Average Program - Number Format

May 5, 2015

I am writing a program using a given test drive... I am supposed to write two classes according to the test drive. The calculated correct answer should be 115.50 but i keep getting 115.52 instead and i just can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Here is the test drive code:

import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class FinalTester
public static void main(String[] args)
double avgPurchase;
Order[] lastYear = new Order[4];

[Code] ....

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Parallel Program - Calculate SUM And AVERAGE Of Odd Number Digits Between 25 And 75

Jun 11, 2014

You are to write a parallel program that will receive a large array of unsorted integers containing digits from 0 to 99. The program will have to calculate the SUM and AVERAGE of ODD number digits between 25 and 75 (inclusive). The user may specify the size or the array and the total processor that the machine has. The size of the array must be divisible by number of processor. Based on the given size, the computer will generate random integer numbers automatically to populate the array.

The program should display the status of the calculation for each processor. The result should be displayed after all calculations are completed.Error messages should be displayed appropriately

a) Write a sequential (non-parallel) program that will accomplish above task.
b) Write a concurrent (parallel) program that will produce the result of the above task.

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Number Closest To Average Sum For Given Array

Oct 19, 2014

Find the numbers which is closest to the average sum for a given array of N (1<=N<=50) of natural numbers. If there are two numbers who meet the requirement, return the smaller of the two.

For example for the array of: 1,2,3,4,5,6 the average sum is 3.5, so both 3 and 4 are the closest to that, but the program has to return 3, because it's smaller than 4.

The array can also contain duplicates. First we type the number of elements in the array, then in each line we add the numbers. Name of the class: Array

**Note**: Create a data structure array and use it.

And this is what they have given to me, I just need to type the code:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
public class Array<E> {
public static int closestNumber( ) {

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Calculate SUM And AVERAGE Of ODD Number Digits Between 25 And 75

Jun 19, 2014

You are to write a parallel program that will receive a large array of unsorted integers containing digits from 0 to 99. The program will have to calculate the SUM and AVERAGE of ODD number digits between 25 and 75 (inclusive).

The user may specify the size or the array and the total processor that the machine has. The size of the array must be divisible by number of processor. Based on the given size, the computer will generate random integer numbers automatically to populate the array.

The program should display the status of the calculation for each processor. The result should be displayed after all calculations are completed.Error messages should be displayed appropriately

a) Write a sequential (non-parallel) program that will accomplish above task.
b) Write a concurrent (parallel) program that will produce the result of the above task.

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Determining Average Number Of Comparisons For Quicksort?

Feb 24, 2014

My objective is to execute quick sort ( i was told to convert the pseudocode from the Cormen book) using arrays of increasing sizes and find the average number of comparisons for each of those sizes over 100 iterations. This is a school project and the numbers I am getting are far larger than those of my friends, so I am clearly doing something wrong. I believe it must be in the way that I am collecting and averaging my number of comparisons. I will first give the method in which most of that calculating is done, then I will include the whole program.

public static void tests(int arraySize) {
long numComparisons = 0;
long averageComparisons = 0;
long[] numComparisonsArray = new long[100];
  for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
int[] array= genRandomArray(arraySize);


I was simply not zeroing out one of my variables

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Find The Column With Highest Average Number

Feb 14, 2015

code a 10 * 10 matrix, with random numbers from 1 to 100,

i) Find the most repeated number.
ii) Use the Binary Sort, to sort the matrix in ascending order.
iii) Find the Column, with the highest average number.

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Math On Three Numbers - Get Average / Sum And Number Entered By User

Feb 25, 2015

Java program : For this assignment you are going to write code for the following class:


Here are the specifications of class MathOnThreeNumbers:

Methods of class MathOnThreeNumbers:

1. inputThreeNumbers
2. getAverage
3. getSum
4. getNumberOne
5. getNumberTwo
6. getNumberThree

Constructor of class MathOnThreeNumbers

write a constructor that initializes the first, second, and three numbers to 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Specs for the methods methods:

name: inputThreeNumbers
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: asks the user for three numbers of type double

name: getAverage
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns average of the three numbers

name: getSum
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns sum of the three numbers

name: getNumberOne
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns the first number entered by the user

name: getNumberTwo
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns the second number entered by the user

name: getNumberThree
accessibilty: public
arguments: none
what it does: returns the third number entered by the user

Here is an example of how the class MathOnThreeNumbers works. The following code produces the output displayed after the code.

MathOnThreeNumbers mm = new MathOnThreeNumbers();
System.out.println("first: " + mm.getNumberOne());
System.out.println("second: " + mm.getNumberTwo());
System.out.println("third: " + mm.getNumberThree());

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Getting Number Format Exception When Trying To Use ParseInt

Feb 17, 2014

The problem occurs at the second to last line of text in this code.

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package reversing_digits;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Reversing_digits {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

[Code] ....

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JSP :: How To Format Number As Money In JavaScript

Apr 23, 2014

How to format number as money in javascript? e.g 1000 to 1,000 ... E.g., 100000000 then it will be format into 1,000,000,000 ...

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JSP :: How To Format Entered Number On Textbox

Apr 24, 2014

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
<fmt:formatNumber type="currency" value="12345.6789"/></p>
<input type = "text"/>

This one is working if i set value in fmt but what i want to happen is when i enter a number in textbox it will be fommated on the format that i want, so i think i need to an of og text and set it into value of fmt? <y plan is when I enter a number in textbox it will automatically formatted ....

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GPA And Average Program

Mar 25, 2014

I am new on this and I will be working in a gpa and average program. This is my code so far: Every time that I try to add the gpa part it gives me errors or just duplicates whatever I've in average and displays it in gpa

* This program shows a database of students in a school.
* It gathers information as name, classes, grades, and calculates average and gpa average.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

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Using Result Of Conversion - Number Format Exception

Jul 27, 2014

I want to use the result of the conversion. Can i do that??

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class App2 extends Applet {
Label x,y,z;
TextField a,b,c;
Button p,q,r;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Number Format Exception - Empty String

Mar 8, 2014

This is the exception message I am getting when I run the program and I select a job from the check box and enter an hour amount.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class HourPanel extends JPanel {
private double hours;
String textField;

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Number Format Exception While Parsing Date To Long

Feb 1, 2015

I'm getting a NumberFormatException while executing the below statements.

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day_of_month = 15;

long m_time = Long.parseLong((month + 1) + "/" + day_of_month + "/" + year);


long m_time = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf((month + 1) + "/" + day_of_month + "/" + year));

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How To Format Methods To Display Number With 1-2 Decimal Places

May 8, 2014

I am working with a program I wrote for class. I got it to compile and do what I want, But I was wondering how I can format my methods to to display a decimal with 1-2 decimal places. Would I create a method in my NumberAnalysis class to do it for me? Or would I declare an instance of the DecimalFormat class in my main method?

import java.util.Scanner; //Needed for Scanner Class
import java.io.*; //Need for File and IOException
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Ex8_11 { 
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
DecimalFormat decformatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
[Code] .....

This is my output:

Lowest Number: 1.09
Highest Number: 82.76
Total Number: 367.89000000000004
Total Average Number: 30.657500000000002

Think I just solved the answer to my own question, I did it by declaring double variables in my main method and called the methods and instantiated the variables into the methods... Is there a better way to do this?

package lesson4.skowronek;
 import java.util.Scanner; //Needed for Scanner Class
import java.io.*; //Need for File and IOException
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Ex8_11 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
[Code] ....

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Transferring Amount To Other Account - Number Format Exception

Apr 7, 2014

I'm doing this project in JSP.net, with html. and in one of the web pages, what I'm doing is that, a person is transferring an amount to someone else, and if the transfer amount is more than the account balance, then he cannot transfer. else, save details in a table.

Here's the code I've used

String t1=request.getParameter("text1");
String t2=request.getParameter("text2");
java.util.Date date1 = new java.util.Date();
SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd/MM/yyyy");
int tamt = Integer.parseInt(t2);
int bamt = 0;

[Code] .....

But when i enter the fields and click the submit button in the form, to save it in the table, i get the error:

"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: null"

(I've attached a screen shot of the error) : NumberFormatException.bmp (750.98K)

What does this mean? how do i find the line in the code that has the error?

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Clicking Insert Button - Number Format Exception

Feb 9, 2015

Everything is working great except for my back button at line 172. It works good but if I try to click the "insert" button again. It gives me the java.lang.NumberFormatException error. Other than that it works fine, the "insert" button still works.

package userDatabasePack;

import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Database{
private String username2, insertUser, insertPassword;
private int insertUserId;

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Program That Has Weighted Average Code

Sep 28, 2014

I am doing a program that has a weighted average calculation and everything compiles and runs. It is just that my weighted average seems to be calculating incorrectly.This is the type of output I should see:

Number of assignments? 3
Assignment 1 score and max? 14 15
Assignment 2 score and max? 16 20
Assignment 3 score and max? 19 25
Sections attended? 4
Total points = 65 / 80
Weighted score = 40.63
Exam 1:
Score? 81
Curve? 0
Total points = 81 / 100
Weighted score = 16.2
Exam 2:
Score? 95
Curve? 10
Total points = 100 / 100
Weighted score = 30.0
Course grade = 86.83

Below is my code and I think even after getting up this morning and looking at it, I have an error in the calculations, but I can;t pinpoint it.This program is supposed to receive input from user, and calculated the grades of a student with a weighted average
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Grades{
private double weightExam;
private double score;
private double curveAmount;
private double scoreTotal;


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Cannot Get Average Program To Calculate Properly

May 9, 2010

I am having a problem with my program. I can't get my program to calculate properly. Everything compiles and run but its just giving me a wrong answer. I am suposse to get 115.50 but instead I am getting .30...

public class Order
double salesTaxRate; //initializing a variable for the sales tax rate.
double subTotal; //initializing a varliable for the sub total.
double shippingCost; //initializing a variable for shipping cost.
double salesTax; //initializing a variable for sales tax.
double totalCost; // initializing a variable for totale cost.

[Code] ....

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Student Grade Average Program?

Mar 27, 2015

I just have not got the chance to spend much time on it lately I know a bit but I'm not an expert or even intermediate with Java so I'm trying to make a program where the teacher enters the grade of each student and its stored in a variable the only problem is if I use a for loop the variable in which the result will be stired will be overwrite by the last repetition of the loop,I think the idea would be a nested loop but how I would go about using it in this situation,

here is my java code.

import java.util.Scanner;
class maths{
public static void main(String[] args)


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How To Write A Program Which Compensate Average

Jan 12, 2015

I have a question. How to write a progamme which compensates an average if it is less than a 10/20. I use eclipse and database HSQLDB. I have a table with notes. After the compensates, I must change the note in my database.

I have three notes

12, 11, 5

The average is 12+11+5/3=9,33

I take the lowest note: 5

12+11+x/3 = 10

12+11+x/3 = 30/3



The new average is 12+11+7/3=10

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Test Score Average Program In Java

Jun 16, 2014

I'm working on a homework assignment and I keep getting a compiler message this is the message

GradesAverage.java:44: error: variable totalgrade might not have been initialized
System.out.println("Over all you have " + totalgrade);
1 error

The homework is this Write a program that has variables to hold three test scores. The program should ask the user to enter three test scores and then assign the values entered to the variables. The program should display the average of the test stores and the letter grade that is assigned for the test score average. Use the grading scheme in the following table:

Test Score Average Letter Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

This is my code

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // Needed for JOptionPane class
import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the scanner class
public class GradesAverage
public static void main (String[] args)


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Trying To Create A Program That Provides Average Test Scores

Apr 13, 2014

I keep getting an error that says variable can't be found, what am I missing?

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class testscores extends JFrame


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Average Program - Divisible Numbers Not Calculating Correctly

May 21, 2015

For some reason, the averages aren't calculating correctly. I'm aware I need to convert to double if I'm dividing by an odd amount but that itself isn't the issue. It's just simple easy divisible numbers that are not being calculated correctly. For instance, (10 + 10 + 10 + 50) / 4 = should be 2 but I get 10.

Here is the code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Avg {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner inputGains = new Scanner(System.in);
int userInput = inputGains.nextInt();

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Create A Program That Shows Three Test Grades And Average

Jan 28, 2015

package Program1;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Source1 {


using netbeans to debug the program but i'm not sure what I did wrong as it doesnt go past test 1

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Writing A Pizza Program - Average Cost Of Order

Oct 9, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that will output the total number of large,medium,and small pizza along with the average cost of an order. I'm stuck on this error , "Else without if" on line 48 else ...medium.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaOrder
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
double cost,total, average;
String name,response,size,type;
int count,l,m,s;


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