Can Transfer Other Files With Jar Using Java Web Start?

Nov 15, 2014

I made a tiny app that saves notes to a folder within the classes directory where I created the .jar file.Let's say I wanted to add this to Java Web Start. Would I be able to transfer the jar file within a folder(s) or would I have to change the program so that It creates a new folder to save texts In automatically ? Basically , can jar files be transferred with other files/folders ?

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Java Web Start - Deploy Application Including Required Folders And Files

May 30, 2014

I developed an application that is accessing some property files. The condition was that the user should be able to modify the content or parameters of those property file.How can I distribute the application using Java web start that also includes those property file in the client side?

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How To Transfer Files From FTP To SFTP Server And Reverse

May 15, 2014

I can able to transfer files from my local system to FTP server(port no:21) with " " libraries.

and also I can able to transfer files from my local system to SFTP server(port no:22) with of "com.jcraft.jsch.Channel " libraries .

But, i'm unable to transfer files from " FTP server to SFTP server " and " SFTP server to FTP server "..!

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File Transfer In Java Using Sockets

Apr 8, 2014

I have written a java code to transfer files from one server to another using the concept of socket programming. I got the codes from another java forum that meet my requirements. The program is said to transfer large sized files (like .mkv , .mprg movies) from one machine to another and can be used to transfer files of all formats. But after running the codes I found that the program is not able to transfer large sized files such as movies and even pdf of sizes 80mb or 111mb. When i transfer small sized files, it gets transferred and the output shows that. You can run the codes and observe it. But when i try to transfer large sized files, the program goes on running for hours. The large sized files are not getting transferred. The program has used bytebuffer but still this error occurs.

public class ClientMain


Note that:-

1. and are the two classes under client application.
2. and are the two classes under Server application.
3. run the and simultaneously

Also specify the source directory, destination directory and host address of the machine in which server is running in the per your computer). Here we are not specifying source file ,instead a source directory or folder is specifying.So the entire files of source directory will be transferred.

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JSF :: Transfer Value From JavaScript To Backingbean Java

Apr 30, 2014

I have a js code that finds out the timezone and then I am trying to "send" a value to a java backingbean. This code must be execute during the load of the xhtml page because in the process I use the "localTimeZone" bean.

<h:inputHidden value="#{localTimeZone.timeZoneID}" id="clientSelectedTimeZoneID"/>
<h:inputHidden value="#{localTimeZone.offset}" id="clientSelectedOffset"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var userTimeZone = userTimeZone();

[Code] ....

How is the correct way to do this in order to have the setters of backingbean called ?

JSF ver: Implementation-Version: 1.2_12-b01-FCS
RICHFACES: Implementation-Version: 3.3.3.Final

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Make Installer That Will Start Automatically As Soon As Windows Start

Oct 16, 2014

I am new to making an installer so far i have made only one and i used "install creator"

I just make a watch (clock) application and i want when the windows start its also starts automatically except if it is closed by the user

just like widows clock widget.

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File Transfer In Java Using Socket Programming

Apr 7, 2014

I have written a java code to transfer files from one server to another using the concept of socket programming. I got the codes from another java forum that meet my requirements. The program is said to transfer large sized files (like .mkv , .mprg movies) from one machine to another and can be used to transfer files of all formats. But after running the codes I found that the program is not able to transfer large sized files such as movies and even pdf of sizes 80mb or 111mb. When i transfer small sized files, it gets transferred and the output shows that. You can run the codes and observe it. But when i try to transfer large sized files, the program goes on running for hours. The large sized files are not getting transferred. The program has used bytebuffer but still this error occurs. The codes are as follows (I got them from this site [URL] ....)


public class ClientMain
private DirectoryTxr transmitter = null;
Socket clientSocket = null;

[Code] .....

1. and are the two classes under client application.
2. and are the two classes under Server application.
3. run the and simultaneously

Also specify the source directory, destination directory and host address of the machine in which server is running in the (as per your computer). Here we are not specifying source file, instead a source directory or folder is specifying. So the entire files of source directory will be transferred.

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File Transfer In Java Using Socket Programming

Apr 8, 2014

I have written a java code to transfer files from one server to another using the concept of socket programming. I got the codes from another java forum that meet my requirements. The program is said to transfer large sized files (like .mkv , .mprg movies) from one machine to another and can be used to transfer files of all formats. But after running the codes I found that the program is not able to transfer large sized files such as movies and even pdf of sizes 80mb or 111mb. When i transfer small sized files, it gets transferred and the output shows that. You can run the codes and observe it. But when i try to transfer large sized files, the program goes on running for hours. The large sized files are not getting transferred. The program has used bytebuffer but still this error occurs. The codes are as follows (I got them from this site [URL] ....)


public class ClientMain
private DirectoryTxr transmitter = null;
Socket clientSocket = null;

[Code] ....

Note that:-

1. and are the two classes under client application.
2. and are the two classes under Server application.
3. run the and simultaneously

Also specify the source directory, destination directory and host address of the machine in which server is running in the per your computer). Here we are not specifying source file ,instead a source directory or folder is specifying.So the entire files of source directory will be transferred.

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Can't Transfer Floating Number Matrix From MATLAB Bin File To Java Array

Mar 5, 2014

The problem is, the values are completely different than they are saved in MATLAB, and probably I need to shift the values after transforming them into byte arrays.My Java code which reads values of floating numbers from a MATLAB bin file as follows:

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; // may be useful?
public class floatingNumberMatrixReader {


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How To Create Java Files Into Windows Applications (Exe Files)

Oct 26, 2014

What step to know to develop software..

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Start Creating Geometric Shapes In Java?

Apr 21, 2015

I've done basic programming in java using Netbeans IDE. So I've good foundational knowledge in java programming. Now I looking forward to draw shapes in java and eventually learn to make simulations. Now I want to learn to create geometric shapes like circle triangle, rectangle etc. I don't know in which Jcomponent(s) should I set the drawing of the shapes, the codes, the libraries and classes I need to import.

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How To Get (web Logic) Server Start Up Arguments In Java

Mar 18, 2014

I'm trying to get the server start up arguments in java using System.getProperty("arg")  but it returns null value.

I set the argument value in server console----server----star tup----argument(-Darg=dev).

Other than this any configurations are required. I used weblogic 10.3.5.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Possible To Stop And Start A Listener Alternatively In Java Frames?

Dec 3, 2014

I was developed a simple GUI, in that it requires modification of jtextfield content while JComboBox item selected and vice-versa. I was used itemListener on JComboBox and Document Listener on JTextField. It was gives exception while running the code. Because one listener source effected by another one..

Exceptions are like this:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to mutate in notification
at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.writeLock(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.replace(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.setText(Unknown Source)
at ronanki.swing.pcahostsimUI$5.itemStateChanged(
at javax.swing.JComboBox.fireItemStateChanged(Unknown Source)

[Code] ......

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Input A Sentence And Print Words That Start With Vowel - Java Error On Execution

Jul 23, 2014

This is a program to input a sentence and print the words that start with a vowel.......There is no syntax error but on executing and typing the sentence and pressing enter,I get a error saying :

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
at java.lang.String.charAt(
at sentence.main(

[Code] ....

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How To Transfer The Value Of A Variable From One Class To Another

Mar 12, 2015

I am developing a program that seems to need to transfer the value of a variable from one class to another. However, neither of the classes is the main class.

This simplified code should make my problem clear:

This is my main class where I create runone from Class1 and runtwo from Class2:

public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) { 
Class1 runone = new Class1();
Class2 runtwo = new Class2(); 


This is Class1 where I set up x and give it the value 20. I also have a getter-method to be able to access the value of x from other classes.

public class Class1 {
int x = 20;
public int getX(){
return x;

This is Class2, where I try to access the value of x that was set up in runone.

public class Class2 {
int y;
public Class2() {
y = runone.getX + 10;

Unfortunately, I get the error message "runone cannot be resolved to a variable."

What do I do to be able to access the variable x (that is set up in Class1) from Class2?

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Remote File Transfer

Dec 27, 2014

I want to write a java program which would do remote file transfer without using Byte I can get sample code program??

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JSP :: Html To Page Transfer

Mar 31, 2015

i am trying to move from html to jsp in html it is simple code and in jsp there is database connection . but from html it is not going on the page of jsp. i put correct address in the form action attribute in html file.i am attaching both my files... following is my html code :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<h3>ok its running fine</h3>
<form action="/ADMIN/add_material.jsp" method="post">


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File Transfer But Cannot Load In Its Launcher

Feb 3, 2015

Okay I am having a problem I wrote some code to transfer a file from my server when requested by the client. The problem is that when the file which is requested is transferred the file cannot be open in its respected file launcher when clicked. The File launcher throws back this msg "My Issue It request the File but after the File is requested and stored on the Client Machine when I Hit the File to be Launch adobe says the file "Adobe could not open the File for it is not supported file type or because the file as been damage"

So i have two pair sets of code for original coded by me. Original code i had first Server

public class SimpleFileServer {
public final static String FILE_TO_SEND = "c:/Users/Acer/Downloads/COAFlags.pdf"; // you may change this
public static void main(String args[]) {


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How To Calculate Data Transfer Speed

Feb 25, 2014

Two machines are connected in a LAN & Sharing Files in between them.

Everything is Working Fine but now i want to calculate the Copying Speed/data transfer Speed between them.

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File Transfer Protocol Implementation

Mar 19, 2013

I have to write a code for File Transfer Protocol! It says that I only need to write code for client, but it also says that I have to run the program and send some files to server. I guess than I also need server side as well. I have to write my own classes, I cannot import some existing classes. I have to connect to the server with password and username and after that send some files to the server. I don't know anything about FTP. Can i maybe do this by Sockets and ports? I worked something with that.

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Transfer Lowercase Letters Not Convert

Aug 20, 2014

I am trying to sort out all lower case letters out of my text file into a new file. I am not very good with char values. My text file that is being read says


I just need it to write out all the lower case. The code below is what I have to read and write the file.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Lower {
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
FileWriter filw;
String fr;

[Code] .....

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How To Transfer Output Into Text Area

Sep 26, 2014

how to put the output the the text area this is the code .

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package interns;
* @author JosephP
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Get Text From Jtextfield And Transfer It Between Classes

Apr 8, 2014

Im writing a program that records the score in a dart game. One component of the program is a stage where players enter their name.This information needs to be displayed in another part of the program. These two components are in two different classes. My problem is I dont know how to get that information from one class to another.

Im using Jtextfield in Jframe to record the information.

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How To Play WMA Or MP3 Files In Java

Jan 23, 2014

I was looking at the Sound API pages in the java tutorials. I was planning to use it to run wma files. Fortunately, for me, I found, soon into the tutorials, that these API DON'T support the type I have all of my files in (I have a ton of wma files but none of the libraries mentioned support them.)

I almost thought I heard JavaFx or whatever it's called does, but that sounds foreign and Netbeans lists it as a separate type of java in a way, so I don't know if it would be cross-platform or if it could work with the JavaSE API.) Nor do I know what JavaSX or whatever it's called is really, other than that it's more for internet than application.

If I wanted a JPanel or Applet acting as the content pane of a JFrame or being in a JFrame, could I use JavaFX (or whatever it's called) or some third party library (that I always tend to end up spending hours on trying to get it to find the jar files when I import them, so I hope I don't need too many jar files!!!! ) would it work with the JavaSE API?

I don't know much about Java and playing sounds (other than that there is a static method, I think under Toolkit, that will play a system beep) with programs.

However, I can see that that packages don't support certain types (so much for cross-platform!!!!!!! ) and also that a while back that Oracle took over and that they aren't really updating the Java Sound APIs really that much at all

So, without having to learn a whole new Java set of standards (assuming JavaFX or whatever it's called is a different set of standards from JavaSE), is there a way to play .wma?

That's all I seem to have on my computer.

(I suppose I could create new sounds, though if Oracle isn't updating the library, who knows if even that works anymore, but if you're trying to run a Java Media Player that runs lots of DIFFERENT sound file types, this seems a real setback. )

I heard you could convert them to MP3s (I heard there were free things that did it, but who knows if the things aren't filled with viruses that'll do it or, even if they're not, that they'll really mess up the quality of the sound and that I might lose the old .wma file in the process even if it doesn't corrupt the sound.)

But, even if I get a .mp3, I heard the main JavaSE libraries DON'T cover that either, though it was said it was easier to make it run them than .wma files.

MediaPlayer and the main JavaSE classes don't seem to be able to fit for this type of program (a java media player) that I was planning. Heck, they can't even play any music I have on my computer at all, media player or not.

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Transferring JAVA Files

Aug 8, 2014

I have made a program on BlueJ but need to transfer the class to a pen drive so that I can take it to school and show it to my teacher. How is this done

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Renaming Files With Java

Mar 31, 2014

I have a batch of files that I want to remove a common word from all of their filenames. I think I could bash my way through this if I had a linux machine, but I don't. Any tips on what classes I need for the files I want to rename (if any) would be great. I can handle the string changes, but searching a directory and renaming files is something I've never done with code before.

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