Using Alphabetical Index With Internal Page Links

I want to create a page that uses a horizontal alphabetical index such as

a b c .....

so when the user clicks on a letter they go to that section listing the manufacturer names beginning with that letter.

My question is that since I am pulling the names from a database, what is the best way to create the sections for each letter? My first thought is a basic and overkill solution creating a record set for each letter. Would I use arrays?

I know I could just create a separate page for each letter to display the corresponding entries. Would rather have one page at this time.

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SQL/ASP Approach To Alphabetical Links

Say I have a DB with 10,000 records and using MySQL paging. I want to put a link setup at the top of the page with the alphabet that will pop to the proper page for each of the letters.

So: 1 A B C D...

Click on 1, goes to page 1, click on A goes to page 7, click on B goes to page 10.. so on so forth. how to find the pages either through an SQL subquery or through ASP. I can write code to make it happen, but I'm looking for a solution that will not hamper performance as much as an array dump and search.

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My Server Start Up Page Has To Be Index.htm Not Index.asp?

I am uploading to a server for the first time. I believe that my server will not point to .asp pages as the start page, only .htm is this correct?

I wanted my index.asp page displayed first from the web-site by default, but have been told that I need say, an index.htm which then points to my index.asp page.

Is there a way that I can use my index.asp page as my start page?

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Page For Using Index Server

I need a search engine for my web. The service Index Server (for web) is started (win 2K) but i don't know how to make an ASP page for that. I can make a form like this:

<form ACTION="/asp/search_v2/query2.asp" METHOD="POST">
<table WIDTH="500" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
<td>Give what you want to search:</td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="SearchString" SIZE="65" MAXLENGTH="100"
<td><input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Action" VALUE="Go"></td>

but then .

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Links Off Page

does anyone know how to request the static links off a page using XML and asp?
I would really appreciate any help you can give me on the subject. I need full links including the
http:// and everything.

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500 Internal Server Error On ASP Home Page

hosted on my own IIS while developing and had no problems, but since putting the site up onto an external ISP, we have been getting server errors when trying to access the default.asp page. Clicking refresh loads the page fine (but of course, new visitors don't know this!)The address of the site is . If you type this address into the address bar you may recreate the error (it doesn't always occur)

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Redirect Back To Referring (internal) Page

I want to have a series of links (flags for Italian, English, and German) on the top of every page, each of which when clicked will go to a script and change a session variable called language to the respective language. Once the session variable is changed, I want to send them right back to where they came from.

So, if they enter a page on the site that is optimized for "Local Area" and it is in English, IF they click German or Italian it will go to the script, redirect back to "Local Area" with the Session var being set appropriately.

Keep in mind though that I need to be conscientous of SEO, so I want to keep querystrings to a minimum. Ideally, what it would look like is this AFTER the redirect: for English for Italian for German

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Finding Links On A Page

I'm looking for an ASP/VBScript function that would accept a string of text, use a regular expression to find all of the links within that text, and output an array of the links with the text that was linked (i.e. between the "a" tags).

Does anyone have such a thing? Right now I would even settle for just the regular expression pattern. I've done some searching and haven't found what I'm looking for. With some trial and error I could probably create it but I was hoping someone else might be willing to share.

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How To Handle Many Page Links In A Search?

Search results on my site started to show a large number of page
links. I never had to deal with it before but it is time now. I am
trying to come up with a good logic / idea how to display a large
number of page links without showing all of them at once.
For example, if user is searching for "pets" and gets 50 pages back, I
want to show 10-20 page links and hide the rest. Also, the closer user
gets to the last visible pages, the more hidden page links become
visible. Something like Google does...

If somebody worked with it before, could you share with ideas, or
suggestions, or good examples to look at? Is there a standard way to
implement this, perhaps?

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How To Include Html Files In ASP (similar To Index.php?page=contact)

I'm building a site which runs on 4 templates, each a different colour. I would like to pull in different content into each template using ASP.NET, similar to the php version of index.php?page=content.

I've not programmed in ASP before so am hoping someone can either supply me with a script or point me in the right direction.

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Index Server And PDF - Results Show In Admin Console But Not On ASP Page..?

I have set up Index Server in IIS to search my intranet. I've installed the Adobe PDF filter so that words from PDF files are included.

I can get results from PDFs when querying the catalogue in the Windows console. However, I have tried various ASP Search pages and they all ignore PDF files from a browser (even though the scripts include the pdf extension).

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Alphabetical Paging

<%For iloop = ASC("A") to ASC("Z")
str = str & "<td class='alphabet' width='569' align='middle'><a href=" & chr(34) & "templatePage.asp?letter=" & chr(iloop) & chr(34) & ">" & chr(iloop) & "</a></td>"

i need a '#' before the 'A' to bring up everything else, like in
the members page of this Forum.

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Alphabetical Order

I'm working on a list of members.In my db I have two columns lastName and marriedName
lastName is the member name before they got married and legLastName is their lastname after they got married.

Now I need to display theese two columns in alphabetical order in one list.
If I for example have theese members:
lastName, marriedName
Anderson, Johnson
Petersson, Svensson
Nilsson, Persson
Lindgren, Johnson

I want this result:
Johnson (look for Andersson)
Johnson(look for Lindgren)
Persson(look for Nilsson)
Svensson(look for Petersson)

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Non-alphabetical Characters

How can I exclude non-alphabetic characters from the string?
(all characters except A-Z, 0-9 and space, including -.,? etc)

What I mean is:

"Am I mad?" should produce "Am I mad"


"Left-Right" should produce "LeftRight"

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Alphabetical Listings

I have an online store with about 35,000 products in my database and no matter if you are listing all products in a catagory or viewing search results - all products are displayed in alphabetical order.

My problem is that some of my products start with the word "The" or "A" as the title - so they appear in alphabetical order under the letter "T" or "A". How do I get these items to appear in alphabetical order under the second word but still retain "The" or "A" as the first word of the title?

In other words - having "The World" appear alphabetically under "W" and "A Car" appear under "C" but keeping "The" and "A" as the first words.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know a fair bit about ASP/mySQL programming but just can't quite figure this one out.

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Alphabetical Listing

I have an Access Database with only one table (tblBooks) with 5 fields: id, TestNumber, Book, Author, ReadingLevel, PointValue. I would like to have alphabetical listing of the records displayed by hyperlinks on the top of the page like:

<Previous All | A | B | C | ....| Y | Z | Others Next>

Also would like to have only 25 records per page and bottom page numbering. I know this is a newbie question but I haven't being able to figure it out.

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Alphabetical Order In Array

I've got an array with the following values:

myarray(0) = btest
myarray(1) = htest
myarray(2) = atest
myarray(3) = gtest

How do i put them in alphabetical order?

myarray(0) = atest
myarray(1) = btest
myarray(2) = gtest
myarray(3) = htest

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Index.asp And Index.html

I have these two pages on root directory on the serverhow do i tell the server which one to pick up, or will the browser pick up the .html by default or do i have to manually configure it to do so?

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500 Internal Errror

This code doesn't work at all attribute my web hotel, I get a "500 internal errror" - Code:

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Internal Server 500

I m able to execute the HTML PAGES but not able to run ASP pages... I have
win2k server , ADS , IIS5.0 , framework 1.1 on my PC. Code:

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Internal 500 Error

I'm having problem posting form data from index.htm to db.asp,which will put the data into a database. Everytime I submit, I get an "HTTP 500 - Internal server error."Is there something wrong with my code or with the Win2k server and how can I fix it?

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Same Index

I've seen in many websites that they have an index file and everylink shows a diffrent content like


how can use the same index and call to a diffrent content. i tried to use the include function but didn't work.

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Internal Server Error

I'm trying to update information on an intranet into a sql database and I keep getting an internal server error on this page. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where any errors may lie? I know it is tricky without knowing the context. Code:

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Limit Internal Users

I am thinking about doing this since I got several cases that some of our
internal users open more than one browser at the same time from our server.
When one of the transactions was not completed finished, the second browser
jusk pick up some session variables from the first browser and process right
after that. It messed up everything.
I was thinking about use remote_addr, but it seems not working since we are
behind the firewall and every user's IP inside the company network to the
internet is the same.It seems that I have to use internal userID and record this in the database and when any page is requested, I have to check in the database to see if the
user is connected then decide if the page should be display or not.
Is there any better way?

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Internal Server Errors

i always get this in IIS 5.0 (running in windows 2000 advanced server) everytime the browser loads an ASP page..
but i don't get it when i run IIS 5.0 in windows 2000 professional.

Server Application Error
The server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during the processing of your request. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

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500.100 Internal Server Error

when I try to excecute an ASP (either JS or VB) script to
say, access a database record, I get an Internal Server
Error HTTP 500.100


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Getting 500 Internal Server Error

I want to know when would I get a 500 Internal Server Error. Are there any special circumstances when this error will come?? If yes, please list the circumstances or reasons for the error.

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Asp And Http 500 Internal Error

I am having trouble with http 500 internal error. I have developeseveral dynamic pages, it works fine on our intranet server, however,when I migrated into our external IIS server, most of asp pages cann't display with error message of http 500 internal error
does anyone have idea on what is going on?

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Internal Server Error

I have recently reloaded windows on my system and of course now have a fresh install of IIS running on localhost port 85

Now, I'v previously (2 days ago) been working on an ASP page which retrieves its data from an XML file. Previously I just started work on the xml stuff without having to midify anything; but this time I tried to load the page and I got the "HTTP 500 - Internal server error". Do I have to download an XML parser or is there something wrong with IIS ?

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Internal Server Error

y i am getting this error

HTTP 500 - Internal server error

i uploaded tha asp pages and check,when i try to login this error coming.

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500 Internal Server Error

Just wondering if you could possibly check this site for me - . I am getting a 500 Internal Server Error message every time I try to log in, however I have set all file permissions related to the login as read,write and execute.

Username = user
Password = fasteners2003

I don't know all that much about ASP yet as I am learning, but I have managed to get the site working fine on my localhost using IIS. But when the site is uploaded to the remote server, 1&1 Microsoft package, I get the errors.

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Internal Server Error

i am getting this following error

"HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer "

i know that if i set the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" then it will be working but i can't tell it to all my clients . so could anybody tell me how can i set this "Show friendly HTTP error messages" programetically.

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Internal Server Error

when I use asp with mysql i face the internal server error. The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

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