API To Invoke Terminal In Ubuntu

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to build and IDE for NASM in Java for Ubuntu. There are other IDE's for NASM but they are in C or C++. So i thought i should try making one in Java. Well I am done with the GUI part.

How should i link the NASM compiler to the IDE.
There is another way like "DEV C++ IDE" does in Windows is that it invokes the CMD and runs it in that so i could try doing something like that by invoking the TERMINAL in Ubuntu and running it in that. Does java have an API for this purpose.

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Compiling Multiple Java File Using Terminal In Ubuntu 12.04

Feb 11, 2015

I am new in java. I executed a java program using eclipse. the program contain two java file. when i try to run it using terminal in Ubuntu. Two files are not linking. it shows error. i am attaching all the data.

It shows the following error

regex2string.java:83: error: cannot find symbol
str = randomstr.nextString(2000);
symbol: variable randomstr
location: class regex2string
1 error

[Code] ...

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Terminal Within Java GUI?

Sep 19, 2014

I have developed a Java GUI by using Netbean. The user interface will get the user parameters that are needed by a c++ program (which I also developed). Upon clicking the run button java will execute the c++ program with the inserted parameters by launching and X-term session (using Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command) ) . Everything works fine in this way. However I do not find very elegant to launch an external terminal to run the C++ code. Is it possibile to have a terminal that is integrated within the java GUI? And run the C++ code within it?

Moreover, since the C++ code may take several hours to finish the job is there a way to read its output and use it in order to make, for example, proceed a progress bar?

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Why Terminal Not Returning Results To IDE

May 14, 2014

i am trying to run a command in terminal the code is below if i run the command in terminal it works fine however when i run it from netbeans with code below nothing gets printed. however if i run a different command such as (ip addr) it works fine?

public static void a() throws IOException{
ArrayList lister=new ArrayList();
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = rt.exec("ps -ef | grep firefox");// the command i am trying to run to get pid of application
InputStream stderr = proc.getInputStream();

[Code] ....

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Using Text Edit On Mac And Using Terminal To Execute Java Code

Aug 7, 2014

So when writing my first "Hello World" app everything seemed to work just fine. I wrote the code, compiled it, and then ran the class file and it worked, I got the return Hello World! But when I tried to write another app which is basically the exact same thing just a different sentence, I keep getting a bunch of error codes saying illegal character. I did everything the exact same. I am using Text Edit on a Mac and using Terminal to execute the Java code.

Here is what I wrote....

public class MyFirstApp
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println(“i rule the world!”);


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How To Install Java 8 On Ubuntu 14.04

Apr 19, 2014

I used Ubuntu 13.10 on a Chromebook and Java7 and Java8 both worked nicely. Not on Ubuntu14.04, however.

I can try

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
javac -version
java -version

… and it tells me 1.7.0_51 IcedTea etc. I haven't found an OpenJDK version of Java8, so I tried the usual technique of unzipping the Oracle download into /usr/java (which I have created and given “campbell” ownership of).

campbell@xxxxx:~$ /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java -version
bash: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
campbell@xxxxx:~$ /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_55/bin/java -version
bash: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_55/bin/java: No such file or directory

Same download in my home directory as I had last week. I repeated the download and got the same error. It is different from the error for Oracle Java7, which I haven't actually got installed at the moment.

I shall probably revert to Ubuntu13.10 for a bit.

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Applet Open But Stay Blank And Error Message Appear In Terminal

Jul 29, 2014

What's wrong with my Java program? When I open it using appletviewer, the applet opens but stays blank and an error message appears in Terminal.

Java Code:

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class DemoColor extends Applet
Font littleFont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.ITALIC, 6);
public void paint(Graphics gr)

[Code] ....

Error Message:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Color parameter outside of expected range: Red Green Blue

at java.awt.Color.testColorValueRange(Color.java:310)
at java.awt.Color.<init>(Color.java:395)
at java.awt.Color.<init>(Color.java:369)
at DemoColor.paint(DemoColor.java:24)

[Code] ....

HTML file:

<APPLET CODE="DemoColor.class" WIDTH = 420 HEIGHT = 300>

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Running Java App With SQLite On Ubuntu

Nov 12, 2014

I have built a Java app that uses SQLite (sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar). Running the jar file on windows works as expected however, trying to run it on Ubuntu Server 14.04 has turned into quite a task!

I put together a brand new machine in VirtualBox for testing. I installed Java (sudo apt-get install default-jre) and have installed SQLite (sudo apt-get install cl-sql-sqlite3 sqlitebrowser). I created a new sub-directory within my home directory and copied over the jar file. From terminal, I then run the command: sudo java -jar ProductionView.jar and I receive a java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror. For troubleshooting, within the app, before making a connection to the db, I have printed out the location of where the db is to be created and it is correct (see attached pic). Is there more that needs to be configured before I can run this app on Ubuntu? I have posted the relevant code below :

(AppDatabasePath() is what is printed in the image...).

public static String AppDatabasePath() {
return AppPath() + APP_NAME + ".db";
public static String AppDatabase() {
return "jdbc:sqlite:" + AppDatabasePath();

[Code] .....

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Unable To Run Tshark Command In Java On Ubuntu

Sep 19, 2014

I am trying to run tshark command using runtime environment in java on ubuntu . My code is as follows :-

try {
String destip = map1.get((String) innObj.get("value"));
Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
String tshk = "/usr/bin/tshark -r /home/pratibha/Desktop/vox.pcap -Y "ip.dst == "
+ destip
+ " && http" -T fields -e tcp.port -e col.Info";
Process pr = run.exec(tshk);


map1 is hashmap which contains the destination ip adress.When i run the above code the exit code for process (pr) is 1 and hence the tshark command is not executing properly.

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Unable To Run Tshark Command Using Runtime Environment On Ubuntu

Sep 19, 2014

I am trying to run tshark command using runtime environment in java on ubuntu . My code is as follows :-

try {
String destip = map1.get((String) innObj.get("value"));
Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
String tshk = "/usr/bin/tshark -r /home/pratibha/Desktop/vox.pcap -Y "ip.dst == "
+ destip
+ " && http" -T fields -e tcp.port -e col.Info";
Process pr = run.exec(tshk);


map1 is hashmap which contains the destination ip adress When i run the above code the exit code for process (pr) is 1 and hence the tshark command is not executing properly.

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Unable To Play Video In JPanel Using VLCJ In Ubuntu 13.04

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to play video in JPanel using vlcj in ubuntu, there is no error. My project builts successfully. but do not plays video. when i run code JFrame comes for a while. when i use same code in windows. it plays video and works successfully, but not in ubuntu.

In output window , it show following

A fatal error has occured in java runtime environment. (and so many things.)

Following is my code : (i am using vlcj-3.0.1)

import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.io.File;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import uk.co.caprica.vlcj.component.EmbeddedMediaPlayerComponent;

[Code] ...

Which path to give for vlc player in ubuntu. there are more than 5 folders with name vlc. one is in /usr/share/ and other is in /etc/ and so on.

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Accessing File On Remote Ubuntu Machine Using Java

Mar 3, 2015

From java running on Windows, I need to access a file on a remote Ubuntu machine. I use the following:

URL U = new URL ( "http://" + SERVER_IP + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/" + ClsName + ".class" );


SERVER_IP is the Ubuntu IP address obtained from any site that shows the IP address of the machine you are using.SERVER_PORT is the Ubuntu port where the server is listening.


Do I need to modify this code any further?Do I need to configure the Windows and/or Ubuntu machine(s) for this to work? 

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JSF :: How To Invoke JavaBean Methods In JSP

Sep 24, 2014

I have a requirement , as part of that i have to get one UI value (JSP/JSF) , due to code avaialability the value i can't get in JSP directly for that i uses Javascript that value have to pass to JavaBean method which return some string. Codes have given below :

JavaBean method:

public void setExchangeCurrency(String exchangeCurrency) {
this.exchangeCurrency = exchangeCurrency;

* @return the exchangeCurrency
public String getExchangeCurrency(String cutryCode) {
ResultSet resultSet = null;
String sqlQuery = null;

[Code] ....

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Invoke A Void Method From Another Class?

May 31, 2014

I'm pretty new to Java. I was working the project about gamble. I'm having trouble with invoking the void method from another class. This is what I have done so far.

There are two classes, and I'm trying to invoke gambleAnotherRound method from gambler class into highlighted part in casino class. So, what I want to do is when the program generates "else" part, it goes back into another gamble round.

public class gambler {
public void gambleAnotherRound(double dollarsBet) {
dollarsSpent += dollarsBet;
Random randomNumbers = new Random();
double randomDouble = randomNumbers.nextDouble();

[Code] ....

Below one is casino class.

// use a System.out.print statement to ask how much money each gambler should bet.
// Then declare a variable dollarsBet of type double, and set its value to the keyboard's
// keystroke (be sure to use keyboard.nextDouble()).
// If the user enters 0, then issue a break statement, so that the while loop terminates
// Else, invoke the gambleAnotherRound method of each Gambler, and pass it the variable dollarsBet

[code] ....

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How To Invoke Array Method From Another Class

Dec 5, 2014

this is the problem Write a Java project with two different classes. First class named Lab11main should contain only the main() method and the second class named Lab11 should contain a method named int[] reverseArray(int array)which will receive an array from main() method in Lab11main class and then reverse the whole array and should return the reversed array to the main() to print out.

this is what I did

my main class

Java Code:

package java4;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Lab11main {
public static void main(String[] args){
int i=0;
int [] b;


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Writing A Test Class Using (invoke) Method

May 4, 2015

I had to write a class called Thermometer, that has one instance variable (an integer) for the temperature in Fahrenheit. I had to include the following methods

-a constructor that initializes the temperature to 60

-there is a method to change the temperature

-there is a method to display the temperature

-there is a method to reset the teperature to 60

Here is the code for that.

public class Thermometer {
private int temp;
private int thermometer;
public Thermometer() {
thermometer = 60;


Now I get to the issue. I have to write a test class called thermometer to test the thermometer class. I need to test each method while displaying the temperature after it. My professor said I should use the invoke method but didn't go into much more detail than that.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Unable To Invoke Main Method

Jun 28, 2014

Here is my problem:

Javafx launcher error and beneath this it says

unable to invoke main method

How do I fix this I have a windows 8 hp laptop 64 bit...

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Web Services :: Invoke Client From Webapp Based On Some Scheduler

Nov 21, 2014

I need to invoke a restful webservice Client(Rest) from my Webapp based on some scheduler . Also I need to persist the data which the webservice returns in response. So basically-

1. Scheduler triggers, I need to build the rest service request (JSON) and invoke it.
2. Capture the response of the webservice and persist the data in DB.

Technical stack used- Spring MVC

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Web Services :: How To Invoke Methods Using Stand Alone File No Eclipse

Apr 17, 2015

I am trying web service first time so want to client application which will consume webservice which are hosted online for testing purpose

now i want to call some methods defined in this wsdl [URL]....

can anyone tell how should i invoke methods using stand alone java file no eclipse which jar files should i use ?

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Invoke Some Methods In For Loop In Order To Print Some Info Stored In A List

Apr 28, 2014

I am trying to invoke some methods in a for loop in order to print some info stored in a List. But for some reason, compiler pops a message saying "cannot find symbol - method getEmpID(). You are using a symbol here (a name for a variable, method or class) that has not been declared in any visible scope." But I am pretty sure that method getEmpID (as also getName(), getAfm(), and payment() ) have been declared as public.

Note: My List contains objects of different type (SalariedEmployee, HourlyEmployee). I hope this is not the factor causing this problem.

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
abstract class Employee{
private String name = "";
private String afm = "";
private long EmpID;
static long count=0;


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Compile Time Error - Cannot Invoke Read On Primitive Data Type Int

Jul 10, 2014

I have a code in which I am reading input from System.in and Destination is some where else

Here is my code

File file=new File("D:/output.txt");
OutputStream os=new java.io.FileOutputStream(file);
Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter Data to write on File");
String text=scanner.nextLine();
int c=Integer.parseInt(text);
int a;
System.out.println("File Written is Successful");

In the line while((a=c.read())!=-1)

a compile time error is shown "cannot invoke read on primitive data type int"

Where I am going wrong?

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Overriding Equals Method - Cannot Invoke Equals On Primitive Type (double)

Jan 7, 2014

I am trying to override the equals method for my class TeamMember I have two fields:

private Details details;
private double salary;

Code for override I get an error on salary saying cannot invoke equals (double) on the primitive type (double)

Is their something I am missing/coding wrong?

Java Code:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
//test exceptional cases
//avoid potential NullPointerException/ClassCastException
if ((obj == null) || (this.getClass() != obj.getClass()))
return false;
TeamMember other = (TeamMember) obj; //cast to a TeamMember object
// compare fields details and salary
return this.details.equals(other.details)
&& this.salary.equals(other.salary);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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