Application Web Java To Insert Data Into Database Oracle From XML Files

Oct 27, 2014

I want to create an application wich can handle xml files ( display xml files's data on a html page) + insert those data into an oracle database.

I'm new to that, it a project for my internship. wich API is the most appropriate for that ( Jdom or Xstream or other), wich framework i can use ( there is only 3 IHM : connexion, upload file, display data, confirmation insertion data)?

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Process 10000 XML Files / Verify And Insert Data Into Database - Java Heap Memory Error

Oct 12, 2013

I need to process 10000 xml files and verify and insert the data into database. I am loading all the files in the file object and iterating one by one. I am getting the memory issue. How to handle this?

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Java Servlet :: Unable To Send Data From JSP To Oracle Database

Jan 31, 2013

I'm creating a web applicaion. for that i want to create a registration page. and this registration details have to be stored in the database.

I'm getting the below error while trying to send the data ...

The requested resource (/cmd/InsertRegtodb) is not available.

Here cmd is project name and InsertRegtodb is servlet name.

Actually the servlet is present is the mentioned address. but it is not connecting to it

There is one more servlet in the same folder and which is accessible from another jsp. But this servlet is not accessible even though i have used same code as it is used for the servlet which worked for me previously...

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Servlets :: Insert Data To The Database?

Apr 4, 2014

i am stucked with a little error in servlets

this is my jsp page
<form action="InsertData" method="post" >
username:<input type="text" name="username">
Password :<input type="password" name="password">


i am getting wroor page not foung 404

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Servlets :: Insert Data To Database?

Aug 2, 2014

How can we insert data through java servlet?

I can insert data to table by using JSP Scriptlet easily but I have a hard time with servlet.

public class UsertToDatabase() {
public boolean inserUser(String name, String email, String pwd) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
boolean flag = false;
if(conn == null) {


I am positive that the above code function fine. The problem is whenever I call UserToDB() class inside the servlet, and I got this error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.

Driver which mean that my conn (connection) is not connected to the database but I have ensure to do so by calling openConn() before start the transaction.

This is my servlet code:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String username = request.getParameter("username");
String email = request.getParameter("email");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
List<String> errList = new ArrayList<String>();


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Insert Data Into Access Database

Mar 29, 2014

I need my java program to insert data into my access database. I get no errors in my code, but it never inserts, deletes the data in my database. Here is my code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
 public class INS extends Frame implements ActionListener{
Frame f;
Label l1, l2;
TextField t1, t2;
Button b1, b2, b3, b4, b5;
Connection c;

[Code] ....

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How To Insert Data Into Database If Not Exists

Oct 10, 2014

I have tried this code to insert into datbase if not exists but i get an Exception in thread "main" com.mysql.jdbc. exceptions.jdbc4. MySQL SyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT teamName FROM Teams WHERE teamName = teamName) LIMIT 1' at line 1

stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Teams(teamId,teamName,league) VALUES ("+i+",'"+loser+"','"+league2+"')WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT teamId,teamName,league FROM Teams WHERE teamName = teamName) LIMIT 1;");

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JSF :: How To Read / Insert Data Into Database

May 2, 2014

I need getting detailed examples about how I can read/insert into database using JSF code for its different components. I am a beginner in JSF and I have the basics, however, I need the best source which it has useful, easy and detailed steps to understand the techniques for connecting to the DB and how to insert or read data from the database.

I tried to search, but I found the lessons are not useful or not described in details.

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How To Insert Cachedrowset Data Into MS Access Database

Feb 11, 2015

I'm new to java and trying to insert data from a cachedrowset into MS Access database, Below is the error code that I get after running my program.

java.sql.SQLException: Parameter-Set has missing values.

The SQL test table that I am using.

Java Code:

create table book (
); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

SQL table values with blanks:

T01Java history P0111121.99 566 01-AUG-001
T02Oracle history P0311419.95 9566 01-APR-981
T03SQL computer P0212239.95 25667 01-SEP-001
T04C++ psychologyP0451112.99 13001 31-MAY-991
T05Python psychologyP041016.95 201440 01-JAN-011


Below is the piece of java code that I am using.

Java Code:

public void insertAccessTable(Connection connection, CachedRowSet CRS_insertAccess) throws Exception
RowSetMetaData metaData = (RowSetMetaData)CRS_insertAccess.getMetaData();
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> TwoDimArrList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
TwoDimArrList.add(new ArrayList<String>());
TwoDimArrList.add(new ArrayList<String>());
ArrayList<String> ColArrList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int column = 1; column <= metaData.getColumnCount(); column++) {


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Servlets :: How To Retrieve Data From HTML Table And Insert It Into Database

Apr 1, 2015

I want to retrieve the data from this table given below and insert that data in the database in the next servlet

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

[Code] .....

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How To Save Output Of Java Program In Oracle Database

Sep 30, 2014

I have written java program which can extract online data from url and i want to store it in data base in new token row in table so than i can use in my application . how could it be done using type4 drive ..

These are my code ...

import javax.swing.text.html.parser.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class ParseTest extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback {

[Code] ......

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Web Application Which Takes In Data From Form And Store In Database

Jan 1, 2015

I am trying to develop a new web application which takes in data from a form and stores data in a database.I have included all the three files join.jsp(the form which takes in data), and JavaConncetDb(method which connects db and servlet). I get a 404 error when i try load the web application.

My file structure in eclipse

The error I am getting

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

[Code] .....

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How To Use Single Button To Insert And Update In Java While Using MySQL Database

Oct 29, 2014

I am developing my first Java application and the database I use is MySQL. I have created two separate buttons; one to insert new data into my database and the other to update the database when changes are made.

Each button is working perfectly, but I now want to combine both functions into just the save button. Thus, whether I am entering new data or modifying existing data, the save button should use an IF ELSE condition to decide whether to use the INSERT or UPDATE command.

My problem is, how do I write this IF ELSE statement? What should be the condition? For example;

IF(what? ){
  String sql ="Insert into Table1 (classID,className,counselorID,startDate,endDate) values (?,?,?,?,?)";
  String sql2 = "update Table1 set classID = '"+value1+"',className='"+value2+"',counselorID='"+value3+"',startDate='"+value4+"',endDate='"+value5+"'
where classID = '"+value1+"'";

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Name And Address Matching From Oracle Database

Apr 26, 2015

I need a java program for getting name and address matching from oracle database. I need get all the customer name and address belonging to same person even if there is slight name and address changes are there.

James Smith
123 Broadway Av
Brownville, ME 04415

James S
123 Brodway Avenue
Brownville Junction, ME 04451

I am unable to get a best code for this and trying since long time.

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How To Package Java Application With JAR Files

Apr 16, 2014

I have created an application that I wish for people to be able to run from command line, like so:

java myApp [filename]

Problem is my application uses functions from 3 .Jar files.

Here is how my folder(Assume it is called MyApplication) currently looks:

Application(folder)(contains .class files + source code)


I understand I need add some information to the Manifest.txt file but I am struggling in adding stuff to it in the correct format.

Assuming the above folder is called my MyApplication, what I need to put in the Manifest and how to build it all as a Jar File.

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How To Pass Sysdate With Time In Oracle Database

Sep 2, 2013

I am passing LAST_MODIFIED_DATE through java in oracle database. My requirement is : I want to pass oracle  sysdate  with time.
Oracle date format is  mm/dd/yyyy

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Servlets :: Pagination Of Oracle Database Query Result

Jan 6, 2015

My query retrieves more than 5000 records from Oracle database. I want to display the records 100 per page. I know it is called pagination. Any detailed styp-by-guide or tutorial or example available?

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Error While Making Connection With Remote Oracle Database

May 21, 2014

I am trying to make connection with oracle database but when i run java file it's raise an error

"classnotfoundexception oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver"
  "jdbc:oracle:thin:@erp:1521:ORCL", "apps",

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Create Multiple PDF Files And Open Them At Once From Java Application

Aug 30, 2014

I am using itext to create pdf files , i have filtered some records (preferably i can say around 90) which has the option to open pdf for individual record. Now I need to open all the pdf's of filtered records on a single click , without asking for a open dialogue box. How to go about this ??

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JSP :: Store A File / Image Into Oracle Database And Display On Browser?

Nov 2, 2014

I want to store an image/file into oracle database using jsp.

I have written code to store data when am running in my machine it is working fine, but not working in server throwing an error saying that "The system cannot find the file specified."

I am attaching the code what am written.

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JDBC :: No Suitable Driver Found For Oracle Database Connection

Jul 10, 2015

I have small Java code, which execute every day and checks for data in database using Cronj Schedular and everything works fine, but recently I have observed that, it is failing due to
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
At the same time, when I run my test code to check Database connectivity that works fine without above exception. I'm unable to figure it out. Although, there was just slight code change, but that was nowhere related to Database or Database connection.
    public class dbconf {
    private Connection connect;
    private String connstr;
    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    connstr = "";

[Code] .... 
Application Log file
    Wed Jul 01 09:25:17 IST 2015:------- Initializing -------------------
    Wed Jul 01 09:25:17 IST 2015:------- Scheduling Jobs ----------------
    Wed Jul 01 09:25:17 IST 2015:------- Job Started Running ----------------
    Thu Jul 02 06:00:00 IST 2015 : Job Executed..!! Bschedularv2.2
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
    Sat Jul 04 06:00:00 IST 2015 : Job Executed..!! Bschedularv2.2
    Sun Jul 05 06:00:00 IST 2015 : Job Executed..!! Bschedularv2.2
    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
So, you can see, It failed on 3rd of July and 5th July as well. But, in between it ran fine.

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Burning Java Application With Sqlite Database To CD

Jul 20, 2014

I have java application used to manage a sqlite database (add new records, search .....) I already have everything and I convert it to jar file but the question is how to burn it to cd with the sqlite database . I mean we need to change the database URL for connection class. My question is there any programs would combine my database + my jar file and make it exe file ?

or i should manually change my database url in connection class ? (if yes what should i write knowing that my database and my jar file will be burnt to a cd). I searched online but i could not found any one related sqlite database or at least a clear one . I already has my jar file but if i moved the database from its directory it will not work ...

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Running Database Inside Java Application

Jul 1, 2014

I have to store data I've pulled from the web i wanted to do this by storing it in a database but after looking at some tutorials i'm not sure if its possible as the databases don't seem to run with the application but instead run as an independent entity.if its possible to have a database in the java application so it runs when the application runs.

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How To Connect MySQL Database For Java Desktop Application

Jan 21, 2015

I want to develop desktop application with mysql . How to connect mysql . Any sample project or examples to learn .

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Java Web Start - Deploy Application Including Required Folders And Files

May 30, 2014

I developed an application that is accessing some property files. The condition was that the user should be able to modify the content or parameters of those property file.How can I distribute the application using Java web start that also includes those property file in the client side?

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Saving Huge Data Into Oracle Column

Feb 2, 2015

How can I save an expression like (a & b) | C | D | (e & f) in oracle. And how how can i retrieve that in java.

a , b , c , d are some values.

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