Upload The Entire CD Volume Into Server

im using a asp file uploader to upload my file into a dedicated server. my uploader can only upload a file once a time. but my concern is if i want to upload the entire CD volume into server, i still have to locate the file in the cd one by one, is there any way or coding to allow entire cd volume to be upload at once?

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Upload Entire CD Volume To Server

I'm currently doing a project that allow user to upload file to and download file from a server. my asp page funtion as file uploader can only upload a file at a time, and now the problem is when i try to upload an entire cd volume from a cd to a server, what i can do is just browse to individual file and upload it. i know that there's a virtual drive that does this function. but the project is host in intranet mode, so every user is accessing the server. and the virtual drive for server cost a lot. so can i know outside there's any coding or example or solution can help me with this upload entire cd volume problem?

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Upload An Entire Folder?

I'm trying to write a function that allows a user to upload photos (like a photo album). I currently use AspSmartUpload as my upload component - but I only know how to upload one file at a time. Does anyone know if it's possible to upload an entire folder at once, or will the user only be able to upload one photo at a time?

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Upload Entire Directory

I'm developing a site under IIS and ASP. I want some help into a free solution to upload the content of an entire folder, even subfolders, to a web server from a client. It can be used ActiveX, COM or other type of components.

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Upload Entire Folder Using ASPUpload

I use ASPUpload as a component to allow users to upload images to website. I did not find on ASPUpload.com website clear explanation on how to upload entire folder of images to website.

1) Is it possible to do using ASPUpload?

2) Could you recommend me other sites, articles etc to read about this problem (with code samples)? Or could you provide me an example of code samples.

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Download Entire Folder From Server

I am unable to downlaod entire folder at a time from the server using ASP i.e. all the files and sub-directory in that folder at a time, not by downloading individual files one by one .

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Large Volume Of Text

I am creating a dynamic website using ASP and an MS Access backend DB. I am a little confused with how to go about things and am now facing the following problem. I want a large volume of text to be loaded dynamically on my page but don't really understand how i should be storing this text as the database fields will only hold a max 255 chars.

Obviously this is not large enough to store all of the text i may need and so where should i be storing the text? The only idea i had was storing the text in an external text file to which i point to with the database field (i.e. database holds the path to the txt instead of the actual text itself).....is this possible? or more to the point is there a better way? How would this normally be accomplished?

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Copy Or Upload File From Server To Ftp Server

I want to copy or upload a file from server say some lanserver to ftp server through ftp. Is it possible.

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Upload Doc To SQL Server DB

I am creating an asp page with a "browse" feature and would like my visitors to upload Word and PDF documents via this form into a SQL database. Is this possible to do? Also to give them a choice to delete files from the DB as well (from the asp page).

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Upload Dbf To SQL SERVER

I want to use web (ASP) connect SQL SERVER and Upload file dbf (fox2.6) to SQL SERVER. How I can do connect and upload.

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Get Entire URL

How do I get the entire URL?

<a href="trackingpage.asp?id=100&r=http://www.somesite.com?sc=news&art=45">Link</a>

On trackingpage.asp
vTrackingInfo = request.querystring("id")
vRedirectPage = request.querystring("r")

problem is the &art=45 gets cut off.

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Upload A File To The Server?

I have just this morning built a very basic login area for myself.

Now I wish to have a script that will move a file on to the server.

I have tried looking up Google but it seems a bit quiet on tutorials with this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I basically want to be able to upload a file onto the server with an ASP script.

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Upload Files To Server

I need to allow a user to upload images to my website.
I can't use an asp.net solution, just asp 3.0.

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Upload Files To A Web Server

I'm trying to develop a webpage that will allow people to upload pictures onto the webserver from their own PC's but don't have a clue where to start!

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Upload Files To A Server

I am curious if anyone can help me to upload files to a server using asp. I am making an interface so user can upload any files to the dedicated web server.

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Upload A File To My Server

I would like a somewhat user-friendly way to have the browser-side user select a file to upload and then have that file be uploaded to my web server. Speed is an issue.

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File Upload With Sql Server 8 & IIS 5

I am using sql server 8 and IIS 5 on windows XP. I would like to develop a asp function to upload a file to the database. I have few queries. What is the datatype to store file in sql server database? How can I put a browse button which can get a file from client computer? What function should I use to upload file?

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Create Csv And Upload Thru Ftp Server

I want to generated a csv file from sql server table, in which I would like to create a asp page which display a field list with a check box.

Then whatever check box I selected, and click on generate button, then a CSV text fill will generate depending on sellected field with the field header and uploaded to FTP server.

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Upload Document To Server

I have a directory on the server called 'docs', and the following form:


<form method="POST" name="frmupload" action="#">
<td>Upload File :</td>
<td><input type="file" name="uploadfile" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="submit1" value="Submit" /></td>

using VB script I have to upload this file into the 'docs' directory. anyone got any method to do this, trying to stay with VB Script, but can use JavaScript if necessary.

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Return Entire Row(s

I know there's a way to do this - well 99% sure anyway - and seem to remember reading an article or tutorial about how to do it but I'm not having any luck finding it.
What I need to do (using MySQL & ASP3) is to find all rows with "X" as a non-unique ID - there may be 30 or so total - and grab them to be archived in a CSV file before deleting the record from a DB.The reason I want to avoid hardcoding the field names is that they're going to change with moderate frequency.

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Upload Image, File To IIS Server

I search for free script to enable function UPLOAD Images, Files to Webserver, and save in a directory.

I have tried a free script, but it doesn't work.....

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Smart Upload Not Working On Other Server

I am using smart upload object to upload files in n/w it works fine with one of my server setup but when i tried to replicate in another server this is not working

I checked with the dll registration every thing is fine....

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Upload File To Server From A Form

I need users to upload and delete pictures on the server from a form. I've done this in PHP before, but in ASP it looks like a different world. I need to do it simply with ASP, and cannot be installing components from the web.

Is the following in the right direction?

Code: ....

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Upload Files In SQL Server Database

I have attached the file upoading system in this thread.

It is working fine with MS Access Database but when i change the database to MS Sql Server then its upload not works i think its security problem, or the problem is that when i import the MS Access table into MS SQL server it change the field datatype from oleobject to image.

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Aspx Pages Upload To Server

aspx page designed by asp.net contains text box, buttons, and labels viewed by browser in the localhost but when uploaded to the server only view the labels.

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Installing Jpg Upload Code In Server?

I plan to allow users to upload jpegs using the <input type="file">
I understand one needs to install an ASP componenet on the server to handle the upload.

I have an installation executable from CBUupload that is freeware, which apparently can do the job. Also there are a number of options I can purchase. Has anyone any experience with installing these components on a host site?

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Copy Entire Contents

I need to do the following in the asp project.
The form contains the file upload component and textarea objects.
After the user uploads the word file (using file upload), the entire contents of the word file should be copied to the textarea and displayed.

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Scrolling The Entire Asp Page

I have deployed a page with 3 frames of which one of them is a asp page.

Whenever the content of the page increases scroll bars apperar individually for each frame ruining the look of the page. I tried using tables instead of frames by giving "server.execute()" inside <td>.The drawback is that server.execute() doesnt accept absolute urls.Server side includes also cannot be used because the page to be loaded is decided dynamically based on the request.

How do i load absolute urls ...?

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Capture Entire Field.

I have written an asp script to pull data from fields in an access database.However it is only displaying the first word of the string.Below is my code:

Response.Write ("<a href=residentialind.asp?add=")
Response.Write (rs.Fields("address").value)
Response.Write (">More information</a>")

how to capture the entire field.

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Terminate Entire Subroutine

I understand that I can use "Exit Sub" to terminate an subroutine. However,this does not prevent everything before the "Exit Sub" from processing and displaying. Now, if I can't determine if a certain condition is met or not met until later in the subroutine, how can I prevent any parts of the code from displaying?

For example:

Response.Write "Table Header"
For 0 to all user's online
If user's page is an product page, then
Response.Write Page_Name
Y = Y + 1
end if

If Y <> "" then
Exit Sub
End if
End Sub

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Upload, Email And Delete File Off Server!

I have the setup working close to what I am after. The upload script I am using has been supplied by 'Lewis Moten'.

Basically what I am after is.

A job application contact form. that includes a input="file" element allowing the user to send a CV, to the address related to that job.

So far locally I have the file uploading, the file sent, and then the file deleted all working fine. Althoug this may well work locally I feel I will have problems when I come to trying this live. Mainly due to timings.

Surely the script would need to know when the file has been uploaded completely, also when the file has been sent completely before delete....

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How Can I Create New Folders On The Server Which Allows Anonymous Upload

How can I create new folders on the server, via ASP programming, which automatically allows by any user:

1. Files to be browsed
2. Anonymous upload to this directory
3. Allow uploaded files to over-write the existing file

I use the following ASP codes to create new folders, but all above options are off and I cannot e.g., upload (via ASP programming) to upload a file in the new directory because the option is off.

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set b = fs.CreateFolder(newFolder)

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Upload File To Server And Store Name In Database

I want to be able to upload a image to a directory called 'images' on my server and also save the file name in a database. is there anything out there that does this without a COM?

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