Windows Is Shutting Down In 60mins. Pleases Save Your Work. And Shows A Path To C:w

I have a win2k server. I just installed running service pack 3, am just updating to service pack 4 now.

i normally get the error, windows is shutting down in 60mins. pleases save your work. and shows a path to c:winntsystem32lssas.exe

I am wondering if this is a lasser worm or what ? cos i have had to format a couple of times, but still get the error.

what do i do ? Any Advice ?

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Upload :: Save The File Path

I am not able to save the file path into database remaining everything is working good i can upload the image to the folder and save the data to the database. I am using MySQL database .....

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Save Word Document Over Http:// Path

I've an ASP.Net c# application that needs to read Word documents from a directory on the web server, open them in Word from the client browser, edit the content and then update the document on the server.

I can almost do it by pasting the url into the "Save As" location but I get a "read only" message when I try to save.I'm happy to code httpRequest objects or Word automation,if necessary, but I need to resulting procedure to be intuitive for the user.

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File System Object Doesn't Work In Virtual Path?

I have a virtual path setup in order to give my web server access
to a file on my app server. I am using the file system object to check
for the existance of the file and if it exists, it has to validate the
file date.

The problem is I can't seem to find the file. I can successfully check
for the existance of a file on the web server, but once I enter the
virtual path it can't find anything. All three of these calls return


However these two calls work, so I assume I am referencing the file

Response.Redirect "http://server/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"
Response.Redirect "/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"

Am I doing something wrong here? The virtual path is setup with an id
that has full access to the folder.

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Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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Shutting Down Oracle

On User Logout,I Close my Asp Application Browser Window,
and attempt to shut down oracle database.
The window closes, but Oracle Shutdown displays
"Stop Active Connections".

Can i avoid this window ? I am not using global.asa.

The following is my logout code :
<script language="JavaScript">
</script><%dim Executor
Set Executor = Server.CreateObject("ASPExec.Execute")
Executor.Application = """E:ORAWIN95BINOSTOP73.EXE""/screen"
Executor.ShowWindow = false
set Executor=nothing%>

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IIS Shutting Down Automatically

IIS in our server is shutting down automatically on its own. I don't know what is the problem?

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Shutting Down A Browser

i'm trying to keep users from being able to login to a site twice at the same time. everytime a user does a login, i stick their userID into an application scoped array. if they try to login again, i bounce them to an error page. i use the session_onEnd sub within global.asa to remove their userID from the array at the end of their session, and this seems to work fine.

however, if i just shut down the browser, the sub_onEnd doesn't seem to get called, so i'm unable to remove their userID from the application array. any ideas on how to force this sub to fire, or is there another way around this?

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Variables Shows -1

After qeuering from Access I store the values of the recoredset (like rs.recordcount, rs.AbsolutePage) in variables in ASP, but when i display/use them later in the page it shows -1. but the page shows the queried data properly.

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Select Shows None

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=select1 name=select1>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three</OPTION>"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
When open this page,select1 shows "One".I want when open the page,select1 shows none.That is to say,nothing is displayed in select1.

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Paging Just Shows 1


FOR paging = 0 to recCount/20
IF paging = 0 THEN response.Write("Page") ELSE
Response.Write("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""favourites.asp?pageno=" & paging & """class=""textareatext"">" & paging+1 & "</a> ")
IF paging < recCount/20-1 THEN response.Write("-")

how do i not show 1 if there are less than 20 records?

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Mail Content Shows

- we've form to be filled. and data will be mailed
- what happens is, mail shows up special characters in places of
commas, and other special characters inputted

following characters are shown in mail content


what can be reason and how to overcome

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Shows Value Of Combobox In The Textbox

I have a Combobox and a textbox in my asp page. I want the value of Combobox in Onchange event shows in the textbox. this my code but it isnot correct.

<script Language="JavaScript">
function NavTo(a1)

<SELECT id=select1 name=select1 onchange=Navto(document.forms[0].select1.value)>
<OPTION value="1046">1046</OPTION>
<OPTION value="1045">1045</OPTION>

<INPUT type="text" id=text1 name=text1 >

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File Shows Action

I have an asp page that outputs a word document. Wnen the user attempts to
open this page from a hyberlink in an email document the word document opens
fine but if they save then an action cancelled message appears in a browser
window. If you cut and paste this same link into IE and attempt to saves
there is no browser window opened.

If the user attempts to open instead of save the document it opens in a word
out side the browser. I am told this used to open up in word insdie the
browser.If you cut and paste the link into explorer and acess it from there
the word document is displayed in word inside the browser.

If I omit the content disposition header the word document opens inside a
browser no matter how it is opened however the save problem remains.

I do not want the browser window to remain open. Or if it must then I dont
want the ACTION Cacelled message. How can I control that

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Shows Code Instead Of Form

I have an index.html and redirect in this index to an ASP-page (so a file called XXX.asp). The browser shows me the code of XXX.asp in stead of the layout of the form. How come ?

And when I access this index.html from another machine in the network, I got the error the page XXX.asp cannot be found ?

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Shows Tick Box Data

i want to do is to have an update form that shows tick box data which is read from an access database via asp and a dsn less connection string. Have achieved it with text boxes but can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same with tickboxes.

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IIS5 Not Showing ASP Files, Shows Others

Annoying problem on a server with IIS 5. [We have other
IIS 5 that show asp files just fine. I'm at a loss. ]

I can open htm, html, gif, jpg, all files except asp
files. The message when opening an asp file is:

"The page cannot be found...
blah blah blah
HTTP 404 - File not found"

I've looked everywhere. Permissions are okay with IUSR
and security since we can browse other files. The asp
files in question are NOT marked Hidden...

What can I do to make it render the asp files? Ideas?

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Why The Request.Form Variable Shows A 0?

This is ASP and JScript.

I request a form variable:

var sReviewID = formatUndefined(Request.Form("ReviewID"), "");
Response.Write ("sReviewID: " + sReviewID + "<br>");

Function formUndefined is: Code:

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Crystal Viewer Shows Blank Report.

I have an asp page that I use to build the sql criteria for a Crystal report version 10.

The report writer page takes the criteria and supposedly passes the sql string with a where clause to the page that hase the viewer. Here is the code where I pass that script to the report viewer page: Code:

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Asp Does Not Work

i use a IIS 5.1 with win XP with the newest updates etc.
its possible to start aspx and html files but not asp files
what could it be ? what can i check ?

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Can It Work Like A CGI?

Can a ASP work like a CGI.(Email Scripts) ? Can a ASP script for email will work, if a Script is on 1 server and form(html.form) is on another server and a thank you page is on 3rd server. Like if u don't know about a CGI there are many websites who give you permission to use their script by editing little bit in yours form and place them on yours server website, there are number of site.

And 1 more thing I want to ask is if some one use a windows server he have a form html on that server, can he run asp script which is on Linux server to get form result on his desired email id.

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OnAfterPrint Cannot Work

cannot using onAfterPrint in IE 6.0, the page can print but cannot close.

my code like as below

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

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I Cannot Get This Inner Join To Work In Asp

<!--#Include Virtual="/bug/"-->

<title>Bug Status Board</title>

Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog =
techsupportBT; User Id = sa; Password="
Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sSQL="SELECT T.BugIndex, T.[Date Entered], T.DESCRIPTION,"
sSQL= ssql &" T.Company, T.Technician, T.Developer, T.PROGRAM, "
sSQL= ssql &" T.Status, T.PRIORITY, T.[Version Fix], n.noc"
n.bugindex "
set rs=conn.Execute(ssql)

and this is the error message that I get Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INNER'

I cannot find an example anywhere that helps with this situation. This works fine in SQL, but for some reason asp is being a pain.

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Can't Get CDO Mail To Work

I copied ASP/VBScript code from several sources and adapted it to my page and variables. Here is my current code for implementing CDO:

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Why Sub Procedure Does Not Work

I am trying to construct a sub procedure that concects to db , executes a stored procedure and returns a recordset. Connection to db and executing the stored procedure works fine.

The problem is that when I call the sub in the asp page to be executed the recordset is refused to be returned from the sub and the recordset itself does not appear to be constructed. or in another words the error displayed is: 'object required' --> refering to my recordset --> 'rs'

I do not know why, can any one tell me the reason, I tried much but with no result.
NOTE: For testing puropses I looped through the recordset isnide the sub itself and it worked fine Code:

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Global.asa How Does It Work?

Is there somebody who can explain to me how I can use a Global.asa to store Functions and Variables in it? I understand that there are 4 events that can be used in a global.asa : Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, Session_OnEnd

But still i don't get how i can CALL functions of variables. Because with those 4 things they start all in the beginning or in the end of a session or application.

For example i use an encrypt function in different pages, can i just put it in de global.asa and call it when i need it?

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ASP Not Work In W2003

I've just moved all asp file from IIS4/5 to IIS6(2003), but they don't work.It there any trick?

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Work Week

I need to provide a pulldown with work weeks displayed.Is there any easy way to do this?

I would like to go 6 months from the current date and show a week as Oct. 11- 15.Which is Monday to Friday.

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Validation Does Not Work

I have an asp page. In this there is a form when submit it have to chech if the fields are not emtpy.When it not empty it wil insert into a database an a mail.If a field is empty it send it anyway, it doens't do the validation. Here is a part of my code:Code:

<% if request("action") = "Verzenden" then
datum = request("dtmmeldinghelp")
if datum <>"" then
'I have tried also: if len(datum) <0 then
response.Write("<html>" & "<body>" & "Fout" & "</body>" & "</html>")
' here come my sql insert to code and the code for email
' this works fine

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Aspfunction Does Not Work

i built this test program:

the time is <% = Time %>

It does not show the time! very basic probably but not for me.

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Button Won't Work

I am trying to add a button to a menu which it's action is conditioned by a session variable. The button shows up fine but I get no action from the button being clicked . The variable does have a valid value. If anyone can help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated. The code follows:

<input TYPE="submit" NAME="Button1" VALUE="Quote Generator">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" FOR="Button1" EVENT="onClick">
If Session("RVQuoteAuthority") = "Y" then
MsgBox "No Authority"
End If

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How CDONTS Work ??

Talking about the cdonts objects.. i want to send the email in windows xp..
i downloaded cdonts.dll and registered it.. but still i am not able to send
the mail.. is it so that i need to set the settings in the Virtual SMTP server
in IIS ?

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