Converting Parent Instance To Child Instance?

Mar 7, 2014

I've Parent and child(extends Parent) class To initialize the constructors, I'm injecting from google.juice#injector. Let me show the code,


public class Parent{
private Animal animal;
Parent(Animal animal){
this.animal = animal;


When I do this, ClassCastException is happening. Why is it so? Is there any way to convert instance of parent to child instance.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: What Are Parent And Child Components

Aug 11, 2014

I keep hearing these two term when it comes to painting in Swing, however, I'm not sure which is which. To my understanding is that the child components are the ones that already exist on screen (could be a JButton, JFrame, or custom painting) . and the parent components are the one to be added/drawn next. (hence, if we override the paintChildren() method when painting, the components that were already on the screen don't appear any more).

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Parent / Child Classes - Set And Get Method?

Jan 25, 2014

I have been working on a simple problem, but I am stuck. I am trying to learn parent and child classes and how they work. The program in broken into three classes; the DemoBook class that runs the various methods, the Book class that gathers information and displays it, and finally a child class of Book (called TextBook) that just gets one piece of data and then is suppossed to return that data back to Book. However, this is not working and I know I am missing something; I believe it has to do with Set and Get methods, but I am confused with how these work.

Java Code:

public class DemoBook
public static void main (String[] args)
Book aBook = new Book();
Textbook aText = new Textbook();

[Code] .....

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Parent-Child Commenting Algorithm

Sep 11, 2014

I am creating a commenting system for a side project of mine I'm building using AnuglarJS for the front-end and Spring MVC for the backend.

I am having difficulty coming up with an algorithm that will populate each comment object with a list of the comments that are responses/children of it.

The below code is what I have so far. The problem is is that it duplicates comments.

public List<Comment> getComments(int id)
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("id", id);
List<Comment> allComments = jdbc.query("select * from comments where debate_id=:id", params, new RowMapper<Comment>()

[Code] ....

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Painting In Swing - Parent And Child Components?

Aug 11, 2014

I keep hearing these two term when it comes to painting in Swing, however, I'm not sure which is which. To my understanding is that the child components are the ones that already exist on screen (could be a JButton, JFrame, or custom painting) . and the parent components are the one to be added/drawn next. (hence, if we override the paintChildren() method when painting, the components that were already on the screen don't appear any more) ....

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JSF :: Inserting Parent And Child Entities Into A Third Entity Using SelectOneMenu?

Oct 31, 2014

The company entity contains companyName, Sector and Segment columns. The mapping is 3 entities (Company, Sector, Segment) where Sector and Segment are used to create a company record. Sector has a OneToMany relationship with Segment and with Company. I put the Sector and Segment values into two select menus as use these to create a Sector and Segment reference for the Company table. I'm getting the following exception:

Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row:
a foreign key constraint fails (`testdummy`.`company`, CONSTRAINT `FK_COMPANY_FK_COMPANY_SECTORID` FOREIGN KEY
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

I'm thinking that the problem is that since the Segment entity is a child of Sector it must be entered through an instance of Sector. Because it's being entered as a separate value I'm getting this error. The problem is Segment is defined as a Set in the Sector entity and I can't figure out how to declare Segment as an instance using its parent entity (Sector).

My code is as follows, starting with the Sector entity:

@Table(name = "SECTORSNEW")
public class SectorsNew {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int sectorId;
private String sectorName;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)


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Inheritance In Java - Child Class Get Copy Of Methods And Variables Of Parent Class?

Mar 1, 2015

Does child class gets a copy of the methods and variables of parent class?

public class test1 {
public static void main(String a[]) {
Child c = new Child();

[Code] ....

why is the output 1?

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Servlets :: Calling DoGet Of Child Class From Service Of Parent Class

May 28, 2014

Regarding the lifecycle of servlet , in headfirst servlet i can find :

You normally will NOT override the service() method, so the one from HttpServlet will run. The service() method figures out which HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) is in the request, and invokes the matching doGet() or doPost() method. The doGet() and doPost() inside HttpServlet don’t do anything, so you have to override one or both. This thread dies (or is put back in a Container-managed pool) when service() completes.

How can I call the doGet method of the subclass from the superclass. i am not getting this .

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What Does Instance Mean

Jan 16, 2015

in a set of instructions they keep referring to instance versions of things I've heard of before ie "private instance array of String references" (wtf is a string reference?) or "instance string variable" so what does all this mean?

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Accessing Parent Class Method Using Child Class Object?

Feb 4, 2015

I want to know is there any way we can call parent class method using child class object without using super keyword in class B in the following program like we can do in c++ by using scoop resolution operator

class A{
public void hello(){
class B extends A{
public void hello(){


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Create TreeTable - Parent Row With 6 Columns And Child Row Having 4 Columns

Dec 2, 2005

I am very new to Java Swing. I have to create a TreeTable in Java Swing with a Parent Row having say 6 columns and its all child row having just 4 columns. like shown below

Parent row:

Child row:

Can this be achieved using JSwing ?Also, Can I be able to Change the Column Headers Correspondingly when user clicks on Parent row and Child rows?

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Create Only One Instance

Sep 18, 2014

.I was reading head first java book and saw a barbell question on page no. 280,question-"what if you want to write a class in such a way that only one instance of it can be created,and anyone who wants to use an instance of the class will always use that one,single instance?"

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How To Get Same Value With BigDecimal For Instance

Apr 7, 2013

In the following example, I compute new_amount_d in 2 different ways and I get 2 different values although it should be the same in theory.

Is there a way to get the same value with BigDecimal for instance?

public class num004
public static void main(String[] args) {                    
          double amount_d = 1000;
          double interest_rate_d = 0.03;

[Code] ....

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Creating New Constructor In Child Class Which Is Not In Parent Class

Feb 7, 2014

I've a parent class with a argument constructor like below(a sample code)

public class Parent {
Parent(String name) {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Also I've child.class which extends Parent.class as shown below,

public class child extends Parent {
child(String name) {

Now, I want create/modify the constructor which is in child, by taking "int i" as an input instead of "String name". How can I do that? Run time I want to execute child constructor not a parent constructor.

Condition is: Without making any changes to the Parent class

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Instance Variable For Objects?

Feb 23, 2015

I am working on a project and it asks me to "Provide appropriate names and data types for each of the instance variables. Maintain two GVdie objects" under class fields. I am unsure as to what is being asked when asking for two objects as instance variables and how I would write that...

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Appropriate Way Of Populating Collection Through Instance

Feb 23, 2015

I have a method that accepts JSONArray as parameter and returns the values of it as ArrayList Object. My question which of these ways is appropriate in populating the ArrayList object this method populates the arraylist upon creation of object (I don't know what the right term to use, but as netbeans IDE suggest, JSONArray object should be final since it was used in inner class.).

private List<String> getStringList(final JSONArray jsonArr) {
return new ArrayList<String>() {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArr.length(); i++) {
} catch (JSONException ex) {

this second method is the usual way of populating collection

private List<String> getStringList(JSONArray jsonArr) {
List<String> strList = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArr.length(); i++) {
} catch (JSONException ex) {

What are the advantages and disadvantages between the two? like which is faster? or which consumed larger memory?

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Changing Value Of Object Instance

Jul 13, 2014

I have been working on a program that is meant to use a class' instructions in a program to add a value to a variable, save it, and present it. This is my class

public class Car
private int yearModel;
private String make;
private int speed;
public Car(int carYearModel, String carMake)

[Code] .....

Whenever I call the accelerate method, a value of 5 is to be added to the speed variable. But whenever I call accelerate, it doesn't increase! I just don't understand why not. I've tried different renditions of adding 5 to speed and it doesn't quite work. I don't get any errors when I compile, just runtime, when it doesn't add 5 to speed.

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New Object With Instance Variables

Apr 7, 2014

So far in my assignment I have successfully opened a text file. However I am required to do more:

1) As each line of text (containing names and ages) is read a new Runner object is created with its instance variables set thus: ! (Runner class already created )!

- name : set directly set from the value in the file
- agaGroup : can be worked out from the given ages:
< 18 should be 'junior'
> 55 should be 'senior'
the rest should be 'standard'

2) the instance of Runner should be added to the list referenced by the instance variable runners.

I have used if statements to create the junior list, however I do not see the full list of names and ages in the variable runners as I am requested to.

I am sure there is a for loop involved somewhere but I do not know how to:

a) use the for loop in my method
add a new Runner object with the variable mentioned.

I include the code I have done so far as a file - p.s I use Bluej.

public class MarathonAdmin
// instance variables
private String runners;
private String age;

[Code] ....

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How To Create A Class To Have At Most One Instance

Sep 25, 2013

Can I declare a class as

public static final?

Because I can declare a variable as public static final pi=3.14;

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Servlets :: How To Create A New Instance For Each New Request

Sep 26, 2014

I want to create a new instance of a Java model class for each new request coming to a servlet.

How to do that without doing that in doGet() or doPost().

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Accessing Instance Variables And Methods

Oct 24, 2014

I have the following 2 classes:

class Address {
private int a;
public void set_a(int a) {
this.a = a;
class Person {
private Address address;

How do i access the method set_a() (through the "address" in Person) from another class which contains main() ?

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One Object / One Instance Variable - Different Values?

Feb 5, 2015

Let's pretend I'm working on an RPG. Like in all RPGs, there are items found all throughout the imaginary world. Each player and NPC can obtain an item. My question will concern those items.

In other words, I'd like to use instances of a class in multiple places of the code. Each instance will have its own, individual values of instance variables, with one obvious exception: itemQuantity should have a different value in playerInventory, npcInventory, etc. Also, I'd like a list of all items that can be found in the game. This list doesn't need itemQuantity at all.

class Items {
String itemName;
float itemWeight;
int itemQuantity;

[Code] ....

The question is: should I really make itemQuantity an instance variable of the Item class? It seems as though for each copy of the Item class I should create a separate copy with different value of itemQuantity, but that's not very efficient. Where is the error in my logic?

What's important is that there may be plenty items in a game and a player may be given power to create new items during the course of the game.

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Variable In Interface Cannot Be Instance Scope?

May 5, 2014

I'm just wondering why variables in interface can't be instance scope?

interface Test{
int a;

And then

Test test = new TestImpl();

Yes, it violates OO, but I don't see why this is not possible? Since interface is not an implementation, therefore it can;t have any instance scope variable. I can't find the correlation of interface being abstract and being able to hold instance scope variable. There's gotta be another reason. I'm just curious about any programmatic limitation, not deliberate design constraint. the example of programmatic limitation is like when Java forbids multiple inheritance since when different parents have the exact same method, then the child will have trouble determining which method to run at runtime.

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Accessing Textfield Via JFrame Instance

Jan 25, 2014

I have 1 textfield and 1 button on a JFrame and having 10 such frames stored in ArrayList al and getting the JFrame instance from traversing the ArrayList at execution time ,So is there a way to access textfield using JFrame instance or i have to name the textfield diffrently 10 times for each frame .

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New Instance Variable Values Not Updating

May 6, 2015

Alright, I have a JavaFX gui that is creating a new instance of data calculation to graph in a chart; however, the data is not updating each time the Platform.runLater() feature executes. Each time an event occurs, a new instance with the same variable name occurs. I use to get methods to retrieve the data I want, so shouldn't the values update each time the new instance is created? This is a very condensed version of what happens with the event, but this is what is not working correctly.

solarPlot = new SolarTracker();
Class constructor :
public SolarTracker() {

[Code] .....

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Convert Currency Instance To Integer

Jul 26, 2014

I am working with a JFormattedTextField. After adding the text of the FormattedTextField to an LinkedList i want to read it out and sum it up. So I have a problem to convert the String to and integer...


23.00 - to 23.00
+ 11.00 - to 11.00
--> 34.00

I have tried it with splitting the string but it didn't work. How to do it?

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