Bpel File To Java Objects Conversion

Jul 1, 2014

How to convert to bpel file into java objects?

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File Handling In Java - Writing Objects In CSV

Dec 20, 2014

I'm doing this assignment in which i have to write some products in csv file...but as u can see in csv file two products are same "Cooking Oil"..so any method that can add two same product's quantity and their amount and write them in file

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class SalesbyTransactionMonth{
private static final String fileName = "Data.txt";
private static final String fileName1 = "sales_by_trans_month.csv";
String line = "";

[Code] ....

Attached image(s)

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Saving Game Objects To Some Relevant Type Of File That Can Be Recalled (Java)

Apr 14, 2015

I am simulating a game. This involves creating two Player objects(either HumanPlayer or ComputerPlayer), a TheBoard object, a TheGame object and a TheGameManager object. In the TheGameManager, i am trying to get it so that i can save the two Player objects, the TheBoard object and the TheGame object in current use at some point in the game and then load them later at some point. However, after debugged, i have found that it doesnt like the writeObject() method and skips and sends an exception up.

My TheGameManager class has the following fields:

public class TheGameManager implements GameManager {
private Player player1;
private Player player2;
private TheBoard currentBoard;
private TheGame currentGame;
//private String[] args;
private int iterations = 1;

[Code] .....

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Conversion Of Excel File Into Text File

Oct 28, 2014

I am a beginner in Java and I have a task of reading excel document and converting it into a text file.

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UTF-8 Conversion In Java?

Oct 30, 2014

When I try to convert this value, "Testingu2120" (along with UTF coed u2120)comes as a string as part of SOAP response. I need to convert this UTF-8 characters in to a symbol, in this case it is SM (Service Mark) symbol and show it on the UI.

How can we achieve this in JAVA?

I have four different UTF-8 character set to convert.

TM - u2122
SM -u2120
R - u00AE
C - u00A9

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Conversion Of C# Function Into Java

Jul 12, 2014

I am new to java. I have written a function in C#,how can i convert it into Java.

public AsymmetricKey readKey(String filename)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename);
String modulus64 = reader.readLine();
String exponent64 = reader.readLine();
byte[] modulusBytes = base64Decode(modulus64);
byte[] exponentBytes = base64Decode(exponent64);
BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(modulusBytes);
BigInteger exponent = new BigInteger(exponentBytes);
AsymmetricKey key = new AsymmetricKey(modulus, exponent);


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Temperature Conversion GUI Java

Apr 21, 2015

I'm having trouble getting the text entered in my JTextField to be converted to the conversion formula. The line I'm getting error in is:

String text = text.getText();

Also I created another JTextField in which I want the answer to be displayed in, but I'm not too sure how to go about that.
This is my attempt at it, but it doesn't work because it doesn't make sense;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class TempConversion extends JFrame
private final JLabel ask;
private final JLabel result;
private final JTextField text;
private final JTextField text1;


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Date Format Conversion In Java

Aug 3, 2014

I want to convert a date which can be of any date formats into yyyy-mm-dd format...My code is below.

String[] date_formats = {
String dateReceived = "13/11/2012";
for (String formatString : date_formats){

[Code] .....

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Java Date Format Conversion

Jun 6, 2013

I have a piece of code as below for date format conversion.

DateFormat formatter1 ;
DateFormat formatter2 ;
Date date = new Date();

formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd");
date = formatter1.parse("1952-12-10");
System.out.println("before format, date is " + date);

formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy");
System.out.println("after format, date is " +formatter2.format(date));I would like to change 1952-12-10 become 10-DEC-52, h

However, I am getting below output:

before format, date is Thu Jan 10 00:12:00 MYT 1952
after format, date is 10-Jan-52

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Excel Spreadsheet Data Conversion To Java

Apr 23, 2015

I am trying to get the excel spreadsheet data and converting it in someway to java. I'm looking for something that will print out the java code itself that way I can embed it into future projects.

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Hurricane Java Project - Unknown Format Conversion Exception

Mar 9, 2015

I am having some issues with errors. Here is my code...

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StormChaser {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Constants
final int MAX_STORMS = 319;
[Code] .....

I am having issues with these error messages.... I have tried a couple of different things with each error but haven't been able to figure it out.

Exception in thread "main" java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = '1'
at java.util.Formatter.checkText(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Formatter.parse(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.String.format(Unknown Source)
at Storm.toString(Storm.java:98)
at StormChaser.DisplayStorms(StormChaser.java:141)
at StormChaser.main(StormChaser.java:53)

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File And PrintWriter Objects

Aug 20, 2014

If I am using the File object to read a file and PrintWriter object to write to a separate file, can I use them under one method. Or is the File one method and the PrintWriter another method?

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Breaking Parts Of A File Into Objects

Apr 12, 2014

so I have a Text File that looks like this:

RitaJones1259ChaseAveLas VegasNV8712655544456712145.60
JasonKnight7154PineDrGresjam OR9738055581245453157.44

it has first name tab, last name tab, so on I'm saying this because it kept changing format but they are Tabs betwwen each word.

I need to print it in the correct order, so I will need to break this down into objects such as FirstName, LastName,Adress ect. I don't know how to break it into pieces. here is my code thus far:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Postal


in which while loop do I add these variables, and could i get a example of how to do one, like first name?

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Instantiate Objects Of Class And Writing Them To Text File

Jul 18, 2014

I need to create a new text file and instantiate objects using an array that writes them to a file and working with the array part.

public class NewTextFile
private Formatter file;
public void openFile()


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Reading Point Objects From DRW File And Drawing Lines On Panel

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to read Point objects from square.drw file which contains endpoints of line segments, and draw lines making a square on panel when I run the program. This is what I have got so far. How to get the points using array for drawing ?
// Initializing fields
private Point[] endPoints ;
FileInputStream fos;
ObjectInputStream oos;
int sampleSize = 0;
[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Reading Point Objects From DRW File And Drawing Lines On Panel

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to read Point objects from .drw file which contains endpoints of line segments, and draw lines making a square on panel when I run the program. This is what I have got so far. how to get the points using array for drawing ?

// inside the method to read points objects from .drw file
try {
fos = new FileInputStream("square.drw");
oos = new ObjectInputStream(fos);
// creating an object of Point class
endPoints = new Point[sampleSize];


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Java Need To Enter 5 Grades And Can Only Enter 1 For Grade Conversion

Sep 13, 2014

How to improve my code. I finally was able to create a program that gives you the corresponding letter grade, when you enter in a numeric grade without using an array. The only issue left is that I have to be able to enter 5 grades at a time, and it give me the letter grade for all 5. I have the programming working, but only am able to enter 1 at a time. I am not sure what kind of loop or if I am supposed to use a loop.

public static void main(String[] args){
int grade = 0;
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter : ");
grade = input.nextInt();
if (grade >= 90)

[Code] .....

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Java Lifetime Of Objects

Nov 16, 2014

how the Java-compiler manages the lifetime of objects. Aren't the variables a, b and, therefore, the objects A(i),B(i) destroyed after each iteration of the loop? Why then does the toString-method print out A(4), B(4) after finishing the for-loop?


public class mainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
C a = new A(0);
C b = new B(0);
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
a = new A(i);
b = new B(i);
System.out.println(a+" "+b);

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Searching Array Of Objects In Java

Jul 23, 2014

'm working on a program that is to act as an inventory for a book store. There are two classes (Store and Book), and numerous methods which you will see in my code. The program is supposed to read in an inventory from a file which contains 10 books (each row in the file represents a book with an ISBN number, the price of the book, and the number in stock)and store this file into an array of type Book[]. There is then to be another method to process a purchase interactively. The Store class is also to keep a count of how many books were sold at the time of closing and also how much was made that day.

I'm having some difficulty figuring out how I should set up the purchase processing method though. I've written out how I think it would be set up (not too familiar with the terminology, but I think it would be called pseudo code?) I'll include that now along with a few other notes.

public Book[] purchase(String isbn, double price, int copies) {
int itemsSold;
double totalMade;
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter the ISBN number of the book you would like to purchase: ");

[Code] ....

So basically here's what needs to be accomplished with this portion of code:

1.Ask the user to enter the ISBN number of the book they'd like to purchase.
2.Search the array for the object that contains that ISBN.
3.If the ISBN isn't found in the array, display a message stating that we don't have that book.
4.If the ISBN is found but the number of copies is 0, display a message saying the book is out of stock.
5.If the ISBN is found and the number of copies is greater than 0, ask the user how many copies they'd like to purchase.
6.If the number they enter is greater than the number of copies of that book in the array, display a message stating that and ask them to enter another quantity.
7.Once the purchase is complete I need to update the array by subtracting the number of copies of that particular book that was purchased.
8.Print the updated array.
9.Display a count of how many books were purchased, and how much money was made from the purchase.

I know that code has a lot of holes in it, but I'm just trying to get everything together and figure out how to do each step.

The part I'm stuck on right now is trying to figure out how to search the array to first see if the ISBN that was entered is in the array, and then to find the number of copies of the book with that ISBN number.

In case it will visualize what this array looks like, here's a print out of the array from a sample run I just did.

ISBN: 1234567, Price: 31.670000, Copies: 0
ISBN: 1234444, Price: 98.500000, Copies: 4
ISBN: 1235555, Price: 27.890000, Copies: 2
ISBN: 1235566, Price: 102.390000, Copies: 6

[Code] ....

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How To Move Objects In Java Using Buttons

Aug 17, 2014

I have a program which require to navigate a circle with for buttons, Up, Down, Right, and Left. How can i do that?

Here's my code:
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package moveobject;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MoveObject extends Applet implements ActionListener

[Code] .....

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Instances Of Objects In Java Versus Other Languages

May 22, 2015

I am learning JAVA and understanding some of its specific oddities. For example I notice that JAVA loves instances but not variables.

In Python:
x = 1
y = 2
yields (1,2)

then I do y = x and print
getting (1,1)

This makes sense to me since x and y are variables and thats how variables work. In JAVA I notice this script:

public class TESTRUN {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 0;
int y = x;
System.out.printf("x = %d, y = %d %n", x, y);
x = 9;
System.out.printf("x = %d, y = %d", x, y);

This yields:
x = 0, y = 0
x = 9, y = 0

So I get that JAVA doesn't understand variables? Or only takes instances of variables? Is there any way to yield a true variable or you always have to update variable relationships?

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Comparing 100 Objects Using Comparator Interface In Java?

Jul 4, 2014

Is it possible to compare 100 objects using comparator interface in java?

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Create A Static Array Of Objects In Java?

Jan 2, 2014

Im looking for a means to store groups of static data..

so I understand these simple string arrays...

Java Code:

private static String[] names = new String[] {
private static String[] ages = new String[] {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But can I not combine that into an array of objects? something along the lines of what you would do with json? like...

Java Code:

private static array[] multi = new array(){
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Dynamically Add Objects To Array In Any Position In Java

Feb 6, 2015

I have an assignment in which I have to design a method where I add an object at any given position in an array and shift the elements already in the array to make room. For example I have a collection class which holds trading card objects. So I wish to add a new trading card to this collection at a specified index or position with out deleting the current object already stored in the array . All this has to be done without the use of array lists, vectors or any abstract data types besides arrays . My question is how do I accomplish this . Say I wish to add a new trading card in position 4 the new card is added to my array and the card currently in position 4 gets moved to position 5 and the card in position 5 gets moved to 6 etc. The maximum amount of cards my collection can hold is 100. How would I add my trading card object to the specified position without overwriting what is currently there and shifting all other elements?Here is my current code.

public class CardCollection {
public BaseballCard [] collection;
final int MAX_CARDS = 100;
public CardCollection() {
collection = new BaseballCard[MAX_CARDS];
public CardCollection(BaseballCard[]c)


position refers to the position in the CardCollection and not the position inside the array.

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Does JavaFX Methods And Objects Works Into Java Application

Nov 22, 2014

I was doing a project in a usual Java Application, but now maybe I have to use some tools that are contained in javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer so I wonder if can it all work? Will javafx methods and such works?

I have to use javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer beacuse I have to create a very simple audio player (one jbutton and one jcombobox).

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Java Objects And Classes - System Of Linear Equation

Mar 15, 2015

The question states: Design a class named LinearEquation

for a 2 x 2 system of linear equations:

ax + by = e

cx + dy = f


x =

ed − bf/ad − bc

y =

af − ec/ad − bc

The class contains:

- Private data fields a, b, c, d, e, and f.
- A constructor with the arguments for a, b, c, d, e, and f.
- Six get methods for a, b, c, d, e, and f.
- A method named isSolvable() that returns true if ad−bc is not 0.
- Methods getX() and getY() that return the solution for the equation.

Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a, b, c, d, e, and f and displays the result. If ad − bc is 0, report that "The equation has no solution."

I believe that my program is correct because I am able to compile it and get no errors, however I have no clue how to display the information for x and y or display this equation has no solution if ad-bc=0.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exer911 {
public static void main(String[] args){
// Create a scanner system to hold the numbers for each variable
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
// Prompt the user to enter a number for each of the variables

[Code] ....

How to get the information to display ....

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