Videos Without Downloading

i want that user should listen the songs without downloading.
there is link for every song when user click on the link the small popup will open and then song should start. but for that user dont have to download the song.
please tell me it is possible or not or if possible then please tell me the code.

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Online Videos

If anyone is familiar with Camtasia, they should know that it can output
files in various formats... SWH, WMV, AVI, Quicktime, etc.

I would like to output the files in SWH format since it includes a Flash
interface with player controls, etc. There are limitations on the size of
the video with this format. I'm not sure what they are right now.

Anyway, I would like to begin publishing the videos to my website that is
written in ASP.

Can anyone give me any points in the best way to handle this or if there are
any online tutorials or third party components for managing online content
in this way.

I realize I could create a table and assign various fields and simply put
the content into the database. This is likely the best approach, but then I
have to deal with an admin page because our end users won't have the ability
to use Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer to update the table using raw
SQL. Code:

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Streaming Videos In ASP

neeeded some advice and code snippets on trying to stream a video file in ASP. I know i can run that video file in flash file and then run it in asp but i dont intend to do that. I need to use only ASP.

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Converting Videos Automatically In ASP

Ive made an upload on my site so its possible to upload videos through my site and thier then output into a folder, is it possible for me to

1. Convert those uploaded video into 4 diffrent File Types (ipod,3gp,avi and mov)

2. tehn move the converted videos into another folder automatiaclly after being converted into their new file types.

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Take A Video And Split It Into Small Videos

1. "Partition interval time slots". For example take a 30 sec video and create 7 images at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 second intervals and the user from there can play each of those time frames INDIVIDUALLY.

2. Take two or more of these time slots and fuse them together forming one solid playable video. I guess you could do this by simply putting them together in windows media player (playlist) but not physically making one solid file.

I don't know if ASP can do any of these functions. I was given the option to take on a task of converting a ColdFusion application to ASP.

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Downloading PWS

I have a problem and it's pretty basic. I need to install PWS on a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 PC in college but cannot find a download just for PWS. I've done a search of the web and microsoft's download site and still no luck.

Installing IIS is not an option as Im technically not allowed to install anything and I'd rather it be PWS than a bigger and more noticeable IIS. I've heard that it comes on the Windows 98 disk but unfortuneatly I do not access to one.

Does anyone know of a link to download PWS? I've heard that it comes with an NT Option Pack aswell but can I just install PWS from this or will it change other settings?

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Downloading Using ASP.

I've been searching through google and different script sites to try and locate a script for simply downloading files(Small video clips) from an access database to my web page. But have been unable to find what I am looking for.

Do any of you guy's know of any good scripts. Don't need anything fancy just the basics.

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PDF Downloading

I'm using Infomentum's ActiveFile to download files. My machine is running Windows'98 and IE 5.5. I'm able to download all kinds of files except PDF files. I'm using the components File.Download method as per the example available in the web site and the directory that contains the file has sufficient rights granted, surprisingly I'm able to download those PDF files through OPERA.

I did not get any error when I go to the download, instead a blank page was displayed.

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Uploading And Downloading In ASP

I'm creating the Intranet for my company and in one of the parts of it I want that users to be able to upload and download files, however, I'm not sure what would be the best option/application to use for its creation. I need them specially for the uploading to be able to track when was the upload done, which user did it, and so on.

I have been using ASPs to create the website. Could I do this with ASPs ?

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Downloading To Client From ASP

I am developing an app that has a reporting function
which displays the non-PDF reports. One of the users
wishes to have the reports saved to his machine as PDFs.

The app can convert the reports, and save to the server
with no problem (uses a component for this). The problem
is, figuring out how to save the reports to the client.

The ideal approach would be to have the app save the
reports to his desktop, like some of those stupid casino
sites save their shortcut links.

However, I would settle for just just being able to force
the "download" dialog to display, instead of opening
Acrobat when the app attempts to send the report to the

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Inserting And Downloading

I am developing web pages , therein doing database
connectivity using ASP with Microsoft Access.I want to

insert a file (.opt/.pmopt) into a field 'OLE Object'. Also

I want to display that file name in tabular form and a link
to download that file.

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Downloading A File

There any way to download files I'm keeping stored above the www
folder for security

I'm thinking of the following : My script determines what file the user
requests, checks their credentials, and then "forwards" the file from the
non public directory to the user.

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Downloading Files...

The help is not very informative here, but it says, that it is possible to
download files, by using the 'a' tag. What I am trying to do, is create a
link, that the user clicks, which will download a file from the server. This
works fine for most files, but for things like TXT and HTM, they open in the
browser window. I want the 'Save As' dialog box to appear, instead.

If I use;
Response.Write "<a href='http://mydomain/myfile.txt'>myfile</a>"
I get the contents of myfile.txt displayed in the browser window. If I use;
Response.Write "<a href='http://mydomain/myfile.mdb'>myfile</a>"
I get the 'save file as' dialog box appear. How do I force the 'save file
as' dialog box to appear for ALL files

I tried using the 'FileSystemObject' and using the 'Copy' method of GetFile.
But this does not allow you to have a 'user defined' path to save the file
(which is pretty obvious, as this is the server side)... Is there another
function that I can use, or is there a property setting of the anchor tag,
that I need to set

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Downloading Pdf File

From the client side, I want to download a pdf file from the server side that was initially saved there.

this site didnt work for me: ....

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Downloading Files With Dot

i m getting file not found error when iam trying to download a file with name "test..doc" the actual file name is "text." and the extension ".doc".does using DOT(.) got any limitations with file names? strangly in the development i was able to download such file with dots at the ending.

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Downloading Files

I am writing asp page, based on the selection of the drop-down list I want to allow the user to download some files.for example

my drop-down list will contain a select control and a button

select control will have


e.g. when file file2.doc is selected and clicked on the button, the user should be able to download that file from the server.

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Downloading Iles

I want to use the information stored in an SQL database. There is a website with .asp pages that access it. I want to know if I can download the .asp files un-compiled so that I can see how they access the database or is there a way to see how the database is structured without getting the asp files?

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Downloading A File

I have a download function that allows a site visitor to download a file. It works when the page that calls the function, the function, and the file to download are all in the same folder. I want to be able to have the page that calls in one folder, the function in another folder and the file in a third. Any advice? Code that is working when all three are together:

Function doDownload (fileName)
dim myAttachment
myAttachment = "attachment; filename=" & fileName
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", myAttachment
Response.ContentType = "application"
response.BinaryWrite fileName

End Function

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You Are Downloading The File

I have an asp script on a server. However whenever I link to the script, instead of running it, the browser displays a message saying. "You are downloading the file "filename" from "server name" Would you like to open this file or save it to your computer ?

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Image Which Is Downloading

i want to set mime type of an image which is available for download.i gave the link of following page from a wml page and try to download a jpeg file on mobile.

response.redirect( "http://localhost/test/mustafa.jpg" )
but instead of redircting to jpg file andsetting its mime type , my fone download test.asp and says file formate unknown.

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Uploading And Downloading

im trying to add a facility to upload and download files to and from my web site. The uploaded needs to be made available to be downloaded. Does anyone know the coding for this, as its being bugging me for weeks. I just cant find code anywere.

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Downloading Files

I'm developing a webpage in ASP and javascript for downloading s/w. I've set of files and when user clicks download I should zip all files and provide user to download .zip or .tar file. how should I do this?

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%20 Downloading Files

why does %20 replaced with spaces in the file names iam trying to download? when i right click and save, the spaces are not replaced but when i click on the link and access through the http headers spaces are replaced with %20.

Moreover when i save file to the system, windows treats. "abc%20xyz.jpg" and "abc xyz.jpg" as a different files. why winodws is treating them as different file names?

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Know When Image Finishes Downloading

I'm developing a system for a person person to only be download the image once, but I have to allow for lose of connection for what ever reason. I've got the basic system working using SMS wap push.

I don't really want to give them a time window to download the item in as that leaves the possibility of them sharing with their friends, or not getting to download the image if the window expires.

What I want to do is use a querystring in the link to make the reference unique and flag in the DB when they've downloaded. Trouble is I can't figure out how to know when they've downloaded the image.

My train of thought has gone to getting some way to monitor how much of the image has been downloaded. Any one know how to do this? Or better yet anyone have any altrnative suggestions?

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How Can I Know Whether Client Side Downloading Is Over Or Not

I am now working in a project where my client registers inmy site. after registering and the confirmation of the demand draft i will be sending him a link to the download of the product. till now the work is OK. but if in any case my client is not able to complete the downloading and if he wants to resume it in a later time, it is not possible.

bcas i am deleting his link immediately after request to download ( to avoid him fron forwarding the link to some one else). if i didnt delete his record some one else can also dwnload the same product from me.

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Downloading Large Static

I am using forms authentication to protect all content as described in the
kb article below.;en-us;893662

This works fine except for files that are larger than about 40 or 50mb at
which point the user gets a 404 error and the httperr log indicates
connection_dropped status.
This is a w2k3 server with SP1 and all security patches installed.
Has anyone seen this before? I have been reading various posts online but
none seem to fit this symptom. Also have tried tuning various meta-base
properties to no avail.

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Downloading Known Mime Types

I have a selection of MP3's on my website, (non-copyrighted of course), I have an asp page that list the directory of MP3's which then provides a link to another ASP page to force download the file.

Response.AddHeader "content-disposition","attachment; filename=" & Request.QueryString("fname") & ""

Up until the weekend just gone, this worked fine, but now it only downloads a 0 byte file.

Obviously my code hasn't changed, so has anyone any other ideas whats gone wrong or another way the force download of a known mime type can be acheived.

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Downloading Or Opening A File In Asp

I want to create a asp page where i can give the user an option of downloading a file or opening a file e.g an excel file.

How do i do this?? Ive already created an asp page which has a button- where the user can click on the button. The excel option of either opening the file or downloading it comes up- but i want this option actually on a asp page. How do I go about this?

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Downloading Video Files

I have this weird problem when downloading video files on my ASP/IIS. My download code seems to be working since i can download every file except for video file ext. particularly mov and mpg. The download dialog prompts with the right file size except that it doesnt recognize the header or content type of the file.

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Report Downloading Into CSV Format

My ASP appllication displays reports and also provides a functionality to download the report in CSV format. This works fine. But If I change my local setting of my PC to finnish, then the csv file contains only one column and all the information is placed in that column.

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Uploading/Downloading Script

I have an ASP Code that was provided to us, but from the research that I have been doing, it request an ASPUpload installed. Is that some sort of script on IIS? Or is it something that has to be purchased? I was trying the script, but when I do, I get an error:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/upload/upload.asp, line 5

Line 5 has the following:

set objUpload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1").

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ASP Pages Downloading Instead Of Opening

I am working on a new website using .asp as the format and for some reason when I use firefox or IE to view the pages, I will be given the option to download the file instead of just opening the file in the browser.

The pages have been uploaded to test directory on a server that I use for development. The other pages that are my actual site that are asp pages work fine.

Any ideas?

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Secure Files From Downloading

help me in securing a pdf file on my site. i want ot provide a pdf file that can only be viewed and not downloaded.

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