Base64 Encoded String Of Raw PDF Data - ThinkFree PDF Viewer

Apr 30, 2014

I'm getting a Base64 encoded String of raw PDF data from a web service. I have to use this data display the PDF in a PDF viewer (I happen to be using the included 'ThinkFree PDF Viewer' since I'm working on an Android application, but the Android forum doesn't seem to get much traffic, so lets generalize and say any PDF viewer will do).

My code:

File file;
FileOutputStream outputStream;

public void createFile() {
try {
File path = new File(getFilesDir(), "PDFs");
if (!path.exists()) {


The error: Error opening file. It does not exist or cannot be read.

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Base64 Binary Import Does Not Exist

May 15, 2015

I have a small issue with my code where im encrypting and decrypting messages.

My import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;. does not work.

It says binary does not exist_ Why this happens?. I've downloaded the codec but im starting to wonder if it has to do with where the codec folder is located, but i may be wrong.


[Code] .....

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JSP / JSTL :: Printing Encoded Text

Apr 28, 2014

I am using JSTL library in my jsp. Previously, I was directly printing the text in JSP without using JSTL and it was printing fine.

My text is : Server Down, can't perform operation.

I was getting this error message from my backend code and was able to print this successfully. However, after using JSTL, doing like this:
pageContext.setAttribute("error", someObject.getError());
<c:out value="${error}" />

Here, c refers to <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

This is now printing the encoded form of the apostrophe char : Server Down, can't perform operation.

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PDF Viewer / Zoom / Editor?

Jun 27, 2014

I am starting a project of a little game for my brother and I wanted to know whether a few things were possible using Java (I know the basics and am currently learning more, but I have about a year to complete this so I have time to learn what is needed).What I need to be able to do:Be able to view a PDF as well as zoom in and pan around itBe able to enter/edit text in said PDF fileBe able to hide some of the text in this PDFBe able to do this on several PDFs in one program (They won't be open at the same time)

Is it possible to do this in Java? If so, how? (As in, what things would I need to learn or what would I need to complete it)If it makes my question easier, what it will be is a London Underground Tube Map (Which is a PDF file)where some station names disappear and the player has to guess which station(s) are missing.

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Applet Viewer - Show Status Method Not Working

Apr 6, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class App extends JApplet{
public void init(){

This code does nothing to my statusbar.

I use applet viewer for my applet.

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Applets :: Label Fonts Of Embedded Applet In HTML Not Same As In Viewer In Eclipse

Jun 22, 2014

I have an applet which I want to embed into HTML. In applet viewer in Eclipse IDE the view is this(see pict01), and when I access my index.php on local server I get this view(see pict02). I don't know what I am doing wrong. I checked it with Firefox, IE and chrome. No changes. Here is source code:

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class WCURL extends JApplet {

//static final int WIDTH = 8;
//static final int HEIGHT = 12;

[Code] ......

I have these files in my local servers folder where I am trying to access it from(see pict03).

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How To Escape unwanted Special Characters In String Data While Converting Into XML Data

Mar 7, 2014

I'am trying to converting string data into xml data using xml beans and StringEscapeUtils.This is work fine but in one case it if the data contains special characters.
Code snippet
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
public class ParseXMLData { 
    public static XmlObject parseXML(String stringXML) {
        XmlObject xmlObject = null;

[Code] ....
success case
i/p------<aaa><bbb>This converts string to xml</bbb></aaa>
o/p---<aaa><bbb>This converts string to xml</bbb></aaa>
Failer case
i/p----<aaa><bbb>This fails if it contains < symbols</bbb></aaa>
expected o/p----<aaa><bbb>This fails if it contains < symbols</bbb></aaa>
Observed that it converts < to '<' but  as per xml rules, if data contains '< ' it fails. I want to convert staring and end tags to xml format and if data in b/w middle of starting and ending tags do'n need to convert it. How to do it.

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Result Of Encoded Message Cannot Restore To Original Message By Decoder

Sep 28, 2014

The problem is the result of encoded message can't not restore to the original message by the decoder. Here are my three class's code


package securemsg.core;
import java.util.Scanner;
 import securemsg.database.*;
 public class SecureMsgMain {
[Code] .....

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Comparing String Data?

Jan 27, 2015

This program accepts Student ID numbers, Name, and grade point average. The problem I am having is with the if else statement that compares id to studentID[x]. I have tried to compare using if(id.equals(studentID[x])) and also I have tried using if(id == (studentID[x])) as shown in the code below. I keep getting incorrect results though.

import javax.swing.*; //Used for the JOption dialog boxes
import java.util.*; //Used for Scanner input


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String To Numerical Data Conversion

Feb 3, 2015

A group of my classmates and I were discussing strings. We were asked, "What circumstances would you want to convert a text string to numerical data?" but we couldn't think of any answers outside of counting characters within the string for various applications.

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Will ValueOf Of String Ever Lose Data With Double?

Jul 5, 2014

I have a double primitive and gave it a huge value. I am curious if valueOf could ever potentially cause data loss. I tried a simple test and it seems it never loses any data:

Java Code:

public class DoubleStringTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double val = 1029.129348558634;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Does this always hold true?

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Add New Employee And Enter A String / Data Does Not Appear In File

Mar 23, 2015

I'm just trying to append new employee information to a previously created file. When I type yes to add new employee and enter a string, the data does not appear in the file.

Java Code:

public class Records {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("", true);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);


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How To Deal With String Value Of Null In Data File

Feb 24, 2015

I have table data I'm trying to read . However one column is populated with the word "null". I guess java does not like dealing with the word null and throws errors.
When I try a block like : if ( rsrow.getString(insCol) = "null") {

I get and error .
If I try :
cmp = rsrow.getString(insCol);If I try:If I try:
if (cmp = "null") {

I get an error
If I try to use a replace function like:
System.out.println(cmp.replace("null", "0"));

Just to see if replace works I get and error.
What is the BEST way to replace this string value with something like "0"  when I come across it with out jave throwing an error? I want it such that every time I come across the word "null" I can repalce it with "0".
Something like:
if (rsrow.getString(insCol) = "null") {rowofdata = rowofdata + "'0',";  } else {rowofdata = rowofdata + "'" + rsrow.getString(insCol) + "',";} 

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Servlets :: Getting HTML In String When Hit JSP - Download Data In PDF File

Aug 15, 2014

I need to get the html in string when i hit the hit the jsp in servlets basically i need to put the output of jsp in pdf file when i hit one link i need to download that data in pdf file. I am using itextpdf.

Sample code

((HttpServletResponse) pResponse).setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=report.pdf");

//Get the output stream for writing PDF object
OutputStream outStream=pResponse.getOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream baosPDF = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

[Code] ....

I need to convert the sample download.jsp to html so that i can parse

// XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(docWriter, document,new FileInputStream(jspPath),new FileInputStream(csspath) ,null ,new XMLWorkerFontProvider());

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Display Month Using Enumerated Data Type From String Variable

Apr 1, 2014

I have created an enumerated data type that represents months. In my program I have asked the user for the month. I hold the month entered by user into a string variable. From that string variable I'm trying to display the month using my enumerated data type. I know I can use if statements, but is there another simple way to do it?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class demo {
 //Enum class called month that has constants in it representing months
enum month{january,february,march,april,may,june, july,august,september,
october,november, december};
[Code] ....

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User Input Data As String And If Verified As Valid Number Then Convert Into Double

Nov 11, 2014

I am writing a code in which a user inputs data as a string and that data must be verified as a valid number. A valid number is anything from 0-100. Then all valid numbers are converted into double numbers.

I am having trouble in how to write the validation part of the code.

Is it suppose to be an if, else statement? And if so how is it suppose to be validated?

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Servlets :: How Does Multipart / Form-data Send Data Over Network During File Upload

Apr 9, 2015

I would like to understand how does multipart/form-data works during file upload scenario's, Does it chunks the data from client to server while transferring the files ?

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How To Get Data Button To Display User Inputted (numbers) To Data Label

May 25, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DisplayFinal_Panel extends JPanel {
private JLabel label1, label2, label3;
private JTextField box;


I only want Listener 1 to work right now. Also, user input is in TextField.

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: How To Refresh JPA Data When Table Data Is Updated From Backend

Nov 27, 2012

Is there a way to inform the Entity Manager or force the JPA provider to reload data from the database? The scenario could be data being updated by a store procedure or direct SQLPlus maintenance, without restarting the Application Server, the JPA need to load the newly updated data from the database.

I think the current JPA API is not enough. The void refresh(java.lang.Object entity) from EntityManager need to pass in the Entity object, I will like to know how to refresh the entire JPA Entity data after the physical table data being update from backend.

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User Input All Of Data On A Single Line And Implement StringTokenizer To Assign That Data To File

Mar 21, 2015

By using FileReader, FileWriter and their constituents, I am creating a file to contain employee information ( name, age, hours, etc. ). The user is to input all of the data on a single line and we were asked to implement StringTokenizer to assign that data to the file. I have never used the StringTokenizer before, but I have a rough idea how it is to function. I used pw.println to test what I have so far, now I would like to let the user build the initial file with the "first employees" of the company, and then view the file, and then go back and append new employee data to that same file. My question is, how can I take the user input as a StringTokenizer and add that to the file?

In the for loop below, I thought I would see if it would work, but it does not. The loop only executes once and does not allow me to enter data.

public class Records {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
System.out.println("NEW EMPLOYEE DATA SHEET");
System.out.print("Number of new employees: ");
int number = input.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: Multipart Form Data - Sending Additional Data?

Feb 21, 2014

I am using apache-commons-fileupload to get file from client to the server.(using JSP and Servlet).


<form method="POST" action="GetFile" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="datafile">
<input type="text" name="text1">
<input type="submit" value="Next">

Servlet: GetFile


I am able to upload the file to the server, but I am not able to get the value of text1 in the servlet (I am getting null value of text1 in the servlet), I need this textfield in the form to submit some additional information while uploading it to the server.

--> Is enctype="multipart/form-data" option of form doesn't allow other form data to be submited? if it doesn't allow it then what are the other options I have to send this additional textfield to the server.

--> Or is there any other problem in my code?

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Simple Data Classes - Serialize More Complex Data Structure

Oct 6, 2014

I have written several simple data classes that I serialized manually by converting to text. At this point I need to serialize a more complex data structure. which will include lists of the simpler elements. Can serialize store and reconstitute this type of structure automatically or do I need to do this one manually as well? Consider the pseudocode below for a clarification of my question;

Java Code:

Class Hops{
String Name;
float Alpha Acid;
float Beta Acid;

Class Malt{
String Name;
float extract;

Class Recipie{
String Name;
CList HopList;
CList MaltList;

CList RecipieList; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I read the article on Serialization presented at tutorial point, but the example only showed a simple class, not lists of class members. What I want to do is serialize RecipieList, which consists of a CList of Recipies, which in turn consist of CLists of various ingredients.

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Writing Data To A Static Table - Can't Populate All Fields With Data

Jun 24, 2015

I have a program which consist of several classes. The program reads a pom file and parses the data and then writes the data to a static table. The issue I'm having is with writing my LIB file data to my table. In the HtmlDataTable Class Im trying to write the files that are read in the lib directory to the table. My table currently consist of 3 columns (missing jar files,Lib Directory files, and POM file data) currently Im only able to write the missing jar files data to my table. In the HtmlDataTable class there is a for statement where I write the missing jar file data to my table. Im also trying to write the contents of the Lib directory within this statement as well. This is where I'm having my issue. My other classes consist of a SAX parser which parses the xml file, a class that creates my static table and a class that compares the jar files in my lib directory to the jar files in my pom file. . Theres a lot of code so I included the parts I felt were useful. If needed I can include the other classes as well.
public class ReadPomFile extends DefaultHandler {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML document


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Reading Data From A File And Putting That Data In Arrays

Feb 8, 2015

I am creating a program where it reads the data inside a file and then places this data into arrays. The file I created has numbers 1-30 in it, file named, testing1.txt .

Java Code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Variables Declaration Section
BufferedReader br;
String sCurrentLine;
String str;

[Code] ....

My issue is that the 'str' value is not initialized, but if I initialize it, it ruins the code. I'm not sure what to do in the situation.

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Method Creation - Take A String With Duplicate Letters And Return Same String Without Duplicates

Nov 7, 2014

How can I write a method that takes a string with duplicates letters and returns the same string which does not contain duplicates. For example, if you pass it radar, it will return rad. Also i would like to know how can I Write a method that takes as parameters the secret word and the good guesses and returns a string that is the secretword but has dashes in the places where the player has not yet guessed that letter. For example, if the secret word is radar and the player has already guessed the good guesses letters r and d, the method will return r-d-r.

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String Split Method To Tokenize String Of Characters Inputted?

Sep 27, 2014

I am currently trying to make a calculator in Java. I want to use the String split method to tokenize the string of characters inputted. I thought I was using the String split method wrongly, because I had surrounded the characters I wanted to delimit with square brackets. However, when I removed the square brackets, the code threw an exception when I pressed the equal button. The exception was a PatternSyntaxException exception. Am I using the String split method wrongly? And why is the exception thrown? Here is my code:

import javax.swing.*;//import the packages needed for gui
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
public class CalculatorCopy {
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

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