Code Doesn't Execute Certain Section Of Program?

Feb 14, 2015

I am having an issue where the code does something very strange when run. Everything seems to be ok in the code but I don't know what is wrong as no error is given.

Here is the code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Pizza {
private static int pizzaSmall = 10;
private static int pizzaMedium = 12;
private static int pizzaLarge = 14;
private static int costPerTopping = 2;
/**@return The total cost of the pizza when given the pizza size and the toppings.*/

[Code] ....

And here is the console output:

Please enter the number of Cheese toppings that you would like: 1
Please enter the number of Pepperoni toppings that you would like: 1
Please enter the number of Ham toppings that you would like: 1
Please enter Small for a Small Pizza, Medium for a Meddium Pizza, and Large for a Large Pizza:
The number of Cheese toppings is 1.
The number of Pepperoni toppings is 1.
The number of Ham toppings is 1.

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JSP :: Execute Code After Every 10 Seconds

Feb 25, 2014

I want to execute my jsp code to compare two dates after every 10 seconds if user enter date and current sys date are equal it will send the mail to the user automatically. Below is my jsp code

this if condition i want to check the date after every 10 seconds and when two dates are equal it will send the mail using below mail code

if(ExpcReDt.compareTo(dateStr)>0) {
out.println("Expected return date is greater than current date");
else if(ExpcReDt.compareTo(dateStr)==0)


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Unable To Execute The Mail Code

Mar 6, 2014

I am unable to run this java mail code, whats the error!!

public class Class1 {
final String senderEmailID = "";
final String senderPassword = "password";
final String emailSMTPserver = "";
final String emailServerPort = "465";
String receiverEmailID = null;

[Code] ...

I get an error as this

javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 465, response: -1
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(

[Code] ....

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JVM Not Execute The Code Without Storing In Memory?

Jun 5, 2014

Any article where it mentions about when the class is loaded into memory?Does it happen before the server starts?

Also does the class needed to be loaded into memory? Can the JVM not just execute the code without storing in memory?

I searched in google. Could not get anything concrete.

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Cannot Execute Java Code From Command Line In Notepad++

Jan 2, 2015

I have the program written correctly, but it won't execute.

public class Welcome {
public static void main(String[] args){
//Display message Welcome to Java! on the console
System.out.println("Welcome to Java");

I compiled the code as written below with "javac Welcome", and use the "Class" name "Welcome"

The file path is: C:Java Programs

Java Welcome

Below is the result of the above commands

javac Welcome

Create Process() failed with error code 2:

The system cannot find the file specified.

java Welcome

Process started >>>

Error: Could not find or load main class Welcome

<<< Process finished. (Exit code 1)

I am coding in notepad++

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Using Text Edit On Mac And Using Terminal To Execute Java Code

Aug 7, 2014

So when writing my first "Hello World" app everything seemed to work just fine. I wrote the code, compiled it, and then ran the class file and it worked, I got the return Hello World! But when I tried to write another app which is basically the exact same thing just a different sentence, I keep getting a bunch of error codes saying illegal character. I did everything the exact same. I am using Text Edit on a Mac and using Terminal to execute the Java code.

Here is what I wrote....

public class MyFirstApp
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println(“i rule the world!”);


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How To Grant JAAS Permission To Execute Native Code Using JNI

Mar 13, 2015

I am running my Java code with SecurityManager enabled. The code must load a DLL and invoke methods written in C using JNI. Is there a documentation available describing the permissions needed for native code?

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Java Code Compiles But Doesn't Run

Mar 29, 2014

In fact, I'm not yet past that "Hello World" program.I'm following the steps in "Head First: Java" book, and reached that point where one is ready to write his/her 1st Java code. Here's mine:

public class MyFirstApp
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println("I Rule!");
System.out.println("The World!");


As simple as it should be, and compiles fine producing the correspondent class. But it doesn't run, however, and spits the following execution-time errors:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: MyFirstApp : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(


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Doesn't Rename File Even Though It Hits Code

Oct 21, 2014

I have two files - I can get the second one to populate with the first ones data and then delete the first one. I cannot get it to then rename itself to the name of the first file. It also only hits the 'rename' section of the code providing I place system.gc in otherwise it completely skips it.

the code I use is below:

Java Code:

try {

// mp br.close();
//mp System.gc();


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JSP :: Doesn't Display Message See Code Spring Mvc

May 10, 2014

in my ui i will i will select enabled or disabled then it will go in controller , i already debug it and it goes on the right controller based on what i select on ui my problem is when i select disabled it dont display the message but when i select enabled it displays the message, then i check the databases status is change based on what i select but when i change into disabled doesnt display any message.if select enabled will go in controller then change status into true then update the status then will see the message in ui

@RequestMapping(value = "/viewEnabled/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView viewEnabled(
@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
ModelAndView mvc = new ModelAndView();
Supplier supplier = supplierService.retrieveSupplier(id);
mvc.addObject("showEnabled", true);
mvc.addObject("supplier", supplier);


The main functionality of enabled /disabled is both working it just dont display the message if i change it into disabled,.

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Program Compiled But Not Able To Execute

Apr 23, 2014

I am able to compile the below program but not able to execute.

public class String {
public static void main(String[] agrs){
System.out.println("Hello String");

Output Error:

Class String does not have a main method

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Code That Works On Fiddle But Doesn't Work On Local

Oct 9, 2014

I have this code: [URL] .... It works on fiddle but on local it does not work. What should be the problem?


$('#addnewline').on('click', function (e) {
var $textarea = $('#thetext');
$textarea.val(function () {
return $(this).val().substring(0, this.selectionstart) + "<br>" + $(this).val().substring(this.selectionstart);
<button id="addnewline">New line</button>
<br />
<textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="thetext">Some text

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Java Program To Execute External Application

Oct 9, 2014

I want to create a java program to find the applications running in my computer. And then I want to select a particular application called 'Harvest Client.exec'. Bring the application to front. And Then find a textbox in it and paste the things from clipboard.

I am not sure how to do this. I started by using some Runtime methods. But I am not getting anywhere.

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Private Static Void Print Section

Dec 10, 2014

I have problems with private static void print section, something is missing? And in case 4, I want it to stop the program(end the loop) but it keeps going.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Dogregister16 {
public static ArrayList<Dog> dogregister = new ArrayList();
private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

case 4:
System.out.println("Exit program");

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Program Doesn't Close Through JDialog Box

Mar 30, 2014

I have a practice exercise here wherein I will add a JOptionPane to a program. When the close button is clicked, the JOptionPane will appear asking the user to exit the program. If the user clicks "Yes," it'll, of course, close the entire program and not just the JOptionPane, but if the user clicks "No," it will return to the program. Please refer to my code below:

output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("ProjSixExe4.dat"));
catch(IOException ex) {
this.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING))
final JOptionPane optionpane = new JOptionPane("Are you sure you want to quit
this program?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

The exercise said it must be placed before the EXIT_ON_CLOSE portion.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Program Doesn't Close Though WindowClosing Event Called

Mar 25, 2014

I use the right term, release resources because after clicking the close button, the DOS prompts becomes unresponsive. So I have to close the DOS prompt, then reopen it, then type in the path again for the Java folders. Can you check where did I go wrong with my code? Is my placement of the WindowListener and WindowAdapter incorrect? Please refer to my code below:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Proj6exe1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
DataOutputStream dataLabas;
JTextField rainFallField;
JButton submit;
String strRainFall;
JPanel proj6Panel;


I have other programs where the placement of the WindowListener and WindowAdapter are as exactly like this (within the class constructor block) where they close correctly and some that behave like this, that renders the DOS prompt unresponsive.

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Difference In Variable Assignment Between Constructor And Variable Section

May 21, 2014

Given the case I have an object which is assigned only once. What is the difference in doing:

public class MyClass {
private MyObj obj = new MyObj("Hello world");

private MyClass(){}


public class MyClass {
private MyObj obj;
private MyClass(){
obj = new MyObj("Hello world");

Is there a difference in performance or usability? (Given also the case there are no static calls expected) ....

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Program Exited With Code 0

Jul 21, 2014

What's wrong with the following program?

Java Code:

public class testRuntime{
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I learned that executing mpstat returns information on the CPU.

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How To Input Exit Code Into Program

Mar 12, 2014

I just want to know how I can get my program to end when the user inputs "0." By using: System.exit(0);

import java.util.Scanner;  
public class TestCode
public static void main (String [ ]args ) {
Scanner console =new Scanner(;
System.out.println("To exit program input 0");
for (int y = 1; y < 11; y++ ){ // Executes output 10 times

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Program That Has Weighted Average Code

Sep 28, 2014

I am doing a program that has a weighted average calculation and everything compiles and runs. It is just that my weighted average seems to be calculating incorrectly.This is the type of output I should see:

Number of assignments? 3
Assignment 1 score and max? 14 15
Assignment 2 score and max? 16 20
Assignment 3 score and max? 19 25
Sections attended? 4
Total points = 65 / 80
Weighted score = 40.63
Exam 1:
Score? 81
Curve? 0
Total points = 81 / 100
Weighted score = 16.2
Exam 2:
Score? 95
Curve? 10
Total points = 100 / 100
Weighted score = 30.0
Course grade = 86.83

Below is my code and I think even after getting up this morning and looking at it, I have an error in the calculations, but I can;t pinpoint it.This program is supposed to receive input from user, and calculated the grades of a student with a weighted average
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Grades{
private double weightExam;
private double score;
private double curveAmount;
private double scoreTotal;


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Code A Program To Simulate Rolling Of 2 Dice

Jul 1, 2014

my assignment is to code a program to simulate the rolling of 2 dice. I have most of it set but when I run it and have it print out how many times each number (2-12) was rolled, it displays the numbers 1 off. for instance it will display the number of 4s rolled next to the 5s.

here it is

import java.util.Scanner; //allows info to be inputted//
import java.util.Random; //opens random number generator//
public class RollTheDiceWithArray13
public static void main(String[] args)


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Code Up With A Loop That Prompt User To Say If Program Should Run Again

Sep 10, 2014

I am still relatively new to java and am working on a lab program. I have already met the requirements and am trying to spice my code up with a loop that prompts the user to say if the program should run again. This is what I have so far:

package lab2;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class OrderedPairTest{
public static void main(String[] args){
boolean retry = true;
while(retry == true){


However, it is giving me an error after the user inputs "y" in for the answer to run again. What did I do wrong?

Error code is: Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found at java.util.Scanner.nextLine(Unknown Source) at lab2.OrderedPairTest.main(

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Pythagorean Theorem Program - Code Isn't Working When Written In OOP Style

Feb 11, 2014

I'm attempting to make a simple Pythagorean Theorem program (A squared + B squared = C squared) but am running into problems when I write it as object oriented. The darn thing works when written as a simple process, but that isn't Java now is it? Here's the simple:

public class PythagoreanTheorem extends ConsoleProgram {
public void run() {
println ("Finding C from A and B.");
double a1 = readDouble("Input A: ");
double b1 = readDouble("Input B: ");
double aSq = (a1*a1);
double bSq = (b1*b1);
double cSq = (aSq + bSq);
double c = Math.sqrt(cSq);
println ("C = " + c);


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How To Execute Jar File

Apr 3, 2007

How can I execute a jar file ?

how can I make such file ?

Will it be executed as an exe file in windows ?

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If Else - How To Not Execute Both Statements

Oct 4, 2014

I am making a program, where the user answers 3 questions and then I add the number of correct answers in to the (int) numberofcorrect variable, then I want to print the results, and no matter how many correct, the program executes first the correct if statement, then the else statement.

Eg: I have 2 correct it will print:

"Grade B, 2 of 3 "

"You failed the test"

Why does it do that? How can I change my code so the else statement dosent print if one of the if statments is allready printed?I want to know how to not execute the else statement, if one of the if statements have allready been executed.Below is my current code for this problem:

if (numberofcorrect == 3){
System.out.println("Grade A, full score");}
if (numberofcorrect == 2){
System.out.println("Grade B, 2 of 3 ");}
if (numberofcorrect ==1) {
System.out.println("Grade C, 1 of 3");}
else {
System.out.println("You failed the test"); }

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Program To Read Input Of Morse Code And Then Produce Output Of English

Aug 25, 2014

I'm having some trouble with getting this program to read an input of morse code and then produce an output of English. When typing in morse code for the phrase 'the string', the output looks something like this:

- .... .
... - .-. .. -. --.

The English-->Morse works just fine.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class project1
static final String[] alpha = {
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i",
"j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r",
"s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", " "

[Code] .....

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