Adding Into A Complex Array?

May 26, 2015

I have a main class:

Java Code:

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Player[] playerList = new Player[] {new Player("Daniel", 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3),new Player ("Player2", 2, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2)};
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');


and whenever I run it, it prints out the last player, so I was wondering how to identify them separately, but still use the array, as (I believe) it is the most efficient way.

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Complex Number Calculations

Jan 25, 2014

A complex number is defined as z=a+i*b, where a is the real part, and b is the imaginary part. In other words, in order to define a complex number, we need the two floating numbers a and b. Write methods that perform for each of the following operations with complex numbers z1 = a1 + i*b1, and z2 = a2 + i*b2:

Addition: z1 + z2=(a1+a2) + i*(b1+b2)
Subtraction: z1 - z2=(a1-a2) + i*(b1-b2)
Multiplication: z1*z2 = (a1*a2 - b1*b2) + i*(a1*b2 + b1*a2)
Division: z1/z2 = (a1*a2 +b1*b2)/(a2^2 + b2^2) + i*(b1*a2 - a1*b2)/(a2^2 + b2^2)

Create a test program that asks for the real and imaginary parts of two complex numbers from the user, and displays the results of the four operations, writing the formula as shown above, and replacing the a1, a2, b1 and b2 with the numbers entered by the user.The professor used the incorrect complex number equations and has notified the students of his error. I have run into a few problems thus far.

1. I'm not sure how to use floating numbers with the Math.pow(double, double) function, since its requires doubles!? So instead of using floating numbers, I've knowingly switched them all to double in order to see if the code itself is working properly for the purposes of this forum. Is there a way that I can modify this function so that it will work for floating numbers?

2. Regarding the division method, an error stating that c and d have not been initialized and I'm not sure how to change it because the other calculation methods work fine. Why do I need to initialize c and d in the division method and not the others?

3. Am I on the right path? I have surfed the web to see how others completed the program and they all appear very different than mine...

package program5;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Program5 {
  static double a, b, c, d;
static double i = Math.pow(-1,1/2);

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Complex Formatting Within A Text Field

Apr 30, 2015

I'm trying to figure out a good way to allow my users to have some formatting options within a text box in my application. Ultimately, they need to be able to have text that is alternating between two separate fonts, and ideally could have both italicized and bolded words as well.

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Complex Numbers - Converting Syntax?

Mar 17, 2015

Convert to following sysntax (from Matlab) having complex nos.

real((413000*atan((T^(1/2)*((4130000*V*1i)/(139*T^(1/2)) + (413000*1i)/T^(1/2)))/413000)*1i)/(139*T^(1/2)))

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Complex Math Functions With A Simple Web Page?

Feb 4, 2015

I am a 3rd year electrical engineer and I am working on a project on solar cell design in the developing world.For my project I am looking to create a very simple web page which can be used by people in the developing world to determine whether a photo voltaic system is suitable to their needs.

For this I want to have simple boxes where a user can input numbers and I used complex calculations to return values (a lot of trigonometric functions etc.), the values then should have the opportunity to be altered to the users digression. This will create a solar model.

For the load aspect of it I am looking to have drop down boxes for a number of components which the user can select and will have a numerical value in Watts which will sum to give total load on system. Ideally I would like to show this graphically in a pie chart showing how much energy each component is taking to give the option to remove.

I am also creating a statistical model which determines the likelihood of having no sunlight on a given day which looks at the solar output, battery capacity and load on the system and will return reliability of the system - this has not been completed but should be shortly.

Aim is to keep web page as simple as possible as unskilled computer users may want to use it.

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Deleting Complex Object In Java List

Sep 3, 2014

I am following those three tutorials and I have completed it with success.

( [URL] .... )
( [URL] .... )
( [URL] .... )

But then, as author haven't implemented removeCountries method I tried to create it. What I did initially was to just add to class Countries this method:

public boolean removeCountry(Country country) {
return countries.remove(country);

But although compiler wasn't complaining it didn't work. Actually it worked last night (before reboot) but not today. Must be some SOAP iterator/binding thing or whatever. Or I thought that it worked but in fact it didn't.

Here are original classes:

public class Country {
String CountryId;
String CountryName;
public Country() {

[Code] ....

I would like to avoid my own iterator as JDeveloper can generate automatically iterators for webservices, but if I can't get it that way, what would be better way to write above mentioned iterator in removeCountry method?

Is there any way to remove object directly with something like this:


using method

// This left unused
public boolean removeCountry(Country country) {
return countries.remove(country);

from class Countries?

Parameters should be set by web service iterator.

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Java - Allocate Whole Object To One Complex Number

Jul 6, 2014

Java has not structures, I must allocate whole object to one complex number?

Java has complex numbers handling, classes for complex?

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Array Not Adding 1?

Jan 1, 2015

I am working on a text based adventure game. (This is NOT OOP at all) The problem comes in at my second if statement inside my loop, it is not adding 1 to my array locations[] it keep printing location[0] then a 1 at the end. Not really sure what is going on here. I would like it to when I type "Go north" it adds 1 to locations[]

Go north
go north
package com.PenguinGaming;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Game{


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Array Lists - Adding New Elements

Apr 1, 2014

I am working on a assignment that has to do with array lists, it mainly has to do with adding new elements, telling then where it is it located, if the memory block is empty , ect. so far i have been having problems with my indexOf method which should display the array cell number that a input element E is in, and if it is not in there it should display a -1.

public class MyArrayList<E>
private E[] data_store = (E[])new Object[2];
private int sizeofa = 0;
private void resize()// makes the array list bigger if need {
E[] bigspacemaker = (E[])new Object[data_store.length * 2];
for(int x = 0 ; x< sizeofa ; x++)

[Code] ....

Error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 512
at MyArrayList.indexOf(
at MyArrayListDemo1.main(

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Adding Space Between Each Element Of Array

Dec 8, 2014

I have been trying to space out output on a Java console window so that I have three columns with 6 rows of data from three different arrays. The code I have so far outputs the data with no problem however the spacing between the columns is uneven. My loop so far is made up as follows

for (int i = 0; i < printVotes.length; i++) {
System.out.println(printNames[i] + "
" + printVotes[i] + "
" + printPrecent[i] + "%");

As you can see I have been manually adding the space between each element of the array but this means that the space between each element is different because the size of each element is different if work out a loop that works out an even amount of space between the elements and then print this along with the elements ....

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Adding Element From Arraylist To Array

Sep 11, 2014

So I'm trying to write a method which returns the number of vowel characters in arraylist. My idea is to convert the arraylist element by element to array each time iterating through the array counting the vowels of that element. When I started I immediately got an error(surprise, surprise). Excuse me if the problem is too simple, but I am very new to programming.

At line 9 I get the following error "Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to int". I want to get the element at this position, not to convert to int..

ublic class One {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> bla = new ArrayList<String>();
public static ArrayList<String> averageVowels (ArrayList<String> list){
String[] arrListWord = list.toArray(new String[list.get(0)]);
return list;

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Adding Array To A List - String?

Sep 8, 2014

Im making a simple code to add an array to a List (the code im referring to is <String> )

import java.util.*;
public class L5_ArrayListProgram {
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] things = {"lasers","ghouls", "food", "dark"};
List<String>list1 = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String x: things)

My simple question is - what are the <String> ...<String> for? I understand it makes the list1 variable a string, but why is it made like this? do we usualy use <String> when we need to make a variable a String?

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Adding Information To Array Dynamically

Apr 29, 2015

I'm having trouble conceptualizing something. I will post the code, it's works exactly as it should. I create an array and Hash Map to display periodic table of elements information after allowing the user to search by element name or symbol. I want the user to also be able to add elements to the periodic table. I can't really conceptualize how I am going to do that with an array I've already created.

Here's code:

//Create element objects.
//Here is where I create my "elements" array, and where I could like to prompt the user to add elements, if desicred.
Element[] elements = {new Element("Hydrogen", 1, "H", 1.008,1,1), new Element("Lithium",3, "Li", 6.94,2,1)}; //
//Maybe it seems if I prompt the user here to add new element names, symbols, weights, etc, I would be overwriting

[Code] .....

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Adding And Deleting Item From Array In GUI

Oct 12, 2014

Working on my final which is due today, its' and Inventory Program which I have been working on for the last 5 weeks. My Buttons on my GUI Add/Delete doesn't add items to my inventory. I'm not sure exactly what wrong with my code, I'm not getting any error and the Program compiles just fine, I just can get the Items to add of delete.

my Delete button starts on line 281
my Add Button begins on line 319

/** Purpose:the purpose of this software is to display inputs as wells as the stocks and price of inputs,
*as well as display a 5 % restocking fee per dvd and for the entire Invenotry of each object.
*adding a GUI to the code. Adding a Previous button to the existing code allowing the user to cycle through
*the Inventory list freely. Also adding a graphics logo to page. adding more buttons and allowing program to
*save new items added to the inventory.

//Needed Imports for GUI

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;

[Code] .....

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Making Object And Adding To Array

Oct 2, 2014

I need to be able to call this method and it should take the object and, add it to my list of items, but I am having trouble getting it to work. I know the numbers and stuff aren't correct eventually it will add one to the array length when i call add item, but I am just trying to go one step at a time

//creates new MediaItem object and add it to items[]
void addNewItem(String title){
MediaItem object = new MediaItem(title);
MediaItem[] items = new MediaItem[1];
items[0] = ("object.getTitle()");
numberOfItems = numberOfItems + 1;

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Adding New Object To The End Of Array Of Objects

Feb 8, 2015

I am trying to build a method that takes an array of object and adds a new object of that type to the end of it . ONLY ALLOWED TO USE ARRAY , NO ARRAYLISTS VECTORS ECT . i realize that if the array is full you can use the java copy array method to make a new array and double its size until a certain point . The MAX AMOUNT OF OBJECTS is a constant that is 100 but for some reason even when executing my code i keep getting null pointer exceptions or index out of bounds errors , i have written this method many times now with out any success.

My question is how do I write a method that adds an object to the end of an array and if there are no spots left copies the current array into a new array and extend the size

private Animal [] objects;
final int MAX_ANIMALS = 100;
public AnimalObject()
objects = new AnimalObject[MAX_ANIMALS];
public AnimalObject(Animal[]a)

[Code] ....

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Adding Points Objects Into Array

Oct 24, 2014

I am trying to add Point objects into an Array.This is my code to read in data

Java Code:

public void readRoadMap(File road) {
String line;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(road));
while((line = br.readLine()) !=null){
this.points.add(new Point(line));


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Synchronize Model Representing Complex UI Composite With FlowPane Backing List

Aug 26, 2014

What is the best way to synchronize a Model representing a complex UI composite w/ a FlowPane's backing list?
Currently I have a change listener on the Model.  Upon an add I create a new UI composite and manually add it to the FlowPane's backing list via flowPane.getChildren().add().  Similarly if there is a remove, I iterate over the FlowPane's children, grab the right Node, and remove it.  Similarly, if there is a modification detected, I iterate over the FlowPane's children, grab the right Node, remove it, recreate the UI composite, and re-add it to the list.  I also need the list to be sorted, so I implemented a UIComposite comparator and call FXCollections.sort() on the FlowPane's backing list.  I feel like that is hacky, but it works.  It would be cool if I could maintain sort order in my model somehow and have that automatically propogated to the FlowPane's list.
I am correct in assuming that there is no way to have a complex binding in between an ObservableList<CompositeViewModel> and the FlowPane's backing list (ObservableList<T>)? 

Some kind of translator that could create a new UIComposite whenever there is a new CompositeViewModel added to the Model list.

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Creating ArrayList And Adding Item To Array

Nov 27, 2014

Creating an Arraylist and adding item to that array, refer below code

ArrayList<String> sjarr = new ArrayList<String>();

String arritem1 = new String("First array item");

String num = "text will decide";

Both adds the String item to array list but puzzling what makes the difference....

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Adding Selected Toppings To Array In Another Class?

Dec 2, 2014

I need to add from what is selected in some check boxes to an array that is in another class, but I can't get the other class to be called correctly.

I need to get the toppings that are selected from the check boxes added into the array that is in the calculations method.

Calculations method

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;

[Code] .....

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Adding User-defined Int To Existing Array?

Apr 7, 2015

how to add an a user defined int into my existing array. Ive heard of using ArrayList but not sure how to implement it.

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Adding Array Of Items To Linked List

Sep 21, 2014

I'm having trouble completing my homework. The problem:

>Suppose that you want an operation for the ADT list that adds an array of items to the end of the list. The header of the method could be as follows:
public void addAll(T[] items)

>Write an implementation of this method for the class LinearLinkedList

At first this seemed like an easy problem to me. This is the solution I came up with:

public void addAll(T[] items) {
int length = items.length;
for(int i = 0 ; i < length; i++){

However, one of the requirements for the assignment is that we're not allowed to use the addLast method. how else to insert items to the Linked List without this method. These are the user-defined LinearLinkedList and ListNode classes we made during class:

// Linear linked list class
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class LinearLinkedList {


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Adding Strings To Array And Writing To File

Apr 10, 2015

Every time i try and add a new word to personalDictionary, it only replaces the first index. In my personalAdd method i had tried to add a running count to advance the position it would be saving in but it doesn't seem to be working correctly...

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SpellingChecker

[Code] ....

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Adding To Non-Static Array From Main Method

Dec 3, 2014

I believe I am on the right track but when I run the program I get an error that the class that I can't call on the method. I need to have what is selected in the JCheckBoxes added to the toppings array and I can't get that done what so ever.

Java Code:

import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class PizzaOrderListener
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();

[Code] ....

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Adding X Consecutive Values In Array And Getting Minimal Value

Nov 9, 2014

if I want to add a number of X consecutive values in an array and get the minimal total value along with the indexes that caused this result, how can I do that? for example:

X = 2
array[4] = (5,2,8,6,7)

start adding every 2 consecutive values as following:

array[0]+array[1] = 5+2 = 7 //minimal value
array[1]+array[2] = 2+8=10
array[2]+array[3] = 8+6= 14
array[3]+array[4] = 6+7=13


minimal value = 7

indexes of minimal values are: 0 and 1

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Array Setup - Analyze By Adding Up Contents Of Each Column

Feb 16, 2015

I've setup an array that I would like to analyze by adding up the contents of each column, however, the out of bounds exception pops up when I try to execute the program. I know the book usually expresses this operation the other way around, where the row is the argument of the first for statement, but I've set my array up where I need to add each row before moving to the next column.

vowelCounter is a 5x3 array.

// Display the line which had the most number of vowels

public static int maxVowelSentence() {
int max = 0, sum = 0;
int sentence = 1;
for (int row = 0; row < vowelCounter.length; row++) {
max = vowelCounter[row][0];

[Code] ....

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