POS System / Printing Receipt When Items Sold - ArrayList Out Of Bound

Nov 8, 2014

Basically I am trying to make a POS system and need a way to print a receipt whether there are 1 items sold or 50. So I used a Arraylist. This is the format for the printer that is needed:

printer.printNormal(POSPrinterConst.PTR_S_RECEIPT, " 2 200 Tx Hashi Chop Sticks" + LF);

This is what I tried to do:

ArrayList<String> receiptLine = new ArrayList<>();
public void captureSales(){
System.out.println("Size of the receipt list is: "+receiptLine.size());
System.out.println("Element at index 1: " + receiptLine.get(0));

printer.printNormal(POSPrinterConst.PTR_S_RECEIPT, " " + receiptLine.get(0) + LF);


Size of the receipt list is: 1
Element at index 1: Test
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

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Printing All Detail On A Receipt?

Apr 27, 2014

I have a project to create an application where you can print all the detail to be written on a receipt (no more manual writing). I already have blank receipts. All I want to know is how to do that printing the details at exact position in my blank receipt. I'm starting to read about Jasper Reports but I don't know how it will work since most of its example are creating template.

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JSP :: Prevent Dot Matrix Printer Scrolling Entire Sheet After Printing Page As Receipt

Jul 25, 2014

i am developing a web application and uses jsp page to print a payment receipt.

everything works good, but printer scrolls complete sheet after printing first receipt. so need scroll back manually every time i print a receipt.

So, how to stop printer from scrolling entire sheet.

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Using Private ArrayList Of Items?

Apr 29, 2014

It isn't messing up it just keeps making me make my arraylist static and i'm not sure why.

public class driver
private static ArrayList<AddItems> items;
public driver()


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EJB / EE :: How To Search Items In ArrayList

Jan 26, 2015

I try to create a jsf project within ejb which is add new car with entering attributes listing attributes and search by make.

Add and list methods working well , but have problem of list method. I tryed many combinations (using enhanced loop, iterative loop) but i cant provide working well. Always outputText returns nothing ,when i enter attributes.

Here is ejb code for adding ,getting and listing car items :

public class CarsBusiness implements CarsBusinessLocal {
List<Car> cars;
public CarsBusiness() {
cars = new ArrayList<Car>();

[Code] .....

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Deleting A Block Of Items From ArrayList

Jan 7, 2015

My current lesson in Java is about ArrayLists and I'm having a tough time to understand this bit of code: This exercise is concerned with the problem of deleting a block of items from an ArrayList.

public static void deleteBlock( ArrayList<String> strings, int n )
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if ( strings.size() > 0 )
strings.remove( i );

[Code] ....

This is the output: [rosion, sion, on, n]

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Using Arraylist Index And Items As Hashmap Key And Values?

Apr 6, 2014

I am working on the Kevin Bacon - 6 degrees of bacon problem. I want to take my Array List and use the index and Values that I have saved in it as the Key and Value of a Hashmap. Below is my code.

HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> actors =
new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList array = new ArrayList();
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new FileReader("actors.txt"));)


saving each one in it's own spot. I want to use the index of each one as the key to find it in the Hashmap....

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ArrayList Only Adding 1 Item When There Are Multiple Items

Oct 25, 2014

I managed to retrieve data, and set data in my own ways in which I like. But my problem is, if the file does not contain anything (fully empty), when I try to use my

set("", "");
method, it only sets the last one that is called.


set("section1", "section1Item");
set("section2", "section2Item");
set("section3", "section3Item");

Only section3 would get set, and not the others.

Otherwise, if the file contained a section already, then each section (section1, section2, section3) would get set.

Here's how I set the data to the file:

public static void set(String section, String data) {
String beforeItem = section + ":" + files.dataList.get(section);
if(files.hasReadData) {

[Code] ....

And here is how a retrieve the data and set them to my arraylist/hashmap:

public void getData() {
String line = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

[Code] ....

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Query Database To Retrieve A Column For All Menu Items In ArrayList

Sep 5, 2014

Having trouble figuring out the code in order to find the price column for all items in a ArrayList. So far i have:

private double calculateSubtotal() {
  try {
  myConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(DATABASE_URL);
myStatement = myConnection.createStatement();
myResultSet = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT price FROM menu");

[Code] ....

I am not sure if i am going about this the right way or not?

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ArrayList Only Adding 1 Item Even Though There Are Multiple Items (Setting Data To Files)

Oct 25, 2014

I managed to retrieve data, and set data in my own ways in which I like. But my problem is, if the file does not contain anything (fully empty), when I try to use my

set("", "");

method, it only sets the last one that is called.


set("section1", "section1Item");
set("section2", "section2Item");
set("section3", "section3Item");

Only section3 would get set, and not the others.

Otherwise, if the file contained a section already, then each section (section1, section2, section3) would get set.

Here's how I set the data to the file:

public static void set(String section, String data) {
String beforeItem = section + ":" + files.dataList.get(section);


And here is how a retrieve the data and set them to my arraylist/hashmap:

public void getData() {
String line = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();


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JSF :: How To Implement Finger Printing System In Web Application

May 9, 2014

I'm currently meddling with javaScript in order to implement a fingerPrinting system in my web application. I've developed the following example in which I can get all the necessarily data:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

[Code] ....

Which works correctly.

So when I tried to run it in the following page:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>SET - Simulador Econômico Tendências</title>

[Code] .....

It simply won't work!

The function faz() is called and only the first "alert" popup is called, the second one which should show what is returned by dadosDaTela() isn't generated, why is that?

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JSP :: Printing ArrayList Of Objects

Feb 25, 2014

How would you display an ArrayList of Objects in a JSP page from a Servlet. Any general example would be fine as long as the example is thorough.

Each created object has more than maybe 6 or 7 properties that all need to print to the JSP.

Would you also include ways of printing it like should it be printed by using a table structure in the JSP and if so how? Things of that nature so that way it is each object has its own line and looks good. I can format it myself, I just need to know how to get it in a table for each object to print on its own row and so on...

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Printing Altered ArrayList

May 29, 2014

I'm doing an assessment, and we're required to create a small Student program. One class is just a constructor class that the objects will pass through, the other is the main class.

Part of the assessment is to read in the student data from a file, store it in an arraylist, then bubble sort it, list id's lowest to highest. This I have done, and believe it is working correctly.

The next part is to re-sort the ArrayList, ordered by the student id, like it was done in the bubblesort method. This is the part I'm stuck on, I've tried setting the id's in the arraylist via the bubbleSort method, but I'm just having no luck.

Main class.

package assessment.pkg3;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;

[Code] .....

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Program To Determine Max Amount Of Units Sold And Display It In Dialog Box

Feb 9, 2014

I am trying to write a program that basically determines the max amount of units sold and displays it in a dialog box. Also, the program will display the winning sales associate out of 10. I have wrote the program successfully so far and I can see the maximum number of units sold displayed in the dialog box, but I cannot seem to link the winning sales person.

Here is the code I have typed so far.

//Program to find maximum of three number

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Sales
public static void main (String[] args)
//Declare variables
int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, num10;
int large;
int winner;

[Code] ......

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Java ArrayList - Printing Shopping Cart Receipts Project

Oct 26, 2014

I'm new to the concept of ArrayList and I want to solve this problem in my code.

My main problem: I don't know how to sort itemA and itemB to appear only once then It will just add the total prices together.

This is the behavior of my code:

C:Documents and SettingsDrewDesktop>java ReceiptCode
Enter Company Name
123 Main Street

[Code] ....

I don't know how to sort itemA and itemB to appear only once then It will just add the total prices together. Here is my sourcecode:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

[Code] ....

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Calling From Class Displaying Like A Receipt

May 7, 2015

Okay so my main problem is that i can't seem to initiate three objects in order for it to display like a recipt in a way. Here is the picture of what the out is suppose to look like : Here are all three files of code

public class IceStand {
//Defining the properties
private String Name;
private String location;

[Code] ...

Output looks like currently

Please enter name of Shaved Ice Stand:
People who love ice cream
Please enter your zip Code:
Enter number of Small (press -1 to stop):
Enter numebr of Medium:
Enter number of Large:

Price Total

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How To Save (Receipt) To Text File

May 11, 2014


package shoppingcartselection;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

[Code] ....

I want it to save the names of the "Items" that were put into the "Cart" along with their retail prices and the subtotal of all of them, and the sales tax, and the final total, to a text file.

package shoppingcartselection;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] ....


Magic Booster Pack, 4
Magic Fat Pack, 40
Magic Intro Deck, 12
Magic Duel Deck, 20
Magic Card Sleeves, 8
Magic Play Mat, 25
Magic Booster Box, 120
Dice Pack, 6
Video Game, 60
Book, 10
Candy, 1
Soda, 1
Lunch, 10
Water, 1
Shirt, 10
Hat, 5
Game Console, 400
Desktop, 800
Laptop, 1000

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Index Out Of Bound Error

Apr 5, 2014

I'm new to java and I write a simple "Five in a row" game. I have a fixed 13*13 board which contains 169 buttons in an arraylist. Everytime player clicks the button the game set a value of 'x' or 'o' to the arraylist name value. And I have a method named isWon() to check if the it is won or not after player click the button. The game sometime gets and index out of bound exception when checking for whose win.

ArrayList<Character> value = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 169; i++) {

value.add(' ');


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Array Index Out Of Bound Error

Jan 18, 2014

I am getting error array index out of bound ... Error detail is :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at abhiExample.arraytwodiam.main(arraytwodiam.java:27 )

And program is

Java Code:

package abhiExample;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class arraytwodiam {
public static void main(String [] args)
char[][] Atrace={};
int i,j,k,l=0,row ,characters;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JComboBox Listener - Bound Action?

Jul 14, 2014

I have three JComboBoxes. When the user selects an entry in the first JComboBox the entries in the second are set. For this I use an Action extends AbstractAction which is bound to the first JComboBox.

I have also bound an Action to the second JComboBox.

Problem: this also fires when the entries on the second JCombox are added which leads to a Nullpointer.

I need a Listener which only reacts to user input, and does not react when the model of the JComboBox is changed.

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Sort2D - Array Index Out Of Bound Exception

Dec 15, 2014

When I am trying to execute this code it is showing

Java Code:

class Sort2D
public static void main(String...s) {
Sort2D r=new Sort2D();
int z[][]=r.sort(new int[][]{{1,0,567,4,3,33},{333,677,34243,8987,3434,324},{446,876,23,546565,332}});
for(int i=0;i<z.length;i++)
for(int j=0;j<z[i].length;j++)

[Code] ....

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Erasure Feature From Generics - Duplicated Bound Error

Jun 14, 2014

The erasures of all constituent types of a bound must be pairwise different, or a compile-time error occurs.

Well I know what type erasure is, and I think I kind got what this statement means. My understanding from it is that if your type parameter has more than one bound and those bounds occurs to be the same type after erasure that is a compile-time error. Is that it?

The only thing I could found related is something like this:

class A<T extends List<Integer> & List<Integer>>{

Which as you might know gives the Duplicated bound error.

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Generic Method And Bound Type Parameter Errors

Jul 14, 2014

I am following this article [URL] .... till now I have made some code

This is my Interface

public interface Comparable<T> {
public int compareTo(T o);

And this is my class where I am using Bound Type Parameter on Generic Methods

public class GenericMethodBoundType {
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> int countGreaterThan(T[] anArray, T elem) {
int count = 0;
for (T e : anArray)

[Code] .....

What else I need to do both in main method and at what parameterized types I need to pass at the class?

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Calculate Cost Of Ticket Order And Display Receipt For Customer On Screen

Oct 4, 2014

Write a program that will calculate the cost of a ticket order and display the receipt for the customer on the screen. There are 2 ticket prices: adult, and senior citizen. Adult seats are $4.50 and senior citizen seats are $3.50. If more than 5 senior citizen tickets are purchased, the customer gets an extra 20% off the of the ticket order. If more than 10 regular seats are purchased, the customer gets an additional 10% off the cost of the order. A customer can only place an order for one type of ticket. Output the type of ticket purchased, the number of tickets purchased, the gross cost, the amount of the discount, and the final cost of the order.

I am having errors with incaompatible varriables comparing float with doubles.

public class lab3 {
  static Library myLib;
  public static void main (String [] args) {
  Library myLib = new Library(); //Instance the Library class
int ticketNum; //Number of Tickets

[Code] .....

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Create Own ArrayList Using Collection Without Implementing ArrayList Itself

Feb 28, 2014

I'm trying to create my own arraylist using Collection. My program doesn't do anything. Obviously, I haven't a clue.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class MyArrayList<T> implements java.util.Collection<T> {
private int size = 4;
private T[] mArray;
public MyArrayList(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

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JSP :: How To Iterate Over Supplied Items

Mar 11, 2014

I facing issue with nested <c:forEach in my jsp page.I am using jstl.jar..Here is my code

in JAVA I have -->
List<ProductDefViewBean> productList = new ArrayList<ProductDefViewBean>();
request.setAttribute("ProductList", productList);
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>


javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in <forEach>

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