Wait While Variable Is Filled

How can I brake my code in order to wait for a session variable to be filled?
I'm uploading an image and would like to get the folder name where it'll be stored from another form that is submited in sequence ..

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Email Pdf Filled In

I have a client who has a pdf form that can be filled in online. Is there anyway to get the pdf emailed when clicking submit.

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Wait Page

Does anyone have a real nice way of putting a please wait page up while a web page it updating a database with a large query?

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Get A Script To 'wait

Is it possible to make an asp script 'wait' inbetween commands?
A quick example (but not what I've got in mind):

Response.write ("Please wait. Validating password...")
[wait 5 seconds]
Response.redirect ("done.asp")

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Please Wait Page

On my web page i have 3 frames.Firs two are for parameters and in 3 frame is for webchart.it may take max 10sec.to gen, and display the chart.How to display on this time message like: "Please wait.."and if the chart is completed, then draw the chart?

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Wait Function

any way that i can make my application wait for some time so that HTML page loads in that time, right now I am using following code,

Public Sub waitBySecs(ByVal nNumSecs As Integer)
Dim d1, d2 As DateTime

d1 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(nNumSecs)
d2 = DateTime.Now

While DateTime.Compare(d2, d1) < 0
d2 = DateTime.Now
End While
End Sub

but the problem in this function is that it takes the whole CPU usage, so I am looking for an alternative for it.

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Loading ... Please Wait

I have one ASP page. During opening this page its taking some time to open as its has to process some asp code. I want to display some animated gif or text showing that page is loading or please wait...or some thing like that.

I put image and text on top in file and then asp code but its not showing its only showing non asp part when its finishing the asp processing. I tried with response.buffer = false too. but no luck. Is there any way that I can show some text during asp page is loading or processing.

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Wait Message

I eadded in some code to make the server take a couple extra seconds to spit out results(for my test page) and it thinks for a few seconds but it never shows the wait message while it's thinking.

I have a web application that has to post and get a response from a few different servers before the user is redirected so I can't just change my sql code or anything to make it faster. It usually doesn't take more that 5 seconds but I would really like to have a please wait message since in the future that could take longer.

It's done in classic asp. Simple as a user fililng out a form and submitting it. The form is processed then the user is redirected.

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To Wait For Few Secs Before Redirect

I have a asp result page which shows that a record has been successfully updated. After this display I need to redirect this to a different page.

However, I would like to keep the display for few secs before the redirect. I would appreciate the command to do this.

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Display Please Wait Message

I need to display a "please wait" message when the user click a post button on a webform, so that the webform can start data processing. I am using asp.net in vb.net code-
behind. I saw some javascript example, but I could not find a way to show the message before the processing.

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While Page Loads....Please Wait..

I have seen a few articles with a javascript example but it is not working for me. The server side code is processed first and then the javascript so I basically get my page loading splash screen displayed for a split second and then my page I am navigating to.

How do I display the "Please Wait..." before the server side code kicks in ...

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How To Wait Before Redirecting To Another Page?

Example is: If a user logs in failed because of invalid userid or password, I want display a message indicating the problem, wait about 30 seconds, then automatically redirect to login page again. What command or method should I use to wait 30 seconds?

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Making Browser Wait Before Executing

i have an uploadpage where users can upload images. When the image is uploaded my logo is added with aspimage.

the file hasnt been saved before i try loading it with aspimage. How can i make the browser wait 2 secs before executing the next piece of code, to allow the file to be saved properly before trying to access it again ?

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ASP Wait Some Time And Redirect Without Loading Server

Do you know any way to load a page, wait for 5 seconds IN SERVER PROCESS, and then redirect in the server side, - not using javascript?

What I pretend is to show a page that loads a .GIF file that appears to be loading something, and after 5 seconds redirect to results page, so users apparently think that a backend proccess has occoured.

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Wait For Connection.execute Method To Complete...

I 've coded an asp webpage where a user could toggle a boolean value through a checkbox.
When the checkbox was pressed, the page posted the toggle action to itself, a

connection.execute "UPDATE tableName SET fieldName=(Not fieldname) WHERE field_id=1

query was performed and the checkbox, after I had retrieved its new value through a recordset, changed its appearence(state). At first I used an MS Access DB and it worked fine.

After I had switched the hole application to work with MS-SQL, although I changed the above query to Code:

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Permission Denied Unless I Wait And Refresh Webpage

PrinterShare = "GarchiveISLaser"

Set objFileStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(PrinterShare)

This code is on a page that if redirected to or javascript window.opened then I'll get a "Permission denied" error message. If I wait maybe 3-5 minutes, I can refresh the page and the print job will print successfully.

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Can I Keep A Connection Open To Wait For Output From A Proccess

I have a web form that uploads a file to the server where the file is proccessed and outputs a report, the time lapse between uploading the file and the report being produced varys from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the number of clients requesting reports.

My question is after the file has been uploaded is it possible to keep the connection open and inform the client when the report is ready for downloading.

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Disable Drop Down "2" Until You Have Filled In Drop Down "1"

I have 3 drop down boxes on an asp page Dynamically populated fron the db, I need the drop bown boxes to be refreshed when you have picked the first eg I select "Midlands" from the Region drop down and only the "Locations" that are in the Midlands are entered into the Locations drop down.....

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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How Do I Put A Variable And A Non Variable In A From Statement?

sql = "SELECT * FROM & console &'news'"

I got that right now but i want the variable, console to be placed along with news so when it selects from the db it selects from gcnnews or whatever variable it's on. How do I do that?

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im trying to subtart one quantity from another then stick the answer in to an update statment, but all i get is an error in syntax message

variable math bit=

sql =
sSQL="Update spares SET spares.location='"&request("location")&_
"',spares.qty='(" & qty & ") "&_
"',spares.updated_by='"&session("name")&"' WHERE(spares.id)=" & form_id

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Variable Name, Dependant On The Value Of Another Variable...

I need to assign a value to a variable, but this variable name is dependant upon another variable!! I am including the code below so you can see it, cos if not I am sure you are thinking whattt?? Code:

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Can't Get The Variable

I have many buttons that mapping many textbox, when I click button, I
want to show a string that contains button number( and the mapping
string ), but it failed.

Here is the code:
<%response.write"<input type='button' name="'btUS95resone"&" a &"'
value='Save' onclick='resone("&a&")'>"%>

function resone(cnt)


It seems that the component I called is not there...

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If Not Variable

Can anybody tell me what is the asp equivalent of the php-phrase:

if (!$Variable) {}


Another question: is there a special syntaxis for asp conditions in condition?
I tried this code it doesn t work:

If Condition Then
If 2nd condition Then
ElseIf Then
End If

End If
And it works only when I remove the 2nd condition's End If and the ElseIf. Seems strange, no?

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I have a text file that looks like this:

Artist Name: Kiss
Song Title: Rock and Roll All Night
Running Time: 04:38

And I need to be able to get the artist name and song title in asp and display it on a website. The thing is, the text file changes with the song being played on the radio. How can I do this?

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VB Variable

I've been given an ASP app written with server side javascript. This app needs to get the username of the person currently logged in to windows (Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") in vbscript). I found a way to get this variable in javascript, but then it wouldn't let me split it (server kept saying method not supported). So I've gave up on getting the username with javascript, and have set variables in VBscript at the top of my page. How do I access those variables within the javascript portion?

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i have a textbix name "building" inside my system where the user might input one or several building name in it seperated by a comma. How can i extract each of the value in it? For example, "PG2, PG7, PG6", i want to extract each of them.

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Variable In A URL

I have this url that loads, but in the url is the date, so I need a variable i can use so as the date changes the url is automatically updated,

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using access db and asp

i have a variable from a form
sRound = request.form("round") and for now let us say this value is 3

now i want to include that 3 in sql, but it is part of a field name which
is round3_report

cm.CommandText ="UPDATE rounds SET round" & sRound & "_report = '" & var5 &
"' WHERE Name ='" & sName & "' AND meeting = " & var4 & ""

this isn't working. i keep getting parameter error. i know there is a way to
join a word with a variable in order to make a field name in asp/sql

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ASP Variable

I am having difficulty in displaying Response.Write rsVacancies("Title") variable more than once. If I remove it from the page title it displays within the description tag but does not display in both. Code:

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WHERE As A Variable

I am tring to search a database with an SQL statement via a web page. I am using Dreamweaver to build my page. The search works great when I hard code the table field into the Recordset. However, I would like to implement a variable on the field in the table to do the search on.

For Instance, a user can make a selection in a drop down box and then enter the text in a text field. I am having trouble implementing the drop down box variable into the code. I suspect I need the WHERE to be a variable just as the LIKE parameter but I keep getting errors. Code:

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