Change JTable Default Enter Key Behavior

May 21, 2015

I have a JTable that is being used to display, and edit data from a database. When the user presses the Enter key on the keyboard I want a carriage return to occur in the cell they are typing in. I do not want the cursor to go to the next row which is the default behavior.

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Change Default Program For Extension

Jan 22, 2015

I want to programmatically change the default program which an extension is opened in. So .resantic extensions for example to run in my jar file when I double-click on it. I know i need a bat file or exe file because i can't directly run the jar file. But i was wondering if its possible to run it if its an executable jar file. Else i can just make a bat file that runs my program. Also how can i on double click send the path to the file that was clicked in the args[] array so i can open the actual file aswell instead of just opening the program?

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Change Default JRE Browser Uses To Open Applets

Mar 4, 2014

I have Java 6 and Java 7 installed, if i open an applet in any browser it uses the dll's and from the jre7 folder. I would like it to use the jre6 folder, without uninstalling java7. I tried doing this through the java control panel by adding jre6, checking it as enabled and checking off jre7. It didn't make any diffrence.

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Array Doesn't Change From Default Entries

Dec 7, 2014

I have a 2d array that i am manipulating. In my class i have a constructor that takes the dimensions of the array and within th econstructor i need to randomly fill the array. However, when i try to manipulate it in the test program, all that prints out are the default values.

here is the class

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
class SummerStats

[Code] .....

And here is the printout

Enter number of rows(people):
Enter number of columns(years):
Enter number of person to find sum salary:
Enter year to find Max salary of that year:
The max salary is at index: (0, 0, )
The largest salary ocurred in year: 0
The sum of person 1 is: 0.0
The total of all salaries is: $0.0
The max salary in year 1 is: 0.0
The average salaries for each year:
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,

The total salary for each person is recorded below.

And the last method called doesn't finish or printout ie the program doesnt end

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Enterprise JavaBeans :: Change Default Context Of EAR File

Mar 19, 2013

I'm deploying an EAR file on weblogic 10.3.4. The EAR file contains a war file and a jar file that implements web services using EJBs.

The application deploys and is functioning correctly. The application is available from the following URLs:

web application: [URL] ....
web services: [URL] ....

However, I would like configure the deployment to insert the "app1" string into the URL so the application is available like this:

web application: [URL] ....
web services: [URL] ....

I've been looking at some of the configuration options in deployment plans, but can't seem to get anything working.

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Edit Data Of JTable Using Default Double Editors

Feb 5, 2015

As shown in the SS I show the data of the batch from the db.Now I want to edit the data of the jtable using the default Double editors and also show the data using a Date renderer in dd/MM/yyyy format.The problem is when the data is loaded from the db,I am not knowing how to implement and set the editors to double and date.I am new in java.The code of the above is shown as follows.

Java Code:
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package Billing;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;


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Adding Empty Row To JTable After Pressing Enter

May 26, 2014

This is what i've done so far.

table.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
model.addRow(new Object[]{"", "","",""}); } }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { }
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } } );

I've added JTable to JPanel and used DefaultTableModel. I have to add a new empty Row to table after i press enter key. But somehow I've not been successful so far.

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Editing Jtable After Item Change Using Jcombobox Is Not Working?

Jan 23, 2015

I'm making a project about school management system , i have a jframe to set marks and inside the jframe i have a jtable which is connected to sql database , in the jframe I have a JCombobox with 6 different subjects and in my database i have created 6 tables for the subjects and if any of the subjects are clicked then the jTable will connect to database and change the table to that subject , after it is changed if you double click on any row and insert a value then it will automatically update the table in the database , but my problem is that if I select the first option from the jcombox which is English and edit the values then it works fine , but if I select any other option e.g Math or Science , then I try to edit the table then it edits the English table , I commented the English option in the code to see what happens and I saw that it edits only the first option and if you try to change the subjects and edit than it edits the first subject in the combobox , so how can I solve this ?


import java.awt.EventQueue;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.Font;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JTable;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Change Color Of Column Header When Cell Is Clicked In JTable

Jan 20, 2015

I'm working on a spreadsheet-like table and I was able to set it so that it would highlight the first cell in the relevant row(titled 1,2,3.. etc) when a cell is clicked. (Just like in MS Excel - preview attached) Now I want to do the same to the column header(i.e. A,B,C,D....etc) . How can I do it?

private void formWindowOpened(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
int rowNum = sheet.getRowCount();
for(int i=0; i<rowNum; i++){
sheet.setValueAt(i+1, i, 0);

[Code] .....


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Java Need To Enter 5 Grades And Can Only Enter 1 For Grade Conversion

Sep 13, 2014

How to improve my code. I finally was able to create a program that gives you the corresponding letter grade, when you enter in a numeric grade without using an array. The only issue left is that I have to be able to enter 5 grades at a time, and it give me the letter grade for all 5. I have the programming working, but only am able to enter 1 at a time. I am not sure what kind of loop or if I am supposed to use a loop.

public static void main(String[] args){
int grade = 0;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter : ");
grade = input.nextInt();
if (grade >= 90)

[Code] .....

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Toggling Function Behavior Over Time

Jan 6, 2015

I have two classes LightController & Circle. I am trying to create a method to do the following.

1.Grows the diameter of the circle referenced by the receiver's instance variable light, to the argument size.

2. The diameter is incremented in steps of 2, the xPos and yPos are decremented in steps of 1 until the diameter reaches the value given by size.

3. Between each step there is a random colour change. The message delay(anInt) is used to slow down tthe graphical interface, as required.

How can I write the method to do this? I have been fiddling around for ages and just had no luck.

The method is called public void grow(int size) and is in the Light Controller class.

Both classes can be seen below.

import ou.*;
import java.util.*;
* Class LightController
* This class uses the Circle class, and the Shapes window to simulate a disco light, that grows and shrinks and changes colour.

public class LightController {
/* instance variables */
private Circle light; // simulates a circular disco light in the Shapes window
private Random randomNumberGenerator;

[Code] ....

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Toggling Function Behavior Over Time

Jan 8, 2015

I have two classes LightController & Circle. I am trying to create a method to do the following.

1. Increase the size of the circle by increments of 2 as created in grow()
2. Once it has reached the size specified to then reduce in size in crements of 2 as created in shrink()

I have got the method to increase the size but once it reaches the specified size it then does not shrink.The method is called public void lightCycle(int sizeIncrease) and is in the Light Controller class.Both classes can be seen below.

import ou.*;
import java.util.*;
* Class LightController
* This class uses the Circle class, and the Shapes window
* to simulate a disco light, that grows and shrinks and
* changes colour.


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Servlets :: Filter Behavior When Exception Is Thrown

Apr 21, 2014

I just wanna confirm that when a certain processing throws an exception even when said exception happens inside doFilter, any servlet container will never proceed to the next filter right?

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Find User Behavior Profile Using One Class SVM In Java

Feb 16, 2014

I'm new to machine learning approach. I want to find user behavior profile using one class SVM in java. I d't know how to do it. Finally, we need to provide privacy to each user and their data.


1. Collect the behavior profile for each user.
2. Apply one class SVM.

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Altering Parent Method Behavior By Overriding Method It Calls

Apr 21, 2014

I have two classes (Daughter and Son) that contain some very similar method definitions:

public class Family {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Daughter d = new Daughter();
Son s = new Son();

[Code] .....

Each of those classes has a "speak" method with two out of three lines being identical. I could move those into a parent class, but I need each of the child classes to continue to exhibit its unique behavior. I'm trying the approach below, which replaces the unique code with a call to a "placeholder" method that must be implemented by each child class:

public class Family {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Daughter d = new Daughter();
Son s = new Son();

[Code] .....

This works and moves the shared code from two places (the Daughter and Son classes) into one place (the new Mother class, which is now a parent class of Daughter and Son). Something about this feels a bit odd to me, though. It's one thing for a child class to override a parent class's methods to extend or alter their behavior. But, here, I've implemented an abstract method in the parent class to alter what happens when the parent class's method (speak(), in this case) is called, without overriding that parent class method itself.

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No Default Constructor

Nov 2, 2014

The LocalStudent class inherits the Student class. The IDE states an error of "no default constructor in Student class".I understand that if a LocalStudent object is created, the default constructor of its superclass (aka Student class) will be called implicitly.there is no LocalStudent object being created, so why is the default constructor of Student being called ?

The default constructor of LocalStudent is also overloaded by the created no-arg constructor containining subjects = null; . So there is no call to the superclass default constructor from the default constructor of LocalStudent.

public class Student {
private char year1;
public Student(String name, char year){
year1 = year;
public char getYear(){
return year1;


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Difference Between Protected Or Default

Mar 28, 2015

I am new in java. Is there any difference between protected or default when we are talking about one package?

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How To Put Default Int / Float For JTextField

Feb 4, 2014

Will I'm tying in my code to set a default number for the JTextField that when the user decide not to put any numbers. Like let say that I want the textfield set to 0 , so then the user do not file it it won't make any problem to the program because its already has a default number.

if (stringGQ != null && stringGW != null && stringGP != null){
 stringGQ = gMQ.getText();
stringGW = gMW.getText();
stringGP = gMP.getText(); 
weightPrice_1M = Double.parseDouble(stringGW) * Double.parseDouble(stringGP);

[Code] .....

Note: This is a small part of my code. when I leave it empty it take the 0 as a value, However, when I write in text field it also take the value of a 0 and the finalTotal is also = to 0.what I'm doing wrong.

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Default Literal For Boolean

Mar 31, 2014

what is default literal for Boolean data type?

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ArrayList - Default Size As 10

Oct 8, 2014

ArrayList l = new ArrayList();

When I running the above code in eclipse the console show me the result as "0". So how to rectify this code to find default size as 10.

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Default Method In Interface

Feb 7, 2014

interface I1{
void show();
void display();
default void put(){
System.out.println("I am from interface I1");

[Code] ....

This code is not working..

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Default Access Modifier

Mar 21, 2014

class Course
String courseName;
class Entry
public static void main(String[] args)
Course c = new Course();

I have defined these two classes under same java project in Eclipse IDE with no package. Above two class are having default classes. class Course is also having a instance variable courseName with default access. So when we try to compile the Entry class it will give the errors while accessing the instance variable courseName on Line 6 and 7. As both the classes are having default access modifier. class Course is not visible to class Entry, then why we do not get any compilation error while creating the object of class Course on line 5?

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If Interface Can Be Default Then Why Not Protected?

Mar 9, 2014

I was just wondering.. my understanding from everywhere I have read is interface cannot be private or protected (not at the top level) but when we declare an interface without any modifier it is default.

We know default modifier has more restricted access than protected.. public > protected > default > private

Now since an interface can be public and default then why not protected as clearly if they were allowed to be protected they could be implemented by a subclass..?

While typing this question I figured how would an interface know which is it's subclass? that is why Java allows only public i.e. any class can implement it or default i.e. any class within the package can implement.. am I right?

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Initialization And Default Values

Mar 20, 2015

I have a question related to q44 of Examlab.

public static void main(String... args) {
String i;
// String i = null; that would compile
if (i == null) {// this line does not compile as i was not initialized
} else {
i = "A";
main("A", "B");

Why does the above code not compile although the statement String i should lead to an initialisation of i to the value of null which is the default value for Strings.

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Default Initialization To Appropriate Value By Compiler

Feb 20, 2014

I remember reading Instance variables & local variables (in methods) are initialized to appropriate value by the compiler.

Is this true for static class variables and variables in nested classes ?

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Printing Default Value Of Int - When Is Variable Initialized

Nov 12, 2014

In the following code the print method prints the default value of int(zero) for the first time even when the variable i has been assigned a value of 4. Why?

class A1{
System.out.println("Inside constructor of A1()");
void print()

[Code] ....

Inside constructor of A1()
Inside constructor of B1()

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