Xmlhttp.send --> Input Not Url Encoded

I'm trying to do an automatic submission of an external form without user intervention.
response.write( server.htmlencode(xmlHttp.getAllResponseHeaders()) )

The answer is:

Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0 Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 08:59:14 GMT MicrosoftOfficeWebServer: 5.0_Pub Content-type: text/html


xmlhttp.Open "POST", "http://website.com/Access.exe?DATABASES=db1;LABEL=data"
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/html"
xmlhttp.send ("user=qwerty&password=12345") ....

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XMLHTTP Send Method

I cant use Microsoft.XMLHTTP object's Send method for posting a form. Can anyone help?

The form field is
<input type="hidden" name='content1' value='Add User'>

But when i post
objXMLHTTP.Send "content1=Add User"
an error occurs.

Neither of these works:
objXMLHTTP.Send "content1='Add User'"
objXMLHTTP.Send "content1=""Add User"""

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XMLHTTP Object Stalls On Send

Currently I am running IIS6 and MS2003 Server. I have a bit of code which sends a request to the server and returns an xml page through the XMLHTTP Request object, but every now and again the object locks on the send, so I don't get an error from the server until the page itself times out.

The only solution we have found so far is to reboot the server, which restores the object for a while but sooner or later it locks up again.

Please help, at this point I am looking at a rewrite without the XMLHTTP object to solve the problem, and Id really rather not have to do that.

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Send Web Form Input As Email

I want to send the data from a user's form input in an ASP email. For instance, shen the user submits their name and email address on a form, I would receive an email with those fields mixed in with a plain text message. How can I do this?

I have programmed extensively in other languages, but not ASP (our company is switching from ColdFusion), so I will need my answer in fairly introductory ASP terms.

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Encoded INC Files

How do I decode INC files? I have a decoder program that is working on my asp pages, but wont work on the .inc files.

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Encoded And Textarea

Is there a simple way to get the content of my textarea
not encoded !? My text area has comments in it and right
now, I have to replace all encoded characters...

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Encoded Link

I am in the process of overhauling a website that has some static buttons I would like to convert to rollovers. The links are ASP encoded -- is there any reason that this would not work? The first time I tried I had a typo and it locked up the whole site -- before I try again I wanted to make sure that there is not something inherently wrong with this code. I am obviously not an ASP programmer :-) Following is the original static link:

<a href="indexGateway.asp?cat=07&category=422&CatName=<%= Server.URLEncode("Footwear") %>" target="thebody"><img src="Images/navBottom/cat_07.gif" width=85 height=19 border=0></a>

And here is the rollover modified link: ....

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Encoded Chars From Form Post

I have an application that let's the user enter text into a textbox and this
data is collected on the server and stored in a database.

The page is multilingual and sets Response.Charset to the appropiate for the
language, for example gb2312 for chinese etc. This made all texts on the page
show up alright.

However, I did not change the codepage of the page so ASP encoded the post
data sent to the server and I have got really ugly texts for certain

I have had applications before doing the same thing where the page has been
able to decode the posted characters again when redisplaying them, but in
this case I haven't been able to get anything meaningful from them.

It seems to me that the encoded text depends on the charset used when
entering the text, entering chinese characters when using iso-8859-1 gives me
character codes like Ó’ which probably would be alright to convert but chinese
text that has been entered in the gb2312 charset look like this Code:

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Encoded Mailto-link In Combination With Outlook

We have a customer who uses utf-8 encoded websites and wants mailto-link on some websites with integrated subject/content.

Website is written in ASP (.NET is not available at customer site).

So according to RFC (as far as I could interpret it), we created a mailto-link like this: ....

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Special Characters To Be Converted In Html Encoded Format

I want the special characters to be converted in html encoded format. i am using asp.

but i m getting the same string that i have passed as output.


<% Response.Write("the html characters =" & Server.HtmlEncode("<p>")) %>


the html characters =<p>

is there anything more required to do this.

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Create Dynamic Input Names Or Input Fields In Asp

I have a little code to add multiple items to a shopping cart based
page. This code works perfect, but it adds all of the info to the
same input fields every time it loops. I need it to change the input
names each time it loops. Here is the code:

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How Can I Change One Line Input Field Into Larger Input Field

I have being working with making an edit field over the past few days. The edit function is now working fine. The edit fields that i have are for id, subject, notes, timedate.

All of the edit screens are one line text screens. What I want to do now is increase the size of the notes box to a larger textarea type box to make it easier to edit notes. The notes field in the db is a textarea field. Code:

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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I need to get data from a url (which throws out XML) and then parse it using DOM or XSLT. I know, to get the data, I need to use XMLHTTP.

Can I get a sample code for it?

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Using Xmlhttp In ASP

I have the code below and in a random fashion it is responding extremely
slowly. On in 3-4 times it takes ages to do the job..

It is the line: xml_http.Send("") that gets stuck. I am on IIS 6 on Windows
Server 2003 Web Edition. Code:

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One of the limitations of ASP is the lack of a dynamic SSI, in which you can include files using variables. So far I know only of two methods to go around that.to use the File System Object.to use the XMLHTTP Object.Which one of the two is less of a burden for IIS ? Or are there other ways that are much better?

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I m getting information with XMLHTTP from 3 sites at the same time. but it is so slow. how can i make it faster. any information or any document about it. anyone who know about it. it is about alsa bandwith. how can i increase xml http performance.

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XMLhttp Anyone

I got a great little example of how to use XMLhttp to query an external web site (I'm wanting to do my own localised search engine by extratcing the content and putting it into an Access DB), but it only appear to extract from the page that you point it to, ie the main default page is extracted when you put in something like www.hp.com.

I want the util to extract content from all of the found pages in the site I suppose like a spider. Has anybody done this or any ideas how you get it to go past more than the initial page?

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I need the ASP/xml page to send the Request to the share point portal server (Webdav) using XMLHTTP and i also need to parse the response xml into HTML.If any body knows about.

It might contais mainly three files one is Search page where user can type his requirements , second one contains sending XMLHTTP request to the Share Point Portal server and third one contains the Parse xml response into HTML format.

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I use MSXML2.XMLHTTP to receive some HHTP responces from
remote server, unfortunatedly, it uses cookie-based auth.,
so I am unable to pass it, due to inability to store
cookies. How can I retrieve cookies from the headers of
HTTP response, and how can I add them to my request at the
next step?

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XMLHTTP And Images

Why do sites dragged in through XMLHTTP only download half or so of the images associated with the site?

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XMLHTTP Question...

Up to this point, i've been able to extract the search results from a site. Form -> Results chain.

However, on a new project im on, im a little stuck, and not sure if it is at all possible. The next page im trying to get info from there's a chain of 3 pages. so Form -> Middle -> Results.

I've tried inputting my own form data, but i get the page info from the Middle link, and not the Results link. Any ideas how i can go on to the Results link?

At the moment i dont think it's possible, but i haven't been in this game for long.

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I'm using XMLHTTP to perform a simple screen scraping job.
When I try to have it "scrape" lines with embeded CSS declarations, it
renders them incorrectly, stripping the leading period. Consequently, my CSS
doesn't work.Here's how I'm calling it, but I don't think my implementation is the

Dim srvXmlHttp
Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
srvXmlHttp.open "GET", TearURL, false
If srvXmlHttp.status <> 200 Then
Response.Write "No Server Response"
End If
Dim strRetval5
strRetval5 = srvXmlHttp.responseText

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I have a peculiar problem using the method

Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") in order to get a connection
from one server to another.

On my personal host (IIS) the above method works perfect, and I can 'include' an HTTP stream from a remote URL into my own page. However, the method doesn't work on another webserver (IIS, too) although the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTPP method is installed (I checked it).

The error message I get there is:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2' The operation timed out

This error does only appear if I try to get data from a remote URL, if I try to get data from http://localhost/foo, the method works - I believe the webserver is behind a proxy. Would this cause any problems? And if so, how can it be solved?

- Do you guys know of any other solution how to 'emulate' the php
include command in ASP without using the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP method?

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Server Using Xmlhttp

Shown below is ASP Code sample that tries to access a method,CreateUser in the server called, "http://smallbutsmart.basis.com.au" using the protocol,XMLHTTP. Can you explain to me why this Code does not work and showing the correct Code Sample?

dim objXMLHTTP
set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "Post", "http://smallbutsmart.basis.com.au", false
'objXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/html"
'objXMLHTTP.CreateUser "abc","123","Scriven","1","001","qms"

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I've been searching everywhere online to find an alternative method besides
using Microsoft.XMLHTTP (as it freezes the server up alot!!) but with no luck
at all.

I am using server side ASP, and some said to use Microsoft.ServerXMLHTTP
instead. However I have tried that as well and it still freezes up the whole
thing (i.e. the site just keeps loading forever).

I tried to do a "on error resume next" clause to catch the error but still
doesn't stop the page being freezing up.. :(

I saw someone here said don't use XMLHTTP in ASP as it is not thread safe
(is that why it is freezing up??), and suggest to use

so do anyone know if MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0 will help? i.e. not freezing
up the page?

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Xmlhttp Or XmlServerHttp

when we get info from an url with xmlhtttp or xml server http how it
behaves. how bandwith it uses or how it adjust the bandwith which it use...
how can it use all the bandwith.. any promramme or any windows adjusment
...are there possible solutions.. for example how the flash get use all the
bandwith when we separate from the whole part a file to lots of part

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Get A File Using XMLHTTP

Is this the correct newsgroup for this posting?
I have a problem when using these lines of code:

Dim xmlhttp as Object
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
Call xmlhttp.Open("GET", Application.Profiles.ActiveProfile.Server &
"/Test.abc", False):
Call xmlhttp.send("");

when the last line of code is executed, i get the following error message:

"The download of the specified resource has failed. -2146697208"

Application.Profiles.ActiveProfile.Server = http://x.x.x.x/virtualdirectory

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I have a question regarding async mode for calling Microsoft.XMLHTTP object.

Microsoft.XMLHTTP hangs the IE once in a while suddenly, but it will work
again after half an hour or so without doing anything. I have searched
through the Internet and seems like the reason it hangs the browser it's
because XMLHTTP limits you to two concurrent HTTP connections to each remote
host; so if more than 2 concurrent connections strike the script which is
calling XMLHTTP, it will hang. Is that true?

If that the case, can I change async mode to true (async=true) so that it
will only take one connection at a time, meanwhile other concurrent
connections will loop and wait till XMLHTTP is ready to process data again.
Will that work?

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XMLHTTP Craping Out...

My XMLHTTP request code ran fine then all the sudden I get:

An exception occurred: 'xml.Send'

When i reset IIS it works fine again (for awhile)....

Does anybody know what is causing this problem and how to stop/fix it???

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I have a machine running W2K Server with the .NET Framework 1.1.

Yesterday, I was able to browse through my .NET web pages OK.

Then, I installed Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Now, when my .NET web pages attempt to perform an XMLHTTP.Send(), I get a status of 500 (i.e. "Server Error). Calling the XMLHTTP.statusText(), I get a response string of "Server Error".

I have checked my IE settings and they have not been changed.

Does anyone have a clue as to why XMLHTTP quit working after I did the installs yesterday

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XmlHTTP Object

Can anyone point me to example code for using the xmlHTTP object for retrieving an SSL page.

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Charset In XMLHTTP

I'm trying to get some data from an external website using XMLHTTP, but my problem is that the data is with special danish characters in (ÆØÅ), which are being replaced with "?" due to UTF-8. I've tried to specify the charset using response.charset, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

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