Unix Apache ODBC To MS SQL

I need to access a database on a MS SQL Sever from my unix apache web server.I would preferably want to continue to use ASP rather than go to PHP or Perl - I know that I need to build unixODBC on the web box, but do I need to do anything else other than reference the SQL server in unixODBC?

Has anyone used unixODBC? The console & CLI seem fairly self-explanatory... Do you need extra drivers to connect to a MS SQL box? Can I still use the same server.createobject & ADODB statements in my ASP code? Or do they need to change? Syntax etc?

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Interfacing With UNIX

I need to do is display results of a command I run in UNIX, for example:

In the ASP page I'd have a textbox in which the user would type an UNIX command like "cat unixFile", after the user hits the "Execute Button" the results would be displayed in another textbox.

Basically my question is, how can I login to an UNIX server from ASP, send UNIX commands and capture the result?

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Directory On Unix

Is there a way to create directories using vb or jscript in IIS to a unix machine? I want to have the aility to upload files through my Win2k Web Server, and have those files stored on my Mac OS X Server under new directories based on date and Upload ID's from the Db.

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ASP And Unix Web Hosting

Simple quesion: Can you run ASP pages on a Unix server?

I am trying to learn "include files" and before I go any further I need to know if it can be used on a Unix server. IF NOT, what would be my options?

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On Unix / Linux

I'm working on a proof of concept for ASP. I've already done it using Windows 2k server, IIS, using open source [no initial cost involved]. I'm looking to doing the same using a linux box. Does anyone know if this can be done without buying any additional tools?

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Running On UNIX

i have got someone who is interested in moving a ASP site to my hosting setup but my host is a UNIX platform. Actually i can see no reason for his site to be ASP cause it looks like a flat html site with .asp encoded pages.I just wondered what the experts think of running ASP on UNIX.

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Convert A File From Unix To DOS

In my pages i have to read a text file which is created in Unix format through my asp code. The problem is that the readline command reads the whole file and not line by line as the file is in Unix format. Is there a way to convert it using asp code and then read it or any other solution to this problem?

As the file is created by an application not controlled by myself it is impossible to force the application developer to do this job so i have to do it during runtime. So what are your suggestions?

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Unix Time Stamp

I am trying to replicate the Unix Timestamp,specifically the function
mktime() in Vbscript, ASP. I have the following so far:

ThisTime = DateSerial(2004, 9, 27) + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0)
response.write DateDiff("s", "12/31/1969 00:00:00", ThisTime)

This returns the timestamp: 1096329600, and when you decode that it comes
to: 27 Sep 2004 20:00. I want to set the time too, ie. show for example: 27
Sep 2004 16:15

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Execute Unix Script

Please tell me how to execute a unix shell script from ASP?

Is it possible to pass the user id and password for the unix server as call parameters?

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Run On Unix/Linux Software

Will ASP run on Unix/Linux software like Apache or Red Hat? If so what needs to be done to do this?

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Oracle Database On Unix Box

I'm new to ASP so please forgive my ignorance. Our IT department says that there is no way that what I suggest can be done. I disagree because it should be possible (if not there is a massive hole in the market), but don't have the technical knowledge to back myself.

We have an Windows/IIS web server for our public website. Internally for our intranet we have a Unix box with and Oracle database. What I want to know is: Is it possible to query that database from the windows server using ASP? Are there any clients/COM/APIs etc that this would require? Can anyone direct me to a webpage that has more info?

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Accessing LINUX/Unix LDAP

I currently use ADO (adoConn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject") to access user information in the domain Active Directory. I want to expand my application to be able to access user information in other LDAP compatable user lists (LINUX or UNIX for example). I did some
searching on deja.com (google groups) and microsoft's newsgroups, but couldn't find anything.

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Win2k Asp Connection To Data Source On Unix

i'm trying to use an odbc driver to connect from an asp page to a data source (dbase) on unix sunsolaris. is this poss?

the driver is installed though i cant seem to do it through dreamweaver ultradev - can i do it through the ftp connection?

what would i input as the source on the following to initiate the connection in the asp page?

"Provider= "MSDASQL"; Data Source= server name ?
"Database=test;User ID=sa;Password=blabla"

or how would i do it using the followign as an include file ? Code:

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i'm all over the place with my style. I began using IIS, asp, mysql, windows... now im interested in using apache, asp.net, mysql, windows... apache because of the security, mysql because obviously i love it to death, asp.net because it's something new i can learn...windows because im kinda scared of the linux hyped.... is there any fall back to my new config??? ASP.net will work with apache (sooner or later)... read more about it on go-mono.com.

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ASP & Apache

Develpe a site using ASP and testing it locally using Apache. Unfortunately when it calls the asp files they are only shown as text .... what am i doing wrong? Put when I test the same files in Personal Web Server they work perfectly.

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IIS Vs Apache

IIS for 2000 Pro and XP pro have some limitations built in.

For example, you can not configure multiple sites, and
they do not support SMTP. Also, the performance may
suffer. I've heard rumors that IIS for Pro/XP is limited
to 10 concurrent users.

You do not need CALs (user licenses) for people accessing
your web site via the internet/intranet. The CALs are for
users connecting locally (via your LAN/WAN). Code:

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Which version of Apache works (2.0 and higher?) Do you need a certainoperating system? Any additional software needed?

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Asp On Apache

have problem to install asp on apache 2 Linux.Follow guidelines at URL.I see that mod_perl is working but something wrong with httpd.conf I think.Get error when try to run

<Files ~ (^.asp)>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlModule Apache::ASP
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global .
PerlSetVar StateDir /tmp/asp

Have Perl 5.61 installed

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Asp And Apache

I have apache and php4 installed and working. Now I want to try asp applications using apache...

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Apache 2.0

I have installed apache2.0 downloaded from apache.org a while ago. Now I want to host some ASP pages as well. what is the easiest methos to install the ASP module in the current apache 2.0.

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Apache How-to

I run a personal web server using Apache. I've got Perl, PHP and MySQL all working great. But I'm confused about how to implement ASP ... could someone simply point me in the right direction?

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Can ASP run on Apache. If yes, how do you configure them to each other?

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Run ASP On Apache

My IIS keeps crashing again and again and it is a real pain to maintain it. I googled and found an apache module to run ASP pages but that module is not provided for apache 2.x .. does anybody know a better web server to run ASP other than IIS or any FREE method to run ASP on APache?

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ASP.net And Apache

I have an Apache environment set up locally, and it's supporting PERL and PHP and MySQL no problem. But I can't get ASP.net to work... or find any information about it anywhere. is this because microsoft are determined to do things their way? I have downloaded the .net framework thing, but I don't know where to go from there.

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how can i make asp files work in Apache2 n i m runnin win2000.

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Does Macromedia MX support ASP on Apache with MySql. Below is output of installed modules on my Linux server.

Apache::ASP Apache::ASP::State
Apache::ASP::Request Apache::ASP::Request Apache::ASP::Server
Apache::ASP Apache::ASP Apache::ASP:ate
Apache::ASP::CollectionItem Apache::ASP::CollectionItem Apache::ASP
Apache::ASP::Application Apache::ASP::Application Apache::ASP::GlobalASA
Apache::ASP::CGI Apache::ASP::CGI Apache::ASP::Session
Apache::ASP::Lang:erlScript Apache::ASP::Lang:erlScript

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Running In Apache

is thier any way to run ASP files in apache just like php????? if yes how?

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How To Move Asp From IIS To Apache ?

I have asp pages running on IIS of XP prof.
I want to move to the apache web server

Can anyone explain how to do that?

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Apache/Linux Box

Is there any way to get ASP to work on a Linux box with apache and ensim?

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Restart Apache

is it possible to restart apache from asp? the asp, of course, is running on the apache. it seems impossible to me, but.....of course, that is exactly what i am supposed to do. my asp script edits the config files, and i want the changes to take place immediately after i edit the files.

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Installing Apache::asp

I have installed apache on my computer to test php scripts. What do I now need to do to also run asp scripts? Do I have to install apache::asp or can I load a module that runs with my current apache?

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Apache Support ASP. Net

Is it possible to configure Apache to work with ASP.Net? If so, how do i do it?otherwise, do i have to use IIS for ASP?

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ASP On Tomcat/Apache ?

Does anyone know of a mod that I can run on Tomcat/Apache that will run ASP Scripts? I dont want to re-develop everything into JSP.

I do know of Chilisoft, but they were bought out be Sun and now you have to use Sun web server which will only run on Solaris, we are using Win 2003.

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