_numRows = 0

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Path Variable

I'm trying to concatenate a path of Application("WebSiteFullPath") which
equals http://www.mywebsite.com/ and an image file like CODE below. My
problem is the full path listing in RESULTS below adds an extra " quote and
obviously breaks the path to the image. How can I script the quotes to not
add the extra double quote between my website path variable and my image

Response.Write "<img border=""0"" src=""" &
Application("WebSiteFullPath") & """images/edit.gif"" width=""15""

<img border="0" src="http://www.mywebsite.com/"images/edit.gif" width="15"

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ASP Uploader Path

I'm developing a content management system that uses a file uploader. The uploader works fine and uploads the file when using a mac computer, but doesn't upload the file when using a PC. I am thinking this is a path issue??

Here's the path in the uploader script:

File.SaveToDisk "D:/virtuals/cwh/victorbernard/restigoucheriverwatershed_ca/web/download/"

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Could Not Find Path

if i use the physical path where the database is located then my code works fine
such as ("e:folderabc.mdb")

but when i use the server.mappath("abc.mdb") , i get error

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Missing Path

My error is as follows:

Server.MapPath()error 'ASP 0171 : 80004005'

Missing Path

/raven/aspBoardFunctions.asp, line 19 The Path parameter must be specified for the MapPath method. Code:

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Download Path

While my wwwroot is under C:inetput, how can I make URL pointing to the
downloadable files on D:downloadmyfile?
Do I have to use download COM? If yes, which one is recommended for free?

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