User's Username

How can I list all logged in user's username in the page?Can any one send the code to

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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NT Username

Is it possible to use API to get the network username? I am using it in Access and want to use the same function in my ASP page

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all ive done is a very simple form to post comments onto a noticeboard......using asp and access for now, all i want to be able to do is when its submitted it also sends the Windows username of the person who has submitted it to the database automatically so i can then show it on the noticeboard.

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XP Username Password

How to use WIndows XP login username and password for ASP 3.0 Authentication, for access to a website directly without any further, second authentication by ASP page?

I have MS SQL Server database, ASP 3.0 website, and ASP 3.0 based authentication. I want to use a Windows XP username, make a table with approved usernames, check Windows XP username and password against the mentioned table, and finally - user can access the site without second authentication by ASP page. Of course - everything should work in IE.

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Handle On Username

I need to let one person view certain things without having this perons
login. This person is logged in to the microsoft network. How do I get
that info into a variable?

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Windows Username

I have a problem with ("auth_user") in asp,I try to use windows
username and password in asp page for limitation user access to pages,
but this server variable returns empty string

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ok, well what I have been having some trouble with is to show the person character name like this:

Welcome, 'Username' <-- Here I want it to show the persons username from the database.

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Username And Password

i would like users to be able to login using a username and password stored in an MS ACCESS database. there is a customer table which stores the username and passwords as well as other customer details such as customer name, address etc. i would like the users to login and then when the login i succcessful, be presented with ONLY THEIR data which they can edit.

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Username Password

I have a Username:, Password:, Sign In and Regester Here at my Main Page. And at my Regester Page I have a First Name:, Last Name:, Address:, Date of Birth:,Status:, Country: and ZipCode. And also at my Database Name is Info.

All I want is that when a User Log In a Message will display and say's (You are not Regestered, Sign Up First...), but If he is already regestered he can sign in by using his username: and password:. Please!, can anyone give me an ASP Code on this.

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New Username Page

I'm creating a set of new user pages for my site. At present I've got a newuser1.asp file which tests if a username exists. On failure (when the username exists) it goes an almost identical copy of the file and the user has to try out a new username and password.

This seems rather inelegant (having to upkeep two files) so I'd like to have just the one page with the failure redirecting back to itself but then displaying appropriate wording ('the username that I can try to work out an appropriate solution?BTW I'm using ASP VBscript.

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Logged In As: Username

i set up a login page and when the user logs in he/she is directed to the main site. What I wish to know is how can I show the user name that is logged in the main site:

For example:
Logged in as:

tell me the code as i am new to ASP .

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Username And Machine Name

how to insert the current user's username and machine name into a couple of textboxes to be inserted into a form. I'm creating a work order system and I would like the form to be prepopulated with this information.

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Username And Password

I am developing a website with username and password. I have almost complete it. I want that once username and password is verify in the next page that open (SMS Page) should contain the same username in in FROM field and user cannot change it.[IMG]D:usmanusman.bmp[/IMG] i think this picture will help you to understand in depth.

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NT Username Situation

I have a this code the grabs the user NT login on a page:

strCae_Name = request.servervariables("LOGON_USER")

It displays the following User name: Cable/rmirto7777. Now I would like to remove the Cable/ part and just keep rmirto7777 only. Keep in mind that Cable/ part doesn't change only what comes after it and everyone has a different User name. Therefore it changes constantly! I tried alot of ways by using the function but came unsuccessful. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve this goal by getting what comes after Cable/ to display on my page.

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Username And Password

I have to develop a web application for my company in which I need to have a facility for username and password for the employees to do certain tasks. How can this be
implemented in ASP. I am thinking of having usernames and passwards (encrypted) in database and when a person tries to log in, the script will compare those stored in databse to the values entered by user. But after the user has logged in, how can I make sure that the user is always logged in as user move from one page to another.

how I make sure that the user is logged out properly. Basically my main concern is that no unauthorized user can access any part of that web app.

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Convert Username To SID

I have a standard ASP page that is on our intranet on which I am using the request.servervariables("auth_user") variable to return the domainusername
of the user that made the page request. Does anybody know how I can convert the username into the SID (S-1-5-!!!!) equivilant for it? if it is any help it is a WIn2k3 domain.

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Own Username And Password

Make a page where users can enter there own username and password in order to access the memebers section, and alert them if the username has already been taken. Also need a message board like the one we're using here only i have no idea where to start I have spent 5 days online trying to find help and tutorials etc, but I must confess I'm struggling now with code overload.

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Username And Password

i am getting url and password in query string i used get and post methods. how these yahoo people get loooooooooooooooong url in query string .

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Spaces In A Username

we never guarded againsts spaces in a new site we built. And while checking, a couple of users registered with spaces between their usernames. e.g. afrika 1 instead of afrika_1. Could there be downside to this?

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Login Username

How will you know that a username is already login? I have this chat page in which both of you can login with the same username.

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Verifying Username/Password

I have seen in many sites that when I enter my username/password, it displays a new page wherein it says "Verifying Username/Password. Please wait..."

I wonder what does it do behind the scene? Does it really take 5-6 seconds to verify a username/password? if yes, what code runs behind it? If no, then why they have to display that page?

I think the authentication process normally does not take more than 1 second.

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ASP Grabbing Windows Username

Anyone know how it is possible for windows to get the name of the user
logged in?

I know if you do :

Request.Servervariables ("AUTH_USER")

it displays the username of the person logged in, but is there a way
to get the "Full name" of that user in the active directory?

Ie, if they log in with the username jsmith, I from that I know there
full name is John Smith.

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Get Username From HTTP Header

i have heard that when you login from an NT login box the username gets passed on in the HTTP header. If so how can I get that information?

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Auth_user :: Get Username From Windows

I want to my web page get username from windows and use this username for limitation access of user to pages, my authentication is windows I thinks because user input username for login to windows, and auth_user has value of username I think maybe it doesn't need to get username again, but you say it's normal.

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Remove Period From Username

I'm trying to remove a period in a username. For instance, I want:

First.Last to look like FirstLast

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Redirect If UserName Exists

I have a table in SQL2000 called EmployeeID and a column called UserName

I have a form which grabs the data inputted: Code:

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Post Username/password

I wanna post a username/password to another site, which recieves the
information with request.form.I have a page which fills a form with hidden input boxes. When the user enters the page a onLoad submits the form and opens the recieving page
in a new window.If the user now switches back to the sending windows and checks the
source code all asp variables can be seen i clear text in the form (ie
<input type=hidden name=password value=secret>)How can I revent this? I tried redirecting to another page when the submit is done, but it seems like the redirect is done before the ubmitting of the form. Server.Transfer and Server.Execute havent
helped either.

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Simple Username Checking

I want to create a simple user validation script without using a database. Let's say I have a text file in my asp folder with a list of valid usernames. How can i do something like the following using ASP? Code:

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Duplicate Username Check

When I use this bit of code it displays the error if the username exists and if it doesn't!

If rspuafo.EOF and rspuafo.BOF Then
Response.Redirect ("thankyou.asp")

strError = "Username already exists, please choose another one" & vbNewLine

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How Username And Password Validate

How to set up code that validates a password that is at least six characters long and contains one number

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Username And Password Protect A Pdf

Is there anyway for me to make users enter an username and password in order to get access to download a pdf file.

I will have a list of valid usernames and passwords?

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Username Of Domain User

How can I get the domain,username and PC network name (Win 2000 Pro & Win XP Pro PC's) of the current logged on user (logged onto a domain and access an intranet page, Window 2000 server running IIS) and put this automatically in a textbox in an webpage. Can this be done with asp & VB?

I basically want to automatically populate a username field with the users logon so the do not need to type it themselves, leading to type errors

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