Can Method Variables Be Shared Between Users?

Aug 27, 2014

Can method variables be shared between users?

I was asked this on an interview and I didn't know what to make of it.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: BoxLayout Cannot Be Shared

Sep 24, 2014

I am trying to use a BoxLayout to make the equivalent of the vertical flow layout within a JPanel. I followed this tutorial: URL..., but was a little confused as to what the first argument in the constructor for the BoxLayout is (the tutorials that it was "the container that it manages," but I don't know what that means). All the examples I can find online just have the first argument as what ever kind of component they are trying to initialize using the BoxLayout, so I tried that but it produces the error "BoxLayout cannot be shared. "Here is my code:

//Main class
public class TestProject
public static void main(String[] args)
GUI mainWindow = new GUI();


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How To Access Files In Shared Folder

Apr 25, 2014

I need to access and view files/foldersand if possible i can download from shared folder from other system using java

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Second XMLEncoder Silently Dies On Shared Stream?

Jul 5, 2014

My adventures with XMLEncoder continue...

I've got a simple main routine that instantiates two structurally identical classes, and attempts to write them both out to System.out with an XMLEncoder:

package xmlencoding;
import java.beans.XMLEncoder;
public class Twice {
public String name;
public static void main(String[] args)


I expected Line 16 and Line 24 to both write some XML-formatted output, looking very similar to each other. But here's my output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.8.0_05" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
<object class="xmlencoding.Twice$C1" id="Twice$C10">
<void class="xmlencoding.Twice$C1" method="getField">

[Code] ....

Now, if I change Line 24 so that the second call to writeObject is to a different stream("23. XMLEncoder e2 = new XMLEncoder(System.err);"), I do get both outputs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.8.0_05" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
<object class="xmlencoding.Twice$C1" id="Twice$C10">
<void class="xmlencoding.Twice$C1" method="getField">


So, I am inferring that this means two XMLEncoder objects can't both hold references to the same OutputStream, even if the first object is closed before the second is created. In actual practice, I guess I can live with that, since I wouldn't write the XML-encoded version of two objects to the same stream (I'd get the header twice in the same file, and I believe that's a no-no). But I am surprised that this doesn't generate some kind of exception, either when the second XMLEncoder is constructed, or when its writeObject method is called. But, it just silently dies.

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B-Dimensional Array Shared By Project Jars

Apr 19, 2015

I have several private jars which are linked to my project and I need them to write and read values tofrom the same b-dimensional array. Actually I need a single array which in which my app and its linked jars will write to and read from it. How can I achieve that?

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Returning Multiple Variables From A Method

Nov 18, 2014

Now that I have figured out how to return a single variable from a method I am on to the next step, I need to return 2 or 3 variables from a method. I have searched the internet on how to do this to no avail (am I doing the wrong search? I do not know) but what I need to do is return a second (and eventually a third variable)

Here is what I have

private static String Engine() {
String engine = "";
int enginePrice = 0;
System.out.println("Choose a engine size:");
System.out.println("[4] cylinder");

[Code] .....

Which does not work.

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Method That Returns Positive / Negative Or Zero Depending On Sum Of Two Variables?

Dec 10, 2014

I'm taking a class in object oriented programming and we have a task to write a method that returns positive, negative or zero depending on the sum of two variables.

I've had a go at it and i've got to a certain point but i'm struggling to get past this on error - return outside method.

public class Test {
public int sumArgs;
public int arg1;
public int arg2;

[Code] ....

The error occurs on the line 'return "Positive";

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Define All Local Variables And Method Parameters As Final?

May 16, 2015

I am using findbugs and PMD as a code analyser. I am keep getting warnings to use local variables and method parameters as final.

I want to know if its a good practice to keep them final or what to do?

Sometime i have a private method which is 1 line longer. Sometime it is annoying to use final.

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Arithmetic Methods Whose Main Method Holds Two Integer Variables

Jan 15, 2015

a. Create an application named ArithmeticMethods whose main() method holds two integer variables. Assign values to the variables. In turn, pass each value to methods named displayNumberPlus10(), displayNumberPlus100(), and displayNumberPlus1000(). Create each method to perform the task its name implies.

b. Modify the ArithmeticMethods class to accept the values of the two integers from a user at the keyboard.

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Why Does String Split Method Producing Arrays With Whitespace Variables

Jan 17, 2015

I used the string split method in the following lines of code like this:

String[] numbers = out.split("[^d.]", 0);
String[] operations = out.split("[.d()]", 0);

When out is equal to the String "2x2.5", the array operations ends up looking like this when it is printed using the toString method:

[, , , x]

As you can see, before the array element x, there are three String variables which only contain whitespace. Why does this occur, and how can I prevent this from happening?

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Setting All Variables In Class To Null Or 0 To Make A New Method To Clear Everything

Mar 31, 2014

I am very Java illiterate and I need to know how would i set all the variables in the first class to null or 0 to make a new method to clear everything.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class studentMethods
private double totalScore;
private int count;

[Code] ....

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Instantiating Class With Non Static Variables From Within Static Method

Oct 28, 2014

Why I can create an Instance of a class that contains non static variables within the static main method ?

This program runs fine

import java.util.*;
public class Test{
public int j;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test1=new Test();

[Code] .....

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Pop Up To All Active Users

May 14, 2015

How can a pop up trigger from java web application to all active users to broadcast something?

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Session Creation For Users

Apr 3, 2014

I am making a Java project using Eclipse,oracle 10g and Apache tomcat.

Now my problem is that I cant create a session for the users. I have coded on jsp pages mostly.

Session creation using HttpSession through servlets or jsp

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Day Of Year With Users Input

Apr 8, 2014

I'm doing a problem where I convert users input for the date (MM/DD/YY) into a written out date and year. That part is fine. The part I'm struggling with is then indicating what day that is in that year. how to use the user inputted MONTH, DAY, and YEAR to then get the day of year.

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class ConvertDate {


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Servlets :: Module For Multiple Users

Nov 3, 2014

I have to design/develop a module in java eg. Login. This module can be accessed by multiple concurrent users say 200, 500, 800 etc.

How such type of modules can be designed in such a way that it can perform successfully.

What are the main concepts at code level / Infrastructure level which we should take care while designing such modules.

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How To Create JSP Page That Can Be Seen By Some Specific Users

Jun 6, 2014

What should i do to create a JSP page that can be visible to some specific user's.

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Servlets :: Blocking Users After Failed Logins

Jan 21, 2014

Question : What would you do block a user if he fails to login in 3 consecutive attempts ?

My Answer : I will make use of Session object, so that server could identify that all 3 requests came from the same system.

Dont know if i am right .

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Storing New Users Into Arraylist - Saving Data In Txt

Dec 4, 2014

I have created this project and want to be able to add new members to my members arraylist, store the input in a .txt file and load the new members after closing and opening the program.

[URL] .....

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Servlets :: How To Handle Request Independently For All Users

Oct 11, 2014

How is this possible? Here is the servlet page.

* Servlet implementation class InvoicingDeptServlet
public class InvoicingDeptServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
//Make arraylist global object
ArrayList<InvoiceData> invoiceList = new ArrayList<InvoiceData>();

[Code] ....

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Java EE SDK :: Any Way To Find How Many Users Are Logging On To Site

Dec 25, 2011

Is there a way to find how many users are logging on to my site at a specific time?

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Allow Users To Create JButtons To Existing Frame

Jun 2, 2013

I am trying to create a code which allows the users to create JButtons to a an existing frame.So what I want is that users can create buttons wihch opens a URL. The user need to be able to click on an Existing JButton called "Add Favorite", insert the name of the favorite and URL and the button is added with the functionality to open the URL in Internet Explorer.

I already have a beginning but have no clue how to add that functionaly to create JButton by pressing on button "Add Favorites" with the needed functionality The functionality needes to be added to Button4 ("add Favorite" ). As you can see, Button4 ("add Favorite") opens two inputShowDialog which allows the users to insert the name of the favorite and URL.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JButton.*;
import java.awt.Dimension.*;
import java.lang.RuntimeException.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Favorites extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
//private JPanel panel1 = new Jpanel ("Add Favorite");


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Storing New Users Into Arraylist - Saving Data In TXT File

Dec 4, 2014

I have created this project and want to be able to add new members to my members arraylist, store the input in a .txt file and load the new members after closing and opening the program.

[URL] ....

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Java Server Disconnects Inactive Users After 5 Minutes

May 19, 2014

I'm using this methodology for Java connection between client and server, the server allows the user to stay connected while it is sending messages, but if you stay an average time of 5 minutes without send anything it is disconnected, I need to increase that time to about 30 minutes or disable this disconnection for inactivity.

Netbeans 8.0
Windows Seven 64 Bits Ultimante

The following code:

package redes;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: Count Number Of Users Accessing Web Application

Aug 30, 2010

In our web application we are using servlets,jsp and spring technologies.Here we are also maintaining session mechanism in our application.But now i need to count number of users accessing our web application at a time. How can i implement this mechanism...

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How To Limit Users To Enter Only 12 Digit Input And Integer Value

Feb 8, 2014

I want to limit the program to only accept a 12 digit input and an integer value but I don't know how to program it,

import java.util.Scanner;
public class testing4
public static void main(String []args) {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
String input;


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