Warning BC40056: Namespace Or Type Specified In The Imports 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient'

Currently i working on a project using ASP.net and mysql. these are the classes i imported:

<%import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%import Namespace="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"%>
Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Dim myConnection As MySqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As MySqlDataAdapter
Dim myDataSet As DataSet

Dim strSQL As String
Dim iRecordCount As Integer

myConnection = New MySqlConnection("server=myserver; user id=XXX; password=XXXX; database=XXXX; pooling=false;")

when i try to test it out on my localhost, i got this error compiler page:

(warning BC40056: Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.


Dim myConnection is not defined. ....

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The Type Or Namespace Name

I've set up IIS on a local machine and have moved a site from my production server to this machine. Everything is copied over correctly. I next re-reference all the .dll's I built in c# to the bin directory, but I get the following error when I open the site:

"The type or namespace name 'ett' could not be found". All the files are sat in the /bin directory. Strangely, if I copy over the dlls from the server (Without changing the references) everything runs fine - but I need to be able to build and test on the local machine. what i'm doing wrong? The site seems to look in the bin to get the copied dlls, but it doesnt seem to see them if I recompile.

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The Type Or Namespace Name 'Tree' Could Not Be Found

I am working my way through Kevin Yanks tutorials on C# and object orientation, and I got stuck at the tree example.

Link to article

When I try loading http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/tweb/test2/PlantTrees.aspx in my webbrowser I get this error message: Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Tree' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I do however have the Tree.dll file in the bin folder, and it is lookin exactly like its supposed to.

When I try loadinghttp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/test2/PlantTrees.aspx, however, the program works perfectly. (notice the difference in the URL's)

Why is that? Anyone know? Why do I have to remove the root folder name from the url to make it work??

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MySQL Column-Type Time With Win2k3

I've changed my Webserver from Win2k to Win2k3. The MySQL-Server 4.0.20 is on a separate machine and i've made no changes there.

When i read a time from a colum which column-type time with Win2k, i get the correct time.
But when i try the same with Win2k3 i get only a date. Why? I connect to the MySQL-Server with ADODB.Connection.

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Namespace Conflict

I have an ASP 2.0 Web site I'm building and I'm adding Atlas to one of the pages. I've created a simple Web Service as a separate project and compiled it. The Web Service has a class to connect to our SQL Server to get data. The service takes two strings and an array of SQL Parameters. I have added the Web Service reference to my Web site app in the App_WebReferences folder.

when I create an instance of the Web Service it attaches the local namespace of the Web Service to the SQLParameter type and gives me an error like: "Value of type '1-dimensional array of System.Data.SQLClient.SqlLParameter' can not be converted to '1-dimensional array oflocalhost.SqlParameter'.because 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter' is not derived from 'localhost.SqlParameter'.Why is it doing that?

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Data Type Mismatch When GETting Data From An Access DB

We are running into problems with the script below, whose purpose is to allow users to choose values from drop downs populated by an MS Access DB.

(returns a blank page with only HTML Titles)

(you may notice this is a modified sample script): Code:

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Take Certain Data From Mysql

How do I take all the data in a database in range from 01-01-01 00:00:00 to 01-02-01 00:00:00 i have a column with dates+time in it, and i only need to take some data from a specific timerange Is it something like this:

Select * FROM table where Date = "01-01-01 00:00:00 " to "01-02-01 00:00:00"

In has to be in ASP.

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Converting XML Into MySQL Data

Is there a way to import XML data into mySQL on a daily basis using some sort of automatted process?

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Using ASP To Report On Data In MySQL??

I use ASP to create reports by interacting with a mySQL database..

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Insert Data Into Mysql Fields

I'm writing ASP/mysql apps, and I'm almost clueless about mysql. Can someone tell me how to insert data into fields using ASP? Code:

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Data Type

What data type do you use for this input -- uyen8976? how do you convert it to a string? how do you query it?

I tried to create a table in sql with this field
invoice char not null

qInvoice= "select invoice from ItemMaster where invoice=" + cstr(inv)
rs.open qInvoice, "dsn......"

when i tried to query this field, computer didn't understand what cstr(inv) was. It kept reporting errors.

However, i couldn't use varchar data type for uyen8976 either. The computer didn't let me convert "uyen8976" into a string.

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Data Type

i define Dim total as int but the total's value cant exceed a certain big amount. is there any long data types or double, which can be used?

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Data Type Error

i am getting this error Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'

Syntax error converting the varchar value 'Canvas' to a column of data type int.

/store/administrator/special.asp, line 98

what i am doing is selecting an item from the drop down and i have textbox i want to display the items price from the table here is the code:

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Data Type Error

I am trying to do a comparison between two values and am getting the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

The code that is creating the error is as follows:

sb = Request.Form("storyboardscreen")

if Not Lcase(Request.Form("AllStoryBoard")) = "all" then
whereClause = whereClause + "theStoryboard = " + sb
end if

I am using the statement to build the where clause of my query. The sb value is retrieved from a pull down menu and "theStoryboard" column is the db is of data type "text". The values stored in the field are 12 digit numbers. I have tried doing a cstr to sb but that doesnt work, any tips on what I am doing wrong? I am using asp with an access db.

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CDbl Data Type

I'm grabbing data from an XML web service and storing the values in ASP variables. I'm trying to apply the cDbl function to values returned and I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'cDbl'

The data prints to the screen just fine

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Data Type Of An Array

can i put my operators into an arry, as i want to loop them later in a loop. but i have problem declearing the data type of the arrys.

Dim operatorsArray(4) As ?????
operatorsArray(0) = "+"
operatorsArray(1) = "-"
operatorsArray(2) = "*"
operatorsArray(3) = "/"

what should the data type be to work. can i have an example of how i am going to
use it.can it be done this way eg.
2 operatorsArray(0) 3 operatorsArray(0) 4 operatorsArray(0)does the above interperate as 2 + 3 + 4?

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Integer Data Type

I am calling a javascript function in my asp. I am passing a recordset value, a 7 digit integer, to this javascript function. However, in the function this value is not coming in correctly. say for example i am passing 0360001, in the function when i pass it to another window, its going as 122881.

I am asuming its because of the size of the default integer data type. If you think thats the reason, how can set a long integer data type to this value, if that can be done in asp.

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Mismatch Data Type

I m getting mismatch datatype error. How will fix this?Id is number, and route_knowledge is text.

Select route_name from routes where ID in (select Route_knowledge from drivers where ID =10)

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Variable Data Type

Is there a way to print a variable's data type - like int, string, dbl?

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ADO Streams And Binary Data Held In A MySQL Database Blob Field

Has anyone else found a memory leak using ADO streams to access binary data held in a database. I have searched through this forum and have not come across anyone else, so maybe it is just me.

The scenario is as follows:
Windows 2000 SP3
MDAC 2.7 SP1
MySQL 3.23
MyODBC 2.50

If I query the database and do a response.binarywrite everything works fine and no memory leak. eg. response.binarywrite myrecordset("blobfield")

If I read the very same BLOB field into a ADOstream I then get a memory leak in DLLHOST.EXE of how big that binary field was. ie If the picture is 140k in size DLLHOST.EXE increases its memory size by 140k.

This keeps on happening until DLLHOST.EXE is something like 250 MBytes in size at which point it stops working. Quick restart of the IIS Web service and I get all my memory back.

The command I am using to get the data into the ADOstream is picturestream.write myrecordset("blobfield")

I have also tried putting the binary data into a variable first before inserting it into the stream:
set x=myrecordset("blobfield")
picturestream.write x

The stream is closed and set to nothing at the end of processing. Everything is cleanly shut down. Through testing I know the memory leak occurs once the data has been written into the stream. The stream is correctly created as type binary.

The stream problem I am encountering does not seem to be limited to ASP, I tried it using Visual Basic to create a COM component to do the same job and still got a memory leak.

So the questions are:
1. Has anyone come across this before or fixed it?
2. Is there another way of getting binary data out of MySQL, something like the opposite of LoadFile?

I have wasted so much time on this problem but cannot find, having searched Microsoft's knowledge base and the rest of the web, any reference to the problem.

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Data Type Mismatch In SQL/ASPstatement?

I have been trying to delete a record from a database using the following code:

strQuery = "DELETE * FROM tbl_bookings WHERE fld_booking_id= '" & delID &"'"


it looks fine to me but I am getting the following error message:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E07)
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
/cancel.asp, line 50

Line 50 is the objConn.execute statement.

Is this something simple?

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Data Type Mismatch Error

I am doing a simple profile update webpage, I keep getting this error and can'y figure out how to fix it. I have included the code. The only field in my database that isn't a text field is my userid field which is an autonumber field.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression ASP Code:

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Data Type Relation Between SQL/ASP And Access

I am trying to insert data from one table to another but it always errors me on type mis matches or parameters.

Basically the SQL statement looks like this:

sql6 = "Insert Into tblWeeklyFixtures_Div3 Select * From tblAllFixtures_div3 Where GameDate > date() <=date()+7"

and it gives me error:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
/DIGFootball/Admin/FriDiv3/update2.asp, line 142]

I tihnk it has to be that i havent declared that i will be importing into a Date/Time field in access but when i change this in acess it gives me more errors so for a peacful life i chnaged the field back to text but by doing this the above SQL statement is pretty useless.

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Data Type Error In Sql Statement

i going to execute this sql statement...and the error come up.. why?

Select * From members Where ID = '123'

pls note that the type of ID is autonumber

is it becoz of type of ID is autonumber? how to solve this problem??

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What Data Type Should I Use For Yes Or No Check Boxes?

how's the best way to handle yes or no check boxes in a form and DB?

I am building an apllication using ASP and MS SQL 2000. The form will have a total of
34 yes and no check boxes. That is, users will have to make a choice(s) by checking either one.

So my question is, for efficiency on the SQL side, what's the best data type to use?

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Implicit Data Type Converson

Consider the following code snippet:

Dim intA, strA, strB

strA="Hello World"

The above code generates the "Type mismatch" error pointing to the line strB=strA+intA but why doesn't VBScript implicitly cast the value of intA into String when intA is concatenated with strA?

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Date/Time Data Type

Im having trouble in storing blank or space value on a variable wich data type is Date/Time, if i make a statement like this

Field Data Type
CPARCAVEDate Date/Time

strCPARCAVEDate = rstFEVV.fields("CPARCAVEDate").value

if strCPARCAVEDate = "" then
counter = counter + 1
end if

The value doesnt increment. Do you guys have an idea how to recognize a no value.

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Warning Msg

i have a form, with a large test area, and a submit button linked to an access databse,
i want to pu an if

if the text is empty dont submit msg a warning
else submit
i tried
<% if rquest.form("comment") = "" then
response.write ("fill in comment")
end if %>

didn t work
when i load my page the msg will appear because it is empty

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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression.

I am getting the following error and not sure what it means.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression. /addgift.asp, line 18


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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

I'm getting the error: Data type mismatch in criteria expression every time I try to run this bit of code:

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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Noob question I'm getting errors with the following code


processevent = Request.QueryString("processevent")
SQL = "Select * From shimlog Where ID = '" & processevent & "'"
Rs.Open SQL, Conn, 3, 3

Is giving following error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
/area51/shimlog.asp, line 53

Read MS webpage and using some :'s in there somewhere could not get it to work

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Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime

I'm using ASP, VBScript, ADO for SQL server 2000. I have a stored procedure that I'm trying to use to insert a row using parameters. One of the field is date. Here is the parameter for that. Code:

Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("theDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, Date())
cmd.Parameters.Append param

But I'm getting this error. Error converting data type varchar to datetime.

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UPDATEing Access Memo Data Type?

I've got the following code UPDATEing an access db (Field Type = Memo) with varying degrees of success: Code:

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