Array Sorting Using Two Different Methods

Nov 18, 2014

The following code is supposed to generate random integers and sort array1 and array2 using two different sorting methods. array1 is to be sorted with a "selection sort" method and array2 is to be sorted with the built-in Arrays.sort() method. However, array1 is the one that has a problem. It does not appear to output any values at all for array size of 4000 or more, such as array1[10000]. The assignment is to generate random integers, sort and benchmark the speeds at which array1 and array2 can generate and sort ints at array1[1000] array2[1000] array1[10000] array2[10000] array1[100000] array2[100000]

* The following is a sorting and benchmarking program to sort
* array1 and array2 with 1,000 , 10,000 and 100,000 array sizes.
* array1 uses selection sort from section 7.4 of the book
* and array2 uses the built in Arrays.sort() method.


I cannot post the output because the amount of data seems to have crashed the two previous posts I made on this topic due to the size of the problem.

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Sorting Ascending / Descending Methods Not Working On Double Linked List

Sep 12, 2014

I wrote displayAscending() and displayDescending() methods to this double linked list and it is not working at all. Logically it seems fine to me. I positioned the head in the beginning in the ascending method; created a variable named data1 as an auxiliar variable so it can store the values that are going to be moved; and moved the values. Same thing for the descending method but instead of the head I put the tail and move left the list, instead of right.

import java.util.*;
class node {
int data;
node left;
node right; 
node(int d, node l, node r) {
data = d;


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Unable To Call / Test All Of The 5 Sorting Methods At Same Time In Main Class

Dec 19, 2014

For reference I am programming Java in BlueJ. I am fairly new to the language and I am having trouble with sorting.

I am trying to call / test all of the 5 sorting methods (at the same time) in the main class. To be specific, the sorted list has to technically outputted 5 times.

I figured out how to call / test Quicksort:

Sorting.quickSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);

But the others are not working correctly. Specifically these:

Sorting.mergeSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.PbubbleSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.PinsertionSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);
Sorting.selectionSort(friends, 0, friends.length-1);

For reference, this is the output when it is not sorted:

Smith, John 610-555-7384
Barnes, Sarah215-555-3827
Riley, Mark 733-555-2969
Getz, Laura 663-555-3984
Smith, Larry464-555-3489
Phelps, Frank322-555-2284
Grant, Marsha243-555-2837

This is the output when it is sorted:

Barnes, Sarah215-555-3827
Getz, Laura 663-555-3984
Grant, Marsha243-555-2837
Phelps, Frank322-555-2284
Riley, Mark 733-555-2969
Smith, John 610-555-7384
Smith, Larry464-555-3489

This is the class Sorting, which I should note is all correct:

public class Sorting{
* Swaps to elements in an array. Used by various sorting algorithms.
* @param data the array in which the elements are swapped
* @param index1 the index of the first element to be swapped
* @param index2 the index of the second element to be swapped
private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void swap(T[] data,
int index1, int index2){
T temp = data[index1];
data[index1] = data[index2];


This is the Main class in which I am supposed to call the sorting methods, SortPhoneList:

public class SortPhoneList{
* Creates an array of Contact objects, sorts them, then prints
* them.
public static void main (String[] args){
Contact[] friends = new Contact[7];
friends[0] = new Contact ("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384");
friends[1] = new Contact ("Sarah", "Barnes", "215-555-3827");


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Manually Sorting Array Into Another Array

Jan 28, 2015

This piece of code i cannot change

public class Lab
public static void main(string args[]) {
int ar[]={7,5,2,8,4,9,6};
int sorted[]=new int[ar.length];

/// my code is right here this i can change i keep getting array required int found i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong i do know i need 2 for loops and an if statement.

this piece of code cannot change
for(int i = 0; i<sorted.length; i++)
system.out.println("sorted[" + i + "] = " + sorted[i]);[/code]

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Sorting 2D Java Array

Sep 16, 2014

I need to sort a 2D array to look like this : [URL] ....

Here is the code that I have.

File 1:
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Assignment1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[][] rainArray
= {
{"January", "3.03"},

[Code] ....

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Sorting Array First By Name Then If They Are Identical By ID

May 8, 2014

I'm in the process of doing a module grade book project and I have a working program, however I have to sort the array of students created first of all by name and then if they are identical, by student ID. I've looked at the compareTo method on several websites and I still don't know how to implement it in my code.

My main is as follows;

public class CommandLineTest {
public static void main(String[] args){
String moduleTitle=Input.getString("Enter module title: ");
double cwPercentage=Input.getDouble("Enter coursework percentage: ");
double examPercentage=Input.getDouble("Enter exam percentage: ");

[Code] .....

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Sorting Array In Alphabetical Order

Feb 3, 2015

I am trying to sort an array that I have by alphabetical order but I am having problems. Firstly the code that I have used to sort the array may not even do what I need but havn't got far enough to test it yet so go easy on me . I have read in some places when searching how to do this that I would have to create my own bubble sort in order to achieve this but I was hoping that Java had a built in sort method/function. Secondly I lack the knowledge in java to be able to assign an existing array or even a variable to the newly sorted array as I need the unsorted version with the original name and the newly sorted version as another.

code (This is not all of the code, I decided to include only what I thought was relevant):

import java.util.Arrays;
public class Sentence {
private String words[];
public Sentence(String[] words) { this.words = words; }
public String toString() {
return "Sentence{" +
"words=" + Arrays.toString(words) +

[Code] ....

Is it possible to shorten the sort function to just this?

public String sorted() {
return Arrays.sort(words);

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Sorting Array Of Objects With Strings?

Feb 14, 2015

An array has objects with String firstName, String lastName, int ID, char examType('M' or 'F'), and int score. Every object has both Midterm('M') and Final('F'). The array has to be sorted by the first Midterm- 'M' and immediately followed by the Final ('F') of the same person (object). Im having troubles with coming up with a proper algorithm with gettin the Final- 'F' after Midterm for the same person.

Java Code: public static Exam[] collateExams(Exam[] exams) {
Exam [] r = new Exam[10];
r = exams;
int[] position = new int[10];
int index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < exams.length; i++)


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Boolean Array And Sorting Elements Within It

May 24, 2014

If I have a boolean array that contains 30 elements (boolean[] fish), how do I go about isolating every 10 elements to use for something specific?

Say there are 30 types of fish stored within the boolean array and 0-9 are fish found specifically in the Indian Ocean, 10-19 are fish found specifically in the Atlantic, and 20-29 are fish specifically found in the Pacific Ocean. And for those 10 fish [0-9], [10-19], [20-29], each is a different color (red, orange, green, blue, white, black, silver, yellow, purple and gold), where the colors and locations of the fish are enum types Colors and Locations.

How do I go about appointing those characteristics to the fish?

Ex: elements [0-9] are fish from the Indian Ocean and [0] is red, [1] is orange, [2] is green, [3] is blue, [4] is white, [5] is black, [6] is silver, [7] is yellow, [8] is purple, and [9] is gold.

elements [10-19] are fish from the Atlantic Ocean and [10] is red, [11] is orange, [12] is green, [13] is blue, [14] is white, [15] is black, [16] is silver, [17] is yellow, [18] is purple, and [19] is gold.

elements [20-29] are fish from the Indian Ocean and [20] is red, [21] is orange, [22] is green, [23] is blue, [24] is white, [25] is black, [26] is silver, [27] is yellow, [28] is purple, and [29] is gold.

Will I need to appoint those characteristics in the constructor after initializing fish = new boolean[30]?

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Sorting Array Of Random Integers

Dec 8, 2014

What the fastest way to sort an array of random integers. My instructor told me to look into an algorithm that uses 2n, but that is all he gave me. I am unable to find anything of the sort (pun intended there) on google, in my text, in my other java books or on here. The only thing that I have come up with are things like mergesort with the exception that the indicies of the Array have to be even. The program that I'm writing takes user input for a minimum to maximum range, the amount of numbers to fill the array in that range, and verbose.

I've tried bubbleSort but it takes forever to sort under the conditions below. I have seen a sorting algorithm that uses n (log n) but didn't really understand how that one worked.

Using the 2n algorithm, I should be able to test the range from 1 - 1000 and have it populate an array of of 1,000,000 random integers. It should be able to complete in a matter of miliseconds.

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Array Sorting - Ascending And Descending Order

Apr 10, 2014

I am sorting an array in ascending and descending order. I am using the nethods in Arrays as below


I want to print both input and output array in sysout.

Object[] ipArray = [45,8,32,41,11,7];
Object[] opArray;
Object mArray = ipArray;

Arrays.sort(mArray); This is changing the ipArray too ?

How can I get my input array unmodified ?

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Sorting Array Of Strings From User Input

Apr 3, 2015

I am working on an assignment where I initially have to take as input a number. That number will be the number of strings the user is going to type. As they are typed, they are to be sorted alphabetically, then printed. It took me a while to get this far, and I am stuck on how to properly invoke the other methods in main. There has to be at least three methods: main, one to do the sorting, and one to print the new array. I'm quite sure there are mistakes in my code, but this is definitely a challenge for me. Here is the code. Keep in mind that the methods being invoked are blank on purpose.

I am not allowed to use the Arrays, Arraylist or Collection class. This is basically to test my ingenuity and to see how arrays actually work.

import java.util.*;
public class Sort_as_Inserted {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter number of elements to be sorted: ");
String element_number = input.nextLine();

[Code] ....

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Merging And Sorting Array Lists Code Is Returning 0s?

Apr 19, 2015

I'm working on an assignment that asks for the user to input 2 lists of numbers and my program will merge and sort the lists using arrays and 2 methods. I think I have most of it down, but I'm not sure how to go about getting the user inputs. In my current code, it's giving me a bunch of 0s instead of a sorted list.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class merge2sortedlists {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


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Array Sorting In Ascending Order - Displaying Integers

Oct 21, 2014

I couldn't where the problem with this code. The question is : (Write a program that reads in nine integers and sorts the value in the ascending order. Next, the program restores the sorted integers in a 3 x 3 two-dimensional array and display the integers as shown in the result.) And this how i did it:

package test1;

import java.util.*;
public class test1{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] hold = new int [9];
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter 9 integers, press <Enter> after each");
for (int i = 0; i < hold.length; i++);

[Code] ....

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Sorting Array Of Objects Based On One Of Class String Variables

Apr 8, 2014

I have a school assignment that involves me sorting an array of objects based on one of the class String variables. I am using as the title says a simple selection sort method. The problem I'm having is that when I run the program in debug mode, it never seems to enter the if statement in the inner loop. I would like to say I've tried a number of things to figure it out, but honestly I'm just stumped as to why it's not working.

Here is the code:

public static void sortTransactions(Transaction[] oTransaction){// This is the sorting method, obviously it's not done so it currently just prints to screen.
System.out.println("Successful call to sortTransaction()");
String min = "";
int curInd = 0;
Transaction[] temp = new Transaction[1];

[Code] ....

The output when I check to see if the array is sorted verifies that the array never does get sorted.

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Selection Sort Method - Sorting Array And Return Result Of Each Step

Nov 20, 2014

This time I am having difficulties with selection sort method, but not with the method itself (I think). So I need to sort an array and return the result of each step.

This is the main code:

public class Functionality {
public static int[][] selctionsort(int[] a) {
for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
int least = i;
for (int j=i+1; j<a.length; j++)

[Code] ....

And this is the Test folder:

import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
 public class PublicTests {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[] { 35, 7, 63, 42, 24, 21 };
int[][] b = new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 35, 63, 42, 24, 21 },

[Code] ....

Now I am not sure what should I write in return since the 2nd (test) project has int[][] and in my main project I am working with int [].

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Sorting Array Into Second Array?

Jan 29, 2015

public class lab
public static void main(String args[] )


//The program does run but when i run it prints out the new array with a 2 at index 0 and zeros for index 1-6. my objective is to have the new array print out the ar{7,5,2,8,4,9,6} array in order. There is some code I cannot change I have pointed out which one I can't change.

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Pass Array Data Between Methods

Feb 6, 2015

How do I pass the data within an initialized array from inside one method to another method of the same class? Will I need to return the array, assigning it to a temp array, which will then be passed as an argument to the other array? The idea is to create an array for an entire year, and be able to manipulate or edit data for a particular month using the other method.

public class Temperature {
static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
static String [] monthArray = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
"June", "July", "August", "October", "November", "December"};
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

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Java - How To Make Array Of Methods

Aug 6, 2014

How to build an array that calls methods if i understand it correctly .... if this is possible a simple example of this.

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Involving Array Of Objects And Referencing Methods Of Each

Nov 26, 2014

I'm working on a project that involves the following:

-Creating a superclass of bankaccounts
-Creating two subclasses, checkingaccount and savingaccount
-Each of the two subclasses has different methods (writeCheck for checking, for example)
-Both types are created in a main class bank and stored in the same array

So let's say a user goes through the menus and creates a few savingAccounts and a few checkingAccounts (stored in the accounts[] array). Then, to write a check from one account, the user can enter the account number (a string), and the method will use a for loop to cycle through the array until it hits an account number match. Then it checks that it's the correct account type and calls methods from the subclass.

Problem here is that some methods work and some don't. In the following example:

for (BankAccount account: accounts) {
if (account.getAccountType().equals("Checking")) {
do {
if (account.getAccountNumber().equals(accountNumber)) {
amount = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

[Code] .....

The getAccountNumber method works but writeCheck is throwing an error. I tried creating a method in the superclass and overriding it in the subclasses but with no success.

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Pass Objects From 3 Different Methods At Random To Different Class And Store In Array?

Jun 8, 2014

in my progrm there are three diff array of objects...namely garments..gadgets and home one who buys from each of these sections will have to make a bill at last...when he choses to make the bill he will be shown the list of products he bought and their details (like price...brand...etc) i thought that while he orders each product(which is done in a previous method called purchase()...)....(each product is stored as an object in there diif arrays namely garments...gadgets ...appliances)....each of those object will be copied in a new array in a diif class...then that array print will give me the desired result...

is this approach correct...?and if its correct then how can i pull out a specific obj frm a stored array of object and then save it in a new array....?

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Servlets :: Some Methods Such As ServletRequest GetParameterValues Return A String Array

Jan 5, 2015

Some methods such as ServletRequest's getParameterValues return a String array whereas others (e.g. HttpServletRequest's getHeaders) return an Enumeration. Do these return types need to be learned parrot-fashion, or is there some sort of logic to it?

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Create Instance Of Array Of Several Integers And Prints Data Based On Methods

Apr 15, 2014

I have to make two classes. The first one crates an instance of an array of several integers and prints data (average, greatest, lowest, et cetera) based on the second class, which contains the methods. I'm having a problem with the syntax for the first class required to use the methods.

Here's a shortened version of what I have right now just based on processing the number of integers in the array (because if I can get just one method properly connected, I could figure out everything else).


import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayMethodsDriver
//Creates the ArrayMethods object
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] a = {7,8,8,3,4,9,8,7};

[Code] ....

When I try to compile this, I currently get the "class expected" error on the count part.

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Calling Methods For Java GradeBook - Calculate Highest And Lowest Grades In Array

Apr 15, 2015

In this project each individual will create a data analysis program that will at a minimum,

1) read data in from a text file,
2) sort data in some way,
3) search the data in some way,
4) perform at least three mathematical manipulations of the data,
5) display results of the data analysis in numeric/textual form, and
6) display graphs of the data. In addition,
7) your program should handle invalid input appropriately and
8) your program should use some "new" feature that you have not been taught explicitly in class.

(Note: this is to give you practice learning new material on your own - a critical skill of today's programmer.) If you do not have a specific plan in mind for your project, below is a specific project that meets all of the qualifications as long as 7) and 8) are addressed in the implementation.

Everything is done except I need to call my methods in my GradeTester.


*This class creates an array called scores.
*This class determines the length of the array scores and determines the last grade in the array scores.
*This class sorts the array using a bubble sort, and searches the array.
*This class calculates the mean, standard deviation, and the median of the grades in the array scores.
*Once the grades in the array is sorted, the class then calculates the highest and lowest grades in the array.

public class GradeBook {
public final int MAXARRAY_SZ = 20;
double [] scores = new double [MAXARRAY_SZ];
int lastGrade = 0;
double mean = 0;

[Code] ....

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Sorting With A Comparator

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to sort an ArrayList of objects with the comparator as I want to sort based on a certain value for each object. I understand I would need to override compareTo() in the objects class, is there any way I can get around also needing to override for all subclasses of the object?

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Sorting With Two Stacks

Oct 16, 2014

So we have to ask the user to put in a string of letters, and bring those letters in as cars to where there is a storage area and an assembly area, and we have to sort them from there into the assembly area with the smallest (A) at the head. I think I set up my code pretty well, but when I run it, no matter what I put in it returns CBAo. Say I input KATE, it should return TKEA but instead CBAo or if I input JANICE it should return NJIECA but it just returns EDCBAo. Here's my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
public class carStacksDessart
public static void main(String[] args) {
Stack<Integer> storage = new Stack();

[Code] ....

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