Converting CSV File To Array

Jun 4, 2014

There is a csv file that contain 10 rows and two columns. I want to convert this csv file to array. Each cell contains several line of string. But the output is wrong. After printing output, each cell of array contains a line of one cell of csv file.

for example csv file contain

book, this book is good. that book is good.
cook, cooking is enjoyable.

After printing output of array:

book,this one is good
that book is good, null

what is wrong with this code?

Code is :

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Scanner main = new Scanner(new File("C:UsersaDesktopook1.csv"));
int line=0;
String [][] temp1=new String [10][2];
while (main.hasNext()) {

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Converting Multidimensional Array Into 1D Array?

Mar 22, 2015

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
public class Linearize {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create new Scanner and Random and Decimal objects
Scanner s = new Scanner (;
Random g = new Random ();
DecimalFormat oneplaces = new DecimalFormat (".00");


I am really close to finishing this program and my output is almost there, except it's only printing out the first half or so of the array. I have two for loops and two counters to determine the size of the array and then copy the multidimensional array's values into the 1D array, but it only prints out the first half of the array as such:

How many rows in the array? 4

How many columns in the array? 2

This 2D array contains:

35.23, 26.94,
99.48, 66.69,
7.31, 25.18,
64.53, 21.25,

Converted to a 1D array:

35.23, 26.94, 99.48, 66.69,

And yes, I realize that I should be formatting my Print statements with % but my instructor doesn't seem to care about it (he never taught it to us) so for the time being I am being stubborn and using .

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Missing Converting String To Array

Sep 8, 2014

I am obviously new to programming and Java so I set myself the goal of creating a very simple auto type style of program so it gets the users input and relays it out again but potentially to another window (I am currently testing to notepad). The reason I am trying to make it is because i thought it could be quite simple and I can build on it as a project to make it better.

The issue I am having is that it outputs the first character to the window I am selected (again testing into notepad) but then stops and doesn't output anything else. I tried to figure out what was going on by putting a System.out.println(arr[6]); after the delay method but it just output a line so almost like what I was putting into the array was only storing the first character of the string? I cannot figure out why that would be...

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyBot
public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException {
//initialising robot
Robot r = new Robot();
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


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Character Converting Into Number In 2D Char Array?

Mar 29, 2014

I'm trying to convert all letters in a 2D char array into number. As results, I want a = 0, b=1, c=2, ... z=25.

Then, I tried this as part of my code:

char [][] letters = {{'i', 'u'}, {'a', 'g'}, {'e', 'k'}};
for (int i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < letters[i].length; j++) {
if (letters[i][j] >= 'a' && letters[i][j] <= 'z') {
letters[i][j] = (char) ((letters[i][j] - 'a') + '0');

The result of my code is not what I expected before.

From 'a' to 'j', it worked well. But, from 'k' until 'z' it didn't print expected number.

What's wrong with my code and what is the correct way to fix it?

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Two Dimensional Array - Converting Integers To String

Apr 10, 2015

I am pretty new to Java and am just learning about two dimensional arrays. I think that I understand the concept, but I seem to be having trouble adding stuff to my array. I wanted to make an array to hold both strings and integers, but wasn't sure if I could put integers in a string array. So I thought that I would be able to convert my integers to string and then add them. This however causes an error. This is my code(yes its probably not the best):

static String [][] students = new String [14][4];
static int number = 0;
String fName, lName, fullName;
int test1, test2, test3, test4;
String a, b, c, d;

[Code] .....

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GUI JTextArea - Converting Integer To String Array

Sep 28, 2014

Run the code along with the attached csv file. The GUI contains a short explanation of what I am looking for. I have tried converting the integer array to a string array but the output is not the same as the command line. I receive errors when I compile.

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Converting Char To Integer From File

Feb 28, 2014

I want to make a program that reads numbers from a text file and transforms them into integers and then displays on the screen, but i can not do this with numbers greater than ten as the read () method of the BufferedReader only reads character by character. If he has to read the number 34 or 2343, for example, i don't know how to turn that chars into a single integer value. How can i do this in a more elegant way than the way i show to you below? That was the solution i found, but i believe there is a cleaner and more elegant way of doing. I would also use the Integer and Character type to solve this problem. I'm trying to use less primitive data types. The following code works fine just with number 0 -> 99.

I would like to use Character and Integer now.

int number[] = new int[2];
int i, carac;
i = 0;
do {
carac =;
if (carac != -1 && carac >= 48 && carac <= 57) {

[Code] .....

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Cryptography - Converting A Text File Into Image?

Jul 26, 2014

I am stuck with converting a text file in to image ?

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Create 2D Array Out Of CSV File And Find Number Of Elements To Determine Array Size

Mar 24, 2015

I am taking the Class Algorithms and Datastructures and got an assignment for Lab that really throws me off. The goal is to create an Array out of a given CSV file, implement several Methods that get the size of array, etc.

I am still stuck in the first part where the CSV has to be imported into the Array. My problem is that I need a mechanism that figures out the needed size for the Array, creates the array, and only then transfers the data from the CSV.

The list consists of the following wifi related values:

MAC-Adress, SSID, Timestamp, Signalstrength.

These are on the list, separated by comma. The Columns are each of these, and the rows are the four types of values making up the information on a certain wifi network.

The catch is, we are not allowed to use any of the following:

and any class out of java.util.Collection.

So far I used the BufferedReader to read in the file and tried to implement the array, but I get an arrayindexoutofboundsexception.

Below is my Code (Its still an active construction zone):

public class WhatsThere {
public WhatsThere(String wifiscan) throws IOException {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// WhatsThere Liste = new WhatsThere(String wifiscan);
String[][] arrayListe = new String[0][0];

[Code] ....

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Read Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;

[Code] .....

And then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34
Mustard Seed,100,64
Coriander Powder,924,18
Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10
Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31
Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

These continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quantity after the second comma.....

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Create Random Access File

Dec 9, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data. Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;


these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not seperated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name seperated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File?

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;
public Product( String pName, double price, int quanity )


and then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34

Mustard Seed,100,64

Coriander Powder,924,18


Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10

Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31

Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Read Text File Into Array Ask User To Save File And Print Data

Jul 14, 2014

New to programming. Am supposed to create a program that reads a text file (of integers) and computes a series of computations on these integers. I don't have the code for the integers in my code yet, (i know how to do those), but am struggling getting the array to simply print in the print writer. I have the user select a text file, read the file with a scanner, and then save the computations done from my code into another file. specifically, the problem is as follows: Write a program that uses a file chooser dialog to select a file containing some integers. The file contains an integer N followed by N integers. The program then uses a file chooser dialog to let the user specify the name and location of an output file to write results to.The data written to the output file will be as follows

(1) The original list of N numbers from the input file,
(2) The original list of N numbers printed in reverse order of how they appear
in the input file.
(3) The sum and average of these numbers,
(4) The minimum of all the numbers,
(5) The maximum of all the numbers.



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Read File And Input Each Line Of File Into Array

Mar 21, 2015

I am trying to read a file and input each line of the file into an array. I have not set the array size as I was hoping to fill the array using a while loop. Unfortunately the scope of the array does to work inside the while loop so I am being told that the array 'students' has not been initialised even though it has just outside of the while loop. Is it possible to do what I am trying to without having the array initialised in the while loop as surely the array will be reset every time if it was in the while loop? Here is my code:

public static void students(String file) throws FileNotFoundException {
try {
File studentInfo = new File(file);
Scanner input = new Scanner(studentInfo);
String[] students;

[Code] ....

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Using TXT File As Array

Sep 1, 2014

So I have to take a text file with a bunch of scores and store it into an array, sort it in order and in rows of four, then create methods to get the highest score, lowest, average, median, etc. I've been working on this for about two days and anytime I read something I just confuse myself further. I want to get this assignment done, but at the same time I want to understand how it works. This is what I have so far and I'm getting a NullPointerException error. Obviously I haven't filled out some of the methods because the problem is the main:

package arrayops1d;
import java.util.*;
public class ArrayOps1D {
static int scores[];
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
FileReader file = new FileReader("C:/Users/Steve/Documents/"
+ "NetBeansProjects/ArrayOps1D/Scores.txt");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(file);


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Decrypting A File With Array

May 17, 2015

My assignment is to encrypt and then decrypt a file in Java. I used an array to add 100 to each character per the assignment but I need figuring out a way to subtract the 100 from each character so the file is decrypted again. I tried to create another array to decrement the 100 from each character but cant seem to figure it out/get it working. Here is my assignment and my code so far:

"Although there are complex encryption techniques, you should come up with a simple one of your own. For example, you can read the first file one character at a time, and add 100 to the character code of each character before it is written to the second file.

Then write a program to decrypt the second file. The program should read the content of the second file, restore the data to its original state, and write to a third file."

public class FileEncryption {
public static void main(String [] args)
throws IOException {
int[] encrypt = { 100 };

[Code] ....

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How To Store A File In Hashmap Or 2D Array

Sep 25, 2014

I have a file called statecapitals.txt that is read in, I want to store it in either a 2d array or hashmap and select a random state then Ask the user for the name of the capital. Then I want to Let them know if they are correct or not and have a choice to play as many times as they like. When they no longer want to play,I want to let them know how many they got correct and how many incorrect. I am not sure which would be better a hash map or 2d array and dont know where to start with each.

here is what the text file looks like:

Alabama - Montgomery
Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver


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Reload Array With Records In A File

Apr 19, 2014

I am working on a project and for one step, I need to load an array (which in this case, students[]), with the records in another file.

So, should I used the try, catch method?? I am just not sure about the array. I know how to read from a file, but, I didn't get the idea of loading an array.

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Writing Float Array To File

Apr 20, 2014

I am trying to write a Float Array to a file but it is only writing the last line of the array to a file. I have also attached the entire assignment as a zip file with all required files. Here is the part of the code I am having issues with:

Java Code:

for (int i = 0; i < differenceArray.length; i++){
System.out.println ("Date: "+ dateArray[i] + " Opening: " + dataArray[i][2] + " Closing: "+ dataArray[i][5] + " Difference: " + differenceArray[i]);
try(FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("C: emp" + fileName + ".txt")){

[Code] .....

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How To Read A File Than Display It Into Array

Jul 13, 2014

I'm new to java and I'm trying to figure out how to read a file like this:


And output the file and print it into an array with total under it.

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How To Read Text File Into Array

Nov 17, 2014

I have to write a program for sorting an array of random numbers by the users choice. These random numbers are stored in a text file, which the user inputs, and is then stored into an array for sorting. I won't have a problem with the sorting algorithms, but I've never had to read a text file and store it into an array before

The text file has the numbers stored like so :

I gather that I'll probably have to user the Scanner for the user to input the text file name, but how do I store it to an array? So far I only have the bones of the program done, like so

import java.util.Scanner;
public class SortingAlgorithms {
public static void main(String[] args) {


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Reading A File In A String Array?

Mar 22, 2015

How do I read in a file line by line into an array without using arraylist?

I know how to do this using BufferedReader, but I am wondering how to do this using Scanner? When I used BufferedReader I noticed that there must be two exceptions to be caught which were IOException and FileNotFoundException, whereas a Scanner needs only a FileNotFoundException, why is that?

Java Code: public class practice {
public String[] array;
Scanner inputStream = null;
Scanner n = new Scanner(;
public String line;


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Java Reading Txt File Into Array

May 5, 2015

I'm currently working on a program what is reading a txt file with a bunch of numbers in it but keep getting an error back.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Validator {
public int[] accounts = {};

[Code] ....



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Read Text File And Put It In 2D Array

Oct 25, 2014

I am trying to read in lines of text from a file then prints out the text. I only need one 2D array and can't copy from one array to another.This how the file looks like:

4 4

I have been able to read the file but when I am trying to run my program I have blank spacing instead of an array.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Array {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{


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Reading Data From A File And Setting It To Array

Jun 5, 2014

I can read the data to a monitor perfectly. But, I'm having problem reading data from an external file into an array of class objects. Here's my attempt at writing the method:

private void openFile()
//This method asks the user to enter a file name(including the file extension) and then
//Sets the data to an array of Product type {
String fileName, storeName="", emptyLine1="", emptyLine2="", name="", productName="";
int demandRate=0;
double setupCost=0.0, unitCost=0.0, inventoryCost=0, sellingPrice=0;
Scanner inputStream = null;


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ASCII File - Passing Array As Parameter?

Feb 23, 2014

I am trying to make a class definition file for an ASCII File.

Ultimately, I want to be able to add methods to allow the image produced by the file to be printed normally, then printed with various manipulations.

However, for some reason, whenever I try to run the program to test my normalPrint method, it terminates without printing anything.

I think this is because the array's values width and height are not within the scope of the method. I tried passing the array as a parameter for the method like so:

Java Code:

public void normalPrint(char [][] poop){
//method here
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

But it gave me an error that stated

"The method normalPrint(char[][]) in the type asciiFile is not applicable for the arguments ()"

Class Definition:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class asciiFile {
int height;
int width;

[Code] .....

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