Upload Data From Excel Sheet

how to upload data from excel sheet in particular row & column?

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Reading Data From Excel Sheet

I have a master table employee , which contains the details of employees .

i have to upload the the data to this table from thye excel sheet by using asp.

that is -- what i have to do is , I have to provide a interface to browse the the excel sheet by user , afetr browsing the sheet user will submit the page and i have to read all the rows of excel sheet and update the table . if id exists in the table , then update the data otherwise append the data . Code:

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Excel Sheet

I am new to asp.net and would like to know the easiest way to view an Excel
file in my asp app.

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may i know how to get got how many EXCEL sheet?i insert sheet1's data to MSSQL SERVER, but i wan to check whether sheet2 have any data onot. If have,then insert to db,else check next sheet.

step 1.
check how many SHEET in excel

step 2.
check each sheet whether have data onot.

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Updating An Excel Sheet

Is it possible for a client to update an excel worksheet sheet online ?

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Reading An Excel Sheet

I'm using this code in ASP that reads an excel sheet going across. But at time I want to read the excel sheet by going up or down. Is there a way to do this using this code or another? Code:

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Simulate Excel Sheet

anybody can help me simulate excel sheet interface in asp and when i make changes to the excel sheet can i save it back to the database using the excel asp changes.

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Excel Sheet Under Javascript ASP

I tried to create an Excel sheet under the ASP and got the following error. I have all the permissions for the folder.

Error Type:
Microsoft JScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied
/createExcel.asp, line 313

var myApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); (This is line 313)

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Reading From Excel Sheet

i just need to read data from excel sheet through asp page .

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Stream Excel Sheet

got stalled at at point that i can no longer get my thoughts together.the point, is in classic asp, stream an excel file from a firebird database.temporarly save it if necessary,stream it to the browser,delete the temp file

on googling, i found some examples but all assuming that the file is locally present.
on the other hand, i beleive that is possible to stream the binary file and the save it locally to then present it to the browser, but i can't figure out how.

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Viewing Excel Sheet

I am wanting to display a sheet from an excel file. I dont need to change/update it, just a simple display. Somthing like the 'Print Preview' you get in excel (that would be perfect).

i cant display the top row of the excel file. also if i try and access a cell that is empty i get an error. I need to display all cells from A1 - G60 if they have data in them or not.

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Recalc Excel Sheet

I've got an application which manipulates data in a spreadsheet using ADODB.RecordSets. This works great and I am able to update the spreadsheet with no problems. However, it doesn't "recalc" the sheet even though the sheet is set for automatic calculation. Is there a way to get the sheet to "recalc"?

I've seen statement like obj.Caculate, but I get an error if I try to use statements like Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application"), so "calculate" doesn't work. Can I send it some keystrokes or get another procedure to kick off calculation?

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Excel Spread Sheet

I've read all about file uploads but i can skip that part. I'll be physically placing the excel sheet on the server for now. Each spread sheet will have the same number of columns and will match up. I need to transfer that to a matching table in my database.

i want to take the spread sheet and make it a comma separated list in notepad. i wanna take that and loop through it inserting each record as I go or something to that affect that won't take as long.

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Import Excel Sheet Into Access

I using ASPupload to upload the file to the sever but what asp code do i then use to import the data in to my table?

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Display Part Of An Excel Sheet

I am trying to create an asp that will display part of an excel sheet. I have many hundered excel files and i want a page to view them.

the excel files do NOT have any header rows, i can't change the worksheets, is there any way i can display the contents of a work sheet? I have tried many ways but i seem to always have a problem displaying the top row.

all the excel files have been created using excel 97 if it makes any difference
is there any way of doing this?

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Uploading Excel Sheet Into Oracle Db Table

i'm tryin to develop a webpage using classic ASP wherein the user can upload an excel sheet into an Oracle db table with the excel columns correspondin wit the oracle table columns.

i hv come across many ready made libraries/solutions that almost serve the purpose but they didnt work for me since most solutions wud populate the entire excel data into one column of the table. I wud like to know if anyone has a solution tht im lookin for specifically.

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Populate Table From XML Or Excel Sheet On ASP Page?

Does anyone know where I can find an easy example of how to read an Excel or XML file and automatically populate a table on a ASP page?

I want to create an asp page that has a table on it that reads from a XML or Excel file so I can update the file and the table information changes accordingly. I know this has to be somewhat simple but I cant seem to find any exmaples. I probably am not searching the right keywords or something.

Any suggestions on where to find an example script to do this?

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Excel Worksheet Gets Renamed As As .xls[Sheet When You Open It From ASP

I am using ASP to open a excel file.

I've noticed that Internet Explorer adds a number in square brackets to files downloaded from the internet and opened directly (i.e. by clicking 'Open' and not 'Save'). This creates a big problem with downloading Excel spreadsheets as square brackets are not a valid filename character inside Excel worksheet name.

When I click open, it opens the excel sheet with the sheet name
as .xls[Sheet and the excel filename as Sheet[1].xls.

Then we get the following error....

While renaming a sheet or chart, you entered an invalid name. Try one of
the following:

- Make sure the name you entered does not exceed 31 characters.
- Make sure the name does not contain any of the following characters:
: / ? * [ or ]
- Make sure you did not leave the name blank.

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Junk Characters In Downloaded Excel Sheet(.csv) File

We have an issue where we need to allow the user to download Japanese data into an excel sheet in CSV(Comma separated value) format.

But the Japanese data comes as junk in the excel sheet,the Unicode format is not being set.

The code in the asp page is as follows,you can put this code in a .asp file and call this from the URL.

It asks for the file download,and when you download, the japanese characters comes as junk in the excel sheet. Code:

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Export Data To Multiple Sheet

when user click a button data will be fetched from database based upon condition and it will be exported to multiple sheets of a single excel work book. what I am doing, onclick of button in main page, I am invoking a new asp page through document.location.href=test.asp.

In test.asp page created a instance of excel.applicaion and then fetching data from backend and putting data to different workbook cells of the the excel and at the end making excel.visible=true but the problem is excel file not getting visible on client machine.

But when I remove some server side code and put the rest of code inside vbscripting tag in the main asp page then the excel file becomes visible on client machine. I am not getting the where the problem lies in the first part .

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Upload Excel With Macros Using HTML File Upload

We face problems uploading excel (with macros) documents using HTML
File Upload.

The file contents are corrupted while viewing the same. However, we
are able to upload excel (w/o. macros) documents successfully. Is
there anything we have to take care of, while handling uploads of
excel documents with macros?

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Excel Upload

We are inserting data from Server side excel into database using Jet Engine. We are fetching all the records from excel using RecodSet.open "Select * from [Sheet1$]" everything is fine here except the order is getting changed in the database.

Is there any way to handle that as we wanted in the same order as it is in Excel.

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Simple Excel Upload ASP.NET

A user submits a .xls file via upload, this file can be opened by anyone but not saved.

Must be readable by non- MS office users.

I don't need any databinding or linking, I just need the .xls viewable on a ASP.NET page.

Also, I need to archive the submissions.

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Excel Upload Issue

From asp application we upload an dynamic excel to the server from where the data from Excel is getting inserted into Database.

But when the 1st row of teh excel is a number the remaining values in the same column are treated as number. So if there are any value in % comes that is converted into a decimal number & getting stored in Database. Code:

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Upload Excel File And Transfer To SQL

I am trying to figure out how to allow a person to select a file on their local machine and then read that file and transfer the data into SQL.

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Upload An Excel File Into MS Access DB

I am trying to upload an excel file into MS access dB using ASP and its not working.

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Upload Excel File To Asp Program

I will develop a program to enroll a group of people on-line. Since we don't have number limitation for the people in the group. I am wondering if there is any company allow people to upload an excel sheet which contains data about the people in the group and the asp program can import the data into the program direclty, so the customer don't have to type each person's info individual sin it's error prone and time consuming for a group having many people.

I believe there are some securities concerns there and almost think isn't dorable, but just want to get some experts' opinions.

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Use Asp To Open An Excel File And Upload To The Database

I want to provide a function using asp for the users to search for their excel files in their PCs in IE and then upload to my database.

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Upload Excel File To Server Without Using Third Party Components

How do i upload excel files to the server from the client browser without using any third party components. My server runs on NT server. And I am coding in ASP( Vbscript).

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Upload Data Using VB

I have a web site and it has Access db and i want to make a VB program to send data from offline db(Application made using Access) to the website database . I don't want to upload the whole database file (.mdb), because there are more than one branch for the company will do the same .

So I need to send only the content of table in offline db to online db. I think there is nothing to this using Access itself so i need to do it using vb, Is this true and if so how can i do it ?

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Upload The Data

I want to download and upload the data from acess database into excel file or from excel to database. So how can i use "Excel.Application" to do this type of job.

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Upload File & Get Data

i'm trying to upload a file & get data from the form at the same time no problem with the upload section only with the data that is in binary style.

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ADO Data Into Web Excel?

Is it possible to write out the contents of a database into an exel-type
spreadsheet within an asp page?

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