BlueJ - Generating Multicoloured Brick Wall

Nov 5, 2014

I'm trying to generate a multicoloured brick wall as part of an assignment using BlueJ.

According to the instructions we've been given, once the wall is set up and we invoke the draw() method, if we invoke the toggleMultiColoured method the bricks will go from being all read to a mix of 6 different colours...

...When I invoke the toggleMultiColoured method, however, the wall I generate is still red.

Here's the source code for the BrickWall class I wrote:

Java Code:

public class BrickWall
private int bWidth;
private int bHeight;
private int numRows;
private int rowLength;
private ArrayList<String> colors;
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bricks;

[Code] .....

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How To Get Pacman To Horizontally Flip As It Hits Right Wall

Apr 9, 2014

I cannot get this crappy looking pacman to horizontally flip as he hits the right wall.

Here is my JFrame

package MyPacman;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;

[Code] ....

I do not understand how I can alter my paintComponent. Is it possible to set my paintComponent to an Image variable, and then flip the image with Math.Radius?

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How To Add Javadocs For BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am new to BlueJ. I have to add Javadocs every time I finish the program, but I see a folder named "doc" .

What's that folder ? Is it Javadocs?

I see :ToolsProject Documentation => regenerate??

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Jbutton Act Like A Wall That Will Not Allow A Moving Jbutton To Pass Through

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to have a Jbutton (blocker02) act like a wall that will not allow a moving Jbutton to pass through. I tried using " if (blocker02. getBounds (). intersects(r_wall)) but it hasn't been successful.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;


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Calculating Factorials Using BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to calculate factorials using BlueJ. All of my factorials calculate correctly, I am just having an issue with something the instructor asked of us. She asked us to force the loop to stop when the user inputs "Calculate the factorial of 0", and not give any print.

So far I have my for loop with the correct conditions, I am just really confused as to how to make an if statement to stop the code when the input is 0.

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Build A Calendar In BlueJ

May 25, 2014

i have a problem, i need build a calender in BlueJ. The program need to found if I put this one year have to give me the full schedule but only the first semester.

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BlueJ Error Code

Apr 6, 2014

the system I am using is blue jay and java. my problem is that I have this error message pop up whenever I try to compile any of my 6 classes. Three of the classes are cities, 3 others are shops, and the final one is a inventory called Player. The following is the error code that appears when I try to compile class THshopB or class CityB.

method run in class CityB cannot be applied to given types;required: Player; found: no arguments; reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

A similar error occurs for the rest of my City and THshop classes,except it replaces the class CityB with CityA and occurs in class THshopA, replaces CityB with CityC when occurring in class THshopC.The public methods of CityB and THshopB are shown below, as I believe that something is wrong with the public method of one or the other. I have the code [;}] inside of class THshopB, and run is the part that gets the red highlight error described above.THshopB public method

[ public static void shop(Player inventory){;}]
CityB public method
[ public static void run(Player inventory){;]

All of my THshop classes are written in the same format, and all of my City classes are written in the same format,

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BlueJ (double Input)

Jun 21, 2014

I typed the following program using BlueJ

import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Main {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Scanner read = new Scanner (;
out.print ("> ");
double num = read.nextDouble();
out.println (num);

When I compile the code it gives me no errors; however when I run the program and write a floating point number it gives me the following message:

java.util.InputMismatchException: null (in java.util.Scanner)

I used to use an online compiler and the nextDouble() method worked perfectly there.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Run Multiple Frames In BlueJ

May 27, 2014

I've been doing a course with a heavy focus on applets and AWT using BlueJ. I've branched out and learn to convert my applets to applications. I can successfully use frames to do similar things to applets (in BlueJ's applet viewer) but I can not seem to run more than application at a time (unlike applets where I could run several at the same time).

Below is a simple Hello World program I wrote. When I re-run main() it closes the original and starts again. (I'm aiming to explore the* libraries and for testing would like to use more than one frame at a time which can communicate to each over via sockets).

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class HelloWorld extends Frame implements WindowListener {
public static void main (String[] args) {
HelloWorld app = new HelloWorld();


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BlueJ - Creating New Variable From Within A Method

Mar 29, 2014

I am using blueJ as my java editor.

If I have a method that creates a new variable (the name of which is a string argument for the method). Can I get that variable to appear in the workspace in the variables pane?

So instead of just using return to output the variable how do I get in that variables pane?

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Mirror Image In BlueJ (Java)

Sep 18, 2014

I have to mirror an image in BlueJay (java)

I have the following code, but it is missing a little bit. My instructor gave me a hint. He said that i have to use the setValue() and getValue() methods, but i'm still confused..

This code only return a black image with the same compositions as the image I want to mirror.

public Image mirror()
Image mirrorImage;
mirrorImage = new Image(foto.getWidth(), foto.getHeight(), "spejling");  
for(int i = 0; i < foto.getWidth(); i++)

[Code] ....

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Checkerboard Using 2D Arrays And Object Oriented Programming In BlueJ

Apr 23, 2014


*initiating theGrid[][]*
public Zhang()
con.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
for (int xDimension = 0; xDimension<theGrid.length; xDimension++)

[Code] ....

All I'm getting as a blank screen and I've searched for what to put into object oriented code to make the image show up how to program using 2d arrays. I don't get any error messages (which is good I suppose) but how to make the image show up because I have stuff under the graphics and draw methods, did I do something wrong where initializing the array?

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Randomly Generating A 0 Or 1

Nov 4, 2014

My random integer always seems to be zero.. I am at the ends of my wit.

package Exercises;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

* Heads or tails?
* That is what this is.
public class num14 {

[Code] ....

Attached File(s) : New Text Document.txt (2.59K)

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JSP :: Generating Unique ID With Session

Sep 5, 2004

Is it a good idea to use the date and time with the first or last few values of the session ID. Or should I just use the complete session ID value for my "unique id"?

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Generating Method To Be Called

Jun 25, 2014

I want to call getter method from method based on parameter send to this method e.g

Java Code:

void myCrazyMethod(MyDto dto, String prop){
System.out.println("Value of " + prop + ": " + dto.get{Prop}()");
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Generating Series Of Numbers - How To Get A Zero To Appear

Jun 8, 2014

My project is writing a program that generates a series of numbers to appear like a social security number (XXX-XX-XXXX). My code runs.. But any number below 10 it just shows one number (XXX-X-XXXX). What do I need to enter in to my code so that if the number is <10 it will show (00,01,02,03....)?

Java Code:

import java.util.Random;
public class IDnumber
public static void main (String[] args) {
Random generator = new Random()
int num1 = (generator.nextInt(7) + 1) * 100 + (generator.nextInt(8) * 10) + generator.nextInt(8);
int num2 = generator.nextInt(74);
int num3 = generator.nextInt(10000);
String IDnumber = num1 + "-" + num2 + "-" + num3;
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Generating Reports Using Java

Jun 25, 2014

I have a problem in generating reports using java code. I created a report using iReport 5.5.0 with MySql Database connection. In iReports, it shows the correct output while previewing it. Then i copied my .jrxml file and pasted it into my netbeans project folder(..sample/web/WEB-INF/sample.jrxml) and then i added the required jar files in my project's library folder. i am generating the report in netbeans using jsp and servlet. THE REPORT IS GENERATING AND SAVED SUCCESSFULLY IN MY DESKTOP. BUT IT DOESN'T GENERATE THE REPORT FOR FIRST RESULT. For Example.., if i generating report based on a particular date. After executing the query, it returns 4 results. So it has to create the reports in 4 pages. But it generates the report for last 3 pages only. It doesn't generate the report for first page. I have attached my .jrxml file servlet file for your reference.

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Generating Random Sentences

Nov 3, 2014

I have been set this task, which is supposed to make me code using string arrays. The idea is to generate random sentences.This is what i have been able to do so far :

package usingarraysagain;
public class sentences {
public static void main (String[] args){
String[] NOUNS = { "lizards",
"Nikola Tesla",


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Generating Compound Interest With Integers

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to change this code to use only integers to calculate the compound interest.

// Compound-interest calculations with for.

public class Interest {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
double amount; // amount on deposit at end of each year
double principal = 1000.0; // initial amount before interest
double rate = 0.05; // interest rate

[Code] .....

And here is the output I get :

Why do I get the output after year 2? I assume it has something to do with the remainder.

I also have to format this output with the decimal point, etc.. which I think I will be ok with after I get through this part.

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Generating Random Numbers Within Interval

Jan 13, 2014

I've been trying to find the easiest way to write to generate a number which is between intervals of a arbitrary min and a max value.I've been searching for this but I don't find this particular thing.I've found that this combination works:

Java Code: int guess = rand.nextInt(max - (min - 1)) + min; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But I wonder, is this really the easiest way of writing it?

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Generating Random Number Between 1-1000

Oct 31, 2013

I am very new to programming. This is for a college assignment. It says in the brief of the assignment that we will need to convert Math.random to output a random number between 1-1000. How can I do this?

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Generating Random Numbers Without Repeating

Aug 21, 2014

I am working on a bingo project and created random numbers between 1 and 75 to generate. I have it set up that it shows the number in a text box and changes the color on the board if the number is called. When I test the program, some numbers are highlighted in addition to the number called. I believe this is because extra numbers are being chosen, but not being noted in the text box. Below is my code for the unique random numbers.

int CallNo;
String CallerTxt = new String();
public void CallNum() {
Random RandCall = new Random();
//Generate Caller Random Number
CallNo = RandCall.nextInt(75)+1;

[Code] ....

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Number Generating Road Cross

Dec 8, 2014

The program I'm supposed to create generates a random number between one to ten. Then the program is to ask me if I wish to cross the road.

If you choose to cross, the outcomes for 0-2 are "You crossed safely."

For 3-5, 75% of the time it should say "RIP you got run over", and 35% of the time it should say "You crossed the street."

For 6-8, 60% of the time it should say you made it.", and 40% of the time it should say "You died". For 9-10, it should say "RIP".

So far I have gotten the random number generation part working,

import java.util.Random;
public class test4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
for(int i =0; i < 1; i++){
int num = random.nextInt(10) + 1;
System.out.println("The number of cars on the street are: " + num + "
Do you wish to cross the road?");

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How To Keep Colors / Layout And Formatting After Generating JAR

May 10, 2014

After generating a. JAR with Netbeans Java, when I play I see the colors of the components, the design and formatting is lost and the form gets a very basic formatting, for example, if I set a button with the color [0, 40.255] and build the. JAR after this, when I run the. JAR this button turns gray, and it happens with all the layout of the form.

Netbeans 8.0
Windows 7

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Generating Double Number From The Range

Apr 18, 2014

I am trying to generate a double number from the range [-1,2]

so what i did is this

xs[i]= Math.random() *(2-(-1))+(-1);

I did that as a loop to generate multiple numbers and i got this result:

initial x values 2.17 2.66 3.04 2.81 1.83 2.66 3.67 2.81 1.04 3.1 3 1.23 1.44 3.5 3.84 3.03 1.7 2.79 4 1.43

see some numbers are out of range! and i don't know why aren't there any minus numbers...

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Generating All Combinations Of Characters Given A Length N

Nov 10, 2014

I am trying to iterate through all combinations of characters given a length n with the added notion that all characters are numerical (0-9).e.g I have been given n = 5. The I want to iterate through all combinations starting with "00000" and ending with "99999". My first instinct was to just have a for loop like the following:

for(int i= 0; i<99999; i++){
// extra code here

but obviously this does not a account for combinations such as "00010".

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