Adding User-defined Int To Existing Array?

Apr 7, 2015

how to add an a user defined int into my existing array. Ive heard of using ArrayList but not sure how to implement it.

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Adding Logo Into Existing Program

Mar 15, 2014

So I am trying to add a logo to my existing program. However nothing shows up when I run it. I am getting no errors and everything else seems to be fine. This is just the logo part if you need the whole code it will be separate (just trying to make things easier.

class Logo extends JPanel {
public Logo() {
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,200));
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString("DEAD BUG", 70, 105);


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Adding Defined Matrices Together

May 23, 2015

I am trying to create a simple programme that adds two defined matrices together,

public class Question4 {
int [][] numeros1 = { {1,2,3},
int [][] numeros2 = {{2,5,8},

[Code] ....

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Adding Elements To Existing JList Under Java 7

Mar 14, 2014

I know there was a change in the later versions of Java where the C++ equivalent of a <template type> was added. Unfortunately the change has 'broken' my older code. If I have a JList and I want to add elements to it then now I should specify the type e.g., the list will store Strings. When I do this and then add data to the list (or actually the list model) the code is ''fixed". However if after adding those new elements to the list I later need to add more elements, which isn't unreasonable for a have elements added dynamically at run time then I again get the same compiler error message that I haven't correctly specified the type:
// Error message during compilation
Note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
// My code
// Problem here: I try to add new elements to the list. It's the very last line of the method that results in the error. I tried various things such as:

// model.addElement(<String> s);
// but   so far nothing has worked. How do I add new elements to the list (model)?   
public static void m2(JList <String> list)
    String s;
    int i;
    String [] array = new String[10];

[Code] ....
// Code is OK: Create the array of strings to add to constructor of the JList

public static String[]  m1(){    String s;
    int i;
    String [] array = new String[10];
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    array[i] = i + "*";    return(array);

[Code] ....

// The change I had to make when compiling under the newer version of Java to indicate that the list would store strings
   // Things are okay here now but then when I try to add new elements to the model via method 'm2' that's where I get the compiler error

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I/O / Streams :: Does Printwriter Always Truncates Existing File To 0 Size Before Adding Any New Data

Jun 13, 2014

Does printwriter always truncates the existing file to 0 size before adding any new data ??

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Calling A User Defined Exception?

Dec 3, 2014

I know that I am not 100% comprehending try/catch blocks, but after scouring message boards, forums, and Oracle, I still can't pick out where I am going wrong.

I have a ValidateInput class where I am trying to check that a String only has letters. If not, then throw an exception message via JOptionPane. I created my own NonLetterException class. When I call the method containing the try/catch Eclipse gives me an Unhandled Exception Type error.

in main()
ValidateInput validate = new ValidateInput();
String name = "error";
for(int x = 0; x < 1;){
name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Welcome. What is your name?");
boolean isItName = validate.stringInput(name); //error appears at validate.stringInput


Aren't I handling it in the try/catch? What did I miss?

Also, I have have tried the NonLetterException class as nested in ValidatedInput, but also not nested. To me nested makes more sense. I have never nested classes before, but it makes sense to me because I am not using this exception in other parts of my program.

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Differentiate System And User Defined Classes

Mar 16, 2014

How Can I differentiate the System classes and user classes in my program written below by another program?

* Employee Class containing all non-primitive data types.

class Employee{
private String name;
private String phone;
private Integer age;
private Float salary;

[Code] ....

Any Technique that will decide which one of the fields (Integer, Address, DOB, String, Float) are user defined type. (An outsider class should used that will identify the Java classes and the user-defined classes.)

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Creating User Defined Packages And Importing

Aug 29, 2014

My question is How to write a program to implement concept of creating user defined packages and importing the same? How to solve it.

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Difficulties With User Defined Variable In Multiple Methods

Apr 9, 2015

I'm trying to build a program that will output what will ultimately look like a simple mario level turned on its side. As part of my output I need the user to define what mario looks like. I do this using Scanner and save the input to String mario. When I try to use that variable in another method it gives me troubles.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Mario2

public static void mario() {
//user defines mario
String mario = ">->O";
Scanner keys = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("What does mario look like?");
mario =;
System.out.println("Mario now looks like: " + mario);

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ArrayList Contains Method Does Not Work On User-defined Data Types

Sep 1, 2014

I am trying to remove the duplicate elements from ArrayList using .contains() if elements are primitive datatype it works but user-defined datatype does not work.

public class UserBean {
String name;
String address;
public String getName() {
return name;


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Write A Statement That Reads User Input Integer Into Defined Variable

Jan 20, 2015

so i'm following a java tutorial from the book and it has a few challenge questions. and i'm stucked on one. i think i just don't understand what is it that its asking me. heres the question, Write a statement that reads a user's input integer into the defined variable, and a second statement that prints the integer. assuming scanner is given, and i checked my heading code is ok.
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
int userNum = 0;
System.out.println("What is the product of 8 time 2");
userNum = scnr.nextInt();


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JSF :: How To Read CSV File From User Defined Directory Path For Loading To Managed Bean

Jan 10, 2015

I'm using a PrimeFaces UploadedFile xhtml page to select a csv file to read and write using a managed bean ( The file is read and written to an entity class which then persists the data to a database. The application works fine if I specify a file path on the physical server and select a csv file on that file path. But for the production version I want the user to select ANY file name from ANY directory on their local system.

I know about the FacesContext methods and I've looked at some methods from the File class. Most of these methods are about getting the path from the server, where I want to 'pass' the path String from the client machine to allow the uploaded file to go through. When I try with the below code I get: data.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)

I'd like to know what I'm doing as I prefer not to explicitly declare a path in the final app. I'm almost sure that's possible.

<h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p:fileUpload value="#{SuperCsvParser.file}"


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Adding User Input To File - Information Overwritten?

Dec 8, 2014

I need to write a program that will let a user input name, age, email, and cell phone number, and commit the input to a text file. They need to add multiple entries. I figured out how to create the file and write to it, but when the user enters a second set of information, the first is overwritten. How can I make the file be added to instead of overwritten? The following is my code:

FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("ContactInformation.txt");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(writer);

[Code] ....

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Boolean Method - Adding Information To Mailing List Based On User Input

May 5, 2014

This program contains a superclass and a subclass that will gather the following information from the user:

name, address, phone number, and customer number.

Everything works fine except that I have to create a boolean method in this program that is required to determine based on user input whether they want to be added to a mailing list.

I cannot get this method to work with main, each time it is called it will always return the value but main will constantly read the last statement (else, where it will read "not wanting to be added to the mailing list).

The only way I can get this part of the program to work is by adding an equals method in main that ignores the case, but I am required to write a boolean method so this is not allowed.


public class Person
private String name;
private String address;
private String phoneNum;
public Person(String pName, String add, String number)
name = pName;
address = add;

[Code] ...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Adding Tooltip On Cell Of TableView In Order To Show Some Information To User

May 21, 2014

I'm trying to add a tooltip on a cell of a TableView in order to show some information to the user.
This is the code:

colonnaColore.setCellFactory(param -> {
            TableCell<Appuntamento, Template> cell = new TableCell<Appuntamento, Template>() {
                protected void updateItem(Template item, boolean empty) {
                    // calling super here is very important - don't

[Code] ....
In few words: there is a cell factory on the cell to show a colored box, then I added a tooltip to the cell. I need informations that are in the item added to the TableView that has type "Appuntamento". So I try to get my element with these code (that in others part of my code works); but here I get a Null Pointer Exception on cell.getTableView() and also on cell.getTableRow().
I'm probably using these methods in a way that was not expected.

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Array Not Adding 1?

Jan 1, 2015

I am working on a text based adventure game. (This is NOT OOP at all) The problem comes in at my second if statement inside my loop, it is not adding 1 to my array locations[] it keep printing location[0] then a 1 at the end. Not really sure what is going on here. I would like it to when I type "Go north" it adds 1 to locations[]

Go north
go north
package com.PenguinGaming;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Game{


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Adding Into A Complex Array?

May 26, 2015

I have a main class:

Java Code:

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Player[] playerList = new Player[] {new Player("Daniel", 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3),new Player ("Player2", 2, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2)};
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');


and whenever I run it, it prints out the last player, so I was wondering how to identify them separately, but still use the array, as (I believe) it is the most efficient way.

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Array Lists - Adding New Elements

Apr 1, 2014

I am working on a assignment that has to do with array lists, it mainly has to do with adding new elements, telling then where it is it located, if the memory block is empty , ect. so far i have been having problems with my indexOf method which should display the array cell number that a input element E is in, and if it is not in there it should display a -1.

public class MyArrayList<E>
private E[] data_store = (E[])new Object[2];
private int sizeofa = 0;
private void resize()// makes the array list bigger if need {
E[] bigspacemaker = (E[])new Object[data_store.length * 2];
for(int x = 0 ; x< sizeofa ; x++)

[Code] ....

Error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 512
at MyArrayList.indexOf(
at MyArrayListDemo1.main(

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Adding Space Between Each Element Of Array

Dec 8, 2014

I have been trying to space out output on a Java console window so that I have three columns with 6 rows of data from three different arrays. The code I have so far outputs the data with no problem however the spacing between the columns is uneven. My loop so far is made up as follows

for (int i = 0; i < printVotes.length; i++) {
System.out.println(printNames[i] + "
" + printVotes[i] + "
" + printPrecent[i] + "%");

As you can see I have been manually adding the space between each element of the array but this means that the space between each element is different because the size of each element is different if work out a loop that works out an even amount of space between the elements and then print this along with the elements ....

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Adding Element From Arraylist To Array

Sep 11, 2014

So I'm trying to write a method which returns the number of vowel characters in arraylist. My idea is to convert the arraylist element by element to array each time iterating through the array counting the vowels of that element. When I started I immediately got an error(surprise, surprise). Excuse me if the problem is too simple, but I am very new to programming.

At line 9 I get the following error "Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to int". I want to get the element at this position, not to convert to int..

ublic class One {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> bla = new ArrayList<String>();
public static ArrayList<String> averageVowels (ArrayList<String> list){
String[] arrListWord = list.toArray(new String[list.get(0)]);
return list;

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Adding Array To A List - String?

Sep 8, 2014

Im making a simple code to add an array to a List (the code im referring to is <String> )

import java.util.*;
public class L5_ArrayListProgram {
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] things = {"lasers","ghouls", "food", "dark"};
List<String>list1 = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String x: things)

My simple question is - what are the <String> ...<String> for? I understand it makes the list1 variable a string, but why is it made like this? do we usualy use <String> when we need to make a variable a String?

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Adding Information To Array Dynamically

Apr 29, 2015

I'm having trouble conceptualizing something. I will post the code, it's works exactly as it should. I create an array and Hash Map to display periodic table of elements information after allowing the user to search by element name or symbol. I want the user to also be able to add elements to the periodic table. I can't really conceptualize how I am going to do that with an array I've already created.

Here's code:

//Create element objects.
//Here is where I create my "elements" array, and where I could like to prompt the user to add elements, if desicred.
Element[] elements = {new Element("Hydrogen", 1, "H", 1.008,1,1), new Element("Lithium",3, "Li", 6.94,2,1)}; //
//Maybe it seems if I prompt the user here to add new element names, symbols, weights, etc, I would be overwriting

[Code] .....

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Adding And Deleting Item From Array In GUI

Oct 12, 2014

Working on my final which is due today, its' and Inventory Program which I have been working on for the last 5 weeks. My Buttons on my GUI Add/Delete doesn't add items to my inventory. I'm not sure exactly what wrong with my code, I'm not getting any error and the Program compiles just fine, I just can get the Items to add of delete.

my Delete button starts on line 281
my Add Button begins on line 319

/** Purpose:the purpose of this software is to display inputs as wells as the stocks and price of inputs,
*as well as display a 5 % restocking fee per dvd and for the entire Invenotry of each object.
*adding a GUI to the code. Adding a Previous button to the existing code allowing the user to cycle through
*the Inventory list freely. Also adding a graphics logo to page. adding more buttons and allowing program to
*save new items added to the inventory.

//Needed Imports for GUI

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;

[Code] .....

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Making Object And Adding To Array

Oct 2, 2014

I need to be able to call this method and it should take the object and, add it to my list of items, but I am having trouble getting it to work. I know the numbers and stuff aren't correct eventually it will add one to the array length when i call add item, but I am just trying to go one step at a time

//creates new MediaItem object and add it to items[]
void addNewItem(String title){
MediaItem object = new MediaItem(title);
MediaItem[] items = new MediaItem[1];
items[0] = ("object.getTitle()");
numberOfItems = numberOfItems + 1;

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Adding New Object To The End Of Array Of Objects

Feb 8, 2015

I am trying to build a method that takes an array of object and adds a new object of that type to the end of it . ONLY ALLOWED TO USE ARRAY , NO ARRAYLISTS VECTORS ECT . i realize that if the array is full you can use the java copy array method to make a new array and double its size until a certain point . The MAX AMOUNT OF OBJECTS is a constant that is 100 but for some reason even when executing my code i keep getting null pointer exceptions or index out of bounds errors , i have written this method many times now with out any success.

My question is how do I write a method that adds an object to the end of an array and if there are no spots left copies the current array into a new array and extend the size

private Animal [] objects;
final int MAX_ANIMALS = 100;
public AnimalObject()
objects = new AnimalObject[MAX_ANIMALS];
public AnimalObject(Animal[]a)

[Code] ....

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Adding Points Objects Into Array

Oct 24, 2014

I am trying to add Point objects into an Array.This is my code to read in data

Java Code:

public void readRoadMap(File road) {
String line;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(road));
while((line = br.readLine()) !=null){
this.points.add(new Point(line));


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