Wrapping Text On A Button

how to wrap text on a button.

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Wrapping Text

I 've built a site for a client using .asp and eveything is working fine
except I cannot figure out how to wrap text around an image. Everything is
pulled from the database using response.write. The code works correctly but
I just can't seem to figure out how to do it? I've been searching for weeks
about info on how to do this - to no avail

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Wrapping Text In Hyperlink.

I have script pulling text from a databse which is just the name of a file, e.g: test and I have code which puts a hyperlink around it, for example: http://www.myserver/files/test.doc , so that when the user clicks on it the file opens up for them. How do I check that if the name of the file is a particular filename the address is different.

Basically 1: if filename = test1
address = http://www.myserver/files/test1.doc
2: if filename = EXTERNAL
address = http://www.myserver/EXTERNAL.doc

Here's my code so far:

<TD WIDTH=83 class="body"><P><A HREF="http://www.myserver/files/<% Response.Write RSEmps("fileName")%>.doc"><% Response.Write RSEmps("fileName") %></TD>

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Defeat Wrapping Text

I ran into a little problem with wrapping text and found 'a' solution. The problem was when I read in text from a DB table field to populate a HTML table. I found a line of text to wrap mysteriously after column 37 even when the field was defined with a max character count of 100.

I removed the <td> tag's 'width' attribute and this took care of the wrapping problem.
I hope this will help someone else.

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Wrapping Text Around An Image

I 've built a site for a client using .asp and eveything is working fine except I cannot figure out how to wrap text around an image. Everything is pulled from the database so the code works correctly but I've been searching for weeks about info on how to do this -to no avail.

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Wrapping Text Around Images Using Response.write

I cannot find any information on how to insert an image into a block of text
and have the text wrap around the image. All if the text and graphics in
the client's site are being pulled from the database using response.write.
When I write straight HTML, it is easy to place an image into a block of
text and align the image right or left, having the text wrap around the

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Button Appears As Text Instead Of Link

I have copied the code below from elsewhere on the web in order to create a form that will allow users to upload pictures to my server.

First obstacle i'm encountering is that the 'upload' button doesn't appear as a link but rather as text. I'm VERY new to .asp so hopefully somebody will see a minor error and explain how to fix it. Code:

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Radio Button, Check Box, Text Area Values In Sessi

I have a radio button, a check box and a text box in a web page. From this page, I go to a series of other pages. In one of the following webpages I am providing an option to come back to the first page which has the radio button, check box and the text box.

When doing so, I need to retain the values I originally checked in teh radio button and the text box, and also the text in the text box. I understand that I need to carry it through a session variable, but I dont know how I can do it.

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Wrapping List

I have long list of names that I would like to wrap across multiple columns (like a newspaper). Are there any suggestions on how to go about this?

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Line Wrapping

Is there a way to prevent IE from forcing a line break? Below in LISTING 2,
you notice the table background image extention of '.jpg' begins a new line,
instead of staying on the same line as it's file name. Same happens with my
javascript onclick event, IE forces a line break and breaks my code. In my
asp code, you notice I'm inserting line breaks, but IE seems to do what it
wants. I should note, the below HTML results is actually 1 table of 40 or so
that asp builds as a string. Code:

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Wrapping HTML Tables

I have a recordset containing many fields from one row of data populated by an SQL query.
If I return the entire recordset in one row with the column headings the table would scroll off the right of the screen.
What I want to be able to do is to create several tables, one below the other of five columns each to display the data.
This is fine if I am returning just data, but I want the field.Name as well as the data - which is causing me problems.

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Wrapping Variables In Speech Marks

I am working on a date function, which takes a YYYY-MM-DD input and splits it into dd,mm,yyyy format. e.g:

string1 = "2006-10-20"

Function stripDate(str)
str_len = len(str)
if str_len = 10 then
str = replace(str, "-","")
str_yr = left(str,4)
str2 = right(str,4)
str_mo = left(str2,2)
str_dy = right(str2,2)
stripDate = str_dy & "," & str_mo & "," & str_yr
Exit Function
end if
End Function

test = stripDate(string1)
sample output: 20,10,2006

I then want to pass the sample output into another function, but in order to do that, the date variables must be split with speech marks as follows:


but I can't work out how to include that in the stripDate function so that it wraps the variables in speech marks. Whenever I try to include the speech marks the code returns the usual error about unterminated string constants e.g. if I replace the final line of the above function with this:

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Submit Button Versus Regular Button

I want to understand the difference between submit button and regular button: <input type="submit"> and <input type="button">. My understanding is that submit button will send the entire HTML form to the web server, but regular button won't.

I have a problem that needs to pass HTML elements data back and forth in several ASP pages. I am using regular button to do that. But what's the approaches?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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Text Area Limited Text

I have a text area which I want to limit the number of words or number of text entered into it. Is this possible?

<textarea name="textarea" cols="35" rows="5"></textarea>

In the text area above, can I say limit the person filling in the text area to say 100 characters?

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Text Box In Form Cutting Text

I have a form on asp page that pulls info from a DB when the page loads.
It them puts the info into text boxes on the page that are editable by the

The only problem I have is say in the description text box it should
read "HP Laserjet 5Si" , it always cuts the text off where it just says "HP"
.. It does this on all the text boxes? I can't seem to figure out why it
is doing it. Here is the sample code:

With quotes around <%= vdesc%>

<td><input name="desc" type="text" id="desc" size="45" value="<%=

And I tried it without.

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Regular Expression Of Text OR Text OR Etc...

I have text in a field coming from a database. The text has various
forms such as:

text1 or text2
text1 or text2 or text3
text1; or text2
text1; or text2; or text3

how can I parse this with a reg ex? I tried this:

(.+);? or

but it only captures 1 submatch (text1) and only if theres an "or"
after it

I'd like to get 1 submatch for each piece of text separated by the
"or", just the text itself if there is no or.

Anyone know how to do it?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area

I have this problem in controlling a text in a Text Area. How can I do that, for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically goes to the next line. Because im having problem when viewing text in my report, it continuesly views in a straight line. Can you give me ASP code for that.

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Hover Over Text To Bring Up Text

I have text - ARI Promise, when I hover over the text I would like a box to appear with the Promise information. It would be several paragraphs that need to be formatted with paragraph and bullets. Is this possible to do? If so how would I go about it?

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i wonder how to execute vbscript when user presses image .is it possible ... because i don't like the ordinary. Code:

<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Submit Information">

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About Button

<input type=button class="btn" name=edit value="Edit" onclick="self.location='admin_category_subsub.asp?c=<%=trim(server.urlencode(rs("cat_name")))%>&c_id=<%=rs("subsub_cat_id")%>'">

actually this is an example of a button called "Edit",however i am not sure of something.
what does this c=<%=trim(server.urlencode(rs("cat_name")))%>&c_id=<%=rs("subsub_cat_id")%>'"> mean??

and the "cat_name" and "subsub_cat_id" is it from the database table?

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Where's The Off Button

i has installed IIS on Win2k Pro to test some horrible .asp stuff. I, er, he also has phptriad installed and rather like Apache as his localhost server from time to time. How can he switch IIS off?

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ASP Select All Button

I have a list box that populates from db, and I would like to have a button that selects all items with on click.

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Submit Button

I have a submit button - I would like it to submit and then I would go to the next page when the submit button is pressed.

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Specify Default Button

I want to make it so that when the user is looking at a rendered ASP page
and they hit the ENTER key, one of the buttons on the form gets "clicked".
In other words I want for the user to not have to click on the button, and
just hit ENTER instead. How do I specify the button?

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Vb 6 Option Button

I am trying to get a font of a label to change to times new roman when an option button is clicked, i have tried this:

Private Sub optHigh_Click()
lblHeading.FontName=Times New Roman

End Sub

This is wrong but i cant work out how to get the font to change,

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Moving Button

Does anyone know how to code a button that when hovered over moves. Then maybe on the 3rd roll over it will not move and actually allow the user to select it?????

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Command Button

<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="New Message" Style="Width:100px">

How can I change the font type and font size of value="New Message"?
Except create a customized button in photoshop as an image file.

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Submit Button

i am having problem with my submit function. When i refresh my page or select an option from the drop down list it is submiting the values into the database where it should submit when i click the submit values. Another problem is tat wad ever values i submit it is appearing with comma at the beginning of the value in the database.

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Browse Button

I'm using Frontpage to Design the page and .NET to edit the code behind it.
Is there an easy way, like a button, or some simple syntax to add a button to "browse PC" where when the user clicks on the button it opens up that standard HardDrive browse box and you can select a file?
And question 2, can you do directory reads where you open a directory and then just keep reading through each file in the directory till you get to the end?

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Submit Button

I have a question about using a image as a submit button. Basically I have:

<INPUT="image" SRC="c:whateverwhateverutton.jpg" NAME="Login">

Now I have two different buttons in one form. I trying to figure out how to get the page to know what button was pushed, and then do a set of actions. Such as:

If button1 is pushed then
end if
if button2 is pushed then
end if

Thats the basic pseudo code for what Im trying to do. Keep in mind this is a image button.

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Image Button

I have been using an image instead of a button to submit a form, this works fine within firefox, however when i come to test it in IE6 it doesnt submit the form... If i add a proper button then it works fine, however in keeping with the look and feel of the site it is important that i use an image.
the code i have is as follows:

<input type="image" name="Submit" value="Submit" src="images/proceed.gif" alt="Proceed to the next step" width="221" height="29" border="0" />
The form posts back to the same page to do some validation routines, but when it is not an image then as i have said in IE it doesnt work

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