Visitor Has Come From

How can I find out what site a visitor has come from using ASP? Suppose my website is and I have one page in the website that is used by the visitor to request products and demo. And on each request that page will send email to webmaster with the URL of the site that the visitor has come from.

Like if the visitor will search in Google and click on thelink that will take him to the home page not the product request page, So I think I need to store the URL in Session veriable when ever any user will start the website. So can any body give me some example how to do that?

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Country Of Visitor

How i can know the country of the visitor of the web?

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Visitor Details

Is there a way of detecting and then recording a visitors details(eg. browser, ip, country, OS...) and then storing that info to a database automatically?If, so, could you plz tell me how to record the info straight to a database without the user having to click on anything.

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Show The Visitor's IP

In one of my ASP page, I want to show the visitor's IP. Who can I do that?

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Unique Visitor Hit Counter

I have found a tutorial to create a hit counter for my webpage which runs off of a database it is all wonderful and everything BUT, whenever I am working on the site and refreshing a thousand times to see what everything looks like, it is counting me too.

Is there any way to code your own counter that counts only unique visitors? I would use a free one, but of course I don't want any links or images on the site, I want to be the only one that can see the stats.

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Detect Mobile Visitor

How can I detect if someone is browsing with a mobile phone or other small screen device?I'd like to give them a text and small pic version of my site.
Also, what media player is common to them, and is it programmable, ie, can I turn sounds off and on.

I have an interactive page with alot of text, I'd like to offer the interactive page without the text. Do they run javascript?

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Identify A Unique Visitor

We've created a video application that allows "voting" for videos, to determine prize winners. We want to restrict each computer to one vote per day. What is the best way to do this without requiring the user to log in? A login app is not in the client's budget, nor is it doable from a time standpoint. Is detecting IP address in ASP reliable for the average user? Cookies seem easiest, but they also are easy to wipe out.

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Detect Visitor's Town And Country

I've been to a few websites where it displays the town, state (if USA),
country I'm browsing from. Now, I know that detecting country is easy, but
how do you determine the town?

What ASP components do this?

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