Version Of Windows Server

Just starting with ASP but I have to order our server and serversoftware ASAP. Does it matter which version of Windows Server I go for? Our plan is to create serachable catalougue with dinamic pages using ASP VBscript and Microsoft Access. I am guessing it might depend weather we host the site ourselves or use a provider

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Server Version Type

I am trying to set a mail reply back on a site and was wondering if there is some kind of script, that would let me know the Server type and version the site is at so I can determine if I should use CDOSYS or CDONTS.

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Visual Studio .NET Has Detected That The Specified Web Server Is Not Running ASP.NET Version 1.1. You Will Be Unable To Run ASP.NET Web Applications Or Services.

i've installed vs.NET 2003 on my pc which is runing window 2000 pro with sp4, but when i'm trying to create new ASP.NET Web appication i got this messages "Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified Web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. You will be unable to run ASP.NET Web applications or services."

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ASP On Windows 2003 Server

I made some of the web pages using ASP on windows 2000 server, now i wanto to upgrade my Operating system from windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 Server , Are my web pages will work fine if i do this upgradation or there are any configurations on IIS i have to make to work fine ....

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Windows NT Index Server

I have written a search logic for my website using microsoft indexing
service. I designed it on Windows XP. It works great.

Then i copied that to our Windows NT webserver and it is giving me the
following error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object
/search.asp, line 25

Line 25 is
Set QueryObj = Server.CreateObject("IXSSO.Query")

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IIS Server On Windows XP Home

is there a way to install the IIS server on Windows XP home? Like the one you get wih Windows XP Proffesional CD. I have found this website which has a method of doing it, although it says here tha Microsoft says you need Windows XP Professional to install this and that this is only a workaround I wasn't sure if this was true or not.

The main reason I thought of this was because I would have thought Microsoft would have had a file you can download from their website or some thing like that, although I haven't found any other way of doing this yet.

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SQL Server Windows Authentication

I have being told my our web developers team that it is not possible to use Windows Authentication on a SQL Server 2000 database and ASP application. That it can only be possible on a ASP.NET. On the other hand thur seraching the web I found out that this task can be accomplished by just turn on Windows Authentication and shut off Anonymous access in your website properties using IIS Manager on the Web server.

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Windows 2003 Server With II6

I've had a new server installed for me. with Windows 2003 and II6 with ASP.NET. but I want to run a small (but important) application written in ASP(all .ASP files)

as it stands the server will not 'understand' .ASP files (only .ASPx)To avoid having to modify the whole application ( :-} ) can I get the server to execute. ASP files?(is it as simple as copying over an existing II4 ASP.DLL and installing that?

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Windows 2003 Server

We have several extensive sites and all use a lot of include files. We have the coded as include file and virtual include using ../ since it is a shared server etc. The sites were moved by the hosting company to a new windows 2003 server and now we get invalid path error part of the time, others it works fine.

The host says it is our programmers did not follow asp procedures and used ../ I always thought this was ok, it was never an issue before the this new to windows 2003.

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6

I just set up an acct. with godaddy for a shared virtual dedicated server using Windows 2003 and IIS 6. None of my ASP scripts work to send emails using CDONTS. Research took me to how to install the cdonts.dll file and after doing so I don't get the error about not being able to create an ojbect but rather that of permissions on the line that has the .send. Other research led to me believe that windows 2003 does not support cdonts at all? I'd prefer to use CDO but I was told by Godaddy that the script below is not supported on a shared server - Code:

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SendEmail In Windows 2003 Server

It works properly in my former webserver until it was upgraded to Win2003. Please do the amendments below.

My code:

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Installing IIS Server On Windows Xp Professional

I have a computer where I installed windows xp professional. However, during installation, I did not choose the IIS server component. Now, I need to install the IIS Server.

At the moment, I am not carrying the windows xp CD. Is there any IIS server download for xp available in the web so that I can get a local web server up and running real quick?

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Some one has posted this question on 10th August, as CDONTS is not working
on windows 2003 serever. I have the same problem and I copied CDONTS.DLL
from Windows 2000 Server and registered on Win 2003 server but it giving the
error on line when I calling method send of the object.

Error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

I tried to register CDONTS as COM+ with Admin user right to execute but it
still giving same error.

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Windows Server 2000 Question...

Will CDO work under Windows Server 2000? I'm guessing it will. The problem is that I wrote a nice little ASP app under Windows Server 2003 which works REALLY well. Sends out the email with NO problem. 'Course, it uses an external SMTP server, but I'm assuming this shouldn't matter, right?.

Because when I port it over to Windows Server 2000, it blows right past it. Is there a particular setup procedure that needs to be done for Windows Server 2000 to enable CDO to work properly?

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ASP On IIS6 Windows 2003 Server

At the early testing stages of writing some simple ASP scripts hosted by my Windows 2003 Server but I have hit upon a problem.

When I open an asp page, IE just returns the script rather than expected web page. What have I or am I doing wrong?

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ASP Problem In Windows 2003 Server

In Windows 2003 Server, when I include a file in upper directory, it will
occur error.

Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0131'

cannot include file '../' with '..' from upper directory

However, it doesn't have any problem in windows 2000 server

could anybody help me?

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Connection To SQL Server In ASP, Windows Authentication

My ASP page needs to connect to the SQL using Windows Authentication.

I have research this topic and I think the pieces of the puzzle are here, but they are not coming together correctly.

Users are separated into groups with different levels of security, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3. Each group can only view, update or delete specific pages. Code:

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Personal Web Server On Windows XP Home?

Is there a way to have Personal Web Server on XP- Home?

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003

if I can use CDONTS in W 2003 Server environment to send emails the same way it is used in W2K Server. I have heard that CDONTS is no longer available in W 2003 Server and if so, how can I send emails from ASP page.

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Windows Server 2003 Probs

I have a site thats been up for 2-3 years on an NT4 server using IIS & Ms Access, and I used MAcromedia Ultradev to build it with MX 2004 to maintain it.

The hosting company decided to upgrade the server to Windows Server 2003 and now none of the Dtabase connections or include files can be found. Does anyone know what I need to do to re-code this site.

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Weird Error Windows 2003 Server

I am recieving a weird error when I try to run asp scripts on my local
machine, I can use pages that access a database, but when I try to write to
the file system ie upload a file I get the error message below.

any ideas?

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MSWC.Tools & Windows 2003 Server

Hi people, I currently have a website and the asp pages include the following line:

"Set Tools = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Tools")"

My site is hosted on Windows 2000 server.

The hosting company has offered me a new deal but on Windows 2003 servers, I took them up on this but found that my asp pages did not function as these servers do not have the Internet Information Server (IIS) Resource Kit installed on them. I found this out by
looking at

As I am not the original creator of the asp pages and have no knowledge of asp, can anyone help me fix this problem where my asp pages will function correctly on the Windows 2003 server?

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Running Bat (batch) Files On Windows Server 2003 With Asp

im trying to run a bat file on windows server 2003 and am running into nothing but problems.

i have IIS on my XP workstation that accesses the 2003 server. what im about to explain below works properly on the XP IIs.

i have two files: somefile.asp and somefile.bat. the asp file creates a and then tries to execute the run method for somefile.bat.

however, it isnt working. after an unexaggerated 7 hours of searching google/etc, i have found nothing but frustration and deep, seething anger regarding this problem. Code:

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How To Insert A 301 Redirect On An HTML Page On A Windows Server

My website is currently made up of HTML pages and residing on a Windows server.

Currently converting them all to ASP, that is going from .html extensions to .asp (besides adding funking asp functions)

My pages have all being indexed by Google, so wouldn't risk loosing good ranking with Javascript redirects, so I tought using this would solve the issue, for example, on a file named thatpage.html

Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location", ""

Wherever where I insert it, in the head, in the body, before the DOC, it's not working, will have to resort to javascript? Will I have to put a link in the html page leading to the asp page? Wouldn't like to have user click agin to be led to the .asp version?

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ActiveXObject Problem - WScript.Shell On Windows 2003 Server

I have installed MSDE on my local computer - Windows 2000 Professional. I have created a function which runs me a link whose path is placed in the input field. This function looks like this: Code:

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OS Version

Is there a way to determine users OS version and servicepack level (when

(Browscap, broeserhawk,... ?)

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ASP Version IIS 6

I am trying to run vb6 webclasses from a NT IIS6 webserver. For a few years we have been running these successfully on IIS4. I'm having a little trouble getting the initial asp page to load. Is there anytning special that needs to be installed for webclasses or asp on IIS 6?

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ASP Version

I currently have an ASP website that utilizes an Access database,
which I administrate through the web via aspaccess. I really would
like to have a better database, but I can't afford to own SQL Server
or pay extra hosting fees from someone that has it. I would like to
keep ASP, but use mySQL. My dilemma is that, while I would like to add
mySQL, I don't want to create a mixed environment by using phpmyadmin
to administrate it. Does anyone know of an ASP-based administration
package for mySQL?

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Best Version

I see 2 versions. Visual Studio .net professional and Visual Studio .net Enterprise Developer. Can someone tell me which of these 2 is the best to buy.

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ASP.Net Version 2 - Worth It?

Is version 2 worth it, and is the only way to learn it the MS Visual Web Developer Free Download? It seems to have some really cool new features?

I am sick and tired of Macromedia and the rotten code that they generate with Dreamweaver, it's so bloated and falls apart in so many platforms.

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How Can I Know My IIS Version Number?

I am using w2000+sp4 server with IIS running, how can I know my IIS version
number, is it iis5.0 or 5.1 or 6.0?

I must know this, since I want to download patches from MS web site,

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File Version

I'm looking for an easy to use file version control system for all of our web development files.
We have been using Adobe’s Version Cue for our projects that utilize Adobe products and love it. The problem is that Version Cue only works with Adobe products.
In essence we are looking for a Version Cue for “everything else”.
We’ve tried tools like CVS and Subversion, but those are very difficult, seem to require a high degree of specialized knowledge and are not user friendly.
On the other hand Version cue offers most of the same features, but has a very simple yet powerful and feature rich GUI.
We need something that is usable by our programmers and designers alike

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I am currently learning ASP but have a small PHP background,
With PHP I used PHPMYADMIN to work with MYSQL
Is there a web based Alternative for
ASP and MSSQL that provides similair functionality?

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