BlueJ - Creating New Variable From Within A Method

Mar 29, 2014

I am using blueJ as my java editor.

If I have a method that creates a new variable (the name of which is a string argument for the method). Can I get that variable to appear in the workspace in the variables pane?

So instead of just using return to output the variable how do I get in that variables pane?

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Getting Error While Creating A Method - Void Is Invalid Type For Variable

Jun 25, 2014

I am new to Java and trying to learn it.I wrote the following program but while creating the method nav i am getting errors.

Error:- void is an invalid type for the variable nav

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import java.util.*;
public class YahooHomepage {
private static WebDriver driver;

[Code] .....

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Creating A Conditional Boolean Variable

Nov 26, 2014

I am new to java and this seems like it has to be really simple, but so far I am unsuccessful. I want to create a boolean value if a certain condition is met. I need my application to compare who is logged in to my web app with the value for who created a particular report.

I retrieve the creator of a report in report.getCreatedBy() and I can display the current user with user.getName(). I need my application to determine if the person logged in is the same as the createdBy value and then set isAuthor() = true

if (user.getName().equals(report.getCreatedBy())) {
isAuthor = true;
else isAuthor = false;

Then I want to user the isAuthor true or false to display certain information in my jsp. That part I can handle, just not sure what I am missing / have incorrect from above.

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Creating A Setter Method?

Aug 28, 2014

so here's my code

public class Movies {
public String title;
public String director;
public String theme;
public Title(String title)


the error is in line 9 which is

public Title(String title)

and the error is (error: invalid method declaration; return type required)

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How To Call Variable From Another Method

Oct 3, 2014

My code has a method where the users input a bunch of variables and then those variables get added together in a new variable. What I want to know is how do I call the variable that is in the other method to another method?

import java.util.*;
public class Calc{
public static void main (String [] args){
determineTotalvalue(double value1, double value2);

[Code] ....

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How To Get A Variable From Constructor Into Another Method

Nov 11, 2014

I am having an issue with a small part of my project. i am supposed to make a hash table with a file containing words. The file is being passed into my constructor, where i basically just all it "filename" of type string. Im supposed to get the contents of the file and put it into the table. the problem I'm having is making the connection between my constructor and a method called "start" which basically does all the work. Im not sure how to go by doing this, how could i use the variable "filename" from my constructer in my start method?:

import java.util.*;
public class WordCount {
//private fields, including your HashMap variable
HashMap<String,Object> hmap =new HashMap<String,Object>();//(table size,load factor)
public WordCount( String infileName){
String filename =infileName;

[Code] .....

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How To Add Javadocs For BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am new to BlueJ. I have to add Javadocs every time I finish the program, but I see a folder named "doc" .

What's that folder ? Is it Javadocs?

I see :ToolsProject Documentation => regenerate??

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Creating A Method That Resembles ArrayList

Jan 21, 2015

I'm writing a program that acts as a 'pocket' where the user is able to enter a kind of coin, such as, a quarter and the amount of quarters it has. I was assigned to do 3 different class, the Coin Class in which the coins and their values can be instatiated from, a Pocket Class, where I have to write a method that can add the coins of the user (basically the method would act like ArrayList .add() ) and the PocketClass tester. I have already written most of the code, but I am stuck as to how I could write the following method:

Java Code:

public void addCoin(String s, int i) {
// s is type of coin, you are using s to instantiate a Coin and get value
// i is number of coins, you are using i to keep adding value to the totalValuefor
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Would I use a for-loop in order to keep track of the number of coins? I would use ArrayList but the assignment calls for creating a method similar to that of .add()

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Creating Enum With String And Method

Nov 9, 2014

How would I go about and make an enum, that has Strings and Methods?I want to make a class called GraphicalEffects, this class and be instanstiated and it has a method to apply graphicalEffects AS methods or some type of references to methods in an ArrayList.

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Calculating Factorials Using BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to calculate factorials using BlueJ. All of my factorials calculate correctly, I am just having an issue with something the instructor asked of us. She asked us to force the loop to stop when the user inputs "Calculate the factorial of 0", and not give any print.

So far I have my for loop with the correct conditions, I am just really confused as to how to make an if statement to stop the code when the input is 0.

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Build A Calendar In BlueJ

May 25, 2014

i have a problem, i need build a calender in BlueJ. The program need to found if I put this one year have to give me the full schedule but only the first semester.

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BlueJ Error Code

Apr 6, 2014

the system I am using is blue jay and java. my problem is that I have this error message pop up whenever I try to compile any of my 6 classes. Three of the classes are cities, 3 others are shops, and the final one is a inventory called Player. The following is the error code that appears when I try to compile class THshopB or class CityB.

method run in class CityB cannot be applied to given types;required: Player; found: no arguments; reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

A similar error occurs for the rest of my City and THshop classes,except it replaces the class CityB with CityA and occurs in class THshopA, replaces CityB with CityC when occurring in class THshopC.The public methods of CityB and THshopB are shown below, as I believe that something is wrong with the public method of one or the other. I have the code [;}] inside of class THshopB, and run is the part that gets the red highlight error described above.THshopB public method

[ public static void shop(Player inventory){;}]
CityB public method
[ public static void run(Player inventory){;]

All of my THshop classes are written in the same format, and all of my City classes are written in the same format,

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BlueJ (double Input)

Jun 21, 2014

I typed the following program using BlueJ

import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Main {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Scanner read = new Scanner (;
out.print ("> ");
double num = read.nextDouble();
out.println (num);

When I compile the code it gives me no errors; however when I run the program and write a floating point number it gives me the following message:

java.util.InputMismatchException: null (in java.util.Scanner)

I used to use an online compiler and the nextDouble() method worked perfectly there.

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Creating Method To Print Array Of Integers

May 7, 2014

I am trying to create a method that takes an array of integers and prints it out using System.out.print. I'm having trouble creating the right way to print it out since I cannot find a way to convert the int array to a string to print it out.
public static String printArray(int[] num){
for (int i=0; i<num.length;i++){
String msg = num[i];
return System.out.print(msg + " ");

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Creating A Method That Reverse Digits Of Numbers

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to create a method that reverses the digits of a number.

import java.util.*;
public class KDowlingWeek7 {
static Scanner console = new Scanner (;
 //Scanner input = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] .....

The error I get is :

Error: cannot find symbol System.out.print(reverseDigit + " ");
Symbol: variable reverseDigit
Location: class KDowlingWeek7

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What Happens To A Static Variable That Is Defined Within A Method Of A Class

Feb 15, 2014

What happens to a static variable that is defined within a method of a class ?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Run Multiple Frames In BlueJ

May 27, 2014

I've been doing a course with a heavy focus on applets and AWT using BlueJ. I've branched out and learn to convert my applets to applications. I can successfully use frames to do similar things to applets (in BlueJ's applet viewer) but I can not seem to run more than application at a time (unlike applets where I could run several at the same time).

Below is a simple Hello World program I wrote. When I re-run main() it closes the original and starts again. (I'm aiming to explore the* libraries and for testing would like to use more than one frame at a time which can communicate to each over via sockets).

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class HelloWorld extends Frame implements WindowListener {
public static void main (String[] args) {
HelloWorld app = new HelloWorld();


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Mirror Image In BlueJ (Java)

Sep 18, 2014

I have to mirror an image in BlueJay (java)

I have the following code, but it is missing a little bit. My instructor gave me a hint. He said that i have to use the setValue() and getValue() methods, but i'm still confused..

This code only return a black image with the same compositions as the image I want to mirror.

public Image mirror()
Image mirrorImage;
mirrorImage = new Image(foto.getWidth(), foto.getHeight(), "spejling");  
for(int i = 0; i < foto.getWidth(); i++)

[Code] ....

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Creating Applet With Dropdown Lists - Method Not Abstract

Oct 21, 2011

i am trying to create an applet with drop-down lists. When I compile the program the following error message appears '. . .is not abstract and doesn't override abstract method action Performed. . . Here is my code . . .

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class DavidApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener //class header {
Label fName=new Label("First Name");

[Code] .....

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Creating Equals Method To Compare Strings In A Class?

Mar 26, 2015

How would I create a equals method to compare strings in a class that I'm creating. I need to create the method in my class, and then call it in a driver. How would I do this?

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How To Get Access To The Method With A Parameter Of Class Type Variable

Feb 19, 2014

how to get an access to the method with a parameter of class type variable, lets say: public void insert(Record newRecord, int pos)?

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Link Objects And Calling A Variable Object Method

Jun 14, 2014

Say I have two classes, Author and Book, and I have 2 author objects and 10 book objects. I would like to know how to do two things:

1) Make some sort of connection that makes clear that author X wrote books A, B and F.
2) Call a method from a book object that is connected to an author.

Seeing as I don't know which books will be connected to an author, is there some way to call a method of an object bases on a variable object name? Something like call the getFirstPage() method for every book that is linked to author X?

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BlueJ - Generating Multicoloured Brick Wall

Nov 5, 2014

I'm trying to generate a multicoloured brick wall as part of an assignment using BlueJ.

According to the instructions we've been given, once the wall is set up and we invoke the draw() method, if we invoke the toggleMultiColoured method the bricks will go from being all read to a mix of 6 different colours...

...When I invoke the toggleMultiColoured method, however, the wall I generate is still red.

Here's the source code for the BrickWall class I wrote:

Java Code:

public class BrickWall
private int bWidth;
private int bHeight;
private int numRows;
private int rowLength;
private ArrayList<String> colors;
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bricks;

[Code] .....

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Creating A Static Method That Requires No Arguments And Returns No Values?

Sep 28, 2014

I am doing an assignment and I am clueless as to what I did wrong or supposed to do in terms of placement of coding.

This is what I supposed to do:

1.) Type the following shell for the class:

public class ParadiseInfo

2.) Between curly braces of the class, indent a few spaces and create the shell for the main() method:

public static void main(String[] args)

3.) Between the braces of the main()Method, insert a call to the displayInfo() method:


4.) Place the displayInfo() method outside of the main() method, just before the closing curly brace for the ParadiseInfo class:

public static void displayInfo()
system.out.println ("Paradise Day Spa wants to pamper you.");
system.out.println ("We will make you look good.");

This is what I attempted to do:

I know it is wrong I am just clueless on where to put the code and why

public class ParadiseInfo
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void displayInfo();
system.out.println("Paradise Day Spa wants to pamper you.");
system.out.println("We will make you look good.");

--- Update ---

I also tried it this one and ended up with 1 error..

public class ParadiseInfo
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void displayInfo();
system.out.println("Paradise Day Spa wants to pamper you.");
system.out.println("We will make you look good.");

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Ambiguity When Implementing Multiple Interfaces With Same Method / Variable Names?

Oct 14, 2014

imagine you are implementing 2 interfaces having identical method signatures:

interface A {
void doStuff();
interface B {
void doStuff();

[Code] ....

How can I implement both methods?

Or another example with member variables:

interface A {
public static final int i = 3;
interface B {
public static final int i = 33;

[Code] ....

How can I go about making clear which 'i' is meant?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Non-final Variable Inside Inner Class Defined In Different Method

Aug 9, 2014

this code won't compile because selected row must be declared as final because of it being defined outside the window listener. Is their anyway around this? If I make it final the first time that the variable is called it keeps it starting value until the GUI is closed.

butEdit.addActionListener (new ActionListener () {
public void actionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
int selectedRow = table.getSelectedRow ();
final String [] values = custTableModel.getRowValues (selectedRow);


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