Calling Applet From Another Class Main Menu

Aug 20, 2014

I have a frame which I want to load an applet inside it. Here is the code i have in my main method:

MyApplet myApplet = new MyApplet();
javax.swing.JFrame window = new javax.swing.JFrame("myApplet");

But I get an exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.applet.Applet.getCodeBase(
at MyApplet.init(
at Intro.main(
Java Result: 1

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Calling Method Of A Class From Main Class?

Aug 31, 2014

// Add range to Vehicle.
class Vehicle {
int passengers; // number of passengers
int fuelcap; // fuel capacity in gallons
int mpg; // fuel consumption in miles per gallon

// Display the range.
void range() {
System.out.println("Range is " + fuelcap * mpg);

[Code] ....

I'm compiling it in Eclipse and this continues to show in the console display

Minivan can carry 7. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: Vehicle.range()V
at AddMeth.main(

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Binary Search Tree - Calling FindSmallest Method In Main Class

Nov 3, 2014

How should I call my findSmallest method in the main class.. Here is the code:

public class Tester {
public static void main(String[] args){
try {
BinaryTree<Integer> myTree2 = new BinaryTree<Integer>();

[Code] ....

So the question is what kind of parameter I should pass in myTree2.findSmallest()??? Here is my findSmallest method..

public E findSmallest(Node<E> parent){
if(parent.left.left == null){
E returnValue =;
parent.left = parent.left.right;
return returnValue;
} else {
return findSmallest(parent.left);

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Dinner Menu Program - Some Text Is Not Showing On Applet

Dec 23, 2014

I have been writing the below Dinner Menu Applet; however some text is not showing on the applet and it is not adding the 'desserts" section correctly especially the one that says "rice Pudding". I've tried it in so many different ways and it's sill not working correctly.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DinnerMenuApplet extends Applet implements ItemListener
Label dinnerMenu = new Label("Dinner Menu");


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Changing Items On The Main Mac Menu

Apr 17, 2014

How would I change items in the main menu (top of screen) that has the app's name on it (e.g. Firefox)? I've used :

System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true");

And it works, but how would I change things like "About [thisapp]" and make it execute a certain method?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Creating Several JPanels - Main Menu

Aug 17, 2014

I am tasked with creating several JPanels each of which has a title centered at the top. As such I have created parent panel that each panel extends. However, I am uncertain as to whether drawing the string on the panel or using a JLabel is the best solution. The panels might allow dynamic resizing...

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How To Go Back To Main Menu And Terminate A Program

Oct 15, 2014

How to go back to main menu and terminate a program?

I just want a Simple code.

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Calling Method Into Applet

Apr 8, 2014

I need to create an applet that displays a grid of command buttons which I have done. I then need to create a new class that draws a silly picture of an alien, which I have also done. Where I am completely stuck and confused, is that I do not know how to get the drawing into the applet. My code is below. I really do not fully understand why this is not working or how to get it working.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class MartianGame extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
DrawMartian aMartian = new DrawMartian();
DrawJupiterian aJupiterian = new DrawJupiterian();

[Code] .....

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Don't Need Main In Applet?

Apr 3, 2014

Why we do not need main in applet .....

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Calling A Method From Main

Jan 26, 2014

The idea is to create a program to add plants and retrieve plants from a Nursery. I created a class with the properties of the plants and also there is the class an Array list to keep track of the plants entered ( they will have to be printed later) (I am not too sure if adding a public class there is the best option.

The program will allow the user to pick and action and from there the code will do something. I don't want to have all the code inside 'main' The problem is in line 114.This is what I have so far.

Java Code:

package plant.nursery;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
/**Class to create a plant for a nursery.
public class PlantNursery


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Calling Classes Within Main

Apr 17, 2014

How do I call a class within the main. For example, this is what i have in my code right now. I am trying to call the class BlackJackGame.

package blackjack
public class BlackJack {
public BlackJack() {

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Calling A Method To Main

Nov 17, 2014

I'm trying to call a method to my main method, but I can't seem to get it to work and it keeps resulting in a compile error.

import java.awt.Point;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Random;
public class Chase {
public static void main(String args[]){

[Code] .....

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Calling A Method To The Main

Sep 10, 2014

I have been reading about methods and I do have a beginner level understanding on how they work. I was trying to mess around and make a dog calculator using methods. I ran into a small snag; I cannot get the method to call to the main or the program to compile correctly. The first code below is the original. To me it looks like (based off of some examples I looked at) there should be no problems, but NetBeans gives me a few errors. 1) line 8- "cannot find symbol, variable dogYearCalc; 2) line 18 illegal start of expression; and 3) line 22 - unreachable statement.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class KrisExample {
public static void main (String[] args) {
double dogYears = 0;
JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null,"Please enter you dog's age in human years:");

[Code] ....

Someone told me that I was calling dogYearCalc without any arguments in your main method. I take that to mean that I needed to add it to the main, so I did here:

public static void main (String[] args, double dogYearCalc) {

That got rid of my first error, but then when I tried to run the program NetBeans said that I have no main class, so switched back to the original program above.

I thought that when I calling the dogYearCalc method on line 10 was the whole purpose of using a method. It seems to me that putting it somewhere in the main is counter productive.

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Recall Main Method After Calling Of JVM?

Jul 28, 2014

Can we recall the main method? I'm trying a code to recall main method (after the calling of JVM). I know this doesn't make any sense but I'm trying this just like that.


class derived {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Main Method class");
static void show()


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Calling Child Methods From Main

May 7, 2015

I can call a child method from a main method. If I have a parent called "Assessment", a child called "Quiz", and another child called "test". Can I instantiate an object like Assessment a = new test(); and call a method in test.

I know the method can be called if I instantiate the test t = new test() but that defeats the purpose of inheritance...

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Calling Object To Main Method

Oct 26, 2014

When I try to call an object it can't find the symbol in the argument list. NetBeans says that it cannot find the movieCategory symbol when I try to call it. When I compile it to test a popup comes up that states "One or more projects were compiled with errors. Application you are running may end unexpectedly. I ran it anyways and everything runs up to the point of where it should call the object.

At this point it should get the Movie object and run the code within that, but if I put one of the categories it throws. "Exception in thread "main" java. lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - Erroneous tree type: <any>at MovieApp.main( Result: 1"

From my understanding to call an object it requires objectName.methodName(argumentList). Here is my Main method

*This application will store a list of 100 movies and display them by category
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MovieApp
public static void main(String args[])
//Displays <code>String</code> welcome message
System.out.println("Welcome to the Movie Application.");
System.out.println("There are 100 movies in the list.");
System.out.println("What category are you interested in?");


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Calling Multiple Methods Into Main Method

Sep 30, 2014

This current one is to calculate a planes holding pattern. I have to write a method to prompt user to enter speed in knots, then it converts it to km/hr. Another method to calc. pattern width using the speed, another method to calc. pattern length, than a main method which would call and print out the speed in knots, speed in km, pattern width and length.My current problem is on the second method. It works in that I can enter the values and it gives me the correct answers, however it's asking me to enter the speed twice, instead of just once. Anything I try just results in errors and won't compile.

import java.util.Scanner ;
//main method
public class TitleRemoved {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double airSpeedKm = airSpeedOts () ;
System.out.println("That speed is " + airSpeedKm + " km/hr.") ;


I want my code to not only work, but be organized and easily readable as well, so I want to avoid bad habits.

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JGrasp - No Main Method / Applet Or IMDlet

Sep 30, 2014

I have been trying to get this code to work but in jGrasp it give the no main method, applet, or IMDlet. The assignment states: Design a class Message that models an e-mail message. A message has a recipient, a sender, and a message text. Support the following methods:

-A constructor that takes the sender and recipient
-A method append that appends a line of text to the message body a method toString that makes the message into one long string like this:

"From:Harry Morgan
To: Rudolf Reindeer. . ."

Write a program that uses this class to make a message and print it. package emailmodel;

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Message
private String senderemail;
private String receiveremail;


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Cardlayout Format - Change Main Menu Screen Into Game Screen On Button Click

Mar 16, 2015

I'm making a game of checkers for my A2 Computing coursework which is due in within a week. I have completely finished the game, and only thing I have left to do is connect the two JPanels together via a CardLayout that I have made. However I am unsure how to do so

Here is the code from my CardLayout:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.CardLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;

[Code] ....

I have kept the code I am displaying to a minimal, hence I have removed all the action listeners for my buttons, anyway the problem I have is that, I would like it so that when the user clicks on the 'Multiplayer' button which is the array button ourButtons[1], it will then transition into my main game screen so that the user can then play a game of checkers.

Here is the main important GUI from my CheckerBoard class:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
  public class CheckerBoard extends JPanel implements ActionListener, MouseListener {
// Main routine that opens an Applet that shows a CheckerBoard
public static void main(String[] args) {
new CLayout();
[Code] ....

Once again kept to a minimal.

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Servlets :: Calling DoGet Of Child Class From Service Of Parent Class

May 28, 2014

Regarding the lifecycle of servlet , in headfirst servlet i can find :

You normally will NOT override the service() method, so the one from HttpServlet will run. The service() method figures out which HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) is in the request, and invokes the matching doGet() or doPost() method. The doGet() and doPost() inside HttpServlet don’t do anything, so you have to override one or both. This thread dies (or is put back in a Container-managed pool) when service() completes.

How can I call the doGet method of the subclass from the superclass. i am not getting this .

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Calling Method Of Another Class Which Is Implemented By Runnable Class

Aug 11, 2014

i am having a problem while calling a method..i am having a class

Java Code:

public class MySer implements Runnable {
public void getMessage(String msg)
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
i use the above class in another class


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Creating Object Of Class And Calling Its Method In Different Class

May 20, 2015

In the process of creating a new class, I need to move my main method from the class SaveDate to the class DynamicTest. Below I have listed the code of both classes.The objective is to be able to run my program from the DynamicTest Class. I need understanding the process of moving my main method to a different class and creating an Object of a class and calling its method.
public class SaveData { 
  private static final Map<String, Object> myCachedTreeMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
   public static final List<String> getLines(final String resourceParam, final Charset charset) throws IOException{
  System.out.println("Please get: "+resourceParam);
  if (myCachedTreeMap.containsKey(resourceParam) ) {
  // Use the cached file, to prevent an additional read.

[Code] ......

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Reading Json Of Nested Menu Without Giving Menu Names In Java

Aug 14, 2014

I want to read json file as follow;
  "M": {
  "row": [
  "col1": "c00"
  "col1": "c10",
  "col2": "c11"
  "col1": "c20",
  "col2": "c21",
  "col3": "c22"
Next to reading I need to assign to two dimensional array, but without giving "col1","col2","col3" a lot. 

The array is for example, Array[3][] = {{"c00"},{"c10","c11"},{"c20","c21","c22"}};

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Error Passing Value Of A Variable From One Class To Main Method Of Another Class

Jan 8, 2014

I've 3 classes.

1. Circle
2. GetInputFromUser
3. testCircle

package ABC;
public class Circle {
private double radius;
public double getRadius() {
return radius;

[Code] .....

In the testCircle class, in the line: getRadius = ui1.GetInput();

It's showing the error: The method GetInput(float) in the type GetInputFromUser is not applicable for the arguments ()

And when I do: getRadius = ui1.GetInput(rad);

It's showing the error: rad cannot be resolved

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Declaring Class In Main Class - Constructor Cannot Applied To Given Types

Aug 1, 2014

So i declared a class in main class but it seems there's error when i compile:

constructor xx in class xx cannot applied to given types

This is my java class:

public class trainer extends person{
String classType;
public trainer(String name, String gender, String address, int id, String classType) {

[Code] ....

And this is the way i declared in main class:

trainer tr = new trainer();

And what i want to do is:


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How To Enter In Diameter In Main Class For Sphere Class

Apr 1, 2015

public class Sphere {
public double diameter;
public double volume;
public double area;
public double fourThirds = 4/3;
public Sphere(double someDiameter){
someDiameter = diameter;

[Code] ....

I am trying to get this code so that I only enter the diameter once in the sphere object1 = new Sphere(4); but I can't get it to work right. I can get the diameter to work with the calculate volume and area methods but that's it.

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