Adding Element To ArrayList Not Working

Jan 24, 2015

Ive set up a list to when a user creates an element it will be added to the entire list, but when i return to the main menu the Element isnt added.

Here is the code

public void setElement(int atomicNum, Element e){
if (ElementHasData(atomicNum) == false) {
if(atomicNum < MAX){
list[atomicNum] = e;

[Code] ...

Here is what the code intiates

Please select an option you wish to activate
1) Print All Elements
2) Print One Specific Element
3) Add an Element
4) Edit an Element

What is the atomic number of the Element you would like to add
Numbers only valid 1-113
Enter element name
Enter element Symbol
What is the Elements weight

[Code] ....


Please select an option you wish to activate
1) Print All Elements
2) Print One Specific Element
3) Add an Element
4) Edit an Element

But then after i try to print the specific element

Please select an option you wish to activate
1) Print All Elements
2) Print One Specific Element
3) Add an Element
4) Edit an Element
What is the atomic number of the Element
that element does not exist would u like to create this element Enter yes or no

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Adding Element From Arraylist To Array

Sep 11, 2014

So I'm trying to write a method which returns the number of vowel characters in arraylist. My idea is to convert the arraylist element by element to array each time iterating through the array counting the vowels of that element. When I started I immediately got an error(surprise, surprise). Excuse me if the problem is too simple, but I am very new to programming.

At line 9 I get the following error "Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to int". I want to get the element at this position, not to convert to int..

ublic class One {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> bla = new ArrayList<String>();
public static ArrayList<String> averageVowels (ArrayList<String> list){
String[] arrListWord = list.toArray(new String[list.get(0)]);
return list;

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ArrayList - How To Get Index Of Element

Feb 1, 2015

I am just studying over ArrayLists and i have encountered a problem, i'm trying to get the index of an element but it keeps returning -1. Here's the code

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class PhoneEntry {
String name;
String phone;
public PhoneEntry(String name, String phone) {

[Code] ...

I know the list is not empty because it returns a size.

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Adding Space Between Each Element Of Array

Dec 8, 2014

I have been trying to space out output on a Java console window so that I have three columns with 6 rows of data from three different arrays. The code I have so far outputs the data with no problem however the spacing between the columns is uneven. My loop so far is made up as follows

for (int i = 0; i < printVotes.length; i++) {
System.out.println(printNames[i] + "
" + printVotes[i] + "
" + printPrecent[i] + "%");

As you can see I have been manually adding the space between each element of the array but this means that the space between each element is different because the size of each element is different if work out a loop that works out an even amount of space between the elements and then print this along with the elements ....

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Adding Objects To ArrayList

Oct 17, 2014

I've two classes: Student and ArrayListExamples (which has my main method in it).

The student class acts pretty simply at the moment with a constructor that takes a name, surname and ID number. I've tested it and it seems to be working. My issue is with adding an object to an array list, here is my effort:

public class ArrayListExamples {
private static int MAX_SIZE = 50;
static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList();

I know the last loop to add the student objects is wrong.I'm calling the student ArrayList add method with a student object whose constructor requires two strings and an integer. Why isn't this allowed?

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Error In Adding In ArrayList

Apr 19, 2014

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Square extends Piece {
private ArrayList<Location>possibleMoves;

[Code] ......

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Adding Stars After Each Item In The List - For Loop Isn't Working?

Feb 26, 2014

This is supposed to be a method that adds stars after each item in the list.

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ClientProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

[Code] ...

I'm guessing it's because list.size() changes, though but it should only find that value in the beginning, so it shouldn't be a problem?

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Creating ArrayList And Adding Item To Array

Nov 27, 2014

Creating an Arraylist and adding item to that array, refer below code

ArrayList<String> sjarr = new ArrayList<String>();

String arritem1 = new String("First array item");

String num = "text will decide";

Both adds the String item to array list but puzzling what makes the difference....

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Adding Integer Values Into String Arraylist

May 5, 2014

I'm having an issues with adding integer values to a string list. The question is asking me "the method should iterate over runners, and for each runner generate a random number between 90 and 180 (inclusive) which should be used to set the time (in minutes) for that runner."

I have been able to get the random number and iterating over the runner arraylist but I haven't been able to figure out how to add the values generated into the runners list. I am also using BlueJ.

Here's the whole code I have at the moment:

import java.util.*;
import ou.*;
import java.util.Random;
* Write a description of class MarathonAdmin here.
public class MarathonAdmin {
// instance variables - replace the example below with your own

[Code] .....

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ArrayList Only Adding 1 Item When There Are Multiple Items

Oct 25, 2014

I managed to retrieve data, and set data in my own ways in which I like. But my problem is, if the file does not contain anything (fully empty), when I try to use my

set("", "");
method, it only sets the last one that is called.


set("section1", "section1Item");
set("section2", "section2Item");
set("section3", "section3Item");

Only section3 would get set, and not the others.

Otherwise, if the file contained a section already, then each section (section1, section2, section3) would get set.

Here's how I set the data to the file:

public static void set(String section, String data) {
String beforeItem = section + ":" + files.dataList.get(section);
if(files.hasReadData) {

[Code] ....

And here is how a retrieve the data and set them to my arraylist/hashmap:

public void getData() {
String line = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Arraylist To Jtable In Another Class

Jan 23, 2015

I'm trying to fill my jtable with an arraylist. The problem is the jtable is in an extended class and the arraylist in the mainGUI. Now how can I fill the jtable with the arraylist?

That's the arraylist in my MainGUI

BufferedReader in = null;
ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("1.dat.txt"));
String str;
while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {

[Code] ....

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Add Element As Third Element Of Stack Without Changing Rankings

Jun 1, 2014

I want to run a program to add an element as the third element of stack without changing rankings, I am trying to use two stack and I don't know how to push the top of first stack in the second: push(top(); this line

public void ADD(int element,int i ){
else{ makeNull();
while((i<=3) && (isEmpty(false))){

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ArrayList Only Adding 1 Item Even Though There Are Multiple Items (Setting Data To Files)

Oct 25, 2014

I managed to retrieve data, and set data in my own ways in which I like. But my problem is, if the file does not contain anything (fully empty), when I try to use my

set("", "");

method, it only sets the last one that is called.


set("section1", "section1Item");
set("section2", "section2Item");
set("section3", "section3Item");

Only section3 would get set, and not the others.

Otherwise, if the file contained a section already, then each section (section1, section2, section3) would get set.

Here's how I set the data to the file:

public static void set(String section, String data) {
String beforeItem = section + ":" + files.dataList.get(section);


And here is how a retrieve the data and set them to my arraylist/hashmap:

public void getData() {
String line = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();


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Project Is Working On JFrame - But Not Working On JApplet

Apr 10, 2014

I am developing an application to share my client screen with server, it is working well on swing. But i want to develop as web application, i am trying to using applet. But i am facing the fallowing problem..,

1) The Applet screen also open and project also running well on server mechine. But unable to see the client screen on the server.

2) The problem may be to display the JDesktopPane or JInternalFrame.

My working Server Code extends withe JFrame..Java Code:

package remoteserver;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;


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Create Own ArrayList Using Collection Without Implementing ArrayList Itself

Feb 28, 2014

I'm trying to create my own arraylist using Collection. My program doesn't do anything. Obviously, I haven't a clue.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class MyArrayList<T> implements java.util.Collection<T> {
private int size = 4;
private T[] mArray;
public MyArrayList(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Focus The First Element?

Apr 4, 2015

I'm creating a simple login screen and I need to focus on the first field "login" after I click a submit button, so when the page return. I tryed using JS :

window.onload = function() {document.forms[0].elements[0].focus();};

but it not worked. I need a solution if possible without using JS. I'm using raw JSF implementation without PrimeFaces or anything else like this.

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Difference Between Element And Index?

Apr 17, 2014

Im working on my homework and it mentioned element for one exercise and an index in another, what is the difference, If Any, Between An Element And An Index?

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Smallest Element In Array

Nov 7, 2014

I have been working on this assignment for a bit now. I seem to have most of the logic of it down, as far as I can tell, but I seem to have fallen into a bit of a brain lapse when it comes to invoking methods I've made in my main method. Here's the code:

package Module5;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exercise6Nine {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter 10 numbers.");
double[] numbers = new double[10];

[Code] .....

My question is, in my main method, I have code in there to attempt to call my method "min" from below, and to use the result of the min's calculations and print them via my main. Only, I can't seem to properly invoke the method from my main method!

Also, if you could check over my min method and see if anything blatantly wrong is there and let me know, that would be great.

Looking over my question, and it seems there is no EDIT button, but I may as well put the assignment parameters here, since I asked for double checking on my method. Write a method that finds the smallest element in an array of double values using the following header:

public static double min( double[ ] array )

Write a test program that prompts the user to enter 10 numbers, invokes this method to return the minimum value, and displays the minimum value.

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JSF :: How To Pass A Value Inside Rich Element

Mar 3, 2014

using richface 4.

showing syntax error.How to pass the value #{id.No} inside rich:element

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How To Read Integer Attribute Using DOM Element

May 13, 2014

I don't know how to read the attribute maxLenth. The way in the image I have done drive me to the error below.!

Piece of XSL:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<c:message xmlns:c="ictt"><c:de format="B" lengthField="0" name="BIT MAP, PRIMARY" number="000"/>
<c:de format="B" lengthField="0" maxLength="008" minLength="008" name="BIT MAP, SECONDARY" number="001" subFields="00"/>

Piece of Java Code:

int length = Integer.parseInt(spec.getAttribute("maxLength"));
[5/13/14 14:52:19:497 CDT] 00000028 SystemErr R java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
[5/13/14 14:52:19:497 CDT] 00000028 SystemErr R at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Num
[5/13/14 14:52:19:497 CDT] 00000028 SystemErr R at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
[5/13/14 14:52:19:497 CDT] 00000028 SystemErr R at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(


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JSF :: Element Is Not Rendering / Parsing While Migrating

Jan 24, 2014

I m trying to migrate JSF 1.2 project with myfaces to JSF 2.0 with myfaces 2.0 jars on weblogic10.3 server. Found some problem related build and publishing after resolving them when i hitting my application all JSF html tags are coming in browser as it is they are parsed to html tags. all h: tages are coming as it is on my browser they are not converted to html tags for browser display.

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Each Bar In Graph Will Represent Value Of Each Element Of Array

Nov 5, 2014

So I have an array which holds 19 elements, each element represents a value of 'income'. I'm trying to code the graph so that each bar will represent the value of each element of the array (income). I have been given the code ' for (int Bar = 0; Bar < array of values.length; bar++);' however i'm unsure if this is how to do it, or what to add to this code to make it work.

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Calling Element Of Array From Different Class

Mar 13, 2014

So I just finished up my term project and have everything working but I wanted to make one slight adjustment to the code and Im not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong - it involves retrieving a set element from an array from a different class so to some what show what I have going on:

public class example1 {
private example2 Examp;
public example1() {
Examp = new example2();
} public void getArray() {
if(Var >= 10 && Var <= 20) {

[Code] ....

I have an if statement that looks at a sum of numbers, and predetermined upon the set of numbers I want it to output a message by calling the index number in the array and returning the string. I currently just have the message in the if statements but would be nicer to just pull them from a different class to keep it consolidated.

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Shuffling Array - Swapping Every Element

Aug 25, 2014

While shuffling an array, if I use Collections.shuffle(), there is a chance that an element in a particular index in the input array can be present in the same index in the output array. Is there an existing method that handles that too? If not, how can I best handle it? After shuffling, will swapping every element with the last element work?

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Comparing String To Array Element?

Oct 17, 2014

I have the following code:

Java Code:

public class Equals {
String[] s1 = {"red", "white", "black", "blue"};
String[] s2 = {"red", "black", "green"};
String[] s3 = {"red", "green"}; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

What I need is to give me the following output:

Select Strings: s1,s2,s3
Comparing String s1, s2, s3

red 3 matches.

black 2 matches.

green 2 matches.

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Print Duplicates Element Of Array

Apr 16, 2014

This code is not best way to find the duplicate elements in a given array. Any alternative method for an optimized code.

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays;
public class Find_Dupliicate_ArrayElement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] Array1 = {1, 9,8,1,2,8,9,7,10, -1, 1, 2, 3, 10, 8, -1};
// Store the array length
int size = Array1.length;
//Sort the array


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