Connect To SSH Server In Java?

Nov 26, 2014

How can I connect to an SSH server in Java? I don't need/want a shell. I just want to connect to the SSH server and get the content of, say, file.txt. How can I do that? Example : I get host, user,pass in txt and connect it with java code!

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Connect Sql Server 2008 R2 To Java Using Eclipse?

Jan 10, 2015

it will shows this kind of error The connection to the host localhost, named instance sqlexpress has failed. Error: " Receive timed out". Verify the server and instance names, check that no firewall is blocking UDP traffic to port 1434, and for SQL Server 2005 or later verify that the SQL Server Browser Service is running on the host.
at keFromDriverError(
at etInstancePort(
at rimaryPermissionCheck( )
at ogin(
at onnect(
at ct(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at jdbc.JdbcSQLServerConnection.main(JdbcSQLServerCon

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Connect A UDP Web Server To Compression Server

Apr 19, 2015

Working on a project and am in need of some quick guidance to wrap things up. I have a functioning compression server that will create two files after the user gives it some input and a "magic string" to know when to stop reading input for that specific file.

I now need to connect a UDP web server to that compression server. the web server will read from the HTTP POST Request the data that was uploaded and send it to the compression server to create the two files... i have included both programs below

Web Server:

import java.util.*;
final class HttpRequest implements Runnable {
//Declare Constants and Variables
final static int BUF_SIZE = 1024000;
final static String CRLF = "


Compression Server:

import*; // for DatagramSocket, DatagramPacket, and InetAddress
import*; // for IOException
import*;// for Zip
public class CompressionServer {
private static final int ECHOMAX = 65535; // Maximum size of echo datagram
private static final int BUFFER = 2048; // Buffer size for writing to Zip File


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Mail Error - Can't Connect To SMTP Server

Mar 6, 2014

Java Code:

import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;

[Code] ....

Here is my sample email in java i am enable to send mail .....

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How To Connect To A Remote SQL Server Using JDBC Driver

Jan 15, 2015

I'm working on an application I made a few years ago. At that time I connected to a local database so my address was 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'. That database is long gone so I recreated it on one of my hosted servers but I'm a little unsure of how to connect to it. At the moment I'm trying "jdbc:mysql://" but it is giving me an access denied error.

java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'myusername'@'c-[my-ip]' (using password: YES)Every result on Google seems to use localhost so I'm having a little difficulty figuring out the correct format.

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How To Access / Connect Remote Unix Server

Dec 14, 2014

a direct solution for connecting a remote Unix server through telnet connection from java application.

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Networking :: Connect FTPClient To IBM 4690 OS Server

Apr 17, 2008

I'm facing some problem connecting to a IBM 4690 OS Server with the FTPClient class from the commons-net-1.4.1 library. It seems it can't read the folder on the server. The problem is that using the FTP client from Internet Explorer is works perfectly.

Here is my code (kind of hardcoded but it's only to test).

         FTPFile[] files = null;
          try {
               files = listFiles(remoteFolder);
          } catch (ParserInitializationException e) {

[Code] ...

Here is the ParserInitializationException that it throws: Unknown parser type: OS 4690 operating system

I've tried to use many of the FTPFileListParser available but without success. How could I handle the problem? Where could I find a Parser that would works?

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JSP :: Dynamic Webpage To Connect To Unix Server And Display Files

Mar 24, 2015

I want to develop a dynamic webpage (using JSP & tomcat hosted on windows server) which will connect to unix server and on button "Show Files" click on dynamic webpage it should display all the files present in the unix server.

The button click should display the files which i can see when i run "ls -ltr" in unix server home directory.

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How To Connect To Web With Java

Aug 20, 2014

I am trying to learn how to connect to web sites using java. Someone suggested that I learn to "consume an API with java". They also suggested that I practice through a weather website called weather underground and sent me a link [URL] .... I would like to know how to connect to this site to get weather information.

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How To Connect Sql Database To Java

Mar 23, 2014

i want o know that how can i connect my sql database to java

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Make A Connect 4 Game With Java

Nov 17, 2014

I have to make the connect 4 game be connect 3. Ive edited a code but I the math is over my head. These loop methods check the ways someone can win.

for (int j=0;j<7;j+=2)//need to change
if ((f[i][j+1] != " ")
&& (f[i][j+3] != " ")
&& (f[i][j+5] != " ")
&& (f[i][j+7] != " ")
&& ((f[i][j+1] == f[i][j+3])
&& (f[i][j+3] == f[i][j+5])
&& (f[i][j+5] == f[i][j+7])))
//end of loop


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Connect Java Program With MS Access

Apr 5, 2014

I want to connect java program with Ms access.

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Possible To Connect Java Application To External Hardware?

Jul 27, 2012

I want to develop attendance system that scans students fingers for attendance and mark his attendance in database automatically once finger scanned.Is it possible to connect java application to external hardware? If yes what extra knowledge i should know ? How can i connect it ? and what books are good for it ?

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How To Connect MySQL Database For Java Desktop Application

Jan 21, 2015

I want to develop desktop application with mysql . How to connect mysql . Any sample project or examples to learn .

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Connect Four Game With Java Swing / Make Multi D Panel Maker When Try To Run It

May 31, 2014

I am trying to make a Connect Four game with java swing, but I am getting an error with my attempt at making an multi D panel maker when I try to run it.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

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FTP From One To Another Server Using Java

May 10, 2013

I am new to FTP java api. I wanted to do a Ftp transfer from one server to another server using java. I have the connection details for both servers. I found a link with some code but when I try to execute it it throws an error "Couldn't initiate transfer. Check that filenames are valid."

This is the link--> [URL] ....

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JSF :: XHTML On One Server Can Talk To Managed-bean On Other Server (different Machine)?

Jul 27, 2014

I am developing a web application using JSF-2.0 on weblogic 10.3.6. I am using Facelets as VDL. I have 5 different machine. They are different according to their OS and their geographical location. On my first xhtml page server (machine) is decided. Then on next page file upload and rest of processing takes place. My restriction is that SSO configuration can be done on only one machine.

So I am restricted to using xhtml files from only my primary server where SSO configuration is done. But I have to connect to servlets or managed-bean of different machine as requests are machine specific and file needs to be uploaded to those machines for processing. So I cannot use redirectUrl as I need to be only on one machine. Is it possible that xhtml on one server can talk to managed-bean on other server(different machine)?.

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Servlets :: How To Create A Room That Should Be Like Static On The Server Until Server Is Down

Apr 1, 2014

I am working on a chess game. I need to construct a game room where all the player are present and room chat is up. Also some tables where games are being played. Now my question is how to create this game room?

To me this room must need to be like static or global (if I am not mistaken) that is up when server starts and players can join this room and should be down when server is done. How can I implement such room that would stay up for infinite time.

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UDP Server Programming In Java

Apr 15, 2015

The goal is as follows: Write a UDP 'CompressionServer' that will take input from the user until it sees a "magic string" at which time it will create a compressed and uncompressed version of the file in the file system.

So, I need to integrate the following "Zip" code in to my UDP server code (which already creates the uncompressed file)... That is where I am stuck at now. My first few attempts had the Zip code after I write to "fout" but that failed to create a ZIP file.

I guess the main point here is what are the key pieces of the ZIP code that I should include and what would be the best spot to place them in my server code...

Zip Code:


public class Zip {
static final int BUFFER = 2048;
public static void main (String argv[]) {
try {
String fileInput = argv[0];
String fileOutput = argv[1];

[Code] ....

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Error In Java Server

May 29, 2014

The server was working normally but now I'm seeing these errors

Server Side:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException : PacoteTradugo.Mensageiro
at $ ( : 372 )
at $ ( : 361 )


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COM Server Between JavaScript And Java

Jun 10, 2014

I have a Javascript COMserver code :

<script language="JScript">
var ComServer;
function CreateSQLAccServer () {
ComServer = new ActiveXObject('SQLAcc.BizApp');

[Code] ....

But, now i would like to move the javascript code into java application base system. I try :

ActiveXComponent Comserver = new ActiveXComponent("SQLAcc.BizApp");

but it having error and continue step how i do the checking see the Comserver is login or not?

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Communicating Between Client And Server Sockets In Java

Apr 3, 2014

I'm working on an assignment right now which involves passing a variable series of numbers to the Server to be sorted into the correct order and returned to the client.

So far I have it connecting to the server and asking for my numbers, and I am entering each number and pressing return, and it is accepting each number individually.

One (smaller I think) problem i'm having is with the client code, specifically the while loop.. I've tried to code it so that when I enter a full stop ('.') the program will stop asking me for more numbers and move on to sending them to the server.. but instead it just crashes giving an error.. heres an example

"Enter a number: 1
Enter a number: 3
Enter a number: 2
Enter a number: 1.
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1."
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Num

[Code] ....

Here's the client code in full

package numberSortprogram;
public class NumSortClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(;
[Code] ....

The big problem that I have is figuring out how to send the sorted array back to the client..

So, what im trying to get to happen is-

-Client is asked to enter numbers
-Client enters series of numbers into an array
-Array is converted to a string and sent to the server
-String is then split into an array of strings and sorted using compareTo (don't know if this is the best way?)
-Sorted array is sent back to client and displayed.

fyi this is making use of streamsockets..

All of the rest of my code is below:

package numberSortprogram;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
public class NumSortServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int serverPort = 4444; // default port
if (args.length == 1 )

[Code] .....

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Java Web App Compile Time With Tomcat Server

Nov 25, 2014

I keep getting this error when compiling the code . I think its got to do with the Tomcat server not working well with the textpad app...I'm using windows 8.1(for the course I have to use Textpad 4.7.3 & Apache Tomcat 5.5.7 Server) :

C:UsersReignDownloadsIntec - Codecourse technology59850dChapter package javax.servlet does not exist
import javax.servlet.*;
C:UsersReignDownloadsIntec - Codecourse technology59850dChapter package javax.servlet.http does not exist
import javax.servlet.http.*;


tom cat is running as a service it shows started in the tom cat app and as a running service in windows services !!!

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Access OBIEE Server Through Java Application

Oct 31, 2014

Is there any option to access OBIEE server home page through java, without sending username and password through URL.

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Java UDP Client Server Program Not Working

Apr 18, 2014

I am currently writing two java classes (client and server). The client takes an input number form keyboard and sends it to the server. The server then multiplies this number by two and sends it back to the client. The numbers should also be printed to screen along the way, for example if I input the number 3 I should get

"From Client: 3" "From Server: 6"

They should continuously do this unless a negative number is received by the client, say for example the number -3 is sent to the server and it returns -6.

The code I have for the two classes so far is:

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Scanner;
class Client {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket();

[Code] .....

Currently, when I run the program all I get is an output of the number first entered. I am aware it requires a loop but I don't know where and what the condition should be.

Also if I wanted to adapt this so that it would take the integer from client and subtract two at the server and return to client who sends back to server to keep subtracting two unless it reaches a negative number at which point the client will terminate the program - how might I do this.

I do realise there needs to be a while loop in the above code, but I wanted to test it sent the number from client to server and its not doing it. All I get is a print screen of 'enter number' and then the number I enter.

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JSP :: Java Server Sent Events Not Working Correctly

Oct 10, 2014

Code structure :

Server : Java Servlet
Client : Simple JSP
Communication : Server Sent Events every 1 second
Here is the problem.

My code needed the server to send updates every one second to the client as stated above. Hence, I added a while loop with a sleep of 1000 milliseconds in the servlet code as shown below. The following strange behavior is observed:

- While the server is sending updates to the client, and the client window closes by mistake, the server does not stop sending updates It continues sending the data.
- When the client is re-opened, it sends data much faster (almost double). For example, the server sends 60 seconds worth of updates (60 updates) in just 25-30 seconds. The server sends faster updates not only for this round of updates, but also for any subsequent updates.

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
PrintWriter writer = null;


This server behavior is much unexpected. Am I writing the server side code wrong? I have looked around a lot and only found while loop method for modifying the server update interval. Is there any other method which I am missing?

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