Adding Images / Colors Into A Java Quiz

Mar 26, 2014

I am making a quiz in Java. I need to be able to add images and colours into my quiz, to make the GUI look more appealing. At the moment, the JOptionPane that I am using looks very plain and boring. I want to be able to have my quiz running the same as it is at the moment, but I want to be able to import the images, add colours, and add Here is a copy of my quiz code:

Java Code:

package quiz;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;


how I have added the images into the src folder:

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How To Make A Game Using Images (like Logo Quiz)

Jan 11, 2015

i am making a game in java eclipse which has a 3 category for kiddie, teenage and young adult, that also has subcategory which Q&A and images, my problem was i cant make an images quiz (like a logo quiz) that is randomize what i only made was to display an only one image if i clicked button and its only one image, how can i make showing one image then another one image if i clicked some button like NEXT...

This are the codes i used!

package com.example.exampleimage;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.onclickListener;

[Code] .....

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Adding Borders And BG Colors To JTable

Jul 28, 2014

I have a 30 X 10 JTable which i would like to put a border around some cells and change Background colors on others.For example i would like to put a border around cells 1,1 to 15,1 I would like to change background colours on several individual total cells.What the shortest way to color individual cells and add a border?

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How To Do Subtraction Quiz Program Using Input Dialog Quiz

Oct 14, 2014

How can I do a subtraction quiz program using input dialog quiz?

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Error When Adding Images?

Jan 16, 2014

I have been trying my hand at making 2d top down view games and have found myself repeatedly using the same code so i created a file with all the functions so when it is down i just import the jar and dont have to keep rewriting functions. I have trouble because the background is loaded on the screen and i dont know why as i didn't tell it to load. In fact I set the panels visiblity to false. Both of my classes are in the same package. Why I still get the Image.

Walking Turtle
Java Code: import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class turtleWalker extends JFrame{
public static void main(String[] args){
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Walking Turtle");


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Images To JLIST

Apr 14, 2015

I am currently creating a Twitter Application within Java Swing using JSON. I have the JList populating with Home feeds but i also want to get Images displaying next to the Text ...

currently all i am getting is [URL] ....

So a am able to get the URL Link but getting that to a Image seems to be the problem

final ArrayList<String> TweetArray = new ArrayList<String>(); //Array List for Users Tweets..
final static ArrayList<String> incomingTweets = new ArrayList<String>(); //ArrayList for Incoming Tweets.
ArrayList<String> arrayImages = new ArrayList<String>();//ArrayList for incoming Tweet Profile Images
private Map<String, ImageIcon> imageMap;

[Code] ....

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Adding Images To Word List?

Apr 20, 2014

I am trying to add images to go with my wordlist but unsure of how to do this.

public class WordRepository {

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Using A Timer In Java Quiz

Apr 17, 2014

I am currently making a quiz for a project. I am almost finished, but I need to use a timer.

Here is what I want to happen:

The user to has 15 seconds to answer each question. If they answer, they are given the option to move to the next question, or leave the quiz. If they answer incorrectly, the quiz closes. If they do not answer within the 15 seconds, the program treats this as an incorrect answer, and the quiz closes.

Here is a section of the quiz code which includes the start of the code to the end of the code for the first question:

Java Code:

package quiz;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;

[Code] ....

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Open Answer Quiz Game Using Java

Nov 1, 2014

I want to design an open-answer quiz game using Java. Basically, the plan is to design a quiz where the name of a medicine is displayed as "the question" and the player will need to input the unique code (as "the answer") of the medicine in an open box (all the codes are two characters). The list has about 204 named medicine (with potentially more to be included at a later stage). The questions will not appear in the same order for each session restarted; they will appear randomly.

The player will have 60 seconds, and for each correct answer, will score 1 point and add 2 seconds to the timer. The player will also have 6 "lives", and for each incorrect answer, the player will lose a life, with no effect on the time.

The idea of the game is that the player memorise as many of these medicine codes as possible.

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Colors In Java

Aug 4, 2014

So i was thinking about colors in java and was wondering what kinda colors are regonised by java..found this java.awt.color.. which goes very indepth with transparancy(alpha) and other formats of colors..


I wanne make a programm in java that breaks up a picture(pixels) and put it together again..Storing values of the colors and so forth..Which format of colors would be easy to start with if taking about java programming? RGB?

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Creating A Quiz In Java With 3 Multiple Choice Questions

Oct 20, 2014

I have to write a short quiz that consists of 3 multiple choice questions. When the question is answered wrong I have to get it to loop back and ask the same question until the question is answered right.

I think I have the majority of my variables assigned and I have the scanner set up.

System.out.println("Question 1- Which TV sitcom recently had it's 20th anniversary?");
System.out.println("1. Two and a half men " + question1 + ".Friends 3.The Fresh Prince of Belair h.Get a hint");
answer2 = stdIn.nextInt();
if (answer2 != question1) {
System.out.println("Your answer was incorrect, please try again or pick h for a hint");
} else {

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Putting Images In GUI / Images In Source File Don't Seem To Be Recognized

Jun 7, 2014

This is my class with the GUI:

import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;


Eclipse error message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(
at GUI.<init>(
at Apples.main(

i think the problem is to do with my images not being recognised. I put them in my source in User>...>workspace>src which is correct as far as i know. From what i know the images should show up if i look at my src file in eclipse but they dont. I tried changing the file type from .png to .jpg but it makes no difference.

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Java Program Not Able To Read Images / Files - AccessControlException

Nov 8, 2014

I am quite new to Java. I have downloaded a tictac example Java applet code and I run it on Eclipse with no problems. But when I try to test it outside Eclipse by doing the following:

I copy the .class file and two gif-images to another location and call the Java from html code:

<applet code="hello/HelloWorld.class" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="300">

And I put the two gif-files to hello/images folder. I get and an error:

access denied ("")
"I:ImportantProgrammingWebProgramminghelloim ages
ot.gif" "read")

The path seems to be correct. I load the pictures from the Java code by:

notImage = getImage(getCodeBase(), "");

If I draw (drawLine) the X and O instead of using gif, then it works.... so its really the gif-loading which is the problem.

I have a Windows XP. I also tried to run it inside XAMPP server folder in my machine but the same problem. How could I be able to run it on my machine?

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Java 1.8 - Rendering Images To Printer / Result Is Not Good

Feb 10, 2015

I have some troubles rendering images to the printer, any resolution does not work, even 72 in PDF printer does not work, the image is crappy.

I use the following code but the result is not good. I mean the image quality is not acceptable.

img=new ImageIcon("c:\test\m.jpg").getImage();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, (int) (img.getWidth(null)/scale), (int) (img.getHeight(null)/scale), null);

I've also tried :

img=new ImageIcon("c:\test\m.jpg").getImage();
AffineTransform aft=g.getTransform();
double scale=aft.getScaleX();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, (int) (img.getWidth(null)/scale), (int) (img.getHeight(null)/scale), null);

The result is the same even if I change the image, very poor and unacceptable!

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Java Tictactoe Game Images Won't Paint / Be Drawn

Jul 24, 2014

I'm following this tutorial![URL] I've copied over a lot of the code and also copied/pasted other parts! I understand how it works, but I can't figure out why the "X" or "O" won't paint onto the screen when the window is clicked on! Only a button is drawn when I click on the screen.

package tictactoe;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.Toolkit;//look into this library


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NetBeans Quiz Game

Oct 27, 2014

I are having some trouble with our quiz that we made in NetBeans. The problem we have is that when we press play the question opens in a new window ( if we klick this button imgur: the simple image sharer this happens imgur: the simple image sharer but we want it to look like this imgur: the simple image sharer when we press the button). the code we are using for the button is imgur: the simple image sharer.

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Program To Get Quiz Scores

Oct 25, 2014

So for this project I'm going to take in some quiz scores, then eventually get the total number, the range, the mean, and others... Here's the instructions for the two methods I need to create but am completely stuck on:

2. public boolean inputData(Scanner in)
2.1.takes in a Scanner object passed in from main()
2.2. asks the user for a number in the range of 0 through 100.
2.3.It must read a number into an integer variable unless a non-number value is entered, in which case the method will return false. You may use try/catch or an if statement for this.
2.4.If the datum/score seems acceptable, the addGrade method must be called.
2.5.If addGrade returns false, then inputData should throw an IllegalArgumentException or return false
Otherwise, inputData should return true. See section 11.4 for exceptions.

3. public boolean addGrade
3.1.takes in an integer grade. If grade is not in the range of 0 through 100 the method should return false.
Otherwise, it should appropriately change the values of numberOfQuizzes, highValue, lowValue,
3.2.totalQuizScore , sumOfSquares (used in variance calculation), and add one to the count of the proper variable for A's, B's, C's, D's or F's. The method should then call calculate and return true

Now I have done very little with booleans in class at all, so this is all very confusing for me. I've tried to do a lot of research on my own and so far I came up with the following for the two methods above:

public boolean inputData()
int score = 0;
System.out.println("Please enter values, Q to quit:");
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
while (in.hasNextInt())

[Code] ....

Honestly I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong at all, and I have done a lot of research but can't really find anything too similar to what the instructions want so I'm not sure what's right/wrong.

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Event Handlers With Flag Quiz App

Jun 6, 2014

displayNames, regionsEnabled,
new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener()



1. Describe what the code displays. A error message would be shown when the use has selected an insufficient number of options.

2. Describe when an event handler (included in the code) gets executed? The event handler gets executed every time a user selects an option(???)

3. Explain a feature of what is displayed

4. Explain the meaning of all of the parameters in the central, complicated call of the code.

5. Describe how the code handles two possible situations.When the user has selected a sufficient number of options (no less than or equal to 0), then no error message would be shown. On the other hand, an error message will be shown when the user has not selected a sufficient number of options (0). (???)

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Java Servlet :: Storing Images In Folder And Their Relative Paths In MySQL Database

Nov 16, 2012

I am developing an web application with servlets and jsp. I have an issue to store images. I am storing images in folder and their relative path's in mysql database.

When I retrieve path from database then using <IMG> tag i have displayed image like:

     out.println("<td><img src="+user.getPlaceImage()+" width='70' height='50' /></td>");

It is working fine with internet explorer but not working (that is Not displaying image) in chrome/mozilla.

How to display that image in all browsers....

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Applets :: Accessing Java Application Without Adding Site To Java Security

Sep 12, 2014

I have tried running the java application without adding the site to site list in java security tab. But I get a sand box message as APPLICATION BLOCKED BY SECURITY SETTINGS. How to run the java application without adding the site to site list in java security tab.

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JSP :: Online Quiz - Sending Resultset From Servlet

Mar 12, 2014

I am building an online quiz. I created a database , bean , controller and jsp. I connected database, wrote query , put resultset in arraylist of object and passed it to jsp. My program runs but arraylist size increases everytime and same question get displayed repeatedly . i cant find the error. Everytime i run the program arraylist size increases. I think it is adding same rows again ang again. here is my code for controller and jsp.

servlet code:

protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

[Code] .....

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Design Open Answer Quiz Game

Oct 31, 2014

I want to design an open-answer quiz game using Java. Basically, the plan is to design a quiz where the name of a medicine is displayed as "the question" and the player will need to input the unique code (as "the answer") of the medicine in an open box (all the codes are two characters). The list has about 204 named medicine (with potentially more to be included at a later stage). The questions will not appear in the same order for each session restarted; they will appear randomly.

The player will have 60 seconds, and for each correct answer, will score 1 point and add 2 seconds to the timer. The player will also have 6 "lives", and for each incorrect answer, the player will lose a life, with no effect on the time.The idea of the game is to support the player memorise as many of these medicine codes as possible. How this can be achieved from total grassroots.

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Quiz Game Program - Random Number Generator

Nov 18, 2014

I've run into some problems with my Quiz-game program. What I basicly want it to do is generate a random number that is tied to the other windows I have for the program (I want a new random question to be generated once I have guessed on the first one). I've read about a few different ways to approach this but everything I get is a pure number generator.

I imported

import java.util.Random;

into my program but I don't know where to go from there.

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Quiz Program - Removing Enter Key Space After User Input

Oct 20, 2014

I am writing a short quiz program, and when the user inputs their answer they hit the enter key (the are int). But the last question on my quiz is asking the user to they want to repeat the quiz, but when I run the program, it won't allow me to input any information. I can briefly remember my lecturer saying something about entering in a code after each int the user inputs but I can't remember what it was.

Here is a snippet of my code:

//Question 3
System.out.println("Question 3- What Hollywood actor did Mila Kunis have a baby with recently?");
System.out.println( question3 + ".Ashton Kutcher 2.Bradly Cooper 3.Leonardo Dicaperio h.Get a hint");
answer3 = stdIn.nextInt();
if(answer3 != question3)

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Quiz - Match Request URL To Correct URL Pattern In Deployment Descriptor

May 28, 2014

How to map a request URL to a url pattern in deployment descriptor. I got all the answers right, but I am not sure if the thought process is correct.


[Code] .....

1) [URL] ....
Container choice: DeployTestOne (matched the *.do extension pattern)

Exact match check: Is there a URL pattern in DD which is exactly = /MapTest/ ? NO.
Directory match check: Is there any URL pattern in DD for directory /MapTest ? NO.
Extension match: Is there a pattern in DD for files with extension .do ? Yes !
Select DeployTestOne !

Question - When doing an Exact match check, does the container look for in DD or does it look for /MapTest/ ?

2) [URL] ....
Container choice: DeployTestThree (matched the /fooStuff/* directory pattern)

Exact match check: Is there a URL pattern in DD which is exactly = /MapTest/fooStuff/bar/ ? NO.
Directory match check: Is there any URL pattern in DD for directory /MapTest/fooStuff/bar ? Yes !
Go for the url pattern for longest pat, that is, /fooStuff/*

Question - When doing the directory match check, does the Container look for /MapTest/fooStuff/bar/ or just /fooStuff/bar ?

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Board Of Colors And Players

Sep 14, 2014

My assignment is for a game where there is a board of colors and each player draws a color and moves to that position on the board. It will then output how many cards total in the game it took whichever player to win. If no winner it outputs the number of cards that none won by going through. I attached the file that corresponds with my code.

This is the desired output:

Player 1 won after 7 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
No player won after 8 cards.
Player 2 won after 4 cards.
No player won after 6 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 4 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 1 cards.
No player won after 200 cards.
Player 4 won after 100 cards.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProgrammingAssignment1 {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static int players;
public static int cards;
public static int boardlength;
public static String board;

[Code] .....

The output that I get is:

Player 1 won after 3 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
No player won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 3 cards.
No player won after 6 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 3 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 1 cards.
No player won after 200 cards.
Player 4 won after 100 cards.I guess I'm supposed to set the playerPos[] to -1, but I'm unsure how.

Attached File(s) : (1.5K)

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