Variables Shows -1

After qeuering from Access I store the values of the recoredset (like rs.recordcount, rs.AbsolutePage) in variables in ASP, but when i display/use them later in the page it shows -1. but the page shows the queried data properly.

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Select Shows None

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=select1 name=select1>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three</OPTION>"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
When open this page,select1 shows "One".I want when open the page,select1 shows none.That is to say,nothing is displayed in select1.

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Paging Just Shows 1


FOR paging = 0 to recCount/20
IF paging = 0 THEN response.Write("Page") ELSE
Response.Write("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""favourites.asp?pageno=" & paging & """class=""textareatext"">" & paging+1 & "</a> ")
IF paging < recCount/20-1 THEN response.Write("-")

how do i not show 1 if there are less than 20 records?

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Mail Content Shows

- we've form to be filled. and data will be mailed
- what happens is, mail shows up special characters in places of
commas, and other special characters inputted

following characters are shown in mail content


what can be reason and how to overcome

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Shows Value Of Combobox In The Textbox

I have a Combobox and a textbox in my asp page. I want the value of Combobox in Onchange event shows in the textbox. this my code but it isnot correct.

<script Language="JavaScript">
function NavTo(a1)

<SELECT id=select1 name=select1 onchange=Navto(document.forms[0].select1.value)>
<OPTION value="1046">1046</OPTION>
<OPTION value="1045">1045</OPTION>

<INPUT type="text" id=text1 name=text1 >

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File Shows Action

I have an asp page that outputs a word document. Wnen the user attempts to
open this page from a hyberlink in an email document the word document opens
fine but if they save then an action cancelled message appears in a browser
window. If you cut and paste this same link into IE and attempt to saves
there is no browser window opened.

If the user attempts to open instead of save the document it opens in a word
out side the browser. I am told this used to open up in word insdie the
browser.If you cut and paste the link into explorer and acess it from there
the word document is displayed in word inside the browser.

If I omit the content disposition header the word document opens inside a
browser no matter how it is opened however the save problem remains.

I do not want the browser window to remain open. Or if it must then I dont
want the ACTION Cacelled message. How can I control that

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Shows Code Instead Of Form

I have an index.html and redirect in this index to an ASP-page (so a file called XXX.asp). The browser shows me the code of XXX.asp in stead of the layout of the form. How come ?

And when I access this index.html from another machine in the network, I got the error the page XXX.asp cannot be found ?

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Shows Tick Box Data

i want to do is to have an update form that shows tick box data which is read from an access database via asp and a dsn less connection string. Have achieved it with text boxes but can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same with tickboxes.

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IIS5 Not Showing ASP Files, Shows Others

Annoying problem on a server with IIS 5. [We have other
IIS 5 that show asp files just fine. I'm at a loss. ]

I can open htm, html, gif, jpg, all files except asp
files. The message when opening an asp file is:

"The page cannot be found...
blah blah blah
HTTP 404 - File not found"

I've looked everywhere. Permissions are okay with IUSR
and security since we can browse other files. The asp
files in question are NOT marked Hidden...

What can I do to make it render the asp files? Ideas?

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Why The Request.Form Variable Shows A 0?

This is ASP and JScript.

I request a form variable:

var sReviewID = formatUndefined(Request.Form("ReviewID"), "");
Response.Write ("sReviewID: " + sReviewID + "<br>");

Function formUndefined is: Code:

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Crystal Viewer Shows Blank Report.

I have an asp page that I use to build the sql criteria for a Crystal report version 10.

The report writer page takes the criteria and supposedly passes the sql string with a where clause to the page that hase the viewer. Here is the code where I pass that script to the report viewer page: Code:

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Windows Is Shutting Down In 60mins. Pleases Save Your Work. And Shows A Path To C:w

I have a win2k server. I just installed running service pack 3, am just updating to service pack 4 now.

i normally get the error, windows is shutting down in 60mins. pleases save your work. and shows a path to c:winntsystem32lssas.exe

I am wondering if this is a lasser worm or what ? cos i have had to format a couple of times, but still get the error.

what do i do ? Any Advice ?

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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Referencing Variables Through Other Variables

I'm not sure how to best describe my problem, so a simple example should help explain things:

I have two arrays, called set1_data and set2_data

if I create a variable like so:

firstPart = "set1"

and then assign like this:

copyOfArray = firstPart & "_data"

how do I make copyOfArray reference the set1_array, as opposed to just a string "set1_array" which is what it's doing?

I've had a good rummage round ye olde Internet but couldn't find anything there must be a keyword or function to achieve this?!?

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Variables In ASP

I am trying to build a web based database using Access and ASP. I can retreive data form the database in a web page. I can send data from one page to another. However, I am stuck trying to figure out how to make the data variable. I would like the second page to display only data the user selected from a drop down list in the previous web page. I tried using the WHERE function and replace the hard coded information with a variable, but it isn't accepting the code. Could someone please help with this? I have research mulitple sites and can't find this particular piece of code or in tutorials. I must be missing something because seems like it would be basic stuff.

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I'm trying to reference a username variable that is saved after the user
logs in. I can reference it using $(Username) in standard html parts of the
page but how do i use it in the script sections enclosed with <% %>

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How can I get the value of a variable set in ASP from
inside vbscript tags. Here an exampleCode:

Dim x
x = "something"
<script language=vbscript>

I need to display the variable in a msgbox but can within

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Asp Variables

on the page.asp it searches the database for the specific record with id=3.
now i cant use : variable = Request.Form("id"), because the information does not come from a form, and request.querystring doesn't want to work either.

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I am new to asp and have tried a few things and cannot get it to work. I thought this code:

<input type="hidden" name="x_cust_id" value="<%= x_email %>">

would work for making the x_cust_id value equal what was put in the x_email field - but that doesnt work - any idea what Im doing wrong.

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I have a webpage with a list of items with checkboxes and a submit button. On the click of the submit button, I call a vbscript that loops through the items and put the values of the checked items in an array or string, and then jump to a new page.

Now I either want to send this variable to the new page, or I want to save the values to a mySQL database table, so I can use the values on the new page.

It seems I can't use session variables (session.contents) for this because that's server-side only.

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Using Variables

how can we use variables in sql statements

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ASP.NET To ASP: Variables

Does anyone know how to get a variable to transfer from ASP.NET to an ASP page?

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Getting Variables By Id

Is there any way to get input boxes by thier id rather than
thier name? (Request.Form("elementname")) I don't want to
have to give every box its own id and name when they are just
going to be the same.

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Url Variables

I know that it's possible to pass more than one url variable using '&' querying 2 columns in the database.However,I want to pass both the words 'piano' and 'keyboard' to the same column [instruments] in a database).

Here is the code for just 'piano' and this works fine.


This is processed by a request.querystring("search")

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Use Variables

I'm building an application that allows visitors to our site to view GPS survey data. The data is collected several times a day and the files written to a different directory each day. Thus, for July, there are 31 folders.

There is a calendar on the site that people can click on the date they want to get the data for. Then, a window will open and the contents of that days directory will be displayed in the window.

Our app is at - the data is supposed to be accessed from the calendar but now all I can do is view the root files. I just can't figure out how to target another directory with the FSO using a variable passed from a querystring.

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Variables In URL

How do I write variables in the URL like in PHP? Then, How do I pick up variables that are in the URL!

E.g. in PHP = main.php?name=David

Because i've just started in ASP from PHP and I was wondering how you goto a URL with variuables in...! And how ASP gets them from the address URL as it seems not to automatically pick them up.

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I need to write a if statment to find a part of a word. By Example:

variable = "ASP Free forums"
if % variables % = "ASP" then
end if

I've tryed to uses the '%' like in SQL queries but didnt work. Is there any idea?

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I have a number of form fields that I wish to temporarily record into
variables and pass to a small number of subsequent pages.

Is the best way to save each one to a session variable when I submit the
form and then to clear the variables when I no longer need them?

Also, if this is the best method, what is the code for saving a form field
to a session variable when the form has not yet been submitted. For
example, when I submit Form1, I want the contents of Field1 to be entered
into SessionVariable1 and then the form to be submitted as normal.

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Set & Use Variables

how do I set &amp; use variables in Global.asax. i ve missed that chapter in the book i read.

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Formatting Variables

I am requesting a variable for the users' network username:


This returns the following:


Instead I would like it to return J.Bloggs on it's own with out the "NETWORK" bit so basically I am saying how do I cut out the first 8 characters of a variable.

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Session Variables...

I am using Session variables in my ASP application. I have tested the
application on a Win2k professional and it works fine. When the same web
app is installed on a win2k advanced server from the client browser when the
app is accessed the session variable returns null inspite of a value being
already set. I have checked the IIS enable session state settings. When i
use the server machine as client and access the app as localhost then the
session variable has correct value.

How can this be solved? What other settings if any, need to be changed to
get it work.

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Session Variables

Do session variables carry over if you've left your site and come back?

My shopping cart uses PayPal/IPN to transact and then enter details of the transaction into my database. All of the data entry takes place after IPN has returned all of the data to my site.

A couple of the fields I need to populate are held in session variables throughout the application. When the customer clicks on the checkout button, and is sent over to PayPal's server to complete the transaction, will the session variables still be available to me upon returning to my site?

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SQL Statment Variables

I am trying to pass a variable from another page to a sql statment. The variable specifies the one of the columns that I want the sql query to return. I also want to display field contents of the column later in my page. I can't seem to get this to work. Can someone give me a hand? Here is my code:

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