Is there a script out there that will allow me to upload .mdb files. I am trying to be able to let my client go into thier admin page and download the .mdb file (that works fine...) and when she is done changing it or w/e she wants to do with it she will need to upload it to make the changes work. So it needs to over right the origional or something like that...
I have this ASP code, for uploading files. I can upload an image,but cannot retrieve other form element data, can anyone suggest me a way out?
For eg, I have a form wherein I am getting some info from the user and he needs to upload an image as well. The code I use can upload the image but cannot get the other info. form the form fields. The code to upload is: Code:
''*************************************** '' File: Upload.asp '' Author: Jacob "Beezle" Gilley '' Email: Join Bytes! '' Date: 12/07/2000 '' Comments: The code for the Upload, CByteString, ''CWideStringsubroutines was originally ''written by Philippe Collignon...or so ''he claims. Also, I am not responsible ''for any ill effects this script may ''cause and provide this script "AS IS". ''Enjoy! ''****************************************
However, it takes a really long time for it to write large files to disk. I am uploading files that range from 500k to 2.5 megs in size. It can take Jacob's code up to 2 minutes to write the file to disk.
Should I just buy one of the upload controls? Are they any faster?
I have one Server that supports ASP, but very little storage space on that server. I have another Server that supports only PHP, with lots of space.
My website is writen in ASP, so all my ASP files are on the first server, and I have an option on the ASP server to upload files to it from an ASP page by users accesing a certain, I wondered if it is possible to upload files by an ASP file located on the first Server to the PHP server, because there I have more storage, is it?
I need this done this way because once the file is uploaded by the ASP page the file name,size and type are inserted into the DB thats on the ASP page.
The code works really well. However, i want to upload two file at once rather then one. I have tried changing the code but nothing really seems to work. Can anyone see a good way of using this code to upload two files?
I'm making an intranet application where all the users can send mail and attachment to the adiminstrator. Physical file transfer to server machine and putting the message in Access database is done.
I want to upload all the messages along with the attachments in the Outlook of server machine. So that when administrator starts Outlook application, all the incoming mails from intranet are displayed in his inbox. I'm using Access and ASP (VB Script).
I use an .asp file to upload files from my website..but there is a problem. first of all i use a file control and then i sumbit the page using a submit form button and the asp stores the file it self.THe problem is that if the file is >than 1 mb i cant i have a free account at brinkster.
and 1mb is the file limit.BUT not the database limit! so i add the file SUCCESSFULY in the database and retrieve it also successfully.THe problem is that i cant send over 1mb over asp. IF you have anyideas or have to suggest any free site that supports that.
I am uploading some files to web server using clsUpload component. The problem is its working perfectly with IE but failing to upload in Mozila, Opera etc like browser. Can any one help me in this. Am attaching the file as text file. These are the 2 asp files.
Kindly suggest me asap as am trying to solve the issue from last 2 days without any result.
I have a page with only one <input type=file ..> tag.
The page submits to itself with a "Save File to List" button. User browses thru the files and click the above button to add the file to a list. In the end user clicks "Submit" to upload all the files from the list to the server.
Problem # 1
I'm not sure how to save FILE type object collection/array, with every click of first button.
Problem # 2
How do I post that collection/array varaible when submit (2nd button) is clicked.
I want to upload files from my page. (in the past I have used pure asp upload) My client is concerned about security. Is there a way to encrypt these files? Is it necessary or does it even help to put ssl on the site. What do I have to worry about as far as security so others can't get to these files?
I am currently developing a download centre for a hardware manufacturer which has alot of firmware and other software available to it's clients. Most of these are less than 10mb and with their internet connection I'm thinking a browser upload through the admin tools will be fine. However there are files on the current site of up to 100mb, how would be best to handle uploading these?
I was thinking maybe an ftp component would handle bigger files better than an normal http upload? Does anyone know of any components that allow some kind of background uploading so they can continue to use the admin for other tasks while this continues?
Or just any other suggestions full stop! Maybe I would need to come up with some way of taking them out of the system and loading a windows ftp with the correct directories etc.. predefined?
I have a file upload script that has successfully uploaded files,although the MS .docx format will not load for some reason. Has anyone found a workaround/solution to this?
How to upload multiple files and zip them dynamically on the fly and store them in a BLOB object? (using asp)any idea about Winzip command line utilities ?
I have recently created a "page generator" for my website - it basically takes a form output and sticks in some html etc etc. and places it in a text area on the same page. i was wondering if asp could be used to save the output to my server as a new file?
I hope we can upload only files with limited size through ASP scripts(<2MB). I need to write an ASP script that can serve up to 100MB of file uploading. I have written one script(with progress bar ;-)), as my hosting won't allow me any third party upload components. Is there any way we for ASP scripts to make larger file uploads?
I need to everyday upload files to a server. The files to be uploaded will always be in the same folder and their names will be in the data base, so I know what files must be uploaded and where they are.
I usually upload files with a component in the same server. The user choose the files in a form (using the <input type="file"...> tag) and in the next page all the files are uploaded.
The problem this time is: the user doesnt want to everyday choose the files to be uploaded. He wants the process automatic.
I already know how to everyday load a page in the server, but I cant find a way to make that page upload the files by itself. I cant set the "value" attribute of a file input tag, it doesnt work.
I have written an web based client upload script. But i need to encrypt the files before the upload, and then a method of decrypting them at the server.
The files in question will all be audio files, all formats. I am new to asp/, so can anyone point me in the write direction in how do code the encryption. Is the 128 bit, the best method to use?
I just knew that uploading files using server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") does not allow you to upload files with size bigger than 10 megabytes. What is the better way to upload Huge files?
Other than creating a custom component or purchasing one, isn't there any other way by which users can upload images/files from their local machines/hard disks to a remote server? Doesn't ASP have any in-built component to do so?
If that's indeed the case, can someone suggest any free components (not trial ones) which can be used to upload images/files from users' local machines/hard disks to a server?
Some time ago i used a asp program for uploading files that was already working and wasw tested a lot, recently (since i have formatted my computer) i have gotten this problem when i try to run that program
Error Type: SaveBinaryData (0x800A0BBC) C:Documents and SettingsGerardoEscritorioDESARROLLOPlataforma En EducacorpSitiositioplataformausrFileGerardo, .jpg:Write to file failed. /educacorp/plataforma/fileUpload/_UploadCls.asp, line 833
Browser Type: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Page: POST 15517 bytes to /educacorp/plataforma/fileUpload/fileUpload.asp
POST Data: error '80020009' Exception occurred.
/iisHelp/common/500-100.asp, line 414
the permisions for the usrFile folder are Read, Write and Logging, and i dont know why im getting this error...can anybody help me?
I got a problem when I uploaded a file with the input tag of type file "<input type=file.." using the FileSystemObject where The page not opens and there is no any respond, but I tried to see if the folder that is already exists xan I see by that object I discovered that it is not exist.
The main problem I put my files in a folder that I dont know its absolute path , just a relative that always not exist.
I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.
We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.
Here is the code to display the image: Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL ) Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")
SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database
When I add this code:
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.
Can a php file be executed inside an asp file? I need to execute a php file in another asp file but i'm not so sure it's possible. My server can run both asp and php and they run without any problems... I just need to find a way to include the execution results of the php file in the asp one. Is it possible to use SSI and include the executed php file and then the executed asp file in a main ssi file?
I have installed PWS in windows 98 in each of the system at various places and put my Sales program files in the WWWROOT directory in all the branches. I'm afraid that the users may tamper my ASP files. Is there any way of converting .ASP files to .exe files so that the dont see my program.
I need to add the functionality to upload an image to the webserver, store it in a folder and add its location to a database so I can find it. I have no idea how to get started on this though. Does anyone have an idea of how to do it or can point me in the direction of a good tutorial.
I am trying to use the upload file feature that comes with Sun ONE ASP but cannot find any documentation on how to use it. As it is a former chilisoft product all the knowledge base documents, FAQ's, and basically all the useful stuff has been dumped by Sun.
Does anyone know how to use this feature or know of any sites where it is explained? Please don't say "look on the Sun website" as I have been doing that all afternoon and can't find anything useful on the whole site!!