Checkerboard Using 2D Arrays And Object Oriented Programming In BlueJ

Apr 23, 2014


*initiating theGrid[][]*
public Zhang()
con.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
for (int xDimension = 0; xDimension<theGrid.length; xDimension++)

[Code] ....

All I'm getting as a blank screen and I've searched for what to put into object oriented code to make the image show up how to program using 2d arrays. I don't get any error messages (which is good I suppose) but how to make the image show up because I have stuff under the graphics and draw methods, did I do something wrong where initializing the array?

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Import From File Using Object Oriented Programming

Apr 12, 2013

How to import data from a file using Object Oriented Programing? I know how to write OOP Java and I know how to read data from a file in Procedural Java but would like to know more about how to do it OOP. Is it the same as reading data process as in Procedural programming?

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Creating Object Oriented TBG

Jun 9, 2014

I'm really new to object oriented coding. A good way to create a Text Based Game that used objects as rooms, and items. However, I can't figure out what the best way to define and use rooms and items would be. I've been at it for the past few days, and just can't think of something that works well and is easy to use.

I want to have each room have it's own "inventory" of items that the player can pickup, as well as drop items into. I want items that are dropped to maintain their properties (durability, level, ect). I would also need several methods for things like getting an item from a room by the item's display name or id. For instance, if there is a room with a Broken Iron Sword, and a Stone Dagger, I'd need to be able to get the Broken Iron Sword object with the string "Broken Iron Sword".

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Object Oriented Sentinel Program Won't Work

Nov 28, 2014

I am working on this object oriented sentinel problem but when i am running it, its showing error.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class example1 {
private String gasmilage;
public example1(String milage){


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Object Of Arrays - Find Max / Min

Feb 19, 2015

I have created an object of arrays, and i need to find the max value...

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2D-dimensional Arrays Of Object Types

Dec 8, 2014

I need to write a class that represents and image of RGB pixels. This class uses a two-dimensional array of object type that represents R,G and B values.

When I compile the class it completes successfully. However, when I try running a "tester" class , I'm encountering errors in a few methods. I've been trying it out for 2 days now, but unsuccessfully thus far..Those method are : rotating the image by 90 degrees clockwise (and vice versa , but I just use clockwise method 3 times for that) , shifting the image sideways, and shifting the image up/down..

I've attached the whole source code for the class , and the list of errors I get when I try to run my tester. URL...

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Finishing / Creating Checkerboard Program

Sep 9, 2014

I have my CheckerboardViewer done, my component is what I need finishing. My final product needs to be a checkerboard with alternating red and grey squares but the background is already grey. My code for the Viewer is:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class CheckerBoardViewer
public static void main(String[] args)
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setSize(300, 400);
CheckerBoardComponent component = new CheckerBoardComponent();

And this is what I have of the Component:

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;


I've created one square so far, but I'm having trouble creating the code for at least the second square.

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Display Checkerboard Pattern On Applet

Apr 27, 2014

Here is a program that is suppose to display a checkerboard on an applet as shown below but it is not.

23.7 (Draw a Checkerboard Pattern) Write an applet that draws a checkerboard pattern as follows:

* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *


import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
public class Exercise23_7 extends JApplet
// method paint to paint a checker board pattern
public void paint( Graphics g )

[Code] .....

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CheckerBoard Won't Appear - Creating A Game In Java

Mar 8, 2015

Anyway I am creating a game for my A2 coursework, most commonly known as Checkers. I have completed my code and everything works as I had planned except that the CheckerBoard itself as well as the checkerpieces do not appear to be showing.

The section of were my board should be present is just a black space. Although my board does not appear to be displaying, all of the actions I perform on it such as clicking certain section produces the planned response, and although I've checked through my code I cannot work out what I've done wrong.

CheckerBoard content = new CheckerBoard(); // Sets the CheckerBoard values into the content to be used in the next line
application.setContentPane(content); // Container holds the values together, Content pane of the CheckerBoard
application.pack(); // Use preferred size of content to set size of application.
Dimension screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
application.setLocation( (screensize.width - application.getWidth())/2,
(screensize.height - application.getHeight())/2 );

[Code] ....

I have noticed is that within the BoardComplete(), if you change the setBackground(Color.BLACK) to WHITE, it will change the colour of the section to white, but the checkboard is still unshown.

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Timestamps And Time Zones (DB2 Oriented But May Apply To Other Databases As Well)

Dec 15, 2014

If you store a Timestamp in a database (in my case, I'm looking at DB2), doesn't something on the back end convert it to UTC?  And then when you read it back out, it gets converted to the local time zone?  How does this happen?
Lets say you are using a computer in one time zone, but the database is running on a server in another time zone.  What conversions take place upon storage and then retrieval?
And here is where it gets a little more Java specific. Using a PreparedStatement or a ResultSet, you can change the time zone when setting and retrieving a Timestamp.
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
ps.setTimestamp(2, timestamp, calendar);
And you can read it out from a ResultSet in a similar fashion.
However, isn't using such methods technically wrong?  If the database is trying to store your instant in time accurately, doesn't specifying a Calendar other than the one in your local time zone cause the database to actually store an incorrect instant in time?
So I need to read Timestamps from a database, and I've been told they are stored as GMT.  This has caused me great confusion.  I think what I need to do is just read it out from the result set using a Calendar set for GMT timezone. 

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Create A Checkerboard Pattern With 2 Nested For Loops?

Feb 12, 2015

Im trying to create a checkerboard pattern with 2 nested for loops . I need to output asterisk characters. Im supposed o use an n int so I dont know if im limited to that 1 int. Im only getting 1 line of asterisk.

* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
package checkerboard;
public class Checkerboard {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int row = 1; row < 6; row++){
System.out.print("* ");
for (int col = 6; col < col; col++) {


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Making Custom Checkerboard With Nested Loop

Feb 7, 2014

I'm trying to make a custom checkboard with given user input, in the form of (# of rows, # of columns, size of each square, filler character).

So the input 2 3 5 * would look like


I've made my loop, but I am unable to get more then a 1 1 1 checkerboard properly. I am stuck on how to divide the filler characters to make the proper square size. As of now they are all one lined.

import java.util.*;
 public class Checker{
 public static void main(String[] args) {
int col, row, size; char filler;
System.out.println("Please enter 3 numbers and a character."); //output

[Code] ..........

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Stripes / Checkerboard And Double Diagonal (Asterisk Patterns)

Oct 2, 2014

I need to make a program that does stripes, checkerboard, and double diagonal. I can not get the stripes to work?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class AsciiArt {
public static void main(String[] args){
int pattern;
Scanner input=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Choose one of the following patterns by pressing the corresponding number");
System.out.println("1) Stripes");

[Code] ....

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How To Add Javadocs For BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am new to BlueJ. I have to add Javadocs every time I finish the program, but I see a folder named "doc" .

What's that folder ? Is it Javadocs?

I see :ToolsProject Documentation => regenerate??

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: BorderLayout - Adding Multiple Video Game Oriented Objects Such As Sprites To JFrame?

May 24, 2014

I decided to write a small Java program to experiment around with BorderLayout, because I'm developing a Java game and I need to have 2 objects placed in a single JFrame at the same time, and everyone I asked said I need BorderLayout to do that.Before you answer: Also, is using BorderLayout the best option for adding multiple video game oriented objects such a sprites to a JFrame?

So the Java program I wrote is supposed to place a JButton on the JFrame and ALSO place a graphic component (a rectangle in this case). The problem is, only the button shows up, as can be seen in the image link below: URL....

Here is the code:

**** --> The main method class + JFrame/JPanel/JButton constructor
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class main {


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Calculating Factorials Using BlueJ

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to calculate factorials using BlueJ. All of my factorials calculate correctly, I am just having an issue with something the instructor asked of us. She asked us to force the loop to stop when the user inputs "Calculate the factorial of 0", and not give any print.

So far I have my for loop with the correct conditions, I am just really confused as to how to make an if statement to stop the code when the input is 0.

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Build A Calendar In BlueJ

May 25, 2014

i have a problem, i need build a calender in BlueJ. The program need to found if I put this one year have to give me the full schedule but only the first semester.

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BlueJ Error Code

Apr 6, 2014

the system I am using is blue jay and java. my problem is that I have this error message pop up whenever I try to compile any of my 6 classes. Three of the classes are cities, 3 others are shops, and the final one is a inventory called Player. The following is the error code that appears when I try to compile class THshopB or class CityB.

method run in class CityB cannot be applied to given types;required: Player; found: no arguments; reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

A similar error occurs for the rest of my City and THshop classes,except it replaces the class CityB with CityA and occurs in class THshopA, replaces CityB with CityC when occurring in class THshopC.The public methods of CityB and THshopB are shown below, as I believe that something is wrong with the public method of one or the other. I have the code [;}] inside of class THshopB, and run is the part that gets the red highlight error described above.THshopB public method

[ public static void shop(Player inventory){;}]
CityB public method
[ public static void run(Player inventory){;]

All of my THshop classes are written in the same format, and all of my City classes are written in the same format,

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BlueJ (double Input)

Jun 21, 2014

I typed the following program using BlueJ

import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Main {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Scanner read = new Scanner (;
out.print ("> ");
double num = read.nextDouble();
out.println (num);

When I compile the code it gives me no errors; however when I run the program and write a floating point number it gives me the following message:

java.util.InputMismatchException: null (in java.util.Scanner)

I used to use an online compiler and the nextDouble() method worked perfectly there.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Run Multiple Frames In BlueJ

May 27, 2014

I've been doing a course with a heavy focus on applets and AWT using BlueJ. I've branched out and learn to convert my applets to applications. I can successfully use frames to do similar things to applets (in BlueJ's applet viewer) but I can not seem to run more than application at a time (unlike applets where I could run several at the same time).

Below is a simple Hello World program I wrote. When I re-run main() it closes the original and starts again. (I'm aiming to explore the* libraries and for testing would like to use more than one frame at a time which can communicate to each over via sockets).

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class HelloWorld extends Frame implements WindowListener {
public static void main (String[] args) {
HelloWorld app = new HelloWorld();


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BlueJ - Creating New Variable From Within A Method

Mar 29, 2014

I am using blueJ as my java editor.

If I have a method that creates a new variable (the name of which is a string argument for the method). Can I get that variable to appear in the workspace in the variables pane?

So instead of just using return to output the variable how do I get in that variables pane?

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Mirror Image In BlueJ (Java)

Sep 18, 2014

I have to mirror an image in BlueJay (java)

I have the following code, but it is missing a little bit. My instructor gave me a hint. He said that i have to use the setValue() and getValue() methods, but i'm still confused..

This code only return a black image with the same compositions as the image I want to mirror.

public Image mirror()
Image mirrorImage;
mirrorImage = new Image(foto.getWidth(), foto.getHeight(), "spejling");  
for(int i = 0; i < foto.getWidth(); i++)

[Code] ....

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BlueJ - Generating Multicoloured Brick Wall

Nov 5, 2014

I'm trying to generate a multicoloured brick wall as part of an assignment using BlueJ.

According to the instructions we've been given, once the wall is set up and we invoke the draw() method, if we invoke the toggleMultiColoured method the bricks will go from being all read to a mix of 6 different colours...

...When I invoke the toggleMultiColoured method, however, the wall I generate is still red.

Here's the source code for the BrickWall class I wrote:

Java Code:

public class BrickWall
private int bWidth;
private int bHeight;
private int numRows;
private int rowLength;
private ArrayList<String> colors;
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bricks;

[Code] .....

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What Is The Difference Between Regular Arrays And Multi Dimensional Arrays

Jun 28, 2014

I mainly would like to know is a int[4][4] or a int [4*4] is more efficient to use. Which takes more storage? Which requires more to process? that kind of stuff.

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How To Cut IDE Out Of Programming

Nov 17, 2014

I'm just trying to learn how to cut the IDE out of my programming.I've added C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_55in to the environment variables (path), am navigating to the src folder where my java class exists in cmd prompt, and then typing "javac", but its complaining that it can't find the file.

Is the problem something to do with the relative address of the compiler to the file it needs to run? Just a stab in the dark on my part. Or do I have to add the JRE path as well as the compiler?

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Swing GUI Programming

Jan 6, 2014

I find myself asking these two questions because I see them as relating. First question is; I always write

Java Code: f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
(where f is a JFrame object)

to set the close for the JFrame. What I don't get about this is what is going on in the parenthesis. I looked in the Java Documentation, and it says an int goes inside. In that case, I don't really get what the word JFrame is doing there. Overall, please explain what is inside the parenthesis of that line and why it has to be there.The second question is a generic question. I notice a lot of times an object will be created, and as its parameter, you will have to instantiate an object. an example would be

Java Code: Class f = new Class(new Object) mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

What does it mean when an object gets created inside of a new object? Why is putting Java Code: new Object mh_sh_highlight_all('java');
ever necessary when concerning the two parenthesis?

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