Building A Small Text Based RPG

Dec 18, 2014

i'm totally new to Java.I'm making a small text based RPG and this is what i've come up for now.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
class Main {
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
Player playerObject = new Player();


My thing is that i want the user to enter 'Caucasian' or another race in the console below and i want it to be saved in a variable or something else in the Player Class that i can later use it in texts or something else. My question is how can i do it?

I tried like 'int Mongoloid = 1; int Caucasian = 2;'

And the same with the others, and after that i tried to use them with the Switch Statement but it did not work.

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Building A Document Based On A Series Of Check Box Selections?

Jan 17, 2014

I'm trying to build a program that would present the user ( with a rather large list of various check boxes (and combo boxes, etc...but for sake of the question I'll limit it to check boxes) and the selections would not only need to be stored in some way so they could be reloaded, but also they would need to have the "data" used to build sentences.

For example, part of the form would have a checkbox list like:

Emotional Issues -
Emotion 1, Emotion 2...Emotion 40

Then, at the end of the form I would be able to save client, load client, or generate report. When doing the generate it would output something like:

"Client's first name reported having emotional disturbance in areas of 'Emotion 1', 'Emotion 4', and 'Emotion 12'."

There, of course, would be probably several hundred check boxes, combo boxes, etc. throughout this program building a rather complex "report" when it's all said and done. So where I am stumped in on the methodology or approach that would be best for getting, storing, retrieving, and outputting this information.

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JSF :: Building Web Frontend For Command-Line-Based Software

Jun 17, 2014

The goal of this software is to provide a web interface which must be able to manage the Quagga routing daemon. For those who don't know Quagga, the only interface it provides the user is its built-in cli. My project must convert web events to commands and vice-versa. how I'm going to maintain quagga's configuration state synchronized with JSF's managed beans. The example below shows the commands one must run on quagga's cli in order to add a BGP neighbor:

neighbor remote-as 65535
neighbor description "Just a Test"
neighbor next-hop-self
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
write memory

In order to represent this piece of information in my project, I was thinking about mapping this to a class:

public class BGPNeighbor {
private String ip_address;
private Integer asn;
private Boolean next_hop_self;
private Boolean inbound_soft_reconfiguration;

With this I would parse the information from Quagga's configuration and map this to classes in my software. I think it's a lot easier to do with database-based software, the problem with this project is that it's not completely database oriented. The information must be fetched from the network, parsed, converted to classes and then they would be available to JSF as managed beans. Any alteration to this classes must be converted to quagga cli commands which must be executed through the network again (telnet).

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Small Text Editor

Jun 23, 2014

I'm having a problem with a small text editor I'm trying to create. I have implemented a panel of labels, containing line numbers, on the left of a scrollable text area. The panel is designed to size such that it fits the larger numbers whenever they appear. It does that very well, actually, until either one of the scrollbars appear. As soon as one does appear, it immediately shrinks in width. The horizontal scrollbar even blocks the view a little, making it impossible to see what you are writing on the very last line.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main implements KeyListener {
public static JPanel tab = new JPanel(false);
public static JTextArea text = new JTextArea();
public static JScrollPane scroll, reflex;
public static JPanel lines;


Explanation of the code: There is a main panel which embodies a text area and another container filled with labels of line numbers.Both the text area and line number panel have scroll panels attached. They are synchronized, in order to scroll at the same time.

The main class contains a static function "position" which generates a GridBagConstraints, created for the convenience of single-line creation of constraints.It also implements the KeyListener interface, and waits for change in the amount of lines inside the text area. Afterwards, it changes the panel of labels accordingly.

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How To Do Movement In Text Based Game

Feb 13, 2015

I'm relatively new to Java, I'm trying to create a text based game, like those old ones where you type "north" or "east" to move as such, and "look" to inspect the area. My only problem thus far has been trying to figure out just how I should... "structure?" the movement. As in, what's the best overall way to approach this? I've tried making a new method for every area and just passing a variable called "location," but along with passing the inventory and stat arrays, it's just become messy. Or is this a good way to do it? I have a separate method for when the player enters something, but then how will it know which description to give when the player types "look?"

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Text Based Game With A Window

Jun 4, 2014

I started a text based game, but I am dissatisfied with the console that PrintF prints to. How can I set up a window and have text output to that window, and have my player type responses in the window?

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Text-based Game Map Creation

Oct 25, 2014

So, I've been working on creating a text-based game engine that would create games similar to Achaea. It's been working pretty well so far. I just finished creating a great mapping system, but now I've run into a problem. I have a mapping system, but actually creating a map would prove to be quite a lot of work. Each location that the player can be inside of has a name, description, map symbol, and an array of the things inside of it. How can I make some sort of map creation program or something so that I can create my maps more easily?

I thought perhaps making a constructor that accepts a list of files, the first containing a table of strings for the names, the second containing a table of strings for the descriptions, etc.; but it seems that would be quite tedious and may be more complex than actually just hard-programming maps.

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Text Based RPG - Allow User To Change Their Name

Sep 26, 2014

String name = "Aaron";
String whatToChange = "name";
String verifyNameChange = "";
boolean changeName = false;


[Code] ....

I've been working on a small text-based RPG for fun. This particular part is supposed to allow the user to change their name. Now, the problem is that when they reach the option to change their name, the above code seems to skip the line:

name = scan.nextLine();

It will erase whatever the player previously entered for their name, as well. So it will print out:

Okay, let's change your name. What did you say it was? Alright, so you'll go by . Is that correct? [now allows input for verifyNameChange]

The above code works fine on it's own, but somehow messes up when put into the full program. I don't want to post the whole program, because it's fairly large. But the String name is set and functions fine before this bit of code.

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Text Based Game Adding Items

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying to make a text based game. the game has been working perfectly setting up the rooms, first couple of commands, and running it. I am now trying to add items to it but every time it try to run the game it returns :

at Room.addItem(
at Game.createRooms(
at Game.<init>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

[Code] .....

Here are the classes that matter for this particular situation

import java.util.HashMap;
public class Item
private HashMap<String, Item> itemList;
private String name;
private String itemDescription;

[Code] ....

I know that it is the line

itemList.put(item.getItemName(), new Item(item.getItemName(), item.getItemDescription()));

In the game class that is causing the nullpointer exception i just really cant figure out why that keeps happening and how to add the values correctly....

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How To Implement Basic Text-based Rpg Game In A Website

Jan 13, 2015

I started programming some time ago and i recently finished a game i've been programming in Java just to get used to the code. The game is a simple text-based RPG where almost everything is random except the character movement.

I've been thinking about learning HTML and CSS because i'm really interested in building webpages. I have no one to ask this question so here i am.

Is there a way to implement my game in a webpage?

I imagine a black window exactly like a classic OS terminal where the text is streamed and the user can play the game with keyboard inputs. I made the game with 5 different classes, i used Eclipse and i have my project there. Should i use a service like Github to share works like this one?

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Making A Window For Java Text Based Game

Jan 10, 2015

So, Iv'e been trying to make a simple Text Based RPG with Java, and it is going quite well, and my friends want to play it too but they aren't very tech savvy, so it's hard to tell them to get an IDE or use the CMD, so I wanted to know if there was a way to make my text-based game into a window, like using JFrame or something. All i need is a window that displays the text, and a bar on the bottom that lets the user input what they want (Kind of like a CMD).

I want it sort of like this window: This Pic

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Servlets :: Populate Text Fields Based On Dropdown

Nov 20, 2014

I have list of employees in my database and their associated information like employeeId,supervisor and process. I have class named EmployeeDetails having same properties. I am fetching details of all users using below code:

<%EmployeeDetails employeeList;
Requested For <select name="requestedForName" id="requestedForNameID">
<option selected="selected">--Select--</option>
<%int i=0;

[Code] .....

In employeeList, we have list of objects having data of employees. I donot know how to get which object is selected in dropdown and based on that rest of the text fields are populated. Example:

Name ID Supervisor
Pawan Kumar3033045Vimal Kumar
Vimal Kumar3040901Dinesh Hemrajani

If Pawan Kumar is selected from dropdown then '3033045' and 'Vimal Kumar' should get populated.

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Text Based RPG Game - Working With Multiple ArrayLists

Feb 22, 2014

I have come across an issue with arraylists. I am writing a text based RPG game as something to start with ...

Initially I had a single zone which was all stored in an arraylist and everything was working in regards to the player moving around. The problem I now have is how to add further zones to my game. Ideally I would like an arraylist for each zone, and would use the below to create each arraylist

public static ArrayList<RoomsClass> castleMap = new ArrayList<>();

The problem I now have is how to handle the player moving, initially with a single zone/arraylist I could reference that arraylist directly

public void findRoomCoords(int ID) {
for (int i = 0; i < castleMap.size(); i++) {
if (castleMap.get(i).roomID.equals(ID)) {

My initial thought was to use a getter/setter to remove the reference of castleMap from my movement code in order to access different arraylists, however this is where things have fallen over, I can't seem to work out how to get the arraylist name to change, depending on the outcome of the setZoneMap() method.

public void setZoneMap() {
switch (PLAYER.getCurrentRoomZone()) {
case 0: {
zoneMap = Castle.castleMap;

[Code] ....

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Triangle Evaluation Based On Data Found In Text File

Mar 24, 2015

For an assignment I need to read an input text file and evaluate the triangle based on the data found in the text file which consists of an unknown number of groups of 3 numbers (Each group representing a different triangle). According to the project specifications I need to have a main method and several other methods. I have the main method set-up to receive data correctly but I am confused as to how I would get the values out of the text file and use them in the main method. For example, if I were to call the computePerimeter method in my main method, how would I make sure I get the correct perimeter for the given data?

Here is the code I have so far:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TriangleEvaluator
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("triangleData.txt"));
double s1;
double s2;
double s3;
while (in.hasNextDouble())

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Shopping Cart - Show Text Based On Which Page A User Is Coming From

May 30, 2014

I am making a shopping cart app in JSP and servlets to bring it all together. Finally.

I have a registration servlet (c1), a registration form jsp (c2), a login jsp (c3). c1 checks if a username is in the database or not.

If the username is not there, then register the user and send them to c3. I want c3 to display a "registration successful" message if a user has just registered successfully and is coming from c1. ELSE, take the user back to c2 with a message which tells them to choose a different username or password etc.

How do I implement the logic of showing a message depending on where a user is coming from ? The servlets and jsps are ready and I only need to add this logic for a custom message. Of course, I could make a JSP for Registration Successful and one for Registration Failure. But, that seems to be unnecessary.

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Small Chat Lobby

Feb 4, 2014

Me and my brother are working on a small java project to learn network programming and get some experience working with networking code. We decided to make a relatively simple client/server program where clients get into a simple chat lobby and can invite others to play small games(like pong). The basic server code has been written, and we have made a special client that is used for debugging.

We use a self-defined protocol of Strings where a message looks like "4-|user,pass". The number before the delimiter "-|" is the operation code, that tells the server what kind of message this client sends. Based on that number, the server dispatches the message to the appropriate handler method. 4 is authentication for example, and the handler looks the user and pass up in a file and if found, returns true, otherwise, false. Then the server responds to the clinet with 2-|"any message" where the client will recognize opcode 2 as a "authentication accepted" and proceed with the next part of client code. In a similar way, we plan to write all message types(both in the game, in the lobby and in a game setup room).

While testing we ran into a problem where the BufferedReader .readLine() does not seem to be a blocking call like it should be, so the client keeps spamming 'null' in the output field that we made to see the server response to the message we send. When we try to debug the server code and set breakpoints at the suspicious locations, it strangely skips both while(true) loops without activating either breakpoint and executes the finally{} code, even though the client did not close the connection and the second while loop was never entered. The first while loop IS entered though, because the test client gets a "0" on its output, which is the server message indicating "please authenticate yourself".

Also, if we approach things in a dumb way that can be done way more efficiently or easier to read/manage, please do tell. Keep in mind we are beginners though! We decided to use messages in a string format and decode it at both sides as it seemed easier than transmitting java objects and making sure they are of the same type, also for reducing overhead as much of possible. URL....

The server code:

package Chatroom;
import java.util.HashSet;

* This is the main server class. It is the core of the server functionality, and the listener for incoming clients that will spawn threads to deal with clients, track their information, change their states and ultimately, clean up after all clients by keeping the data structures up to date.


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Stuck On Porting Small Segment Of JavaScript To Java

Mar 3, 2014

I'm fairly good at Java, but somewhat at a loss when the some of the JavaScript below is mentioned. I've attempted to port the below code, but I'm finding it somewhat difficult.

Parts of JavaScript I'm stuck at porting:

1. I'm stuck on the return statement on the 3rd line.

2. Similarly the lines utilizing "charCodeAt", as I keep getting error "Cannot invoke charCodeAt(int) on the primitive type char"

3. Also on the second to last line, I keep getting the error "Cannot invoke padLZ(int) on the primitive type int".

Link to original javascript

Convert between Latitude/Longitude & OS National Grid Reference points

Original JavaScript

Java Code:

OsGridRef.prototype.toString = function(digits) {
digits = (typeof digits == 'undefined') ? 10 : digits;
e = this.easting, n = this.northing;
if (e==NaN || n==NaN) return '??';
// get the 100km-grid indices
var e100k = Math.floor(e/100000), n100k = Math.floor(n/100000);

[Code] ....

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Accurately Converting Units Involving Extremely Small Numbers?

Jun 16, 2014

I need to convert units accurately. Some of these units include angstroms (0.1nm) and astronomical units or light years. I can't seem to accurately perform these equations (probably mostly because of lack of a proper conversion formula). For example:

1 angstrom = 1.79985601 × 10^-14 leagues (or, 0.00000000000001799856 leagues).

To perform the conversion right now, I'm simply multiplying the angstroms by 0.00000000000001799856. However, inputting 55560000000000 (angstroms in one league) results in 0.9999999936. Why is this? Is it possible to work around it? I believe there's a term for the inability for a computer to process 1/3rd properly, but I can't remember what it's called - is that the problem?

I am using BigDecimals for all equations.

Edit: a mod can change the title if they think another is more fitting.

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Write A Small Program That Will Calculate Gain / Loss Of Sale Of Stock

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to write a small program that will calculate the gain and/or loss of the sale of stock. The program will ask the user for the number of shares, the purchase price and the selling price. I am pretty sure that the errors is coming from my calculations in the program.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class investmentCalculator {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
//User input for number of shares
System.out.print("Enter the number of shares: ");
double shares = input.nextDouble();

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Building A Pyramid From Blocks?

Apr 15, 2014

I am trying to make a pyramid from blocks . I know that for example to make a bigger block from small blocks you write something like :

for(int i = 10 ;i <=1 ; i--){
for (int j= 10 ;j <= 1 ; j--) {
< statement to create block where you use both i and j to define the location of each block>

but i cant seem go grasp how to make a pyramid , so far my best effort is :

int i =10 ;
while (i >=1 ) {
for( ; i>=1 ; i-- ){
< statement to create block > }

At the moment visually i don't get a pyramid but it might be because of other issues and not because of the while and then a for inside it approach .

My approach is correct and if now what would be the correct one to create a pyramid from smaller blocks ?

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Building A Registration System

Jan 18, 2015

I'm assigned along with two others to make this program for a project.

We need to store data to the program by adding them such as user_id among the 5 criterias that are needed. Lets say I want a new user, I need the program to give me that option and then I would type in the user id and the program would store that data information

As far as I'm aware, boolean, screentokenizer and scanner is involved in the making of this program.

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Graphics - Drawing A Building

May 28, 2014

I have to write a program for class that basically uses Paint Component to draw a bunch of rectangles to look like a building then have them change color randomly. I am stuck I can't figure out how to make it draw the rectangles in rows and columns to look like the building i can make it display multiple squares randomly however but thats not the assignment.. here is my code

package labBuilding;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class Building extends JPanel {


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Return Statements While Building A JPanel

Mar 30, 2014

I'm having this where i'm trying to return a JPanel with tempPictures but only if they aren't already filled with "actual" pictures. However this causes problems because your never shore that the if statement will execute. I tried adding an else statement but i cant return null i must return a JPanel;

private JPanel buildTopShelf() {
if(myMediaHandler.mediaList.size() < 6) {
JPanel mediaPanel = new JPanel();
mediaPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,6,22,0));
mediaPanel.setBounds(90, 14, 1020, 210);
[Code] ....

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Building DOM Object From Multiple Threads

May 21, 2014

My multi threaded application processes and loads records into an ECM repository. For reconcliation purposes , I am trying to build an XML format report with the results of the processing per record, while processing is underway per thread. The method below is called from every thread wvery time its ready to append an element to the DOM with the status.

public void writeReportLine(Element rptLine) {
// Write output to report file
synchronized (XMLReportHandler.class) {

After all processing completes, the below method is called only once by every thread to write to the File on the file system:

public void writeToReportFile() {
synchronized (XMLReportHandler.class) {
//write the content into xml file
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(reportOutput);
[Code] ....

The problem is that when under load, the threads just seem to hang while the transformer.transform(source, result) call keeps getting executed until there is an interrupt of some sort. I was able to examine a section of what was appended and it was status for records that had finished processing very early in the process based on my application logs. Once an interrupt is recieved , it looks like the threads recover.

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Building Multiple Math Games?

Nov 23, 2014

building a game. the game is all about the multiple times table with levels. easy medium and difficulty. I dont even know where to begin and what is the codes to use or even the platform. what websites can be access etc and what is the big deal with code tags.

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Building Tree Using Inorder And Postorder Array

Jul 13, 2014

I'm trying to build a binary tree using two arrays I'm given, one is inorder and the other is postorder and I have to construct the tree based on that. I understand the strategy I need to use- the last element of the postorder array tells me the root node, and wherever the value of that node occurs in the inorder array is where the tree is split. I can then apply this idea recursively to build the tree. For whatever reason though, I keep getting stack overflows.

Here's what I have so far:

public static class TreeNode {
char val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
TreeNode(char newVal) {
val = newVal;

[Code] .....

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