Adding (totaling / Summing) Two Values In Java JTable

Nov 11, 2014

I want to use JTable in which the user can enter the obtained marks of students and automatically add (total) the obtained marks in the total column. The structure of the table is given below.

S.No Name Test1 Test2 Total

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Summing Character Unicode Values

Feb 8, 2015

"Write a program that takes a word and displays the sum of the numbers comprising its character's Unicode values. "Here is my code:

* Description: Prints the word "Sunny" as well as printing the
public class Assign1{
public static void main(String[] args){
String sun=new String("Sunny");
System.out.println(sun); // Prints Sunny
//sets values as strings


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Java Recursion Method Is Not Working - Summing Elements In Array

Feb 2, 2015

I am trying to sum up the elements of an array. When I test my code the sum is always off by one. For example if I input: 20, 40,30 it gives me 89 instead of 90.

This is what I have so far:

public static void main(String[args]){
int size = kbd.nextInt();
int [] myArray = new int [size]
//user inputs the elements of array


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Instead Of Different Values In Two Columns Per Row In Jtable Getting Same Values

Feb 5, 2014

I have a JScrollPane with two coulmns. In the first column I have an image pane JTable, and in the second a list with names of sections. This second column I try to divide in two columns, one (the second column) to display the names of the sections (each row contains one name), and in the other column (the third) I want to show some values for every section in the row respectively. But, instead of displaying the desired values in the third column, I get the same names of the sections as in the second column.

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Adding Borders And BG Colors To JTable

Jul 28, 2014

I have a 30 X 10 JTable which i would like to put a border around some cells and change Background colors on others.For example i would like to put a border around cells 1,1 to 15,1 I would like to change background colours on several individual total cells.What the shortest way to color individual cells and add a border?

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Adding Empty Row To JTable After Pressing Enter

May 26, 2014

This is what i've done so far.

table.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
model.addRow(new Object[]{"", "","",""}); } }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { }
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } } );

I've added JTable to JPanel and used DefaultTableModel. I have to add a new empty Row to table after i press enter key. But somehow I've not been successful so far.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Adding Arraylist To Jtable In Another Class

Jan 23, 2015

I'm trying to fill my jtable with an arraylist. The problem is the jtable is in an extended class and the arraylist in the mainGUI. Now how can I fill the jtable with the arraylist?

That's the arraylist in my MainGUI

BufferedReader in = null;
ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("1.dat.txt"));
String str;
while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {

[Code] ....

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Equal Values In Two Columns For Every Row In Jtable?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a JScrollPane with two coulmns. In the first column I have an image pane JTable, and in the second a list with names of sections. This second column I try to divide in two columns, one (the second column) to display the names of the sections (each row contains one name), and in the other column (the third) I want to show some values for every section in the row respectively. But, instead of displaying the desired values in the third column, I get the same names of the sections as in the second column. Here is a part of the code I have:

private Vector<Section>daten = new Vector<Section>(0); //These are the values for the first column in the Jscroll
private String[] header = {"Section","calcGYR"}; // These are the values for the second and third column (in this case the header for the both columns
public TrafficObserveModel(Vector<Section> daten) {


But I don't know how to modify the methods in order to render the desired integer values in the third column.

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Adding Values Within Jtextfield?

Mar 25, 2015

I have a supermarket checkout line where i have a list of available products on the left and then a basket on the right with the products in. The products are listed in an array, here is the product class

public class Product {
private String name;
private double weight;
private double price;

[Code] ....

with getters and setters excluded, and the list these are put into

public class productList extends DefaultListModel {
public productList (){
public void addProduct (String name, double weight, double price, int code){
super.addElement(new Product(name, weight, price, code));

i have the price for each product to be displayed in a text field with the following code

addBasketItem = new JButton();
addBasketItem.setText("Add >");

[Code] ....

defaultCheckoutList contains my available items and defaultMainList is the basket, with mainTillPrice being the jtextfield.

This works to get the price however it just replaces each time i make a new entry with the price for the next item, i want a total of the price of all the items i have added, but not sure how.

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Adding To Print Out Values

Sep 6, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hmwk1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String fileName = "lotto.txt";
final int arraySize = 45;
int[] count = new int[arraySize];

[Code] .....

My problem is where do I start or add the following code to be added?

I only want to use 1 array and may be or should I try a catch block? The number or numbers that were picked least frequently.

The average number of times that all of the numbers were picked. For example, the average might have been 210 times.

The number or numbers that were picked the average number of times.

The number or numbers that were picked most frequently.

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Stack Is Adding Same Values

Jun 16, 2014

In my application a series of inputs and a calculated result. At the end of each loop these inputs and calculations are displayed. After the loop is over with the user does not enter a string that is "y" or "Y", I want these inputs and the calculation to be displayed in a First in First Out format or a stack. I am using a LinkedList that is used in a class creating a stack.

Here is the code for my stack.

Java Code:

import java.util.LinkedList;
public class GenericStack<E> {
LinkedList<E> stack = new LinkedList<>();
public void Push(E element) {

[Code] ....

Here is the code containing the main method. The methods other than the main method are probably not relevant to the problem, but take a look if you like.

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class FutureValueApp
public static void main(String[] args) {
GenericStack<String> stack = new GenericStack<>();

[Code] ....

The stack seems to be adding the same inputs and the same calculation from the first loop, even when it is on it's 2nd or third loop. I am getting this output.

Java Code:

Monthly Inv.Int. RateYearsFuture Value
$5.002.0%5$315.76 mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Add Values From JComboBox To JTable Cells

Jul 16, 2014

How can I add values from a JComboBox to a JTable ? I've created a drop down list and a button and I want the values to be added to a table whenever i click on the button (add).

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Formatting JTable Integer Values With Commas

Oct 21, 2014

How do i format a JTable of integer values to display commas after every third value like numbers should be displayed?

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Totaling Up Cost Of Service Categories

Mar 27, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class logBook {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
File inputFile = new File("C:UsersNick TateDesktopLog.txt");

[Code] .....

So far this is the code I have. It will successfully read the contents of the file(which are below in quotations) and write them to the designated file. My issue is totaling the corresponding costs to their services and then writing that to the file. The if and else if clauses above do not work but how is it that I can get them working?

"John; 67.00; Dinner ; Aug 12 2013;
Bob; 200.00; Conference; Sep 11 2013;
Clara; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 25 2013;
Jamie; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 28 2013;
Rachel; 67.00; Dinner; Nov 11 2013;
Richard; 200.00; Conference; Dec 17 2013;
Nick; 67.00; Dinner; Jan 05 2014;"

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Adding Values From Jtextbox To JList

Aug 9, 2014

how to add values from Jtextbox(name) to JList and display the selected values from Jlist.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;

[Code] ....

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Adding Values - How To Get Total Score

Jan 11, 2015

Alright, so i'm working on this and what I want to do is calculate all of the answers when the values of the correct answer = 1 and the incorrect answer = -1 so at the end of the test I can calculate answer + answer2 + answer3 and so on to get a total score...How do I do this? I've been looking online for 3 hours and i'm just stumped.

import java.util.Scanner;
class HorticultureQuiz {
public static void main(String[] args){
String name;
String major;
String confidence;
[Code] ....

I thought I could make each answer = to 1 but then I would need a -1 if the answer was incorrect so I tried this.

char answer = sc.nextLine().toLowerCase().charAt(0);
if (answer == 't' || answer == 'T')
answer = 1;
System.out.print("Great Job, that is correct!");
} else
answer = -1;
System.out.print("Correct answer is false"); }

but that doesn't work!

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Unable To Get Values From JTable And Insert Them In MySQL Database

Feb 7, 2014

i have a problem, im trying to get some values from a jtable (tabla) and insert them in a mysql database, so i scan the table for some values to know which of the rows i must insert ("s" or "n").

I'm able to insert few rows, but when the last row with "s" or "n" is inserted it launch me a NullPointerException and I dont know why.

public void insertar(JTable tabla, int rowt, int colt) throws ParseException{
String documento=null, cve_clie=null, fechaE=null, fechaR=null, check=null;
char d=' ',dd=' ',m=' ',mm=' ',y1=' ',y2=' ',y3=' ',y4=' ';
String chck = null;
conexion = connMysql.mysql();
String squery="insert into consefact3 values (?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement pst = conexion.prepareStatement(squery);


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JTable With ImageIcon - How To Use Array With 4 Values In Table Cell

Mar 22, 2015

I would like to create a JTable.
Each cell contains an array of 4 objects:

[0] ImageIcon
[1] ImageIcon
[2] Number
[3] Boolean

1) Once JTable is displayed, each cell display only [0] .
2) Later, based on user mouse click on cell, cell should display [1]
How can I use an array with 4 values in Table Cell?

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Totaling Up Costs Of Corresponding Service Categories From A File

Mar 27, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class logBook {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException

[Code] .....

So far this is the code I have. It will successfully read the contents of the file(which are below in quotations) and write them to the designated file. My issue is totaling the corresponding costs to their services and then writing that to the file. The if and else if clauses above do not work but how is it that I can get them working?

"John; 67.00; Dinner ; Aug 12 2013;
Bob; 200.00; Conference; Sep 11 2013;
Clara; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 25 2013;
Jamie; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 28 2013;
Rachel; 67.00; Dinner; Nov 11 2013;
Richard; 200.00; Conference; Dec 17 2013;
Nick; 67.00; Dinner; Jan 05 2014;"

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Totaling Up Costs Of Services From Read In File

Mar 27, 2014

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class logBook {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException

[Code] ....

So far this is the code I have. It will successfully read the contents of the file(which are below in quotations) and write them to the designated file. My issue is totaling the corresponding costs to their services and then writing that to the file. The if and else if clauses above do not work but how is it that I can get them working?

"John; 67.00; Dinner ; Aug 12 2013;
Bob; 200.00; Conference; Sep 11 2013;
Clara; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 25 2013;
Jamie; 450.00; Lodging; Oct 28 2013;
Rachel; 67.00; Dinner; Nov 11 2013;
Richard; 200.00; Conference; Dec 17 2013;
Nick; 67.00; Dinner; Jan 05 2014;"

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Update JTable Cell Values Inside A Loop

Jan 5, 2015

I have a program where i want to indicate the user when i have completed a task which i am running inside a for loop. Below is my code.

for(Map.Entry<Double,SimplestCopyInstance> entry : myList.entrySet()){
double key = entry.getKey();
SimplestCopyInstance scp = entry.getValue();
Copy cp = new Copy();
cp.putLocations(scp.getSrc(), scp.getDes());

[Code] ....

I have used netbeans to build my app. So there creating jTable is out of my control as that part was inside auto-generated code. I have just used the jTable.setValue().

My problem is, above method is inside a button click event. Updated values not displaying until the loops ends.

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Adding Integer Values Into String Arraylist

May 5, 2014

I'm having an issues with adding integer values to a string list. The question is asking me "the method should iterate over runners, and for each runner generate a random number between 90 and 180 (inclusive) which should be used to set the time (in minutes) for that runner."

I have been able to get the random number and iterating over the runner arraylist but I haven't been able to figure out how to add the values generated into the runners list. I am also using BlueJ.

Here's the whole code I have at the moment:

import java.util.*;
import ou.*;
import java.util.Random;
* Write a description of class MarathonAdmin here.
public class MarathonAdmin {
// instance variables - replace the example below with your own

[Code] .....

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Adding X Consecutive Values In Array And Getting Minimal Value

Nov 9, 2014

if I want to add a number of X consecutive values in an array and get the minimal total value along with the indexes that caused this result, how can I do that? for example:

X = 2
array[4] = (5,2,8,6,7)

start adding every 2 consecutive values as following:

array[0]+array[1] = 5+2 = 7 //minimal value
array[1]+array[2] = 2+8=10
array[2]+array[3] = 8+6= 14
array[3]+array[4] = 6+7=13


minimal value = 7

indexes of minimal values are: 0 and 1

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Adding Number Of X Consecutive Values In Array And Get Minimal Total Value

Nov 9, 2014

Here is my problem: if I want to add a number of X consecutive values in an array and get the minimal total value along with the indexes that caused this result, how can I do that?

For example:

X = 2
array[4] = (5,2,8,6,7)

start adding every 2 consecutive values as following:

array[0]+array[1] = 5+2 = 7 //minimal value
array[1]+array[2] = 2+8=10
array[2]+array[3] = 8+6= 14
array[3]+array[4] = 6+7=13


minimal value = 7
indexes of minimal values are: 0 and 1

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Sales Opportunity - Summing Up Variables?

Aug 7, 2014

I have this small program that creates a sales opportunity and its related products, and then prints out the opportunity name, total quantity and total price

class Opportunity{
String name;
int Amount;
String Stage;
int Product_quantity;

[Code] .....

The code works as expected, and is successfully prints :

Opportunity Name: Sales
Opportunity Amount: 110
Opportunity Product Quantity: 3

That said, I feel the way the OpportunityCreator class sums up the quantities and prices (see the comments on the code) is very inefficient, and would only work if there were 3 or less products. How can I design this so that it sums the quantities and prices of all the Product objects that I create, regardless of how many of them are? I understand probably I'd need to redesign the whole thing but I'd like to get at least an idea of how this can be achieved.

Originally I was thinking of creating an ArrayList and adding all the prices/quantities there but wasn't sure how to do. I also thought of using a loop to loop through the different object references and sum the quantity/price but was also unsure on how to do so?

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Random Number Generator Then Summing

Aug 29, 2014

I am brand new to programming and java. I decided I wanted to learn programming so now I'm in a class. I am into my second week and my assignment is to generate 100, 3 digit numbers then add them together. I understand how vast java is, but as of right now we have only studied if/else/switch statements, I was able to get the 100, 3 digit numbers generated, but I cannot add then together.

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Math;
public class ThreeDigitGenerator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;

[Code] ....

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