Calling Public Function In JInternalFrame

Aug 31, 2014

Is it possible to create a JInternalFrame class with additional public functions that can be called from the desktop? Here is some snippets of the code. This is the Internal Frame with the public functions added after the constructor.

public class Search_Ifr extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame {
* Creates new form Search_Ifr
public Search_Ifr() {

The line " ifrSearch.setTabPaneIndex("tabCust");" is throwing a compile error that the method is not found.

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Private Var Won't Save Value Of Public Getter Function From Base C

Sep 15, 2014

I'm working on this program for a class to create objects of a commissioned employee and union employee. Everything seems to work ok, but when I run my final pay calculation, one of my getter functions will not pass the variable for the pay into a class specific variable called check. here is the code in this function.

public void finalPayCal_U() {
setweekPay();//calculates weeks pay under 40 hours, stored in getweekpay
check = getweekPay();
if(getHours() > 40){
check = check + (1.5 * (getHours() - 40) * getRateOfPay());
check =- Dues;

The issue lies in check = getweekPay();

I thought this was a legal move, but I can't get it to work. It doesn't come back with anything more than 0 any time I run it.

All of these functions are out of the base class, employee (this function itself lives in the derived union class)

public void setweekPay() {
if (hours <= 40) {
weekPay = hours * rateOfPay;
} else {
weekPay = 40 * rateOfPay;

When I run, this function works as it returns the value when i print it to test.

however, when I do the part that says check = getWeekPay() above, it doesn't change the check variable. The only thing I have on the check variable is the dues taken out of it at the end, so it ends up being a negative number.

I have a similar problem with the other derived class's check variable. Both classes have the same variable as private but one is check the other checkC.

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Calling A Function In JPA 2.1

Jul 16, 2014

Using JPA 2.1, I have been trying without luck to call a function that returns a REF CURSOR containing RECORD TYPES. Is there a way of doing this?
One Example of trying:

Query query = em.createNativeQuery("select my_package.my_function from dual");
Object a = query.getSingleResult();
I have also tried to use the StoredProcedureQuery though this does not look like it can return the functions value.

org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: -10;
nested exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: -10
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect.convertHibernateAccessException(

[Code] ....

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Function Calling In A Program?

Feb 12, 2015

I just wanted to ask that when we invoke a function by passing certain arguments in it ,so for instance I have certain variables like a,b and c with some values assigned to them,so when I invoke a function like func(a*b , 8, c+a) where the function func accepts parameters like func(int x,int y,int z) ,so is there any order of evaluation of expressions defined like the value of c+d would be evaluated first and then assigned to variable z ,because in C we have sequence points and since comma when acting like a separator is not a sequence point so any of the expression can be executed first ,so basically is there any sequence in which the function arguments are assigned to the parameters of the function or any relation with the stack implementation.

Even in C ,the printf starts executing its expressions from right to left so basically in why does it happen there when comma is a separator in a function argument.

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Function Not Calling In ActionListener

Jun 21, 2014

In my given below Action listener #Report function does not calling.

Java Code:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JInternalFrame Over JPanel

Oct 3, 2014

I would like to know the possible ways to put up JInternalFrame over JPanel to achieve the following output.

Is it even Possible because i learned JInternalFrame can only be added to JDesktopPane.?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JScrollBar In JInternalFrame?

May 22, 2014

I have an MVC application with JInternalFrame, I want to insert the ScrollBar when the contents of JInternalFrame is great. How can I do?

The code that I wrote this but I do not know how to insert the scrollbar

frame = new JInternalFrame(nameFile);
panelFrame = new JPanel();
JLabel labelF = new JLabel();


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JInternalFrame To Animate Smoothly Downwards But It Isn't Working

Jan 25, 2014

Java Code:

import javax.swing.*;
public class AnimateJInternalFrame {
JFrame jf=new JFrame();
JInternalFrame jif=new JInternalFrame();
Timer t;


I want that JInternalFrame to animate smoothly downwards but it isn't working.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: When Maximize JInternalFrame Controls Disappear

Jun 17, 2014

I got a JFrame with its JDesktopPane, and opens a JInternalFrame at the beginning of the execution of the application. That's all fine.

And then, the first JInternalFrame opens another JInternalFrame in its maximum size, and that's when a simple JLabel that I got o the second internal it disapears. Why?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Jinternalframe Active Frame Different With Java 7?

Jun 24, 2014

I am in the progress of updating my code and re-testing after switching from Java 6 to Java 7. When I open multiple JInternalFrames in my application under java 6 I am used to closing the top most internal frame and having the frame immediately under it become the next active frame. When I run the same code under Java 7 I see a different behaviour in as much as when I close the last frame I opened, the next one to become active is the first one.

To illustrate this another way, lets say I open 5 internal frames, 1,2,3,4 & 5

In java 6 when I close frame 5, frame 4 becomes the active frame.

In java 7 when I close frame 5, frame 1 becomes the active frame.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Providing Focus To Keyboard Buttons On JInternalFrame

Dec 5, 2014

I'm having issues with providing focus to keyboard buttons when a JInternalFrame with keyboard buttons is called in my program. So for example when the program is started the attachment called signinscn.png is called.

This screen is a JDesktopPane which calls JPanel for its components.

From here a JInternalFrame containing the buttons ESC and F1 to F4 as seen in the attachment called signinscn.png is called.

I would like the buttons in my JInternalFrame to have focus such that when a user engages the equivalent keyboard button i.e. ESC or F1 to F4 WITHOUT clicking on the JInternalFrame the respective button's action listener kicks in. At the moment only after the user clicks on the JInternalFrame do the equivalent keyboard buttons respond.

Here's the constructor of my JInternalFrame and you can see how I handle the ESC keyboard button in the constructor of the JInternalFrame (but as I mentioned only after the user has engaged the JInternalFrame):

public AdminHomeJIFrame() {
super(null, false, // Resizable
false, // Closable
false, // Maximizable
false); // Iconifiable

BasicInternalFrameTitlePane titlePane =

[Code] ....

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JSF :: Call Function Inside Other Function

Jun 23, 2014

I would use the return value of a function how parameter of other function..In java is:

// the call produce "YES"

In my web page I need to do something like this:

<h:outputText value="#{secondClassController.funcSecondClass(#{firstClassController.funcFirstClass()})}" />
javax.servlet.ServletException JBWEB006007: Failed to parse the expression
public class FirstClassController implements Serializable{


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One Public Class Per File

Feb 8, 2014

The compiler won't let me declare more than one class as "public". Am i correct in understanding that this is a java restriction ? This means i need to create a new file, for each public class that i want in a package ? The rest of the classes without access modifier will all be package-private. (Q has been asked before probably, but my search could not be narrowed).

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How To Use Public Double GetXCoordinate

Dec 9, 2014

I am trying to understand a question:

R2 (x,y) -- Make the Point class code that implements a corresponding abstraction to a given point in R2. You should explicitly provide the manufacturer's code P (double x, double y) for the Point class. And code for the methods, whose definitions are:

- public double getXCoordinate ();
- public double getYCoordinate ();
- public setXYCoordinates (double x, double y);
- public moveTo (double x, double y);
- public printAtts ();

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How To Compare Public String Value

Sep 7, 2014

I want to make a program in which i write the Months Strings via while into the checkbox.

I already did that but i have also to add an day if February is a loop day.

So my question is how to say java that if Months is equal to February & year is a leap year, add 1. (i didn't wrote the year code because it's not relevant for my problem.)

Java Code:

public String[] Months ={"January","February","March","April","May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December"};
public Asg1KeapYear() {
int MonthNo = 0;

[Code] ....

Netbeans shows me .equals() on incompatible types on Months.equals, do i have to declare it somehow?

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Public Type (name) Must Be Defined In Its Own File

Apr 1, 2014

I have a small issue understanding the following error message that Eclipse returns when i try to run the following code:

class Film {
String tytul;
String rodzaj;
int ocena;
void odtworz() {
System.out.println("Odtwarzamy film.");

[Code] .....

The message itself reads: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:

at FilmTester.main("

and the following on the line where the problem arises:

What gives? I'm positive i'm missing something obvious but i can figure it out why

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Why Cannot Access A Public Method From Another Class

Feb 12, 2015

Why can't I access a method from another class? For example, I want to get the value of get method from another class. It's giving me an error on if(getExamType() == 'M') That's what I've done, for example:

Java Code:

public static Exam[] collateExams(Exam[] exams){
Exam [] r = new Exam[50];
r = exams;
Exam [] finalExam = new Exam[50];
for(int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if(getExamType() == 'M') {
return r; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Unable To Access A Method Which Is Public From Servlet

May 13, 2014

I am trying to assess a method which is public from servlet. but it gives weird error. image has been attached .....

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Make Http Server Creation Public

Mar 3, 2015

Now, I would like to properly stop the server. For that, I can do server.stop(); . However, this does not work since the object server is not public, it is contained within the public pc_proxy class.How do I do that?

Java Code: import*;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;


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Java Eclipse - Public Static Int Error

Oct 28, 2014

I've got a problem in Eclipse. The below code is a part of my program, used for (re)starting a new game. The 'public static int' statement gives the error 'This method must return a result of type int'..

public static int playAgain(){
boolean validInput = false;
do {
System.out.println("Would you like to play a game? Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.");
String playAgain =;

[Code] ....

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Overriding - Use Public Access Modifiers With String

Apr 2, 2015

Why do we use public access modifiers with String toString() method in java while overriding???

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Scope Of Public Variable And Distributed Application

Jun 2, 2014

A distributed application consists of modules which run on different machines. How is this possible? Does it have any link with the public modifier?

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Error / The Public Type Welcomer Must Be Defined In Its Own File

Mar 30, 2014

Why I cannot use 2 public classes like below?

public class Hello {
public static void main(String[] args){
Welcomer welcomer=new Welcomer();

[Code] ....

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:

The public type Welcomer must be defined in its own file

at Welcomer.<init>(
at Hello.main(

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Non-Public Class In A Source File Doesn't Matching Its Name

Oct 20, 2014

I have a question about the following snippet concerning the steps the javac compiler follows to compile a program:

[...]at first, searching a class within a package is discussed if the latter doesn't contain a full package name[...]

It is a compile-time error if more than one class is found. (Classes must be unique, so the order of the import statements doesn't matter.)

The compiler goes one step further. It looks at the source files to see if the source is newer than the class file. If so, the source file is recompiled automatically. Recall that you can import only public classes from other packages. A source file can only contain one public class, and the names of the file and the public class must match. Therefore, the compiler can easily locate source files for public classes.

However, you can import nonpublic classes from the current package. These classes may be defined in source files with different names. If you import a class from the current package, the compiler searches all source files of the current package to see which one defines the class. I don't quite understand the red fragment. I wondered if the word "import" nonpublic classes from the current package weren't a synonym for the word "use", since why would we want to import a class from the same package when compiler searches the current package automatically anyway?

However I wanted to test nonpublic classes that are contained in source file which name doesn't match the class name:

Java Code:

class NonpublicClass
public void description() {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

[Code] ....

Everything's fine when the source file names are the same as above. However, when I change to a different name, there's an error "cannot find symbol" in:

Java Code: NonpublicClass v = new NonpublicClass(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I noticed that the class file for NonpublicClass isn't even generated so that's probably the cause. If I change to the directory of the package the NonpublicClass is contained in and compile it directly, i.e. issue for example:

Java Code: javac mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Then a proper class file is generated with the class name, that is NonpublicClass.class, and afterwards I can compile the main program in

So the question is what am I missing regarding the cited quote that reads:

If you import a class from the current package, the compiler searches all source files of the current package to see which one defines the class.

? Because adding such an import to


didn't work either...

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Singleton Pattern - Static Field And Public Constructor

Apr 4, 2014

In singleton pattern just having a static field is not enough? Do we really need to have a private constructor?

I can have a static field and have a public constructor and still say it is singleton.

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Java IP Address Program - Check If It Is Public Or Private

Feb 2, 2015

I am doing an assignment for a college class. We are asked to get user input and decide if it is a valid IP address and then check what class the address is and if it is a public or private address.

So far, I can get the input, and check to see if the numbers are in a valid range. I can also display the IP address to the user. I am having an issue figuring out how to get the program to check the classes and whether they are public or private.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
This program will take user input and calculate whether it is a valid IP address and the class that it belongs to.

public class shortONE_1
public static void main(String[] args)
final int MIN_OC = 1; //Minimum number accepted
final int MAX_OC = 255; //Maximum number accepted
final int MIN_A = 1; //Min number for class A
final int MAX_A = 127; //Max number for class A

[Code] ....

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